2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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I find the entire subject of the episiotomy very odd - even GA elaborated on KC's procedure after Caylee was born ... in another LE interview where he comments about the nurse handing Caylee to CA first after the delivery. I had to chuckle because he uses the word "episiotomy" then he proceeds to describe the procedure to the investigators. I couldn't believe he was elaborating. If that were my DH, he would probably just say, "and while the nurses were attending to her after the delivery" ... he wouldn't give them a step-by-step walk thru of the procedure! LOL!

This is what happens when you go over and over and over your testimony with your attorney.
Still reading CA depos, and just read about the "yellow sticky post-it-note":waitasec::waitasec:

I have been reading everything here, since last November, and this is the first I have heard of this?

Can someone please clue me in, as this is the first I have ever heard of Cindy having info on ZFG???
I am not sure if this has been discussed or if I am not understanding this correctly, but on page 50-51 (i think) they ask her about Caylee's carseat and Cindy states that the carseat in her vehicle is the Eddie Bauer carseat and then she ask about the carseat in KC's car and she says shes not sure of the brand but it is black and white, wasnt the carseat that was turned over as evidence the Eddie Bauer carseat?
Here's a pic of Caylee in an Eddie Bauer car seat. Looks as if this was taken in either CA or GA's vehicle - the windows don't look like the ones that would be in a Sunfire.


IIRC, there's also a pic floating around somewhere that shows her car seat and/or Caylee in car seat in KC's car.
Thanks CuriousTwo. So why would the investigators and FBI be checking a carseat from from Cindy vehicle for trace evidence? Did they purposely give them the wrong carseat?
Thanks CuriousTwo. So why would the investigators and FBI be checking a carseat from from Cindy vehicle for trace evidence? Did they purposely give them the wrong carseat?

I don't think the car seat from KC's car was removed by the A's when they were cleaning it and removing the items after they picked it up from Johnson's Towing. I believe it was still in the car when LE took possession of it. Oops - I should clarify ... at least CA said that she left it in the car and just sprayed it with Febreze.

As with most everything I've read in these depos, I'm confused! :banghead:
She's in the background of this pic


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Did they ask Cindy if Casey had any maxed out credit cards? I bet she had a TON! But, I could be wrong.
The bottom of the Eddie Bauer is gray but the one in kc's car is black. Anyone else looking into this?
I have a family outing to attend to this weekend, but I wanted to stop by and ask a very quick question please?

I am completely unfamiliar with the standard operating procedure (I don't know another word to use for it sorry) in collecting specimens for forensic testing.

CA outlines in one portion of this depo that KC is the one that collected specimens from CA and the home that pertained to Caylee for testing (which I assume are for testing by the Defense team).

Is that standard for the not only a untrained civilian to collect specimens but the POI in the case?

Thank you in advance for explaining to me, I'll hang out a bit and see if I get a response in time before I have to sign off.....thank you!
Did Cindy just tell us in this depo that there was a BLANKET that they kept in the TRUNK of Casey's car? Funny because there was no blanket there when the police got the car and thsi is the first mention of a blanket that I ever heard coming from the trunk...:waitasec: 95 of 476...and how about that first aid kit? Where did THAT get off to???...

Could this be the OTHER blanket collected from the scene? or even that blanket that Dominic Casey finds in his little video?
Did Cindy just tell us in this depo that there was a BLANKET that they kept in the TRUNK of Casey's car? Funny because there was no blanket there when the police got the car and thsi is the first mention of a blanket that I ever heard coming from the trunk...:waitasec: 95 of 476...and how about that first aid kit? Where did THAT get off to???...

Could this be the OTHER blanket collected from the scene? or even that blanket that Dominic Casey finds in his little video?

She said that it was red plaid. I don't recall any other mention of a red plaid blanket anywhere.

I was wondering about those seat covers, also.

And, the tool that CA bought for both she and KC that's used to break a window if you're ever trapped in your car. Where's that?

She commented that she doesn't recall checking the "pockets" in the car doors to see if there were any items there when she was airing out the car.
She said that it was red plaid. I don't recall any other mention of a red plaid blanket anywhere.

I was wondering about those seat covers, also.

And, the tool that CA bought for both she and KC that's used to break a window if you're ever trapped in your car. Where's that?

She commented that she doesn't recall checking the "pockets" in the car doors to see if there were any items there when she was airing out the car.
I must have missed the red plaid part...does she specify that later?
CA Part 2 page 220 Line 23
re: the shed
Q: Okay. How did Casey break into that?
CA: I have no idea. My understanding is that, from what I heard after the fact, was that Tony broke
page 221 (continuing)
into it. He broke the lock.
Q; Using what?
CA: I have no idea.
Q: Okay.
CA: We do have some pavers next to-- little teeny, four-by-four-inch pavers and a few bricks that we--left over from when we did the front and the back, for our patio. We had some sitting beside the shed, so he could have used something like that. So there was something there that he could have grabbed, but I am not sure.

