2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Pg 481 (part II) Cindy finally admits they received money for Caylee's picture(s):

Q Did you get money for selling any pictures of Caylee?

A I did not receive any money until last Friday, I received a check for the first time.

Q From whom?

A From 48 Hours, CBS

Q For what?

A For $10,000

Q Which?

A I'm not getting that much, 3,000 goes to Brad and then I have to pay taxes on it. So roughly, $5,000 for some pictures and video.

Q That was provided to them a while back?

A No. It was just recently provided...

Q Oh, recently.

A ...to them


Cindy, that's blood money!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furious:
Are the batphones really untraceable? I think the fact that the family felt the need to use something like this means they have something to hide?

What kind of phone calls would they be making that they don't want LE to know about?

It's not that they are "untraceable", it's that since they are prepay and disposable you can't pull records based on a name or account. So if the A's only called the other Batphones with them, then LE would have had no way of knowing those phones and phone numbers were theirs. However she gave up one of the numbers in the depo (assuming that was truthful). LE can probably easily get the records for that phone,a nd from it trach down the numbers and records of the others.
Does anyone know why Baez kept trying to stop Cindy from answering questions of LDB at p 498 on the pdf doc? I could not tell if it was about recognition of signatures, or attesting to photos or what was written on the documents?

I still do not know Beaz was even there, he does not represent them.?
I found it quite telling that when they start to question her about who baby sat for Caylee she quickly starts telling them names, and adds after a couple of names that she did not have phone numbers to reach them- warming them up to the idea that when they ask her about Zanny, it will sound perfectly normal that she doesn't know how to reach her by phone.
Later in the interview she claims that she had Zanny's phone number on a sticky attached to her phone book and she handed it to 'the black gentlemen' -one of the officers who were in the home on the first evening... yet she did not try to call her before handing it over?

I heard her say in one of the taped interviews she knew how to get in touch with all the babysitters.
Does anyone know why Baez kept trying to stop Cindy from answering questions of LDB at p 498 on the pdf doc? I could not tell if it was about recognition of signatures, or attesting to photos or what was written on the documents?

I still do not know Beaz was even there, he does not represent them.?

I caught that, he flat out told her to "zip it"
The following dialogue was around page 264 (page 83 in the pdf of Cindy's second part). I just wanted to say that I think the first bolded statement, "Have you, in fact, learned that everything she told you was false, a lie?" is kind of unfair and unprofessional. Sounds like the kind of thing you see on TV dramas -- dramatic sweeping statements akin to, "So EVERYTHING was a LIE?!!?1!?" I say good for Cindy for being precise answering correctly, with, "No," and "I was answering you as honestly as I could with your broad statement." If she'd said yes, then she'd be saying that if Casey said "Hi Mom, it's Casey," she was lying.

Q All right. We just finished discussing the time line that Casey had given you as to her whereabouts from June 16th through at least July 14th of 2008.
A [Nods head affirmatively]
Q Is there anything about what she told you that you have learned was true?
A I'm not sure any of it.
Q Okay.
A I'm not sure.
Q Have you, in fact, learned that everything she told you was false, a lie?
A I'm not sure everything she told me during that time was a lie. But her whereabouts was a lie.
Q All right. A lot of the discussion that you had with her during that time frame was where she was?
... <dialogue on the order of, 'Was she here?' 'No.' 'How about here?' 'No.' etc.> ...
Q All right. Rather than me going back through all of what we've discussed probably for an hour, is there something that you told me that you can point to now as you definitely knowing was true?
A No. But your statement was, when I answered it, was everything that Casey told me and you were not specific about her whereabouts. So she told me she loved me. She told me things like that. So I can't say no. I mean --
Q Okay.
A -- I can't say that. So I was answering you as honestly as I could with your broad statement.
Q All right.
A So --
Q Regarding her whereabouts.
A I -- that again; correct. That's what I said, that her whereabouts was the one thing that I said it was not true.
Q And that would also be accurate as it relates to Caylee's whereabouts during that time frame?
A Correct.
Q Okay. Do you also believe that she lied about who she was with during that time frame?
A More than likely, yes.

