2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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Question for the legal experts...

Could KC be prosecuted for forging a signature on CA's checks since CA says that in 2007/2008 that KC "borrowed" some of her checks and used them even if CA doesn't want to prosecute? Since they went through a bank are there Federal laws that cover that or if someone uses a check "with permission", is it okay?
It has been a while since I had a child that was two, but I don't remember my children doing some of the things as early as CA says Caylee was. She was getting her own breakfast some mornings and matching her clothes. Did/Do your children do these things at the age of two?

Also, it bothers me that she said "It didn't last all of her twos, probably jut a few months." referring to the "terrible twos". Caylee didn't get a chance to even finish her terrible twos. Did this bother anyone else?

It seems as if CA tries to make Caylee sound more advanced than an average two year old...counting in Spanish, etc. I wonder if she makes everyone in that family feel like they are not living up to her expectations.

It's been some time since I've had a two-year-old in the house, but no way would they be getting their own breakfast, even if it was just a matter of putting dry cereal in a bowl and pouring milk on it. Nor did they match clothes. At age two there's no concept of matching clothing.

IMO, Cindy has an idealized concept of the way things should be - her own personal fantasy world. In reality, Caylee was probably a normal two-year-old. Cindy is prone to embellishment, and "mis-truths", and likely put her own spin on Caylee's accomplishments. I find it difficult to believe much, if anything, Cindy says.
KC has it covered- can't talk in Jail because of the videotapes, can't talk at home because they are bugged. How convenient for her!

Right--and here's the part I dont get: If you are innocent, why do you have anything to hide? Why would you be concerned that LE would overhear?
After reading all the depos, two things just blow me away:

1) Neither George, Cindy, or Lee say they tried to ask Casey much of anything about who took Caylee when she was home out of jail??? All that time and the one person who knows everything was treated with kid gloves. Apparently Casey's excuse was that everything was bugged and she couldn't talk?

2) They all feel that Caylee could still be alive. I don't know if this is just denial because of the pain; if so that's very very sad. It's just been so long. JMO but I think they need to at least come to terms with the fact that poor Caylee is with the angels.

Just ask yourself if they have been acting like grandparents who have a grandaughter out there with ,God only knows who.They just got back from a cruise! Have they taken the opportunity on ANY of the national news programs they were on to implore the public to continue looking for Caylee?
They know she's no longer alive,otherwise they would be frantically trying to find her ! :furious:
Does anyone know off hand who the people are that Casey told of the alleged sexual misconduct with Lee and/or George? Or can you give me a starting place to look for this information?

Cindy stated that she only knew of JG saying that Casey told him this. I am wondering if by any chance the other people that were told this are the same ones that Cindy, George and Lee are trying to throw under the bus. Could the family be placing blame on people that have said unkind things about them?
Does anyone know off hand who the people are that Casey told of the alleged sexual misconduct with Lee and/or George? Or can you give me a starting place to look for this information?

Cindy stated that she only knew of JG saying that Casey told him this. I am wondering if by any chance the other people that were told this are the same ones that Cindy, George and Lee are trying to throw under the bus. Could the family be placing blame on people that have said unkind things about them?

In addition to JG, she also told Tony L that Lee was guilty of it. I'm not quite so sure about the other names, so I'll leave it to others here who can be more certain.

BTW, that is a very interesting premise, you're working on.
Thank you Friday. I suppose that tomorrow I will go back and read the transcripts of interviews done of certain people to see if I can find my answer.

After reading all the depos, two things just blow me away:

2) They all feel that Caylee could still be alive. I don't know if this is just denial because of the pain; if so that's very very sad. It's just been so long. JMO but I think they need to at least come to terms with the fact that poor Caylee is with the angels.

I don't why they're saying this, but it is the single most bizzare, outlandish statement I've yet heard from three people who have left me totally aghast since July, 2008. Given their past behavior, I assume there's a scheme behind their sudden change of opinion, one that's intended to eventually assist either themselves or KC, but I'll have to wait and see how things evolve. So far, the only explanation I've come up with is that they don't want to wear their cremation jewelry anymore?
Thank you Friday. I suppose that tomorrow I will go back and read the transcripts of interviews done of certain people to see if I can find my answer.

It's really late now, but tomorrow, I imagine people will have answers for you.
Does anyone know off hand who the people are that Casey told of the alleged sexual misconduct with Lee and/or George? Or can you give me a starting place to look for this information?

Cindy stated that she only knew of JG saying that Casey told him this. I am wondering if by any chance the other people that were told this are the same ones that Cindy, George and Lee are trying to throw under the bus. Could the family be placing blame on people that have said unkind things about them?

Does anyone know off hand who the people are that Casey told of the alleged sexual misconduct with Lee and/or George? Or can you give me a starting place to look for this information?

Cindy stated that she only knew of JG saying that Casey told him this. I am wondering if by any chance the other people that were told this are the same ones that Cindy, George and Lee are trying to throw under the bus. Could the family be placing blame on people that have said unkind things about them?

kc told TL and one of TL's roommates about the abuse. I can't remember if it was Nate, Clint H or there was one more guy that lived with TL for short term.
I've often wondered just who decided on the June 9 date in the original reports. Although KC says 31 days, she dates her missing persons report on June 9. Did CA plant that suggestion in her head because she thought that was the Father's Day date originally? If so, both GA and KC used the date without bothering to figure out if it could even be accurate. Perhaps that's why CA is so defensive - she was the one to pinpoint the day as June 9 when LE arrived and everyone else just went along with it, which just shows they will all corroborate the first person who thinks up a story.

