2009.05.28 Motions Hearing

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Do lawyers usually shake hands with the baliff/officer who brings the suspect to & from court?

I noticed Andrea did.
Posted: 7:15 am EDT May 28, 2009Updated: 6:30 pm EDT May 28, 2009
(quoted from article)
"Mr. Grund was for all intense and purposes a suspect in this case," Baez stated in Court.
However, the sheriff's office never named Grund as a suspect in Caylee's disappearance or murder.

If I was JG, I would go after JB for slander
Posted: 7:15 am EDT May 28, 2009Updated: 6:30 pm EDT May 28, 2009
(quoted from article)
"Mr. Grund was for all intense and purposes a suspect in this case," Baez stated in Court.
However, the sheriff's office never named Grund as a suspect in Caylee's disappearance or murder.

If I was JG, I would go after JB for slander

I know that made me hot when he made that statment..I think KC was trying to pull something to set Jesse up when she went to his house for a shower I'm so glad he left her alone JB needs to ask his client the last person who had custody of Baby Caylee want she did with her ...
Hmmm - I was wondering the same.
He announced he had a DP atty weeks ago so how come there wasn't time to file the paperwork?

Maybe because he knew announcing her and doing his little "infomercial" in court today would get more media play than one of the TV stations breaking the news based on filing at the court clerks office? Maybe he didn't want Kathy Belich to run with it first, before he could center the spotlight on himself, breaking the big news? Maybe Al hasn't actually signed on yet, waiting to see how mush media and web attention SHE gets, for her new book? Maybe cos JB is just a lazy butt......oh, wait, it's probably because he is sooooooo busy lining up his super defense stategy that will have us all apologizing to his mother of the year client once we find out the REAL story.......:doh:
Here's a video of the defense team giving a press conference after the hearing today. Sorry if this is old news.


I am just catching up on today's events, but this presser just burns me up! :furious: :furious: Kathi Belich does everything possible to hold JB's feet to the fire regarding his directive to go ask the SA the tough questions. He is playing the role of star quarterback and all of his offensive (pun) line-men(women) are stepping in to redirect & deflect Kathi & other reporter's questions. JB is just lapping it up and feeling so important. Well, the Star QB is in for a rough game when the defensive line goes after him!! :woohoo:

Sorry, I just had to let off a little steam here! But, thank you, Dear Prudence for the link to this sham of a presser. It all looked very orchestrated ahead of time, IMO!
There sure appears to be some friction between BC and CA. Watching the video of her arrival to court today, did you notice how FAR ahead of BC and GA (pushing wheelchair) she was? It was obvious to me that she was keeping a far distance between. Then, seating in the courtroom. Someone posted earlier that they thought BC just "parked" where he could, but I would have thought someone(s) would have moved to accommodate them if they chose to sit together. Then when leaving the courtroom, Cindy just walked out.

I speculated after the LKL showing that I felt BC was on his way out of this circus and probably due to CA's behavior during that show. I still strongly believe that and think BC is just hanging on out of pity for George. George is probably trying to be the pacifier between BC and CA right now, explaining away Cindy's behavior like he did during his LE interview.

In this link of photos, in row 9, 1st pic. There is a guy just behind Rev. Grund and kinda between the gal in the pink. This is who I'm referring to, but these photos are getting the resemblance as much as the actual hearing footage does. On the videos, it really struck me more towards the last section of the hearing. I'm interested in your opinion. I'm going to watch your link about Cindy now. Thanx!

The guy beside Kronk? I thought that PB was, ummm, fleshier.
Ok, I have a question. The attorney was complaining today that the "media" was saying that it was reported KC collapsed in the chair, when if fact, judge, all the it said was no, she SAT in the chair.

I just re listened to T. Uncer's recording and she did IN FACT, say KC collapsed in the chair.

Am I wrong that he said that was reported incorrectly with a "media Spin" on it?

The only thing I can think of that maybe the attorney meant to say was one of the other jail employees was saying T Uncer was making an incorrect statement. However, I remember it being said that not ALL of the workers were present at all times, at the same times. So, maybe whoever said she was incorrect, just didn't see it.

Can anyone clarify this for me?

the 'collapsed vs. sat' debate is in reference to the amendment that Baez filed after 6pm last night. it included snippets of the defense depos of Tammy Uncer and others. it seems they backed down on the 'collapsed' description and leaned more toward 'sat'.

i would provide the link, but i can't recall which thread i was reading at the time.
There sure appears to be some friction between BC and CA. Watching the video of her arrival to court today, did you notice how FAR ahead of BC and GA (pushing wheelchair) she was? It was obvious to me that she was keeping a far distance between. Then, seating in the courtroom. Someone posted earlier that they thought BC just "parked" where he could, but I would have thought someone(s) would have moved to accommodate them if they chose to sit together. Then when leaving the courtroom, Cindy just walked out.

