2009.04.08 Nancy Grace

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Does anyone involved down there - the Anthony's, BC, JB, Lee, LP, the PI's, KC's friends, LE, NG, Kathy Belich...anyone - ever consider going to that spot on Suburban Drive, sitting in the grass there, and think about the fact that a baby was tossed there in the brush and swamp and left to rot?

:clap::clap::clap:Thanks JWG again... yes... it's suppose to be
about "CAYLEE"
due to KC..... :liar::liar::liar:Thinking ONLY of "HERSELF"
never showing any true ~FEELINGS / or EMOTIONS for her own
flesh in BLOOD ~ Little Angel Caylee....
KC Makes me so :furious::furious::furious:

and if NOT THEN..............
I promise It will happen..... Later !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless!

*** Yes ..... KC REALLY TICS me off !!!:furious::furious::furious:
Much better thanks so much...a bit gimpy and not up to full strength in his arm yet...hard for him as he has always been active and a do it your selfer!

Kind of takes 'sick man' to a whole new level, doesn't it? I extend my sympathies to you, too. :crazy:

Hope you will have time to post a bit more, especially since there is a real bombshell today - and the depos tomorrow!
:) OK, I need to get back on here more often then Tater! :crazy:

I took a long break of just reading...hub fell off the roof installing a vent pipe Super Bowl Sunday and was quite a long recovery...

Oeey..Thinaire, sorry to hear about your hubby. I sure hope he's getting better. :blowkiss:
Ahh, I c- thanks for the info! I think I'm the one who messed up, excuse me, ya'll! :blowkiss:
Mine is very colorful and pretty.

ahhh...that one is beautiful and very insightful...as are you OneLostGrl :blowkiss:
Kind of takes 'sick man' to a whole new level, doesn't it? I extend my sympathies to you, too. :crazy:

Hope you will have time to post a bit more, especially since there is a real bombshell today - and the depos tomorrow!

A hole in the roof in January...no hot water for a week...and tankless hot water heaters stink IMO :)....I still won't tell him how much I despise this hot water system :crazy:

I am just glad he is better!
Does anyone remember if there was someone in the house with JG when KC came to take a shower? For some reason I remember him saying his roommate was there but then tonight on NG I thought I heard RG say his son was there alone? Anyone remember?

His roommate came home while KC was in the shower when she came out they met for the first time according to LE interview...
RG has Cobra on the case ................... :eek:

OK, I am very curious. Does anyone know when JG hired Cobra? Did he hire him only recently or before Cobra became involved in Haleigh's case?

Anyone know RG well enough to post and get an answer on his blog? TYIA.

Not that I think it makes a huge difference, but perhaps RG wasn't aware Cobra was also going to work on Haleigh's case?
Thanks all! I sure missed yakking and posting with you all..but dropped in to read.

Broken right leg and completely tore the tendons apart right arm...all over one of those tankless hot water heaters...which I may add ARE not worth it!!!!

BUT, he is a man (sorry guys) and I have a picture of him from 2 weeks ago BACK up on the roof....OY!

But I'll take him all broken and cranky and bored over any of the A's....

I am off topic...just wanted to say I missed y'all! :blowkiss:
Awww, I want one!!
OK, I am very curious. Does anyone know when JG hired Cobra? Did he hire him only recently or before Cobra became involved in Haleigh's case?

Anyone know RG well enough to post and get an answer on his blog? TYIA.

Not that I think it makes a huge difference, but perhaps RG wasn't aware Cobra was also going to work on Haleigh's case?

It is probably this case, but the idea of Cobra and DC both working both cases, so to speak, gives me the hives...I'm scratching at my palms and stuff...
Nancy is back on! TG. I keep missing parts due to demanding doggies.
I am watching Nancy G. tonight, and she had a caller who theorized that maybe Caylee drowned in the backyard pool of the A's home, but NG was quick to counter with "what about the Chloroform and neck breaking found on the A's PC?"

A thought occurred to me, what if Caycee was allowing Caylee to swim in the pool, and she had been out with Caylee the night before, at her boyfriends home, and had drugged Caylee with Chloroform, and the effects of the drug had not worn off, and the poor baby didn't have the reflexes she would have had normally to stay afloat in the water, and maybe Caycee stepped away for just a moment to have a smoke or talk on her phone to a friend out of Caylee's earshot-----just long enough for the poor baby to have drowned, and then she panicked and it all snowballed in lies and coverup from there on out??? Just a thought....
I remember people asking her a specific question and she wouldn't directly answer it, just kept repeating the same story. One thing I remember is her saying that she had talked to JG, and then later to CA, who told her not to trust JG. The poster said she had made arrangement for JG to come to her home to talk to her, and now she was afraid.

WTF!! :rolleyes:

Of all murder cases in recent years, this one is setting new records in the lengths the suspect and their family will go...................

