2009.03.10 - Hand Written Note From Tot Mom in Response to Pros. Motion

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Oct 4, 2004
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According to JVM, Baez just filed his response to the Pros in regards to thier motion filed to discover where she is getting her cash for her team.
Casey wrote in effect that the Pros. is angry with her for NOT taking a plea deal for a "crime that I DID NOT COMMIT."


Looks like functionally illiterate Casey strikes again. What was the point of her writing that?? Kinda doubt anyone will change their minds because of this.
Looks like functionally illiterate Casey strikes again. What was the point of her writing that?? Kinda doubt anyone will change their minds because of this.
Talking head said he just got off the phone with Baez and he said that Casey could not do anything but take the motion personally because the Pros said that she has gone from pauper to Princess while behind bars.
Guess that ticked her off since she always protrayed herself as someone with a career and a nanny.
Casey can't take the truth let alone tell the truth.
Looks like functionally illiterate Casey strikes again. What was the point of her writing that?? Kinda doubt anyone will change their minds because of this.
KC wrote it because that's how KC has always managed her parents and friends.
KC has no clue how much that handwritten note could hurt her.
Looks like functionally illiterate Casey strikes again. What was the point of her writing that?? Kinda doubt anyone will change their minds because of this.

Exactly, and unfortunately if there is a plea deal floating around out there and she hasn't taken it, then she is perhaps even less intelligent then we thought. Yes, writing that in caps is really going to get someone thinking..."Well she says she didn't do it. Now that changes everything." lol
Another thing Jane said is that this note tells us that there was a plea deal on the table, like this was something new. Yes Jane, there was a deal on the table months ago.
Right, KC....the prosecution is angry with you for not taking a plea deal....NOT over the fact that you murdered Caylee. It's alllllllll about YOU!!
Right, KC....the prosecution is angry with you for not taking a plea deal....NOT over the fact that you murdered Caylee. It's alllllllll about YOU!!

Her small mind is still focused on a deal that was put on the table only for the purpose to locate poor Caylee's body, with a deadline for her to accept the deal. Trouble is, she was convinced that the body would never be found, ("they haven't even found her clothes yet") and the deal was taken off the table...then Caylee's remains were found.
She is so used to lying and everyone in her small circle either buying her line of bull crap or letting her get away with it, that she is just sticking with what has always seemed to work for her.

Man I can't wait till this trial. She is in for a strong dose of reality and truth!
Imagine that.........a crime she did not commit! Who knew? She is not only evil, but just plain dumb as well.

i could fill a whole page with these, but i don't want to get into trouble! poor wittle KC, how dare they question her!
Her small mind is still focused on a deal that was put on the table only for the purpose to locate poor Caylee's body, with a deadline for her to accept the deal. Trouble is, she was convinced that the body would never be found, ("they haven't even found her clothes yet") and the deal was taken off the table...then Caylee's remains were found.
She is so used to lying and everyone in her small circle either buying her line of bull crap or letting her get away with it, that she is just sticking with what has always seemed to work for her.

Man I can't wait till this trial. She is in for a strong dose of reality and truth!

OT, but can you help me find where she said that? "they haven't even found her clothes yet".. I havent' read that yet. Thanks in advance for any help.
Why would Baez file this note with the other statements??
Looks like functionally illiterate Casey strikes again. What was the point of her writing that?? Kinda doubt anyone will change their minds because of this.
Amen, Horace! Amen!
Casey Anthony shows her stupidity and her ignorance once again!
Who else would make such a comment towards the State Attorney?
This girl is truely a piece of work.:furious:
Imagine that.........a crime she did not commit! Who knew? She is not only evil, but just plain dumb as well.
And being the upstanding, honest, and moral young woman she is... of course, we all believe her!:rolleyes:
The State Attorney claims that JB is not acting in KC's best interest because the SA believes that a confession is in her best interest and that she should not present her defense in court at trial. I guess every defense attorney who takes criminal cases to trial can be accused of the same as far as the State is concerned.

Well, too bad. Just because the State wants to convict KC the easy way doesnt' mean that she has to follow their strategy to put her in jail. She is entitled to force the SA to prove the State's case against her and to present a defense to the State's case. Because she refuses to let the SA determine her defense strategy, the SA is attacking her attorney. To me, this is beyond low. KC is right, they are making a mountain out of JB's payments or lack thereof because KC and JB won't succumb to pressure to plea.

She is not required to make it easy on the State.

Even if you hate her, she is still entitled to have the attorney of her choice represent her and it is not the State's duty to attack the attorney of choice. And if you ask me, the SA is responding this way because KC will not plea. So, the State is trying to take her attorney out of the picture. This goes against everything that is emodied in the right to counsel and a fair trial.

She is on trial, not JB.
Why would Baez file this note with the other statements??

Because there were no applicable emails or ebay print outs and all the other attorneys' always include attachments with theirs ? (Ofcourse their attachments are usually references or citations of statues or actual case law). :rolleyes:
Talking head said he just got off the phone with Baez and he said that Casey could not do anything but take the motion personally because the Pros said that she has gone from pauper to Princess while behind bars.
Guess that ticked her off since she always protrayed herself as someone with a career and a nanny.
Casey can't take the truth let alone tell the truth.
This makes me so angry....The media is giving this...person....and I use the term loosely here... Casey Anthony exactly what she wants....she is basically giving everyone the finger by that response....the media should NOT post, write, televise anything that this.....person.....wants said. If she wants to talk it should be on the witness stand telling everyone what exactly happened to her daughter....no one should want to hear anything else from her. Haven't we had to listen to enough nonsense from this psycho? I know I don't want to hear anymore from her....or her family for that matter either...don't get me started on their theatrics.
Exactly, and unfortunately if there is a plea deal floating around out there and she hasn't taken it, then she is perhaps even less intelligent then we thought. Yes, writing that in caps is really going to get someone thinking..."Well she says she didn't do it. Now that changes everything." lol

Gotta love it, here's what me thinks about someone thinking - or not - " DID NOT COMMIT " - OK that remains to be seen and now there is "her own" handwriting on the record. JMHO :woohoo:

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