I speculated after the LKL showing that I felt BC was on his way out of this circus and probably due to CA's behavior during that show. I still strongly believe that and think BC is just hanging on out of pity for George. George is probably trying to be the pacifier between BC and CA right now, explaining away Cindy's behavior like he did during his LE interview.

I wouldn't be so sure that BC would leave the case because of CA's behavior. After LKL, I'd guess it's more that CA might be mad at BC, for saying things she didn't approve of. Like what he said about the diary, for example.
I am absolutely amazed as to how KC sits there with no emotion at all. She killed her child, she is facing death row, her parents hearts are breaking. Nothing moves her. Scarry.

D I T T O :clap: :clap: :clap:
KC is an E M P T Y ~ S H E L L ~ OF a person ! ! !
makes me :furious::furious::furious:

Totally A M A Z I N G ~~~ cares more about the position of
her hair... and her blouse that is 2 tight !


God Bless !
I keep hearing the quotes of JB declarring that KC's right are being violated, the constitution is being violated etc etc, basically he seemed to be berating the court. I have one question about this since I did not see the whole hearing...

Did JB ever actually site any existing case law? Judicial decisions? laws? Anything oher than state opinion as judicial fact? I'm just curious.

Also I am confused as to why JB is bringing HIPPA issues before Judge Strickland? HIPPA is Federal Law? Does Strickland even have standing to rule on anything related to it? (once again really just curious? I am puzzled about bringing complaints regarding a federal civil law to a state criminal court?)
I saw when CA made eye contact with the camera and shook her head as if to say "shame on you for taping me during this hearing, it's inappropriate".....apparently CA only likes cameras on her when she is calling the shots and/or getting paid. :mad:

ETA: I was watching clickorlando's feed, maybe her stare did not appear direct to some of the other cameras, but she definately looked straight into clickorlando's and shook her head disapprovingly.

The way I took this was Cindy was checking out the new DP lawyer and did not approve of her. Imo appearance is still everything to CA and DP Lawyer was not measuring up to her standards. Remember how much she seemed to enjoy saying how Zanny was a 10 and how it seemed she looked down on ZG and saying sorry but you're not a 10.

The guy beside Kronk? I thought that PB was, ummm, fleshier.

That was my first thought as well. Taking into consideration it's been a few months since we've seen him...lots can happen, ya know? Then again, it may not be him. But he seemed...um....to stand out in this courtroom today, whomever it might be. :waitasec:
The media had no LEGAL representation there; had the Sentinel's attorney been there the motion would have been argued and (hopefully) finalized about the video.

I want to say many thanks to you for your "on the scene" insightful reports! It really gives us a different perspective on how things appear in the televised version. That and your experience of the laws really is valuable here - thanks for sharing.

One more thing....can you be seen in the tv videos of today's hearing?? Are you perhaps the cute blonde gal in a pink sweater sitting behind Mr Grund?? Just askin' ???
I wouldn't be so sure that BC would leave the case because of CA's behavior. After LKL, I'd guess it's more that CA might be mad at BC, for saying things she didn't approve of. Like what he said about the diary, for example.

Agreed. And now CA is punishing him by witholding. Sheesh. That's what it looks like on the surface anyway...
Bold mine.

Yep me too. I want to see it because I want to make up my own mind on this case. I don't want to rely on anyone's spin.

JB and his ilk will always have something of an advantage here because they are the only ones speaking publicly - they can spin and spin and spin. The louder they are and the more they try to distract attention from being focused on the evidence (which speaks for itself) the more sure you can be that the defense is desperate.
I was thinking today about why I wanted to see the video...and I guess it boils down to wanting to see some emotion from Casey. I replayed all the videos in my mind and I still can't remember one where she showed total and utter despair over the loss of her child. Oh, there was the one where she cries "I've lost everything"...but I truly don't think she was talking about anyone but herself. Where are the tears for Caylee? I'd like to see with my own eyes what she felt for her daughter.
I was thinking today about why I wanted to see the video...and I guess it boils down to wanting to see some emotion from Casey. I replayed all the videos in my mind and I still can't remember one where she showed total and utter despair over the loss of her child. Oh, there was the one where she cries "I've lost everything"...but I truly don't think she was talking about anyone but herself. Where are the tears for Caylee? I'd like to see with my own eyes what she felt for her daughter.

Having seen the News replays of the reaction of the mother whose boyfriend killed their baby by throwing him onto the freeway, I vicariously witnessed a
grief reaction one would expect in such a tragedy. She literally falls to the pavement and starts pounding it with her fist, screaming, "No, no, no!"

I can see myself doing that in a similar tragedy. And I, too, have been waiting for even 1/10 of that type reaction from KC when she laments,
"No, no, no!" If for no other reason, I'd think defense would want us to see the video of her watching the News/discovery of Caylee's remains--to show
that she is at least human.
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