2009.04.13 Baez requests phone records - POLL

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Will Casey's defense team implicate someone else in Caylee's murder?

  • No.

    Votes: 24 7.3%
  • Yes, another member of the Anthony family.

    Votes: 69 20.9%
  • Yes, one of Casey's former love interests.

    Votes: 164 49.7%
  • Yes, a former/current friend of Casey's.

    Votes: 100 30.3%
  • Yes, a stranger.

    Votes: 46 13.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Does this not mean that due to Sunshine laws the public would see every one of Cindy and George's texts and calls from that time. That document dump is sure to crash any server.

I read or heard something, somewhere today that when it becomes a death penalty case, that the SA is not entitled to discovery from the defense. Is this true? and if so, why?
i voted they are going to say someone else...not the family or the friends that we know of now....

i think it will be someone that wanted to "teach her a lesson" that said if she did (?) then they would give caylee back and kc had until her 3rd birthday to do (?) they gave her a "script" to follow-stuff-caylee is with the nanny.... to tell her family when they asked to talk to caylee or to see caylee. defense will say that kc was told to go and act normal with her boy friend and friends so that no one would think there was anything wrong. defense will say that kc failed to do (?) so the kidnapers killed caylee....and framed kc for the murder.....all the defense needs is someone elses dna or and finger prints with in the bag with the childs body....and any dna and or prints in the car that matched.....i think the defense will say that the person who took caylee is someone she didnt know but was working for someone she had contact with before....that is why she used the nanny story....defense will say after she left her car....she was then affraid these people would come after her parents and brother if she told anything else.....defense will say ...kc new they killed caylee and new they would kill her parents as well.....

very long stretch....but just an idea of what the only way i could think of how the defense was going to go ........
I read or heard something, somewhere today that when it becomes a death penalty case, that the SA is not entitled to discovery from the defense. Is this true? and if so, why?

on hln tonight one of the talking heads said its because the state waited over 45 days to put the death p back on....it has to do with the amount of time they waited.......is what i think
:wave: Steely Dan

Originally I thought so too but then I realized the state has concrete evidence of KC and TL at Blockbuster renting videos on June 16, 2008 only hours after Caylee was allegedly kidnapped by ZFG.

If Caylee isn't with KC or Cindy and George on June 16th - where was she?

Remember, no one can confirm seeing Caylee alive on June 16, 2008 except Casey and George.

The last time she was seen by someone that is/was not a family member was June 15, 2008.

The window of opportunity (time frame) is actually very, very small.

What's KC's alibi? If she wasn't at Universal working during the window of opportunity ... where was she?



:waitasec: Good point. :thumb:

I have always said they will go after George. He admitted to seeing her last (which I never believed) KC will say she left after the fight and left Caylee there. She will say George has always had a violent temper (which he has exhibited many times on TV) and that she was terrified of him. She will claim he put the body in her car (he had a key) and when she found it she freaked out so bad she had a psychotic break (flat emotions, etc.) She will say he threatened to kill Cindy, Lee and her if she told (he bought a gun and hid it) and he planned on killing them all if she talked. She will say she was protecting her mother and brother. She will say he gave her the "script" and made sure she did not vary from it and told her he would get her out of it if she would keep her mouth shut.

She will say the gas can incident was when she first saw the body and she didn't know what to do so she ran. Remember she said "he" ran over the squirrels which made the car smell. That is why he "chased" her as he told. She has been afraid to speak because she knew he would kill the others, so she waited until trial to tell the story.

Oh c'mon Turbo. I usually love your posts but this one is really
o u t t h e r e. ...Then again, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I don't think anybody's going to be under any buses except Casey.;)

You have to admit it does explain the "Don't worry I haven't told them anything comment" made during a jail house call. :eek:

I voted for one of kc's current / former friends, I would have voted for one of her former lovers, but talk about needle in a haystack. In my vote for former friends, I would like to include as possiblities - jg & rm. I can't imagine them going with anything other than reasonable doubt, that is what lkb is on staff for. The imaginanny story gets even more farfetched as time goes on. GA & CA are still on their reasonable doubt tour, and their recent depos cameos really cost them any sort of public sympathy that may have started to come their way since the suicide attempt and memorial. I forget which poster said it, but they will throw the whole lot of them against the wall and see what sticks.

All moo.

That's my biggest fear (the OJ strategy).

