2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
according to every site I've found, including this link from Time magazine, chlorophyll is often given to dogs. In fact, many vets will prescribe it for dogs.


specifically, this article states that a dog would have to eat six times as much (relatively speaking) than a human for the chlorophyll to even helpfully take effect:)

Those Yorkies must have really been wolfin' down some bamboo.

Also, I'd like to know how Cindy ended up finding ANY information about Chlorofil [sic] making dogs sick when she misspelled it.

Every article I've found said chlorophyll tablets will just help your pets digestive system, making them..er..smell better:)

Maybe its because my dog eats everything and anything and then decides if its edible. His stomach must be lined with iron! I can't imagine being so concerned about him eating any greenery in our yard though. Maybe if I thought it was a plant that was toxic to dogs but, then why would I keep plants in my yard that would hurt my dog if he ate them!?

But she says she's not worried about toxins, she's worried about the chlorophyll! huh?

That is science 101. Do nurses take science classes? Chlorophyll is the green stuff in plants that helps to produce energy for them. All animals that eat green leafy vegetables eat chlorophyll! Wikipedia even states that chlorophyll is a food coloring. Yep, I googled chlorophyll, and it didn't ask me if I meant chloroform.

The whole premise of what she's saying makes not a bit of sense.
I read about 3 pages of Cindy's depo and then have to take a break by playing spider solitaire...then read some more...

And what a coincidence that her phone just happened to go kerplunk just before this depo leaving her so little time to prepare and unable to provide phone numbers.

Sorry if off topic...but Mallory is such an integral part of this family, so where are interviews, etc. with her? Have I missed them? That girl should have run as fast as she could from this family. moo
The top picture in that exhibit (the on that you extracted panama) is identified as one of the pictures that was sealed. (page 497 lines 24-25 and 498 line 1)

Baez is about to jump out of his seat. Did Baez tell CA or Conway to "Zip it"?

Dang I wish I could read what was on it!

I read it as Baez telling CA to zip it...

I read a Twitter post from 3 hours ago about "100 missing pages" from Pt II of Cindy's deposition. Not sure if anyone has seen these but there is info here I have not read commented upon. FWIW.

On page 321, Baez becomes really upset when LDB is asking Cindy about what items Casey gave to Baez (i.e., photos, videos, etc.) JB is saying this info is "sealed" and he doesn't want it "on the record." Also, Cindy is questioned about the duct tape and she admits to it being in the garage and shed, and having been used at the command post. One thing that might be very significant is, while Cindy denies she has/had any canvas laundry bags, she talks about a tablecloth and rug that she uses when she cuts Lee's hair. These items are stored in the garage laundry area. I am wondering if any of the "fringe hair" discovered at the crime scene may have come from this tablecloth or rug. I don't recall seeing this portion of Cindy's depo being discussed previously. If so just disregard. I am on information overload!

I am only on pg. 200, but with regards to the canvas laundry bags, I thought LE took a Whitney canvas laundry bag from the Anthony's garage, that was the same as found with the remains, only a different shape, and one of the Big question, is whether they were sold as a pair?

Can anyone else shed some light on this?

maybe the computer forensics will show the searching on google at the home computer
will be at the same time that CA was at work........

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

< THUD >
What all has been sealed in this case? Can someone give me a link to a post or list?

The huge discussion is about something that has been sealed, it directly follows an objection by Baez as to the line of questioning in which the SA asks CA did she ever see KC removing any photos, videos or images of Caylee..(Photographs)

Baez objects and there are pages of discussion between lawyers.