Fortunately I live in Rochester and have a solid alibi. :woohoo:
I am watching Nancy G. tonight, and she had a caller who theorized that maybe Caylee drowned in the backyard pool of the A's home, but NG was quick to counter with "what about the Chloroform and neck breaking found on the A's PC?"

A thought occurred to me, what if Caycee was allowing Caylee to swim in the pool, and she had been out with Caylee the night before, at her boyfriends home, and had drugged Caylee with Chloroform, and the effects of the drug had not worn off, and the poor baby didn't have the reflexes she would have had normally to stay afloat in the water, and maybe Caycee stepped away for just a moment to have a smoke or talk on her phone to a friend out of Caylee's earshot-----just long enough for the poor baby to have drowned, and then she panicked and it all snowballed in lies and coverup from there on out??? Just a thought....

That is a scenario that the defense may throw out there during the trial, but I believe that forensics, the time line and Casey's behavior afterwards will convince many jurors that it is implausible.

It is very difficult to reconcile 'panic' with 'date night picking up movies at Blockbuster' for many people.
It is probably this case, but the idea of Cobra and DC both working both cases, so to speak, gives me the hives...I'm scratching at my palms and stuff...

Like KC? Are you adjusting your clothing/hair and checking your nails also?

J/K - these cases will do that to you - insanity, I tell ya!!
Like KC? Are you adjusting your clothing/hair and checking your nails also?

J/K - these cases will do that to you - insanity, I tell ya!!

I may be hyperventilating. Then again, I may have read the diagnostics handbook and faking the whole thing...wait, did I? Lemme take that back.
I think NG was late on the Strickland thing and will be full of spit and vinegar tomorrow when her peeps do more research... should be a good one tomorrow folks!

I hope that Morgan releases the videos, or transcripts of CA/GA from the depos before NG goes to air. She will be poopin' gold too! :crazy:
I am watching Nancy G. tonight, and she had a caller who theorized that maybe Caylee drowned in the backyard pool of the A's home, but NG was quick to counter with "what about the Chloroform and neck breaking found on the A's PC?"

A thought occurred to me, what if Caycee was allowing Caylee to swim in the pool, and she had been out with Caylee the night before, at her boyfriends home, and had drugged Caylee with Chloroform, and the effects of the drug had not worn off, and the poor baby didn't have the reflexes she would have had normally to stay afloat in the water, and maybe Caycee stepped away for just a moment to have a smoke or talk on her phone to a friend out of Caylee's earshot-----just long enough for the poor baby to have drowned, and then she panicked and it all snowballed in lies and coverup from there on out??? Just a thought....

I heard that caller call in to NG's show, and my thoughts were - it could have happened. Caylee could have drown in the backyard pool. It can't be ruled out. The chloroform isn't necessarily connected to Caylee's death. KC still could have had access to it and been transporting it in her trunk (she could have been making it and selling it for all we know - that could have been her "job" - her way of making $). I just don't know what to think anymore. I go back and forth - did she chloroform the poor baby or did she drown her in the pool? I do have a question though - I know that Caylee's clothes were found with her remains, which makes me think that she died in them, but KC could have changed her. Did I read or hear somewhere that Caylee's bathing suit was found by the Anthony pool?
Does anyone remember if there was someone in the house with JG when KC came to take a shower? For some reason I remember him saying his roommate was there but then tonight on NG I thought I heard RG say his son was there alone? Anyone remember?

Not seeing NG live tonight but just reading here. I was disturbed reading that she went to the house with Jesse ALONE to take a shower. HINKY METER going full tilt!! My first reaction was not that she was trying to pick up something from his apt./bathroom to plant at the crime scene or leave something of Caylee's there to frame him but to get something more special and unique from JG. I got this sneaking suspicion that she wanted to seduce him and get his live DNA from him. I wouldn't doubt that she had condoms on her person to collect it too. THEN, I finally saw the show with his Dad saying that she took a shower leaving the door OPEN. Clearly, in Casey's world that is her invitation to him. Glad he wised up to her shenanigans and didn't take the bait. Although, being in that apartment with her HAD to have been the most nerve wracking sitiuation of his life. Bet his mind was racing about what this whole shower thing was about.

I had a NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) guy roomate who would leave his bedroom door open when there were women still in the apartment after a party. Everyone would be leaving and he would "feign" being tired and retire early hoping that one of the women would be tipsy enough to take his "open door invitation." It worked.....sometimes. When I heard his RG say she left the door open, I gasped. JG dodged a HUGE bullet!!! Can you imagine what she could have done with what she could have collected or said he did to her, if he fell for her "shower" ploy?

RG also mentions that he was glad that Jesse didn't go help get gas for her
car because he was worried about fingerprint evidence he could have left on her car. I think she wanted his fingerprints on the GAS CANS more!!!
Thank heaven's for Jesse listening to his father.

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