2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included) #2

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I thought he stuck around long enough to go into the family business...and then tried to start a similar business on his own? When that failed...yup they left.

Yeah. CA apparently told GA to work for his Dad, in his Dad's lucrative car dealership, so he'd inherit. That ended when he threw Dad threw a dealership window.

So he started his OWN, competing dealership. It went belly up, and they sold out and left town.
Okay so, that rules the Anthonys out!

LMAO------I need to get away from this puter--play a game or something. Lately e-time I get to your post and see CA pic---it goes straight to my brain and then I read what you say and it looks like it is coming out of CA's mouth. Would one call that an illusion?
LMAO------I need to get away from this puter--play a game or something. Lately e-time I get to your post and see CA pic---it goes straight to my brain and then I read what you say and it looks like it is coming out of CA's mouth. Would one call that an illusion?

More like a bad dream!

I have had children, been there when my children had children, and known a lot of moms who share their childbirth stories in great detail. Never have I heard the one about not being able to hold the baby due to the episiotomy.

He really get's upset about those gas cans. I agree with Pink. At first I thought that he was the only one in that family telling the truth. Now, I really feel like he may have covered up for kc...or worse, helped her dispose of little Caylee.

I'm not convinced that his *prickling* at any talk of the gas cans and the trunk are anything more than - A hard place for his mind to visit.

Given that we are told that GA vomitted during a LE interview.
Given that they retrieved a car smelling of death.
Given that GA said he saw laundry or trash in the trunk (memory failure here).

Fast forward to the Depositions ~ by this point GA knows deep down in his heart that the reason for the gas can kerfuffle, the stench in the car that he possibly tried to clean, the clothing that CA washed,and the condition his granddaughter was discovered in, are ALL linked into one conclusion.

I find their *KC is innocent* line to be an insult to both our intelligence and to Caylees memory, but I can't imagine the imagery in his mind when he partners that awful smell, and what remained of his GD.

The trial will be tough on everyone, GA may want to try a little compassion for Caylee and lay off the righteous indignation for KC.
I'm not convinced that his *prickling* at any talk of the gas cans and the trunk are anything more than - A hard place for his mind to visit.

Given that we are told that GA vomitted during a LE interview.
Given that they retrieved a car smelling of death.
Given that GA said he saw laundry or trash in the trunk (memory failure here).

Fast forward to the Depositions ~ by this point GA knows deep down in his heart that the reason for the gas can kerfuffle, the stench in the car that he possibly tried to clean, the clothing that CA washed,and the condition his granddaughter was discovered in, are ALL linked into one conclusion.

I find their *KC is innocent* line to be an insult to both our intelligence and to Caylees memory, but I can't imagine the imagery in his mind when he partners that awful smell, and what remained of his GD.

The trial will be tough on everyone, GA may want to try a little compassion for Caylee and lay off the righteous indignation for KC.
I am now starting to think that GA may well have discovered Caylee's body in the trunk and that he could have been the one that disposed her. I hate to think it but it kind of makes sense of the family's behavior. He could have done so with the intent of not telling CA (because he wanted to "protect" her)...

I don't think that the prosecution will bring this out at trial. It's too complicated and difficult to prove but I do believe that this may well be what it behind this crazy family's behavior.

Anyone know where I can find the link to the story about George obtaining the gun in September?


I have had children, been there when my children had children, and known a lot of moms who share their childbirth stories in great detail. Never have I heard the one about not being able to hold the baby due to the episiotomy.


That's cuz it's BS ..
Shhhhhh ..
Wonder why GA made such a big deal at the way Morgan was saying Zanny, Zany, Zeny? What difference does it make? How does he know about the way it should be said or how it is spelled? I live here at W/S and I don't member ever seeing anybody saying "Zeny" or whatever. All I ever knew was Zanny the nanny. Guess thats what I get for thinkin.
The A's sure want to be in charge if the depos. Morgan was asking what KC bought for the house and when GA decides he doesn't wanna talk about it anymore the accuses Morgan of putting words in his mouth----GA says, "We'll end that conversation right there". "I suggest you go to another question, Sir." "I don't think thats relevant, here Sir." "I'm not gonna answer this any further with that".

Why side step when being ask simple questions? I have seen peeps say that Morgan was harassing with the questions. What I was seeing was Morgan trying to get an answer to a question and not gettin an answer. Why couldn't GA just say. "KC never contributed to the household, that I know of". If they dropped the attitude and just get on with it---it wouldn't be so bad.

I wonder if part of the reason for the Anthonys behavior during the depos can be attributed to them knowing the cameras were rolling and the video would be made public. I think George wanted to come across as a victim and that's why he had an attitude. He wanted viewers of that video to see him as a victim being harrassed by a mean attorney - an adversary. Some of his answers may have been intended to provoke the attorneys into making an unprofessional remark, which George would later point to as proof that he was being harassed.
I wonder if part of the reason for the Anthonys behavior during the depos can be attributed to them knowing the cameras were rolling and the video would be made public. I think George wanted to come across as a victim and that's why he had an attitude. He wanted viewers of that video to see him as a victim being harrassed by a mean attorney - an adversary. Some of his answers may have been intended to provoke the attorneys into making an unprofessional remark, which George would later point to as proof that he was being harassed.

