2009.05.04 LKB on "Today Show"

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Oct 13, 2008
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Linda Kenney Baden was on the Today show this morning.
I just caught the end of it.

She said they were supposed to get evidence and all they got was an autopsy of a snake.

When Ann asked her to explain KC partying and clubbing rather than looking for Caylee, she interestingly brought up Susan Smith and another woman in California (sorry, didn't catch the name) who had killed her husband, saying that people grieve differently?!

She also mentioned that they think the state may have put the death penalty back up to block "certain lawyers" from being on the case.

Maybe someone can post a link when "Today" puts it up if anyone is interested in seeing it.

If this has already been started, please delete. Thanks
Oh pu-leeze. Are these defense attorneys for real? Wah, wah, wah....more whining. Can't they just S.U. and do their job? Why do they have to go on every network and complain? Are they that desperate? I'm beginning to think that they just like seeing their own mug and hearing their own voices on t.v. Unbelievable.
I hope, hope, hope, hope beyond hope that the prosecution has a smoking gun.
The SA didn't put the DP back on the table "on a whim".

They know what they're doing. Whatever they have adds up to a DP case. Remember - it was a DP case BEFORE the body was found.

I remain confident and won't fall for JB and the rest whining. They say she can't get a fair trial b/c of the media? Who are the ones talking to the media constantly? Maybe they're trying to distract from JB's shady past. MOO
Thanks Pink Panther for posting the link.

After listening to it entirely, I also found it interesting that Baden mentioned she had been on the case since Dec. 11.
So, they knew it was Caylee before the tests were done.
How? Well I guess their girl KC has been talking after all.
When Ann asked her to explain KC partying and clubbing rather than looking for Caylee, she interestingly brought up Susan Smith and another woman in California (sorry, didn't catch the name) who had killed her husband, saying that people grieve differently?!

How could KC be "Grieving" if, at that point, she did not know she was dead???
Oh Please... A bunch of hot air.

I can't believe this. It's going to be a long long road to trial.
Good catch Angel Lady!

The woman in CA was Cynthia Sommers. I was half asleep when I turned on the TV to the middle of the interview.

I really wonder if they are going to no longer deny she is innocent.
Maybe they will claim she had an emotional breakdown over the death, loss of her daughter and went "girls gone wild" for awhile.

Of course we know she has behaved badly for years before this.

I guess it took CA showing up at TL apartment to knock her back into reality huh?
Oh, good grief! What a dog and pony show.
Q. Casey clubbing when she should have been looking for her lost child. How do you explain this?
A. Susan Smith years ago was "looking for her child" when she killed her children.
Huh? Didn't Casey tell LE that she went to Fusion and these other places to look for Zanny and her child?
Great job, LKB!!
When Ann asked her to explain KC partying and clubbing rather than looking for Caylee, she interestingly brought up Susan Smith and another woman in California (sorry, didn't catch the name) who had killed her husband, saying that people grieve differently?!

How could KC be "Grieving" if, at that point, she did not know she was dead???

Great point!!
"Because when people lose someone they love, they grieve differently."
I need coffee.
Exactly LancelotLink, I don't know if that was a freudian slip or they are taking the "temporary insanity" road now.
Oh, good grief! What a dog and pony show.
Q. Casey clubbing when she should have been looking for her lost child. How do you explain this?
A. Susan Smith years ago was "looking for her child" when she killed her children.
Huh? Didn't Casey tell LE that she went to Fusion and these other places to look for Zanny and her child?
Great job, LKB!!

Baez is in good company with Baden ..
Both :loser:
Great point!!
"Because when people lose someone they love, they grieve differently."
I need coffee.

Wasn't George and Cindy having people who had Caylee 'watched' up until a few months before they found her? What could Casey have been grieving over -- the dead animal she hit? Methinks this attorney should have kept her mouth shut -
Wasn't George and Cindy having people who had Caylee 'watched' up until a few months before they found her? What could Casey have been grieving over -- the dead animal she hit? Methinks this attorney should have kept her mouth shut -

Nevermind before Caylee was found, their "people" are still watching a ZFG in Puerto Rico .. :D
Is it just me or is everyone sick to death of hearing that everyone grieves differently? Yes, I know only too well that there is no set way to grieve, but this girl has not grieved at all. One thing I do know is that you do not go out and party, get tattoos and focus soley on yourself when your child is missing. That is so far out of the norm that you can't simply attribute it to "everyone grieves differently."

LKB, you need to come up with something else.
When Ann asked her to explain KC partying and clubbing rather than looking for Caylee, she interestingly brought up Susan Smith and another woman in California (sorry, didn't catch the name) who had killed her husband, saying that people grieve differently?!

How could KC be "Grieving" if, at that point, she did not know she was dead???

Good catch...these people...all of them...need to have a meeting and get their stories and strategies lined up straight:bang:
Is it just me or is everyone sick to death of hearing that everyone grieves differently? Yes, I know only too well that there is no set way to grieve, but this girl has not grieved at all. One thing I do know is that you do not go out and party, get tattoos and focus soley on yourself when your child is missing. That is so far out of the norm that you can't simply attribute it to "everyone grieves differently."

LKB, you need to come up with something else.

Ah, but she has grieved...we have seen tears...(tongue deeply embedded in cheek)

I think the whole defense is scrambling...I think there is still something WE have not seen....
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