2009.05.04 LKB on "Today Show"

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And if the Judge pops out a gag order---then we won't get anymore d-dumps. Right?
And if the Judge pops out a gag order---then we won't get anymore d-dumps. Right?

I don't think so MAMA. I believe the Sunshine Laws are a separate issue. I think it just means we won't have to listen to the defense and Cindy and George. If that's the case, I kinda wish the Judge would issue a gag order. Someone needs to gag them. On the other hand, the more they talk the more they back themselves into a corner. Sooner or later, there will be no way out other than for Casey to take the stand. Wouldn't we just love to see that!!

Someone please correct me, if I'm wrong. TIA!
Hey-----I could deal wid dat. LOL
I think the Judge can gag without having to ans to either side. Am so hoping he will.
I am still trying to get my mind around the oopsy that Ms. Baden made during this interview, well, the several oopsies that she made actually. She compared Casey to a convicted murdering liar who killed her children and later admitted the truth. She compared her to a woman who was later found innocent of murder, but who "coped" with her husband's demise in an "ugly" manner. She blatantly stated that "people grieve differently" when asked about the clubbing when Casey was supposed to be looking for Caylee, when in fact Casey should not have been "grieving" at that point at all, as she was expecting Caylee BACK by her 3rd birthday if any part of any of her accounts was "true". So what she did is tell us that Casey KNEW Caylee was dead and was grieving for her in an ugly fashion...and that she, like Susan Smith, killed her child and lied about it...

I give her a standing ovation for the prosecution on THAT interview! lol
LKB attny says KC was grieving in the partying pictures.... but funny thing...
she had tons of pictures BEFORE Caylee was missing too.... was she
grieving then ?

I just found that strange looking at the pictures before and after...
all seem the same KC to me ! KC having Fun ! KC . . . KC . . . K C ! ! !

Can they get a "mistrial" before the trial? LMAO

That's funny mama! In all seriousness though, I am dumfounded by the mistakes being made left and right in this case, on both sides unfortunately...What in the world are all these interviews these attorneys keep doing anyway? Who does that and why? The fact is that although the press HAS kept this story alive, it certainly has not helped it die down when the defense attorneys are doing interviews and press conferences on a nearly daily basis...they need to batten down the hatches and do some of the work that is desperately needed by their client and stop playing pretty for the cameras...:behindbar
That's funny mama! In all seriousness though, I am dumfounded by the mistakes being made left and right in this case, on both sides unfortunately...What in the world are all these interviews these attorneys keep doing anyway? Who does that and why? The fact is that although the press HAS kept this story alive, it certainly has not helped it die down when the defense attorneys are doing interviews and press conferences on a nearly daily basis...they need to batten down the hatches and do some of the work that is desperately needed by their client and stop playing pretty for the cameras...:behindbar

Amen! If KC is throwing out orders to JB to file crap then somebody better get in there and talk some serious with her. Seems like they have stepped into KC's fantasy world. She even has her lawyers doing thangs in a backwards sort of way. Not a lawyer here but I can see all this is just wrong. Last time JB was reading something on camera---I was wondering if KC wrote it out for him. He kept lookin at his paper.
Amen! If KC is throwing out orders to JB to file crap then somebody better get in there and talk some serous with her. Seems like they have stepped into KC's fantasy world. She even has her lawyers doing thangs in a backwards sort of way. Not a lawyer here but I can see all this is just wrong. Last time JB was reading something on camera---I was wondering if KC wrote it out for him. He kept lookin at his paper.

THAT would not suprise me in the least...and I agree 100% that they, the entire defense team, has stepped into the realm of make-believe, where the words that Casey says are true and the invisinanny killed Caylee-regardless of all the evidence to the contrary...in a backward sort of way, I guess they were all made for one another.:eek:
THAT would not suprise me in the least...and I agree 100% that they, the entire defense team, has stepped into the realm of make-believe, where the words that Casey says are true and the invisinanny killed Caylee-regardless of all the evidence to the contrary...in a backward sort of way, I guess they were all made for one another.:eek:

