2009.10.26 - Nancy Grace

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When I listen to the 911 call made by Misty on the night Haleigh disappeared and compare that to the 911 call Misty made when she was robbed I can notice a big difference in her. IMO the calls are very telling.
. I totally agree! Very very telling!
If she was abducted from her bed by an unknown perp, how would the family know if she is dead or alive, any more than TM or Cobra do?

I don't really expect LE to come out and say that they believe a missing person is dead unless there is some proof that strongly points to murder, such as a murder scene. If they are just guessing based on probabilities I think they're usually vague about it and let the relatives hold on to hope.

ITA Donjeta..In the Anthony case, they had decomp :( and Cindy's 'smells like a dead body' 911 call, etc. I really don't think they have any evidence that HaLeigh is deceased, ('missing' with no signs of forced entry apparently) nor do they have evidence that she's alive. So really, what are they going to say?That doesn't mean that they don't have evidence that someone's not telling the truth that leads them to belive that she's not and as time goes by, well...sadly it's not looking too good, but until they have something concrete, I don't believe that they will ever state that they believe that she's not alive, even if they firmly believe it... jmo tho
Just curious.. But I thought TM and TES 's mission statement is to bring home the missing, whether alive or deceased .. And certainly, the hope would be all would be alive. At any rate, why would TM just totally stop all searches ? I don't get it... I know the majority of TES manpower may have to move on to other cases understandably, but why abandon any and all search efforts for Haleigh ? He was still searching for natalie holloway 3 or more years after she vanished on a tiny island that prolly had every grain of sand searched and it was pretty obvious NH was dead and not able to be found. I'm just venting I guess... Just because little Haleigh might not be found alive doesn't mean her remains shouldn't be found and given a proper resting place. I think we've all pretty much felt little haleigh wasn't alive from the beginning, so that's no surprise now, I just thought TES would not just declare her dead and that's that... end of any searches period. And I hope we're ALL wrong and she's alive ...

It's just my opinion, but I think after spending time with Ron, he knows much more than we do and whatever it is that he knows tells him that she's not alive and maybe even that she won't be found. The thought of that breaks my heart :(
TM, bless you. You've done what you could.
NG just apologized to Crystal Sheffield for saying that MC was a druggie!!!

I must have missed this, was there anything else said about CS? It has been a while since I have heard her name even mentioned.

I am also of the opinion there is always hope, however slim, The Jaycee Dugard outcome proves this.

Oops - catching the CS comment now, sorry
Maybe this announcement is an effort by TM to increase the pressure on those that may have information about HC.
If she was abducted from her bed by an unknown perp, how would the family know if she is dead or alive, any more than TM or Cobra do?

I don't really expect LE to come out and say that they believe a missing person is dead unless there is some proof that strongly points to murder, such as a murder scene. If they are just guessing based on probabilities I think they're usually vague about it and let the relatives hold on to hope.

No one knows what has happened to Haleigh since she was taken. I have a lot of respect for Tim Miller but I think he is so far off base by saying that he believes that Haleigh is dead. All a family has to hang on to when a child is missing is HOPE. It isn't anyone's place to jerk that hope away from the family of a missing child. If Tim decided not to search for Haleigh anymore then I believe he should have said he had other searches to do and he should have left on that note. I'm really disappointed in Tim.....his daughter was missing and he should know better then to make the statement that he made

For some reason Tim has gotten far more involved in this case then it was probably good for him to be. The polys and other things that he made possible...it seemed to me that he stepped beyond a certain line or boundary.
Nothing did any good and none of it led to finding Haleigh. If Misty knows anything then she isn't telling. If the best of the FBI couldn't drag anything out of her then I doubt if Tim or any poly could make her talk.