I wonder if any of these people thought to consult a CALENDAR? I mean, geez! come on! I know if my grandchild, who lived with me, came up missing, I would know the date, it would be engrained in my heart as surely as a hot brand leaves its mark...Are they kidding? They have been in coverup mode ever since the police arrived on the scene and trying to muddy the waters any way that they could on any ocassion that arose...Seriously, geez!!! Look at a calendar A family!!!
Does anyone know off hand who the people are that Casey told of the alleged sexual misconduct with Lee and/or George? Or can you give me a starting place to look for this information?

Cindy stated that she only knew of JG saying that Casey told him this. I am wondering if by any chance the other people that were told this are the same ones that Cindy, George and Lee are trying to throw under the bus. Could the family be placing blame on people that have said unkind things about them?

Ah, this is how rumors get started. ;)
She had mentioned that GA had abused her. She did not state sexual abuse.
Knowing KC, she could think that her dad grilling her for the truth when she got caught in a lie was "abuse".
Ah, this is how rumors get started. ;)
She had mentioned that GA had abused her. She did not state sexual abuse.
Knowing KC, she could think that her dad grilling her for the truth when she got caught in a lie was "abuse".
Yeah...it was only Lee she accused of trying to grope her! And yet he still defends her? Hmmm...:waitasec:
Does anyone know off hand who the people are that Casey told of the alleged sexual misconduct with Lee and/or George? Or can you give me a starting place to look for this information?

Cindy stated that she only knew of JG saying that Casey told him this. I am wondering if by any chance the other people that were told this are the same ones that Cindy, George and Lee are trying to throw under the bus. Could the family be placing blame on people that have said unkind things about them?

I've read the other answers and agree that KC mentioned sexual advances (by her father or Lee?) to JG. JG said he didn't ask many questions because the topic was too uncomfortable for him.

TL said that KC had talked to him about this subject also. I don't recall the friends mentioning the subject.

For some reason this topic is very taboo around here. LE tested Lee for paternity of Caylee and outruled him as the sperm donor. I would have liked, in the interest of being thorough, to see another test performed on another male family member but that's just my suspicious mind working overtime. KC also has several male cousins.

The over the top family dynamics, jealousy surrounding Caylee, ownership issues surrounding Caylee, multiple changing stories about who Caylee's bio was, the denial and weirdness of CA hiding KC's pregnancy for so long even though she was carrying a baby that was obvious to other people, the fact that GA says he was soooo happy to be a Grandpa but moved out right after he became one - all these factors keep me wondering :waitasec: and wanting the true answer as to who the real bio was. Incest can really mess a girl up. Ironically, there is a famous person talking about this very subject in the news currently.

Finally, KC tried to pass Jesse off as Caylee's bio. That is a dishonest act that has only brought JG pain in the long run. I can't blame JG for being angry for being targeted by the A family - they have some nerve.
Ah, this is how rumors get started. ;)
She had mentioned that GA had abused her. She did not state sexual abuse.
Knowing KC, she could think that her dad grilling her for the truth when she got caught in a lie was "abuse".

I was not positive about the George abuse which is why I put and/or in my question. I do know that Cindy was asked specifically about the Lee aspect. I was simply trying to figure out who else may have heard this information from Casey and if those people were some of the same ones that the family was trying to place blame on.

This seems to be a recurring theme with the family (especially Cindy). Anyone who does anything against the family gets the blame placed on them. When Amy did everything in her power to help Cindy find Casey one would think that Cindy would be thankful. Instead when Amy tries to make Casey accountable for her actions (forged checks) Cindy then tries to lay the blame on Amy.
We have to remember this is KC speaking. There is nothing, nothing that she says that is correct, lies, lies and more lies. Maybe she makes statements like this to put people on the defensive so they don't go to her family and ask too many questions. Look at what CA said to Jesse about KC never amounting to anything. There are some serious problems in that household and KC is a by-product of her environment.
I hope I'm posting in the right place for this. If not I apologize in advance.
Something is wrong with my puter so am unable to open docs for myself anymore and I don't know how to fix it.

IIRC didn't CA say something about having the nanny's phone # and giving it to a LEO?
If so then I am wondering why she didn't call the nanny herself and talk to Caylee when she was trying to get KC to let her talk to or see Caylee and KC's making up all those lies. I think CA is telling a whopper herself (no surprise) when she says that. I hope that comes back to bite her in the caboose. MOO.
Please tell me if I'm off my rocker here.
I hope I'm posting in the right place for this. If not I apologize in advance.
Something is wrong with my puter so am unable to open docs for myself anymore and I don't know how to fix it.

IIRC didn't CA say something about having the nanny's phone # and giving it to a LEO?
If so then I am wondering why she didn't call the nanny herself and talk to Caylee when she was trying to get KC to let her talk to or see Caylee and KC's making up all those lies. I think CA is telling a whopper herself (no surprise) when she says that. I hope that comes back to bite her in the caboose. MOO.
Please tell me if I'm off my rocker here.

I thought she just had an "address" on a sticky note in her address book and gave it to the black officer. But the same question applies.......why not just get in the car and go see for yourself. She's so transparent with her lies - she must be thinking only imbeciles will be jurors in this case.

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