I agree, too. I honestly think Casey will try everything possible to talk her attorneys into allowing her to testifying. I realize they don't have to actually approve but if she insists, will they have her sign some sort of waiver indicating they strongly disagree? Will the judge have to advise her of the ramifications? I really think she wants to have her say in court no matter how ridiculous it will sound and how damning it will be to her defense. She still thinks she's put one over on everyone and mom and dad aren't helping her at all in that regard. I say, go for it Casey!! Tell us your latest version! We're waiting with baited breath!
I didn't say it was a good theory! :crazy:

I think they will say she panicked/snapped/had a mental break and one of two things:

1) she did all of those things to make it look like a kidnapping. She was going to report it and claim Zani took Caylee, but then - due to her great moral compass - she couldn't bring herself to do it until Cindy forced her hand by calling 911.


2) she has no memory of the event and isn't even 100% sure that she did it. She has blocked all memory of it and they don't know who killed Caylee. Might have been an ex or someone who dislikes her or even her parents! So she can't explain any of that b/c she doesn't remember. She lied hoping that it was true and that somehow she would slowly regain her memory and be able to find Caylee.

Like I said, I don't think they are good theories, but I think it's the best they've got. LKB making statements like this isn't out of stupidity. As much as she makes my skin crawl, she's not a stupid lawyer.

I think she is softening up the ground for when Casey admits that the nanny story was never true and that she is retracting all of those statements. Then they will be given a "blank slate", so to speak, to start with a fresh new story b/c all of her previous statements were lies due to her "shock."

All they need is one juror to buy it, and you know what they say about jurors. They are the 12 people who couldn't figure out how to get out of jury duty. :waitasec: That's what LKB is counting on.

If they were going to play it that way, they need to come out soon with the "story". They might think they only need to convince the Jury and don't need to say anything until trial. But in order to convince the Jury their 'story' is factual, they will need to show proof/timeline. Which would include when she 'woke up' and what she did when she 'woke up'. I doubt there is anyone who would believe it if she only made those claims during trial or just right before trial. It would have to be months out. And with her showing some sort of change of attitude. Going to counseling, etc.
And if the Judge pops out a gag order---then we won't get anymore d-dumps. Right?

Per Sunshine laws, we still get the dumps.

We just don't' have to listen to a bunch of flapping gums...
Per Sunshine laws, we still get the dumps.

We just don't' have to listen to a bunch of flapping gums...

Wouldn't that be dreamy? No Jose. No Ms. Baden. No press conferences where all they do is bash the state, the prosecution, the press, and anyone else who happens to have crossed their paths...No more comparisons, no more crap! All this has almost caused ME to resort to "UGLY COPING"!!!:banghead: :behindbar :mad: :furious: :behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
I think the ugly coping or people grieve differently thing, will be explained with Caseys "instructions" from the imaginanny....you know, Casey was told not to contact police....not to tell anyone about this for 30 days or whatever...so she kept on her partying lifestyle, so the nanny wouldn't get suspicious and kill Caylee out of anger....look, I know it's ridiculous.....I'm just saying, when people ask, "Well Casey didn't know Caylee was dead...so how could she grieve or cope with it, when Caylee wasn't found dead yet?" I think that's going to be their counter argument....she had to do it.....she feared the nanny would hurt Caylee...or other members of the family....hence the words Casey said, "I will lie, cheat or do whatever I have to do, to get my daughter back"....yes it's silly.....yes it's unbelievable....but you can't polish a turd....that basically tells me the defense have no evidence that will make it a doubtful case...so they have to muddy the waters like they've been doing....as far as JB and LKB....they both know the publicity this case has recieved....and it's only going to get crazier when the actual trial is here....as much as they complain about a tainted jury pool, they sure don't shy away from the cameras do they? They're publicity hounds....they live for high profile cases like this.....how can they ever write a book, or be a guest on talk shows (future appearances, being a talking head on other cases as well) if they don't represent people like CA? As ridiculous as it sounds, the attorneys are in it for much more than saving Casey's life....
This case as so many twist and turns seams like there is something
everyday about what Casey wants are her attorney wants I have
never seem a case like this one have you ? I think her attorney
is telling her she will get off that they don't have enough on her.
She did it she knows she done it and in the end she will pay for
what she as done.
I am coming to believe that her lawyers have written her off, in fact they probably wrote KC off long ago. They know they can never win this case, they probably tried to get her to agree to a plea bargain or some sort of deal, and she refused point blank. There is nothing else they can really do for her.

