2009.06.16 George and Cindy on CBS Early show

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People can track where the money is going so the A's wont be pocketing the money.
Hopefully people will see beyond their negative feelings for the A's, in order to put a smile on the face of a child experiencing some type of trauma.

<snipped for space>

Also, why are folks suggesting that GA is changing his story of what happened on june 16th?....He simply ran two sentences together saying that he didnt realise that he would never get another chance to put her in the car and wave her off ever again. He did not say thats what happened on that date.

To my first bold: How would I go about tracking any money to the Anthony's foundation? I'm sincerely inquisitive here. I'd like to use the method to experiment for answers with the Milsteads "charity".

To my second bold: After painfully listening repeatedly to transcribe accurately, what GA said verbatim was,

"Well, the last time I saw her was June 16th, was, uh, one year ago today. Ya know I woke up with her, uh, in the morning at 7:30 and got a chance to have breakfast with her and.. Needless to say, just before 1 o'clock that day, I didn't real..ever realize that that'd be the last time I would see our babe..chance to kiss her, hold her. I wouldn't hear her name, her call me JoJo and puttin' her in a car, 'n waving 'bye' to her."

So, I agree that he ran two sentences together. The first sentence changed his testimony of the events that occurred in the Anthony home on the morning of June 16th, 2008 compared to what he told LE and the FBI. The second run-on was GA recalling the natural "whatif's" of that day. I don't take issue with the 2nd part. I have a concerned interest with the first part.

I've also considered the argument that maybe CA & GA are trying to discredit themselves by obviously changing their stories so that the jury finds them unreliable. But today's interview had the opposite effect on me; the truth doesn't change. These are the defendants parents. If KC was innocent, I'd have read the same testimony recollecting the events of June 16th from all of the Anthony's over and over and over again. They would be demanding justice, and constantly seeking whomever killed Caylee. Instead, their stories change, they focus precious media airtime on their fledgling foundation, and Caylee's story seems forgotten compared to their tales of how great a mother KC was and how she is just as big a victim in all of this as poor Caylee. I think the prosecution can use CA & GA on the stand just as they are - parents desperately trying to set their guilty monster free.
No lawyer in his right mind would advise her to take the stand. Any prosecuter worth his salt would take every advantage to call her on her lies and totally destroy any story she would put forth.

:clap: Justice is sweet isn't it? Catch-22 :behindbar KC is damned either way. :woohoo: 31 days.
do george and cindy believe the public is so stupid that between all the circus they've caused on tv and the release of docs that we wouldn't remember what they say? i mean no where in all this time has george EVER said the things he said today about waking up in the morning with caylee and having breakfast with her. not on tv, not to LE...
Is it just me, or does anyone else think George looks like he's wearing eye liner (lower lashes) for the Early Show interview? I wish I had a close up shot to demonstrate what I mean.

Can't tell on U Tube video. I'm thinking Steve Martin - Pink Panther.

On a more serious note, George's affect appears much more appropriate than in the past. Does anyone else think he is showing better eye contact and appears more straight forward and sincere with the interviewer:rolleyes:?
do george and cindy believe the public is so stupid that between all the circus they've caused on tv and the release of docs that we wouldn't remember what they say? i mean no where in all this time has george EVER said the things he said today about waking up in the morning with caylee and having breakfast with her. not on tv, not to LE...

Ahhhhh! I don't think the A's care what we think. They don't care what we member. They just wanna get this foundation goin. They git on camera and say sweet stuff so they look good. Probably the reason BC wasn't with them is cuz they are backing away from KC and they will take Caylee on the road. Maybe they can get bunches of money.
The more I think about GA adding the fact that he put Caylee into the car seat throws his credibility as a witness out the window..During trial the state will ask him specific questions of that morning and adding that detail in after the fact just doesn't make any sense...It isn't in his statement and he has said in the Greta interview "saw them go out the door"...Why would he do something to add speculation and ruin his credibility?? Of course he would be questioned about it and have to answer which one was it..You saw them leave at the door or did you put her in the seat?? It can't be both..