I think The SA was asking CA what she OBSERVED KC putting into her back pack before she went to JB's office. That is when the discussion started. CA tried to answer and JB told her to 'zip it' (surprised he didn't say 'zip it rosebud'). There has been huge speculation about KC bringing pictures/videos to JB's office in order to 'sell' them to pay for her defense. There was an 'in camera' session with the Judge when the SA demanded to know where the funds were coming from. Judge was satisfied with the answers he got in camera. SO............I think Cindy was going to say she saw KC putting photos, etc. in her backpack. JB most definitely does not want it to get out that KC was 'selling' Caylee to pay for her defense. As mad people are about CA and GA making money like this - can you imagine how it would go for the defense if they knew that not only was this how KC was paying JB, but that JB was the front man for it!!!!!! I really think this is what the discussion was about. If you remember the Sa kept saying I KNOW the answer to this, she just wanted to try and get it on record. I don't think it was any physical evidence, I think it was pictures, videos, etc. IMVHO KC was bringing these things to JB who then turned around and negotiated with 'someone' for $$ for the pictures.

I am pretty confident in my 'theory' but I would love to hear what everyone else thinks!
I am way behind and just starting Cindy's depo,but I see that both CA and GA told the SA that there were several photography schools that wanted KC.I'm wondering if that was in the form of those "advertising" letters colleges send all seniors or did she apply and they really wanted her,as in scholarships? I think it would be interesting to find that out ,because it goes to the heart of how this family mangles facts,if indeed it was just those "hey,consider applying with us" letters.My daughter won an art contest and had a large mural placed at the airport.Art was a hobby,not her career pursuit,but she got a lot of ad letters from art collages.
I also love all the 'splainin they do upfront with CA.
Gas and cans being stolen by your daughter: $50
Fake deposit slip from your lying, stealing daughter: $4400
Getting to be a fly on the wall during this exchange so you could see Ashton's face when Miss Linda replied:



I can't believe the transcript didn't read...

Whereupon Mr. Ashton left the room.
according to every site I've found, including this link from Time magazine, chlorophyll is often given to dogs. In fact, many vets will prescribe it for dogs.


specifically, this article states that a dog would have to eat six times as much (relatively speaking) than a human for the chlorophyll to even helpfully take effect:)

Those Yorkies must have really been wolfin' down some bamboo.

Also, I'd like to know how Cindy ended up finding ANY information about Chlorofil [sic] making dogs sick when she misspelled it.

Every article I've found said chlorophyll tablets will just help your pets digestive system, making them..er..smell better:)
I give my dog "Greenies"...chlorophyll dog bones.
I think The SA was asking CA what she OBSERVED KC putting into her back pack before she went to JB's office. That is when the discussion started. CA tried to answer and JB told her to 'zip it' (surprised he didn't say 'zip it rosebud'). There has been huge speculation about KC bringing pictures/videos to JB's office in order to 'sell' them to pay for her defense. There was an 'in camera' session with the Judge when the SA demanded to know where the funds were coming from. Judge was satisfied with the answers he got in camera. SO............I think Cindy was going to say she saw KC putting photos, etc. in her backpack. JB most definitely does not want it to get out that KC was 'selling' Caylee to pay for her defense. As mad people are about CA and GA making money like this - can you imagine how it would go for the defense if they knew that not only was this how KC was paying JB, but that JB was the front man for it!!!!!! I really think this is what the discussion was about. If you remember the Sa kept saying I KNOW the answer to this, she just wanted to try and get it on record. I don't think it was any physical evidence, I think it was pictures, videos, etc. IMVHO KC was bringing these things to JB who then turned around and negotiated with 'someone' for $$ for the pictures.

I am pretty confident in my 'theory' but I would love to hear what everyone else thinks!

Thank you Macushla. IMO this whole line of questioning deserves it's own thread to see if we can figure out what they are referring to as being sealed... I am going to start a thread and take your post over there, if that's OK.

I separated out just the 21 pages where they are talking about this for easy sleuthing.

I am only on pg. 200, but with regards to the canvas laundry bags, I thought LE took a Whitney canvas laundry bag from the Anthony's garage, that was the same as found with the remains, only a different shape, and one of the Big question, is whether they were sold as a pair?

Can anyone else shed some light on this?