Also, maybe this is old news, but it seems to me that the 'out' for Casey that Cindy wants to maintain is that someone else was in possession of the Pontiac. There was a lot of talk about who had keys. Also, IMHO, Cindy isn't consciously trying to collude or lie or cover up anything. I think it's just gotta be incredibly difficult, psychologically, to even acknowledge the possibility that your kid was responsible, in any capacity, for the death of your grandkid.
I love that CA says KC was "The Employee of the YEar" at the Kodak stand in Universal - even though she only worked there 6 months! pffffffhahahahahahahha

MAN KC had her mother played! First the half a credit shy or quarter credit shy of graduation credits needed and then Employee of the Year at a photo booth.

Don't hate the player hate the game folks.

KC knew what to say to mom to get her to shut it.
On Part II of Cindy's transcript at page 318 it appears there are missing pages from teh WFTV site. Were those pages not provided to the public or did WFTV leave them out? The transcript just kind of stops mid sentence while they are squabbling over something on a piece of paper. Are these posted anywhere else where the pages after that might be listed?

Did Muzikman get these as well? Does he know if it just cuts off there?
About Cindy's Google searches:
This woman was an educated nurse and she wants us to believe that she had to "look up" peroxide, chlorophyll, and other common substances. Makes no sense to me.
I think she was well prepared for this depo, trying to squeeze some truth from her is like trying to wring out a rock.
Just started reading CA's depo. paraphrasing

CA didn't discipline her children because they didn't need it. Did not ground or spank.

Did not think KC needed to see a psychiatrist but thought LA might have. So CA saw no problem with KC lying or stealing. What did LA do that warranted psychiatric help?

Ahhh.... I can think of one thing that KC brought up. :innocent:
You know I try not to prejudge anyone, or leap to too many conclusions. But the whole "I gave it to the black officer" with the implication that the black guy must have lost it, and "oh the black guy from the picture is in jail for manslaughter" lines of answering is sorta raising my hackles.

I apologize I am stillr eading and did not catch up on this thread but is CA trying to say the "black guy" from the photo at fusion and others at fusion had empty apartments at Sawgrass? Was this ever confirmed? Or is CA just trying to say that these people my have taken Caylee?

I think JB and CA took all of the evidence against Casey and sat that read each one by one and came up with a lie and story that wold fit in order to shed doubt.
Does anyone know why Baez kept trying to stop Cindy from answering questions of LDB at p 498 on the pdf doc? I could not tell if it was about recognition of signatures, or attesting to photos or what was written on the documents?

I still do not know Beaz was even there, he does not represent them.?

They are being deposed as witnesses in KC's murder trial. So the defense attorney can sit in, although he is not supposed to be saying anything or in any way influencing the witness. For depositions there are typically three parties represented, the plaintiff or state, the defendent and the witnesses council.
I apologize I am stillr eading and did not catch up on this thread but is CA trying to say the "black guy" from the photo at fusion and others at fusion had empty apartments at Sawgrass? Was this ever confirmed? Or is CA just trying to say that these people my have taken Caylee?
I think JB and CA took all of the evidence against Casey and sat that read each one by one and came up with a lie and story that wold fit in order to shed doubt.

-- emphasis mine

CA confirmed that she instructed DC to check-out the guys in the Fusion pic. He reported back that they were 'affiliated' with 'Society Entertainment'. He followed up and reported that 'Society Entertainment' has a corporate acct. at Sawgrass leasing 2-3 apartments. I haven't seen any further confirmation.

The thing I found so hilarious is when LDB asked CA whether she asked Casey about them when she was out on bond:

LDB: Did you ask her about those people?

CA: Actually, no.