He is trying to put them out of the house and emphasizing that they left the house.
There is evidence which shows otherwise by cell phone pings and computer usage not to mention cadaver dog hits at the house making the home the possible crime scene..There is no other withness who saw Caylee once he left for work..Yes, they might have left the house but he can not say they didn't return once he was gone..You have LA as a witness who can say KC would wait and go back to the house..

By him adding that in doesn't help KC but hurts his credibilty as a witness...I tend to believe there is a hidden reason for this but we haven't seen what it is yet. Just for once the truth would be so refreshing and relieving without second guessing everything!

If you place Caylee outside the house then you remove the crime scene from the home and make it more likely that SODDI. It is highly unlikely that SODDI if the crime occurred in the home -- that points directly to KC only and they want us to entertain other possibilities.

GA is seeding the new Defense theory as BC and JB partner on motions.
Can't tell on U Tube video. I'm thinking Steve Martin - Pink Panther.

On a more serious note, George's affect appears much more appropriate than in the past. Does anyone else think he is showing better eye contact and appears more straight forward and sincere with the interviewer:rolleyes:?

Yup---your right---and CA is speaking more like a poor lil ole Granny who lost her G/C instead of the Tasmanian-Devil. They both have been practicing.

Maybe I need a day off from the A's. Seems like all my post sound alike.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think George looks like he's wearing eye liner (lower lashes) for the Early Show interview? I wish I had a close up shot to demonstrate what I mean.

I went back and watched (turned volume off as my ears have been violated enough today) I can not say definitively that it was or was not eyeliner, although, I do agree it was a very dark line, but could be dark eyelashes.

My concern is CA and the total lack of support from her undergarmets. Target may be her favorite place to shop but does not neccessarily produce/provide the best quality bras for women her age that have gravity issues.
When I worked 3 to 11, I never got up at 7:30 to eat breakfast. By the time I got home and wound down enough to go to bed it was 1 or 2 am. GA's job history doesn't lead me to believe that GA is ambitious enough to get up that early either. He said himself he was sitting on the sofa at 1 pm watching a show that he always watches. JMO
I have noticed from his first interview with LE. He is determined to lead everyone AWAY from the house.



Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!

Thanks. I'm thinking more in the line of him trying to get out of testifying altogether. I think he would rather eat nails then have to get up there in front of his daughter and state anything. With all these conflicting statements, perhaps the SA will opt NOT to put him on the stand. Why would this guy change his version of events on national tv?

I hope the prosecution puts GA on the witness stand. He testified before the grand jury on October 14th, and later that day the grand jury handed down a murder one indictment. If GA deviates at all from what he told the grand jury, he could be charged with perjury.
Okay, George, 7:30 breakfast, 1:00 to car. What went on for the 5+ hours in between? Maybe we'll hear that next year.

thanks Lex, does anyone think there something wrong with the picture, what happened to lunch? He recalls everything, feeds her breakfast but yet no mention of Caylee having lunch. He's sitting in front of the TV, kitchen is pretty close to have heard Casey making lunch for Caylee. I know when my kids were that age, if they ate at 7:30, even wtih a snack between, Caylee would have been hungry by noon. I can't see how he could miss seeing/hearing them at lunchtime given all that he recalls? does that strick anyone as odd?
do george and cindy believe the public is so stupid that between all the circus they've caused on tv and the release of docs that we wouldn't remember what they say? i mean no where in all this time has george EVER said the things he said today about waking up in the morning with caylee and having breakfast with her. not on tv, not to LE...
It's rather amazing to me that CA sat there during the ZG depo citing pages of her "homework" she'd done, yet they can go on these tv shows and change the story so many times expecting that nobody else can remember what's been said before. :waitasec: MOO
I hope the prosecution puts GA on the witness stand. He testified before the grand jury on October 14th, and later that day the grand jury handed down a murder one indictment. If GA deviates at all from what he told the grand jury, he could be charged with perjury.