Not sure about them being sold as a pair but I do recall they were both the same brand, Whitney, IIRC. And the same material, just different shapes, one being round (which is the one Caylee's body was found in, had previously been in Caylee's room holding all the balls) and one being rectangular, which was in the garage with all the other laundry stuff.
I think The SA was asking CA what she OBSERVED KC putting into her back pack before she went to JB's office. That is when the discussion started. CA tried to answer and JB told her to 'zip it' (surprised he didn't say 'zip it rosebud'). There has been huge speculation about KC bringing pictures/videos to JB's office in order to 'sell' them to pay for her defense. There was an 'in camera' session with the Judge when the SA demanded to know where the funds were coming from. Judge was satisfied with the answers he got in camera. SO............I think Cindy was going to say she saw KC putting photos, etc. in her backpack. JB most definitely does not want it to get out that KC was 'selling' Caylee to pay for her defense. As mad people are about CA and GA making money like this - can you imagine how it would go for the defense if they knew that not only was this how KC was paying JB, but that JB was the front man for it!!!!!! I really think this is what the discussion was about. If you remember the Sa kept saying I KNOW the answer to this, she just wanted to try and get it on record. I don't think it was any physical evidence, I think it was pictures, videos, etc. IMVHO KC was bringing these things to JB who then turned around and negotiated with 'someone' for $$ for the pictures.

I am pretty confident in my 'theory' but I would love to hear what everyone else thinks!

This is my understanding as well.
I think The SA was asking CA what she OBSERVED KC putting into her back pack before she went to JB's office. That is when the discussion started. CA tried to answer and JB told her to 'zip it' (surprised he didn't say 'zip it rosebud'). There has been huge speculation about KC bringing pictures/videos to JB's office in order to 'sell' them to pay for her defense. There was an 'in camera' session with the Judge when the SA demanded to know where the funds were coming from. Judge was satisfied with the answers he got in camera. SO............I think Cindy was going to say she saw KC putting photos, etc. in her backpack. JB most definitely does not want it to get out that KC was 'selling' Caylee to pay for her defense. As mad people are about CA and GA making money like this - can you imagine how it would go for the defense if they knew that not only was this how KC was paying JB, but that JB was the front man for it!!!!!! I really think this is what the discussion was about. If you remember the Sa kept saying I KNOW the answer to this, she just wanted to try and get it on record. I don't think it was any physical evidence, I think it was pictures, videos, etc. IMVHO KC was bringing these things to JB who then turned around and negotiated with 'someone' for $$ for the pictures.

I am pretty confident in my 'theory' but I would love to hear what everyone else thinks!

I agree. I think you hit it spot on.
I hope I don't offend anyone, but Caylee seemed to have had a lot of different baby sitters for someone so young...and at least two of them were men that Cindy said she didn't know very well (at least, from what I gathered). That kind of shocked me. I wonder how well Casey knew them. I don't have a child, so I can't gauge from experience, but I can count on one hand (and not even get to five) the number of people (outside of immediate family) who have watched my nieces and nephews. I certainly don't mean to offend anyone, I was just curious as to how common this is. I can understand this if Caylee were older, but how many baby sitters can you need in almost three years when you don't have a job most of this time? Especially when you are lucky enough to have family living with you to help you out...

Cindy, Lauren, Kristina, Holly, Jesse, Richard, Lee, Lee's friend Justin, Adam...oh, and of course, the elusive Zanny :rolleyes:

And about Kristina babysitting Caylee because their kids had playdates...I wonder if Casey every reciprocated the babysitting. :rolleyes:

That was weird to me, too, that two young men had possibly been watching Caylee. Don't mean to offend my masculine counterparts here, but it's not something I would have done with my young daughter.
And to be quite honest, I don't know of too many young men that desire to babysit a "hot" girl's kid, just they want the hot girl. (yes, even if they were just friends, see: When Harry met Sally ) :)

