2009.06.16 George and Cindy on CBS Early show

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I watched this interview online on the CBS Morning show's website

and what I notice about this interview as opposed to the one that CA and GA gave in April is that the CBS morning show didn't give this the big advance publicity ahead of time. I'm surprised that CA and GA decided to make a media appearance today around the anniversary of when they last saw Caylee. CA definitely looked like she had been crying ahead of time and the interviewer Maggie Rodriguez mentioned it. I wish that Maggie would have asked Cindy the question that she asked George, when did Cindy last see Casey and Caylee and what were they doing?
I just now saw the interview................thank you, PattyG!

Remember the commercial showing 'the softer side of Sears'? LOL, with these last two interviews I have heard Cindy's new, softer voice. Doesn't work for me. You never get a second chance to make a first impression and my first impression of her has stuck with me. I think it has taken almost a year for Cindy to decide she may need to be 'softer'. It won't work now.

At the last court appearance Cindy's face appeared to be swollen and she did not even have on earrings. I think she may have slept late and had to hurry to be there. Someone had mentioned in an earlier post how she appeared that day.

George's new revelations will be noticed by the prosecution, IMO. Now he's had breakfast with Caylee and taken her to the car. Wow. I have to wonder just which version of events he will tell at trial.

I am sick of the Anthony's. I am remembering Caylee. She is the one this is all about and her own grandparents hardly talk about her. It very early on became all about themselves and Casey, IMO. This interview has just sickened me further!
Is to late to try and soft soap the A's. They have been showin their azzes for nearly a year now. I actually do have a huge heart---even take up for the under dog---but if one takes in a recovering alcoholic and they start drinkin again-how many chances? They have been doing KC this way all her life. Now, they expect the same for themselves---they "ARE" entitled.

I will never feel any softness for the A's again. A foundation---using Sweet Lil Caylee Marie Anthony's name. They turned their back on this baby gurl to many times for me to feel anythang but (insert any word you need to, here)----> __________ (The worse word you could think of---in fact).

Baby Caylee probably lived in h3ll on this earth and I am glad she is back in God's arms right now. From what we have seen of this family, is mind boggling. Pure evil. THEN, since she went missing from CA's life this Sweet Baby Gurl has been put so far on the back burner for the selfishness of their own needs. (each ovem)

All the toys---clothes---room---sunglasses----shoes that the A's furnished Caylee means nuttin. It was NEVER" about Caylee.

All the toys---clothes---room---sunglasses----shoes that the A's furnished Caylee was just decorations for their own gratifications.
They started this foundation in Sept. before it was known for a fact that Precious Caylee was dead---while Baby Caylee lay rotting in the woods. Thrown away like trash.

Now they git on TV and are really trying to look like "nice" "sweet" "grieving" "Grandparents". But I have to give them this. They are starting to look like that---a little. They are changing clothes---just like KC changed her clothes. These peeps don't know how to live---all they can do is make a situation---a fairy tale---a foundation---decoration.

Great Post:clap::clap:
Yes, they certainly will be watching. And when C & G get on the witness stand to "protect" and "defend" their daughter they're going to get blasted with their previous depositions (remember the SA released them which means they could potentially be used as evidence in the murder trial), every damn media interview they have made (including this gem). Basically either they are doing it on purpose to make sure their testimony won't be credible to help convict their daughter or they are just plain can't help themselves. They need to STOP talking like YESTERDAY!
But, could George be trying to set himself up to be an "unreliable" witness and impugn his own testimony?
I would hope that she would finally come to her senses and realize that they were probably next to die.

I'd also hope that they would then become the State's star witnesses.

I'd hope so, too, Ecs! But who knows? With that now famous temper of CA's, she just might let KC have it! But, then again, she might play the martyr and take one for the team!
I am always lurking but have not posted for quite a while...Just had to get my two cents in on this one. These people should stay home and stay quiet. They have pushed all limits on acceptable behaviour! How dare Cindy talk about how people in these circumstances should accept all/any help that they may be given when she so blatently ch*t on Tim Miller? What hypocrits! And what on earth is GA thinking by adding on that he actually took Caylee to the car? Has he ever mentioned this very important piece of information before?

These people are unbelievable and as such, if they have any ounce of love for their accused daughter, they should shut the h*LL up and stay home.

But, could George be trying to set himself up to be an "unreliable" witness and impugn his own testimony?