Vincent Bugliosi the former LA DA that prosecuted Charles Manson was asked about the OJ trial after the verdict. He said the DA's threw too much evidence at the jury. He said that all he would have needed is OJ's statements to police. The DA's left that totally out of the trial. I think the same thing applies here. Just use the statements and the forensic evidence from the body scene. That's all they'll need.

I voted for former lovers and a stranger. I don't think for one minute that they will try to pin it on another family member. It's a classic strategy for killers to blame the "bushy haired stranger" which everyone knows does NOT exist. I think they will try to stick with Zanny the Nanny did it, then maybe throw a former lover in as back up. With the narrow vision the Anthonys have, they will think they have shown reasonable doubt, with the least amount of emphasis on the word reasonable. Will they reallyshow reasonable doubt? Nah. They wouldn't have anything reasonable to put on the table if they waited a million years for trial.
I think the Dream Team has already chosen Cindy. She would have washed and folded the blanket and Caylee's little clothes and put them away. A hair, a flake of fingernail, a bit of flaked skin would be a DNA high probability. The motive: she would rather see Caylee dead than have her taken away to live the life her mother would drag her through. The phone records would be to write the scenario and make it fit without alerting the unsuspecting defender of their "innocent" client. It might be enough to cast reasonable doubt. And KC hates her mother. Her grandmother said so.

FaeFrost has a good point about the "excited utterance", but all things considered, I think that the defense has soooooo-oooooo much more to work with when it comes to Cindy. At times I have considered George because I think that he is the weakest link, but I don't see what they could base it on. Cindy's anger is explosive and she not only choked Casey she choked her the day before Caylee went missing.
My guess is Cindy. If they don't try to point the finger at her, they won't point it anyone.
Maybe the older business man, acquaintance of George that is supposedly paying the attorney fees?
After watching Cindy and George's manically bizarre behavior in the deposition, they're the only ones who'd offer even a scintilla of hope....but as depraved as they are, they're the product of Casey's evil. If they weren't contending with this, they'd still be a dysfunctional mess---but nothing like we saw.

BUT--I think Jose will hurl spaghetti in whatever direction he thinks might work, based on what he sees in the records. Not that it will do him a bit of good.

Really, he doesn't have a prayer with this sort of defense. Especially since they've been so insistent on the InvisiNanny Defense.

I'm usually far more supportive of defense attorneys--I do believe even the rottenest defendant requires good counsel. But I think ol' Jose really is as squirrely as his client--I really do not like him.
I have always said they will go after George. He admitted to seeing her last (which I never believed) KC will say she left after the fight and left Caylee there. She will say George has always had a violent temper (which he has exhibited many times on TV) and that she was terrified of him. She will claim he put the body in her car (he had a key) and when she found it she freaked out so bad she had a psychotic break (flat emotions, etc.) She will say he threatened to kill Cindy, Lee and her if she told (he bought a gun and hid it) and he planned on killing them all if she talked. She will say she was protecting her mother and brother. She will say he gave her the "script" and made sure she did not vary from it and told her he would get her out of it if she would keep her mouth shut.

She will say the gas can incident was when she first saw the body and she didn't know what to do so she ran. Remember she said "he" ran over the squirrels which made the car smell. That is why he "chased" her as he told. She has been afraid to speak because she knew he would kill the others, so she waited until trial to tell the story.

Turbo - Wow!! Now that's so devious it's actually believable!! Remember too GA was the one she wanted to have the private meeting with at the jail cuz he was the only one not asking questions....hmmm.....I could see the defense attempting to wrap and offer up a reasonable doubt along those lines. GA may need to watch himself - if CA gets wise to this plan she may jump on the bandwagon so she can keep her house and not pay alimony. :eek:
You need one more choice in the poll, "All of the above." I believe they could go with the SOD defense, somone to be named at a later date did it. Better know as the Some Other Dude defense.
I selected every answer except for "NO".

Because it's all about KC, right? Who cares about anyone else's life or feelings?
I've been watching CA and GA with JB at the past couple of court dates, and it just doesn't seem like they're going after either one.. they're a "chummy" threesome lately. I have not seen much interaction with JB and Lee, although IIRC, Lee was not comfortable with Casey's choice of representation (JB).

It's possible JB is looking into K. Williams as their scapegoat. OR, if there truly is a connection to Kronk and his girlfriend does work at the jail.... maybe JB wants to imply Kronk was involved.