ETA: I am not including JG in the two above, I mean Justin and Adam.
I think The SA was asking CA what she OBSERVED KC putting into her back pack before she went to JB's office. That is when the discussion started. CA tried to answer and JB told her to 'zip it' (surprised he didn't say 'zip it rosebud'). There has been huge speculation about KC bringing pictures/videos to JB's office in order to 'sell' them to pay for her defense. There was an 'in camera' session with the Judge when the SA demanded to know where the funds were coming from. Judge was satisfied with the answers he got in camera. SO............I think Cindy was going to say she saw KC putting photos, etc. in her backpack. JB most definitely does not want it to get out that KC was 'selling' Caylee to pay for her defense. As mad people are about CA and GA making money like this - can you imagine how it would go for the defense if they knew that not only was this how KC was paying JB, but that JB was the front man for it!!!!!! I really think this is what the discussion was about. If you remember the Sa kept saying I KNOW the answer to this, she just wanted to try and get it on record. I don't think it was any physical evidence, I think it was pictures, videos, etc. IMVHO KC was bringing these things to JB who then turned around and negotiated with 'someone' for $$ for the pictures.

I am pretty confident in my 'theory' but I would love to hear what everyone else thinks!

Excellent theory that makes perfect sense to me. That would explain a great deal. I clearly recall that day in the courtroom when they had the 'in camera' and both LDB & Ashton were both strenuous in their efforts to get something on record then, too. We speculated a great deal about that. This makes sense.

Could this also tie in to the part in George's depo when he is asked if there was a communication JB showed George from KC that George wasn't allowed to keep? Might it have been a contract of some sort in relation to the pictures?

I'll go look for the pages to cite.
Not sure about them being sold as a pair but I do recall they were both the same brand, Whitney, IIRC. And the same material, just different shapes, one being round (which is the one Caylee's body was found in, had previously been in Caylee's room holding all the balls) and one being rectangular, which was in the garage with all the other laundry stuff.

Thanks LC, Can you direct me to the page where Cindy says she never bought a canvas laundry bag?
Okay, this is what I've been able to read from Exhibit 22 using PhotoShop CS4:

Right upper corner:

Pillow saliva
chewing gum

From top left:

Mom & Baby
unknown (starts with a C)
unknown (starts with an s) then in paratheses (unknown appears to start with a w then I believe it says "cloth" "band" unknown appears to start with s)

sterile swab
(register envelope)
scotch tape
(unkown, but two words)
Okay, this is what I've been able to read from Exhibit 22 using PhotoShop CS4:

Right upper corner:

Pillow saliva
chewing gum

From top left:

Mom & Baby
unknown (starts with a C)
unknown (starts with an s) then in paratheses (unknown appears to start with a w then I believe it says "cloth" "band" unknown appears to start with s)

sterile swab
(register envelope)
scotch tape
(unkown, but two words)

Thanks Valhall! I am going to go to the Clerk's office next week to see if a better copy of these exhibits can be had.

I just started a thread for this particular discussion of the sealed items.
I am way behind and just starting Cindy's depo,but I see that both CA and GA told the SA that there were several photography schools that wanted KC.I'm wondering if that was in the form of those "advertising" letters colleges send all seniors or did she apply and they really wanted her,as in scholarships? I think it would be interesting to find that out ,because it goes to the heart of how this family mangles facts,if indeed it was just those "hey,consider applying with us" letters.My daughter won an art contest and had a large mural placed at the airport.Art was a hobby,not her career pursuit,but she got a lot of ad letters from art collages.
I also love all the 'splainin they do upfront with CA.

Do colleges actually solicit someone who doesn't even have a HS Diploma? I don't mean advertising junk mail, btw.
Do colleges actually solicit someone who doesn't even have a HS Diploma? I don't mean advertising junk mail, btw.

I worked in a 4-year college admissions office - we never recruited anyone who hadn't taken the SAT or ACT. I don't even think a trade school will take you without a HS diploma or GED. One exception - a community college might offer a course for students to get a GED, but CA was indicating that these were highly rated colleges.

I'm pretty sure that these colleges who wanted KC (if there were really any offers - CA and KC both make up some stuff, ya' know :angel:) were just sending out junk mail - lots of them send mass e-mails, too.


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