This is what I'm leaning towards. That Grand Jury testimony apparently was damaging. If he can deem himself unreliable, he can take away from that testimony.
This is what I'm leaning towards. That Grand Jury testimony apparently was damaging. If he can deem himself unreliable, he can take away from that testimony.
...and reporting the "smell"!!
I just now saw the interview................thank you, PattyG!

Remember the commercial showing 'the softer side of Sears'? LOL, with these last two interviews I have heard Cindy's new, softer voice. Doesn't work for me. You never get a second chance to make a first impression and my first impression of her has stuck with me. I think it has taken almost a year for Cindy to decide she may need to be 'softer'. It won't work now.

At the last court appearance Cindy's face appeared to be swollen and she did not even have on earrings. I think she may have slept late and had to hurry to be there. Someone had mentioned in an earlier post how she appeared that day.

George's new revelations will be noticed by the prosecution, IMO. Now he's had breakfast with Caylee and taken her to the car. Wow. I have to wonder just which version of events he will tell at trial.

I am sick of the Anthony's. I am remembering Caylee. She is the one this is all about and her own grandparents hardly talk about her. It very early on became all about themselves and Casey, IMO. This interview has just sickened me further!

No worries---CA will git it right one of these days. Soon they will start telling some of the sweet thangs Caylee did. We have to member---CA had to learn how to be a grieving Grandmom. Am starting to wonder if CA/KC are clones. They both seem to have to "learn" emotions and "feelings".
Every single time they open their mouths their story changes. If they had told the truth from the get go they wouldn't have to try to remember what they said and they wouldn't look like idiots when they tell the story different each and every time.
...and who would want to donate money to a Foundation that is run by ANYONE like this?
Good points y'all.

I do think GA might be trying to ruin his own credibility because with he and CA's testimony unreliable and totally confusing to a jury, all that is left is the bare bones (no pun intended) evidence??? Evidence that might be argued as junk science? Maybe.
I saw the show this morning and it was very sad. These are grieving grandparents who adored Caylee. I'm sure they have a lot of "would have" "could have" and "should have" moments. Wishing they did get full custody of Caylee. And how do you reconsile yourself to the fact that your daughter may have killed her own child? My heart goes out to them today.......:cry:
Ya know...mine would, too, if they had chosen to spend their day another way.
You are not mistaken, Dawn! It was between 9 and 1! You know, the usual 4 hour timeframe that all normal people run their lives on!
...especially for the day your daughter goes missing. Could she have been more vague?
:waitasec:Hmmm....Are the Anthony's slipping? So now George claims he had breakfast with Caylee that morning and put her in the car when she left sometime before 1pm. Then Cindy claims she was grieving for 5 months before Caylee was found...which would of been in Nov. So, is she now saying she knew in Nov where the remains were? I find these new statements to be interesting because this is not what George claimed happen on June 16, 2008. And Cindy now pretty much admitted she knew where Caylee was in Nov from the way I understood it. I wonder if LE and the SA will look into today's show? Hmm.....:waitasec:

If Cindy was grieving 5 months b4 Caylee was found that would have been in july/aug, so she knew she wasn't missing. IMO
Maybe he always remembered it. But, this is the first time he told the media.

The additional details don't contradict Georges earlier version.

Tightening the time line does not help Casey. If anything it makes her look more calculating. She had to hustle to kill Caylee. But the whole time she is able to send innocuous instant messages, text friends and have normal conversations on her cell phone.

That is really cold.
Am I remembering the GVS interview all wrong...like when he said good-bye and watched as they walked out with their backpacks...just like any other normal day?


Nah...he said he saw them walk out...said it was also after lunchtime. Next thing we'll hear is they had lunch together, too. Oh, and in this interview Cindy merely states she knew where Casey and Caylee were sleeping that morning.
I have worn my "A" armour today and nothing they lie, mistruth, smirk, allude to or about is going to make me gag or want to poke my eyes out.
Ya know...mine would, too, if they had chosen to spend their day another way.

Maybe like going to see their daughter? If they thought she was innocent, why wouldn't they be there to support her today?

Of course, they know she is not innocent, and JB knows that if they go to the jail, the A's will not be able to resist asking her questions, they will not have the self-control to just have an "I love you" visit. Remember how many times KC had to try to shut them up when they went before?

HLN Prime News Mike G (On right now) is going to discuss Cindy and George's statements on the Early Show today.


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