2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition

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When Cindy did that smirk and wink at Brad C. when she thought she had trapped John M. into committing perjury, I didn't know whether I was going to upchuck or smash my computer screen. :furious:

totally repulsive, so childish vengative behavior!...:furious:
this behavior will come back to roost at the trial...:bang:
I don't think BC is going anywhere. He was on the Today show this morning and he basically slandered Zenaida again. He sounded like CA and GA, spouting the same lines...the attorneys were asking irrelevant questions, they were embarassed, etc. He said that Zenaida was trying to cash in because she really didn't have anything else going on. It was unbelievable. I want to ask him before this case, what did he have going on?

<sigh> Thanks for the update, I hadn't seen that video. Guess he's just another hanger-on, then. Sub-standard (at best) legal skills and a propensity for the camera. Looks like he's planning on a TH role in the future. :loser:
Snipped for space....
But, didn't Casey actually tell one of her boyfriends who was trying to get her to come over one night, that the nanny was late because she had to take her dog to the vet? I may be misremembering....but casey was making up all these excuses for why she couldn't come over, because she had Caylee, and the nanny was supposed to be on her way. I thought I remembered her sayiing the nanny just called and said she had to take her dog to to the vet- or the nanny was supposed to be coming right over after she took her dog to the vet, but then stopped at the grocery store---I thought there was *something* in Casey's excuses somewhere involving the nanny and a dog or at least, a vet...in a text message, specifically.
If there was a mention of Zanny's dog by Casey, I don't remember it, could very well be that I just missed it. I will have to look that up...
Cindy and George Anthony are two people who are mad at everyone except the REAL perpetrator of the crime. I really thought by now that they would come out of their denial, but they aren't. Set aside the fact that their granddaughter is dead, how sad for Caylee, let's look at this girl before all this happened. She is unable to tell the truth, she has stolen from everyone, she is selfish and self-centered, and if she thought she could blame the same parents for what happened to Caylee, she would be doing it. JMO.

That's what strikes me. George FREAKS when Morgan calls Caylee, 'remains', yet, he sucks butt to the one who made her 'remains'! <imo>

Unbelievable. It's everyones fault but Caseys. No wonder she is the way she is...

I am in and out due to work.

On the 4th video of Cindy at 8:20 they were discussing DC and Psychic phone records. Out of nowhere she says "Lee and him didn't speak that day"

Nobody mentioned Lee in this whole deposition, why would she bring him into it.

She was frazzled and I think she slipped up big time.
So, when CA states in the depo that Casey is an adult and she can stay where she wants and that Caylee is her daughter and Cindy has no say in where they stay....does that officially shoot down KC claim that Cindy called her in the middle of the night to make KC bring Caylee home because that's where Caylee needed to be--in her own bed?
I respectfully disagree. The fact that ZG WAS the woman at Sawgrass and LE contacted only her is HUGE! She is only asking for $15,000-that's not alot of cash. I'm surprised they aren't asking for more!! I'm surprised JB or the A's didn't settle with her and make this lawsuit go away. Then this whole depo fiasco wouldn't have happened.:bang:

They are asking for $15,000, but are they also asking for attorney's fees, expenses and punitive damages? I would think it would be a lot more than $15,000. Hey, that is fine with me. I hope she gets it.
But, didn't Casey actually tell one of her boyfriends who was trying to get her to come over one night, that the nanny was late because she had to take her dog to the vet? I may be misremembering....but casey was making up all these excuses for why she couldn't come over, because she had Caylee, and the nanny was supposed to be on her way. I thought I remembered her sayiing the nanny just called and said she had to take her dog to to the vet- or the nanny was supposed to be coming right over after she took her dog to the vet, but then stopped at the grocery store---I thought there was *something* in Casey's excuses somewhere involving the nanny and a dog or at least, a vet...in a text message, specifically.
Yes, all she was doing was making an excuse to Tony (the cop Tony) about why she couldn't come over and have sex. She was waiting on the "the nanny" to come to the house and watch Caylee.
Cindy's depo (Part 5 on the WFTV site):

Morgan: Answer YES or NO, the way YOU LIKE IT!


Cindy thinks she's soooooooo clever when she did that wink to Brad. Obviously, she has absolutely no clue how bad she appears.
If she were truly indigent, she would be represented by a public defender. She's not. She gave Baez a $5000.00 retainer, and has probably made plenty of money selling photos of Caylee. And FYI JM isn't in this for the money. He's already a very rich and successful attorney. Another FYI - ZG isn't in it for the money either. She just wants her name cleared.
KC did not pay JB, she lied to him and told himshe had $4500 in the bank and never did.
Snipped for space....
But, didn't Casey actually tell one of her boyfriends who was trying to get her to come over one night, that the nanny was late because she had to take her dog to the vet? I may be misremembering....but casey was making up all these excuses for why she couldn't come over, because she had Caylee, and the nanny was supposed to be on her way. I thought I remembered her sayiing the nanny just called and said she had to take her dog to to the vet- or the nanny was supposed to be coming right over after she took her dog to the vet, but then stopped at the grocery store---I thought there was *something* in Casey's excuses somewhere involving the nanny and a dog or at least, a vet...in a text message, specifically.

Are you remembering when Zany had to return to Oviado to pick up her dog from her sister's house, on her way back into town following a trip? During a Tony R text exchange.
I think we all question whether or not Zeneida is telling the truth. I appreciate you holding back and only doing the tar and feather. I just found when I watched this video how disgusted I felt with the attorney questioning them. I also feel that when they are deposing these folks, they may in fact be really interfering with the criminal trial. It's like vengence, we all want some, but it isn't really right to do it. I was surprised by my reaction to the depostion. I was really angry at the attorney.
Why were you angry with the lawyer? If the judge did not think it was valid or it would interfere with KC getting a fair trial he could have and would have delayed it until after the criminal trial. Do you understand that Zenaida and her children are living in a home, that she is homeless? Save your concern for her, her innocent children and Caylee.
I'm no particular fan of Zaneida's. I don't dislike her either. We've seen nothing to indicate that she lied at any time, unlike certain others involved in this case.

Her attorney has an extremely successful practice and I doubt if he needs publicity - again, unlike others involved in this case. The Anthonys were ordered to appear for these depositions. I'm sure the judge that issued that order would have noticed if it would have hampered the criminal case or was improper in any way.

If anything, we've seen a level of professionalism that we've not seen from other attorneys involved in this case. :)
One more comment, I bet Cindy regrets making that phone call every day of her life.
If anything, we've seen a level of professionalism that we've not seen from other attorneys involved in this case. :)

he was good! even when CA said she had prepared for the depo, he answered as being impressed....did u notice how anxious CA was to supply him with how she prepared! ...... and at the end he led right into the wrap up with feeding her ego more ......EXCELLENT!!....arrogance on CAs part got her into deep do do.....
Cindy states, "I gave Casey money all the time." Yet, it "wasn't an issue," regarding paying the "babysitter/nanny?" And during that 2 year time frame, CA never wondered why she was giving KC money all the time? If that had been me, and I actually had a job, my mother would certainly have wondered what in heck was I doing with my income AND would have asked me!
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