LDB: Why not?

CA: I didn't.

LDB: Okay.

WHAT?!? Let me get this straight.. :waitasec: ...you'll hire a private investigator to find out who these people are in the Fusion photos, but you won't ask your daughter who these people are she is sitting next to in the pic??? :banghead:
I heard her say in one of the taped interviews she knew how to get in touch with all the babysitters.

Thats right, all she had to do was dial KC's #, she was the babysitter
You know it really chaps my *advertiser censored** that media outlets put words into peeps mouth's. Perfect example is they made up this eulogy, packaging it that it was from CA about her slain gd. God, when the media just blatantly lies and misleads the public, it has devastating effects. I mean, maybe if they were doing more - maybe if LE were doing more and looking at the people the A's have told them to look at; the things KC has told LE to look at, then maybe they would actually find Caylee.

Sorry, just had to rant.
On Part II of Cindy's transcript at page 318 it appears there are missing pages from teh WFTV site. Were those pages not provided to the public or did WFTV leave them out? The transcript just kind of stops mid sentence while they are squabbling over something on a piece of paper. Are these posted anywhere else where the pages after that might be listed?

Did Muzikman get these as well? Does he know if it just cuts off there?

I was wondering the same thing! It seems to cut off then the exhibits start! Anyone know where we can find the conclusion of this interview?
On Part II of Cindy's transcript at page 318 it appears there are missing pages from teh WFTV site. Were those pages not provided to the public or did WFTV leave them out? The transcript just kind of stops mid sentence while they are squabbling over something on a piece of paper. Are these posted anywhere else where the pages after that might be listed?

Did Muzikman get these as well? Does he know if it just cuts off there?

Quoting my own post b/c I just got this response from WFTV:

1st response: We were not given them in our stack of docs yesterday. Kathi Belich is trying to find out if there is a reason and go from there. Of course, if/when we get them we'll post them.

2nd response: Latest word from Kathi is she got the extra pages -- not sure why they weren't given to us yesterday. Unfortunately, we won't get our hands on them in the WEB department till maybe 6:30p. Assuming we're still staffed for that task, we'll be adding them to Cindy Part 2 at that time.

3rd response: Just cross your fingers for tonight :) I think we'll find a way to get it done.
Is there anyone here that's good with photo enhancement. I am trying to get a better picture of Exhibit 22. These are the lists that they were squabbling about and Jose told her to "zip it". Can't make out anything that's written on the right side.
Are the batphones really untraceable? I think the fact that the family felt the need to use something like this means they have something to hide?

What kind of phone calls would they be making that they don't want LE to know about?

Oh something like - go a few feet fromt he house and look for a bag I threw in the woods then burn it and get rid of it.

then later..

It wasn't there! Where is it?!!!


It is a big waste giving you people instructions a huge waste. IMO
Also, maybe this is old news, but it seems to me that the 'out' for Casey that Cindy wants to maintain is that someone else was in possession of the Pontiac. There was a lot of talk about who had keys. Also, IMHO, Cindy isn't consciously trying to collude or lie or cover up anything. I think it's just gotta be incredibly difficult, psychologically, to even acknowledge the possibility that your kid was responsible, in any capacity, for the death of your grandkid.

I think your above excuse may have been acceptable on July 15th 2008 and maybe even a few months after that, but NOW after everything that Cindy has said on tv in print in court..NOW after Caylee was found the way she was, after her daughter's lies have been proven over and over and over..well NOW that excuse will no longer fly or stick to any wall, even if the wall is made of gum - and this late in the game it can even be laughable. There is denial and then there is FLAT OUT not wanting to be wrong.

Cindy and company may indeed believe privately that their daughter is responsible for Caylee's death but their pride will NEVER let them reveal that to anyone. Her children are perfect as she is herself.

PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT attacking you or making this a personal attack - I understand you, but I think TODAY the above is just not possible.

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