Im with you "L"
at least that would make some sense....

cause the way it L@@Ked was just :rolleyes:
:steamed::talker: :puke::puke::puke:
:eat::eat::eat::eat::eat: gum smacking
:Benny_monkeysmilies:cursing: S A D ! ! !

God Bless !
I wonder if part of the reason for the Anthonys behavior during the depos can be attributed to them knowing the cameras were rolling and the video would be made public. I think George wanted to come across as a victim and that's why he had an attitude. He wanted viewers of that video to see him as a victim being harrassed by a mean attorney - an adversary. Some of his answers may have been intended to provoke the attorneys into making an unprofessional remark, which George would later point to as proof that he was being harassed.
I think that is the most logical sounding explanation, George was trying to make himself out to be the victim. He sure did fail miserably though, didn't he ?
Wonder why GA made such a big deal at the way Morgan was saying Zanny, Zany, Zeny? What difference does it make? How does he know about the way it should be said or how it is spelled? I live here at W/S and I don't member ever seeing anybody saying "Zeny" or whatever. All I ever knew was Zanny the nanny. Guess thats what I get for thinkin.
I believe it was because of the SUPERIOR attitude he tried to convey.
Maybe trying to throw the attornies off their game.
Remember also how Cindy kept telling them she could not believe everything from the cops because of all the misspellings in the reports.
Those two are really something.....just not sure what to call them..:eek:
I think that is the most logical sounding explanation, George was trying to make himself out to be the victim. He sure did fail miserably though, didn't he ?

Finishing all of G's depos today.
When he tells the truth, his expression remains rather calm and blank...just straightforward.
When he lies he does that sh***y downward smug grin kind of thing.
Go watch some of it and see if you agree.
Now I know for sure when he is lying.:)
Finishing all of G's depos today.
When he tells the truth, his expression remains rather calm and blank...just straightforward.
When he lies he does that sh***y downward smug grin kind of thing.
Go watch some of it and see if you agree.
Now I know for sure when he is lying.:)
Oh, you are not kidding. The first time I noticed that "smile" was on his Greta interview. She asked him if he believed in his daughter, and he said something like 110%..but there was that smile. He also had that smile when he said that they "have people watching the kidnappers". It's a dead give away, IMO.
I am now starting to think that GA may well have discovered Caylee's body in the trunk and that he could have been the one that disposed her. I hate to think it but it kind of makes sense of the family's behavior. He could have done so with the intent of not telling CA (because he wanted to "protect" her)...

I don't think that the prosecution will bring this out at trial. It's too complicated and difficult to prove but I do believe that this may well be what it behind this crazy family's behavior.


Before this happened GA was the outcast of the family. Look at the way Cindy's family talks about him. He gives an honest report to LE and all of a sudden KC, LA and CA decide to get united as a family. KC herself in her August 14 video, I believe, tells her father how they have not gotten along but now she wants to be close to him. He doesn't even realize she is manipulating him to shut him up. He's the weak link and she worked on him until he shut up. This is so sad because it tells us that this man is starving for attention from his own family that he has been deprived of for all these years. Until this happened the only one GA apparently got unconditional love from was Caylee. He has to be Caylee's champion or he will just come apart. IMO
Finishing all of G's depos today.
When he tells the truth, his expression remains rather calm and blank...just straightforward.
When he lies he does that sh***y downward smug grin kind of thing.
Go watch some of it and see if you agree.
Now I know for sure when he is lying.:)

I agree. George is actually very easy to read. His fluttering eyelashes are like a series of little exclaimation marks when he really really wants you to believe something he just said. He also uses that body language when he wants to "take the edge off" something he may have just said, to soften his image and to seem more sympathetic. He's like a crazed southern belle the way he goes at it with those eyelashes. (No offense to southern belles out there!)

The grin (which you described so perfectly) is for when he is daring the questioner to disbelieve him. He also does it when he thinks he is pulling one over on his audience.
Before this happened GA was the outcast of the family. Look at the way Cindy's family talks about him. He gives an honest report to LE and all of a sudden KC, LA and CA decide to get united as a family. KC herself in her August 14 video, I believe, tells her father how they have not gotten along but now she wants to be close to him. He doesn't even realize she is manipulating him to shut him up. He's the weak link and she worked on him until he shut up. This is so sad because it tells us that this man is starving for attention from his own family that he has been deprived of for all these years. Until this happened the only one GA apparently got unconditional love from was Caylee. He has to be Caylee's champion or he will just come apart. IMO

Great insight there.

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