I also think JB wants CA's phone records to show that she and Casey talked daily, sometimes several times a day. The SA may want to show the jury that Casey didn't want CA to have custody of Caylee and that's why she murdered her, but JB has those phone records to show lots of communication between the two. (JMHO)
Hmmm. I've always believed this case may very well come down to George A's credbility given that if it wasn't for George claiming to see Casey with Caylee on June 16, 2008, the last time anyone can and/or will confirm Caylee to be alive was the day before, June 15, 2008 when Caylee was seen in the custody of CINDY (assisted living facility and SP's home in Mt. Dora) NOT CASEY. This one statement and the clothes found with Caylee's remains are going to be huge at trial. And yes, it will come down to George's word. All Cindy can say is she "heard" the sound of breathing when listening at the door which is hardly proof positive. Has George been completely cooperative and truthful with LE, the FBI and ZFG's lawyer? If not, it stands to reason people may question the credibility of his other statements, including when he last saw Casey and Caylee.


In the first few weeks of the investigation so many dates were thrown around re: the last time Caylee was seen, Baez may be trying to use them to cast reasonable doubt, IMO. Although subsequent statements were made to correct the inaccuracies, he may use it anyway. For example, in the Megyn K interview on 7/21 (see the thread Slide Show and Video of 8/14" for the link), Cindy stated that the last time Casey had seen Caylee was on June 14. We know from the Mt. Dora video that Caylee was with Cindy on the 15th, and Cindy would have been the last person to see Caylee alive if George and Cindy's story about George seeing her on the 16th isn't credible. I'm not quite sure how JB obtaining the A's cell phone records and pings would tie into this theory, yet, though...JMO
In the first few weeks of the investigation so many dates were thrown around re: the last time Caylee was seen, Baez may be trying to use them to cast reasonable doubt, IMO. Although subsequent statements were made to correct the inaccuracies, he may use it anyway. For example, in the Megyn K interview on 7/21 (see the thread Slide Show and Video of 8/14" for the link), Cindy stated that the last time Casey had seen Caylee was on June 14. We know from the Mt. Dora video that Caylee was with Cindy on the 15th, and Cindy would have been the last person to see Caylee alive if George and Cindy's story about George seeing her on the 16th isn't credible. I'm not quite sure how JB obtaining the A's cell phone records and pings would tie into this theory, yet, though...JMO

Interesting. And then she heard them breathing on the 16th. Sheesh.
Hmmm. I've always believed this case may very well come down to George A's credbility given that if it wasn't for George claiming to see Casey with Caylee on June 16, 2008, the last time anyone can and/or will confirm Caylee to be alive was the day before, June 15, 2008 when Caylee was seen in the custody of CINDY (assisted living facility and SP's home in Mt. Dora) NOT CASEY. This one statement and the clothes found with Caylee's remains are going to be huge at trial. And yes, it will come down to George's word. All Cindy can say is she "heard" the sound of breathing when listening at the door which is hardly proof positive. Has George been completely cooperative and truthful with LE, the FBI and ZFG's lawyer? If not, it stands to reason people may question the credibility of his other statements, including when he last saw Casey and Caylee.



Except that during the first 911 call, and those attempts by CA to get info out of KC while she was in jail, it appeared that CA actually did not know where the baby was.

Then, KC would have to agree to cover for CA-- which is hard to believe. KC would have to agree to carry the baby's body in her car for a month, as well.
Except that during the first 911 call, and those attempts by CA to get info out of KC while she was in jail, it appeared that CA actually did not know where the baby was.

Then, KC would have to agree to cover for CA-- which is hard to believe. KC would have to agree to carry the baby's body in her car for a month, as well.

When trying to sow seeds of doubt to a jury, a whole new story doesn't have to work. But just poke holes in the one being told.

Which means that JB wouldn't have to explain those things you mentioned. He would just have to go after the crediblity of the witnesses . With Cindy, he can point to her lying again and again. All trying to help KC. But still, it points her out to being an untrustworthy witness that a jury shouldn't believe.

Those folks have went on record saying they call this person or that person at this time or that time. If the phone records don't back it up.... It might be used to show that the person sould be considered a lier.
I read on Blink's blog that her sources say that he (JB) is interested in getting the pings from these records more than the actual call records. I am working today and don't really have time to put my mind to this right now, but I thought I'd throw that out there to see what you all think about that.
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