ITA. I've been DYING to post all day but I was at work and can't do it from there. All I can say is WTF?!! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water there they are again! Is it just me or have they become so ridiculous in their blatant lies that they're laughingstocks? Since when did GA have breakfast with Caylee on June 16th? Where was that little factoid all this time? How dare CA take credit for the media reporting the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings and lay a guilt trip on top of it! And what the he!! was BC thinking when he went on GMA, blamed KC for the murder publicly, said there were co-conspirators, basically said her lawyer was an idiot and that she has to take the stand?! The guy finally sounds like he grew some ba!!s. Methinks he's about to pull a Nejame.
When I worked 3 to 11, I never got up at 7:30 to eat breakfast. By the time I got home and wound down enough to go to bed it was 1 or 2 am. GA's job history doesn't lead me to believe that GA is ambitious enough to get up that early either. He said himself he was sitting on the sofa at 1 pm watching a show that he always watches. JMO
You're so right ~ most people who work that shift aren't up so early in the morning unless they have to be. What's funny is that's always been something we've discussed here in that it was too unbelievable that both Casey & Caylee would be in the bedroom all morning until almost 1:00pm when they emerge and leave the house. Now he's suddenly got them up at 7:30am having breakfast. Well, what happened to the next 5-1/2 hours???
I have noticed from his first interview with LE. He is determined to lead everyone AWAY from the house.

You are correct. Everything the A's have offered has lead away from the house.
1. KC herself
2. The Pontiac
3. Caylee
4. There was absolutely no fight between KC and CA on the 15th at the house.
5. Zanny the Nanny

LE leads back to the house.
1. Dogs hit in the backyard.
2. Items siezed from inside home.
3. KC's clothing siezed.
4. Statements from family about the odor in the garage coming from the pontiac.
5. Neighbors hear arguing/fight night of 15th.
6. KC borrows shovel from neighbor.
Caylee's body is found and LE head immediately to Hopespring Dr. House is on Lockdown. A's can not enter.
7. Laundry bags siezed.
8. Trashbags siezed.
9. Vacume cleaners of every shape and size siezed.
10. Body is found "close to home".

The A's want everyone away from the house but seems like everything leads back to the house. I'm waiting for the results from the vacume cleaners....
Noonie just brought up a great point on another thread.

If GA was having breakfast with Caylee at 7:30 AM, then why didn't CA see them??????
ITA. I've been DYING to post all day but I was at work and can't do it from there. All I can say is WTF?!! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water there they are again! Is it just me or have they become so ridiculous in their blatant lies that they're laughingstocks? Since when did GA have breakfast with Caylee on June 16th? Where was that little factoid all this time? How dare CA take credit for the media reporting the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings and lay a guilt trip on top of it! And what the he!! was BC thinking when he went on GMA, blamed KC for the murder publicly, said there were co-conspirators, basically said her lawyer was an idiot and that she has to take the stand?! The guy finally sounds like he grew some ba!!s. Methinks he's about to pull a Nejame.
OMG ~ I hadn't gotten caught up with BC yet. :eek: Co-conspirators? Does he mean his clients? And he called JB an idiot???
Noonie just brought up a great point on another thread.

If GA was having breakfast with Caylee at 7:30 AM, then why didn't CA see them??????
When did she leave for work anyway? Good point though ~ she hasn't said anything about seeing either of them that day, right? I've also forgotten exactly where Casey's cell phone was that entire morning, but as I recall, couldn't she have been at or near home?
I went back and watched (turned volume off as my ears have been violated enough today) I can not say definitively that it was or was not eyeliner, although, I do agree it was a very dark line, but could be dark eyelashes.

My concern is CA and the total lack of support from her undergarmets. Target may be her favorite place to shop but does not neccessarily produce/provide the best quality bras for women her age that have gravity issues.

ROFL!!! Truth, I needed that...the only good laugh I've had all day.

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