((bolded by me))
wonder why CA needed to say "little teeny"?
Anything to do with P.I. looking for certain pavers at remains site?
Oh but if they are the same...she covered that....TL had access to their pavers...
Rushing in here in between playing hostess for family/guests/company (living next to Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm etc means I get lots of UNannounced out of state company during this time of year- UGH)....I have a housefull today (and for the rest of next week) and it's not what I wanted to be doing but......

Last night I just couldn't go on reading Cindy's depo....just couldn't.
So I hope someone can help me out with something I read in the depo but didn't get far enough to see if the question in my mind was answered by Cindy's responses.

If I read correctly:
Cindy talks about Casey coming back to the house to get the Mama Doll and Teddy.

But then Cindy talks about sleeping with Teddy while missing Caylee.

When did Teddy get back into the house?

And if Teddy got back into the house, how come Mama Doll was found still in the car in the carseat?

Oh, I have a whole lot more questions about things in the depo that just didn't make sense.....lots of which you all have covered in this discussion quite
thoroughly I'm so appreciated of that!
But when things calm down around my house later tonight I'm going to give reading Cindy's depo another try.
I'm sure I'll have more questions that don't make sense.... a LOT More questions that don't make sense considering whos depo I'm reading. :)

Thanks to you all for breaking all this down for those of us who can't or won't be reading the full depo!
Rushing in here in between playing hostess for family/guests/company (living next to Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm etc means I get lots of UNannounced out of state company during this time of year- UGH)....I have a housefull today (and for the rest of next week) and it's not what I wanted to be doing but......

Last night I just couldn't go on reading Cindy's depo....just couldn't.
So I hope someone can help me out with something I read in the depo but didn't get far enough to see if the question in my mind was answered by Cindy's responses.

If I read correctly:
Cindy talks about Casey coming back to the house to get the Mama Doll and Teddy.

But then Cindy talks about sleeping with Teddy while missing Caylee.

When did Teddy get back into the house?

And if Teddy got back into the house, how come Mama Doll was found still in the car in the carseat?

Oh, I have a whole lot more questions about things in the depo that just didn't make sense.....lots of which you all have covered in this discussion quite
thoroughly I'm so appreciated of that!
But when things calm down around my house later tonight I'm going to give reading Cindy's depo another try.
I'm sure I'll have more questions that don't make sense.... a LOT More questions that don't make sense considering whos depo I'm reading. :)

Thanks to you all for breaking all this down for those of us who can't or won't be reading the full depo!

CA says that she doesn't know how the teddy bear made it's way back to the house- she wasn't sure if it was brought back with KC's things from Tony's or what.
p 110

I can't believe Cindy described Casey stealing/forging/cashing Lee's checks as an "isolated incident".

My bolding above.

No kidding!
I haven't been able to finish Cindy's Depo (out of state family and I'm jumping online whenever there is a lull in activity in the main part of the house) and I will try tonight to do so but what I've gathered:

For the longest time we were all lead to believe, or it was hinted to us that Casey never, Ever gave the family any reason concern themselves with her 'honesty', her inability to tell the truth.
According to all the previous docs released, Casey was what the A's considered model child.
We were lead to believe that Casey's trouble started when she started hanging around her new group of friends.

Now I see that the theft of money, blank checks, change, etc started in high school....in fact, if I read correctly, a couple instances started in 11th grade!!!

There were red flags way back then and nobody, not a single person did a thing!
To me, and I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist, but to me, if my teen was caught doing all the things Casey was caught doing during 11th and 12th grade, I would begin to really wonder what all Casey had done BEFORE 11th grade and just never got caught!

Also, we saw the vid of Casey going into B of A and calmly cashing a check. Going into Target and calmly writing a check....
well, no wonder she was so calm, she was a pro at this by now...she had been doing it for several years!

Sorry.....just had to get this out of my system...... at someone, somewhere, who would understand my total frustration at all this.
Nobody in the family room right now would have a clue if I vented all the above stuff about Casey at them. :)
CA says that she doesn't know how the teddy bear made it's way back to the house- she wasn't sure if it was brought back with KC's things from Tony's or what.

Thank youuuuu! I guess I either hadn't gotten that far in the depo or by the time I got that far, my eyes had started to glaze over and the info didn't register in my grey matter, which by that time had turned to mush.
(And I won't even go into my complaint about the tic I developed in my cheek bone area while reading that depo. *smile*)
Still reading CA depos, and just read about the "yellow sticky post-it-note":waitasec::waitasec:

I have been reading everything here, since last November, and this is the first I have heard of this?

Can someone please clue me in, as this is the first I have ever heard of Cindy having info on ZFG???

My brain is scrambled after reading these depos, but IIRC this post-it note with ZFG's phone and address info came out during her depo in the ZFG civil case. I am almost positive about that because I want to say Morgan jumped all over it.

I'm busy today, but if I get a chance I will try to search and find it.

eta: I do remember being stunned like you are right now. ;) lol

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