Whats left for them to do?
Look out for their own interests... hopefully make some money on books or pics or interviews or whatever falls their way.

A whole lot of publicity. Some of it positive, but any publicity at all is better than none.

A bit of an adventure or at least an interesting time spent in a vacation type city.

And who knows? Sometimes these 'lost' cases actually work out in their favour after all. It may be very unlikely that they would win, but anything can happen, and if they should, well,hey! Bonus!! their reputation is made!

I don't imagine they lay awake at night worrying over KC's fate. Or smacking themselves upside the head for making dim blunders in public. Or care how CA and GA act. None of it really matters anymore.
I agree, too. I honestly think Casey will try everything possible to talk her attorneys into allowing her to testifying. I realize they don't have to actually approve but if she insists, will they have her sign some sort of waiver indicating they strongly disagree? Will the judge have to advise her of the ramifications? I really think she wants to have her say in court no matter how ridiculous it will sound and how damning it will be to her defense. She still thinks she's put one over on everyone and mom and dad aren't helping her at all in that regard. I say, go for it Casey!! Tell us your latest version! We're waiting with baited breath!

nyvictoria, I am in agreement with you in that she will want to take the stand. She has had a lifetime of lies and being believed (she thinks). Hey, it has worked all her life so she wants to spew.
Doubt it will happen, but wouldn't it be great to see her on the stand in her own defense?
Cindy on the stand will also be a hoot!:eek:
I am coming to believe that her lawyers have written her off, in fact they probably wrote KC off long ago. They know they can never win this case, they probably tried to get her to agree to a plea bargain or some sort of deal, and she refused point blank. There is nothing else they can really do for her.

Whats left for them to do?
Look out for their own interests... hopefully make some money on books or pics or interviews or whatever falls their way.

A whole lot of publicity. Some of it positive, but any publicity at all is better than none.

A bit of an adventure or at least an interesting time spent in a vacation type city.

And who knows? Sometimes these 'lost' cases actually work out in their favour after all. It may be very unlikely that they would win, but anything can happen, and if they should, well,hey! Bonus!! their reputation is made!

I don't imagine they lay awake at night worrying over KC's fate. Or smacking themselves upside the head for making dim blunders in public. Or care how CA and GA act. None of it really matters anymore.

You know, I think you're right ..
Baez knows he won't win but, the publicity is what he's after ..
I am still trying to get my mind around the oopsy that Ms. Baden made during this interview, well, the several oopsies that she made actually. She compared Casey to a convicted murdering liar who killed her children and later admitted the truth. She compared her to a woman who was later found innocent of murder, but who "coped" with her husband's demise in an "ugly" manner. She blatantly stated that "people grieve differently" when asked about the clubbing when Casey was supposed to be looking for Caylee, when in fact Casey should not have been "grieving" at that point at all, as she was expecting Caylee BACK by her 3rd birthday if any part of any of her accounts was "true". So what she did is tell us that Casey KNEW Caylee was dead and was grieving for her in an ugly fashion...and that she, like Susan Smith, killed her child and lied about it...

I give her a standing ovation for the prosecution on THAT interview! lol
I am with you on that!!! I mean when LKB basically said that KC laying on the floor looking up that girl's dress was her grieving for Caylee (who at that point had not even been found yet)...... I knew then that what the defense was dealing with was a "waste.. a huge waste." :wink: I too think the prosecution is home free!! :Justice:
Wow, Guys-----I think ya'll are right on this mess. You have convinced me. They have probably known there wasn't a chance for her at all from the beginning. Maybe they are doing the world a favor. Doesn't seem quite right tho. She won't be gittin a fair trial because of her selfish lawyers. They could at least have "ACTED" like they were trying to do a good job. They have acted as crazy/stupid as the rents have. There is no way they can actually think they are helping. In just don't think they are that stupid. Unless it lays ground work for an appeal, later. If the Judge doesn't put a stop to this----the trial will be uncontrolled. The Judge will have his hands full, so he better nip it in the bud, if there is anythang left of the bud.
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