All I can say to Tim right now is "shame on you Tim." It would have been much kinder of him to have kept his opinion to himself and to have left Ron and his family with what HOPE they can manage to hang onto.
We all know Tim is right because of the charts provided in the Forensic Astrology section.
The cavader dogs signaled them to the dumpster. I believe that dumpster & the landfill is where Haleigh's at. I think Misty (like casey) gave the little girl something to go to sleep and the poor little girl over dosed. I think their search should be at the landfill. Why else would the dogs alert to the dumpster that was near the home.
The cavader dogs signaled them to the dumpster. I believe that dumpster & the landfill is where Haleigh's at. I think Misty (like casey) gave the little girl something to go to sleep and the poor little girl over dosed. I think their search should be at the landfill. Why else would the dogs alert to the dumpster that was near the home.

Has it been too long for them to be able to search the landfill?
Just curious.. But I thought TM and TES 's mission statement is to bring home the missing, whether alive or deceased .. And certainly, the hope would be all would be alive. At any rate, why would TM just totally stop all searches ? I don't get it... I know the majority of TES manpower may have to move on to other cases understandably, but why abandon any and all search efforts for Haleigh ? He was still searching for natalie holloway 3 or more years after she vanished on a tiny island that prolly had every grain of sand searched and it was pretty obvious NH was dead and not able to be found. I'm just venting I guess... Just because little Haleigh might not be found alive doesn't mean her remains shouldn't be found and given a proper resting place. I think we've all pretty much felt little haleigh wasn't alive from the beginning, so that's no surprise now, I just thought TES would not just declare her dead and that's that... end of any searches period. And I hope we're ALL wrong and she's alive ...

Well yes, but he also has to effectively use his resources and distribute them where they can be effective. As he has learned both in the Anthony case and here he must also be cautious when dealing with a hostile or uncooperative family that he is not being used as an agent of the defense to cover up or hide a horrible crime. It is one thing to go to the last man searching for a missing child, living or dead that has obviously been pulled away by some third party (such as Somer Thompson) it is another to throw resources at something that is more and more looking like a member of the household brought the child to harm, and a family coverup or deep denial is occuring.

Part of the reason Tim insited on Misty's LD test before comitting any resources is so that he would not become an actor in perpetuating lies and mistruths. Every search that does not produce a result strengthens any defense used later in court (look at KC Anthonys legal teams antics seeking TES records to prove the body was not there when they searched).

By making the statement he made he is also making a second subtler one, probably with the intent of heading any such controveries off. he has not only said that he has come to believe that Hayliegh is dead, but the manner of saying it and the cesation of searches also clearly implies that he does believe that the person or persons responsible involve the family. It's a case of domestic child abuse negligence or endangerment, and not an outside abduction.
Has it been too long for them to be able to search the landfill?

Lets put it this way. In the case of Somer Thompson, one of the LE investigators spotted a garbage truck and had the brainstorm to quickly follow it, within hours of the incident, to see where the destnation was. They found her as a result, but they indicated that if they had waited so much as a day the poor girls body would have been buried under an additional 10 tons of trash and been almost impossible to find.

Finding a childs remains in a dump is not theoretically impossible, but the shear scale of any such search makes it unbelievably unlikely.
Has it been too long for them to be able to search the landfill?

They already did. In the first days that HaLeigh was missing.

Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy said during the first few days of the investigation that deputies also searched landfills, which is how Somer was found Wednesday.

Trash that was collected from southern Putnam County was taken to the landfill, but deposited in a roped-off area. Forty
sheriff's deputies went through the trash seeking clues, but found no evidence or clues.

Hardy confirmed that a garbage search is protocol in a missing persons case.
Does Nancy ever miss an opportunity to over dramatize and make herself look good???

"well if the Lord listens to a sinner, I hope he's heard my prayers" meanwhile she is asking a grandmother if she agrees her granddaughter is DEAD.. how many times did she use the word DEAD..real diplomatic Nancy.. :sick:
Ya know, Tim Miller once said that Caylee would never be found, and she was- so I still have a little hope she will be found by a hunter or someone accidentally-

We probably won't know until the trial that it was no accident that Caylee was found where and when she was. Allegedly, there was some clue that was passed from Cronk's gf who worked at the jail. It's very possible that the find of Caylee's body would never have occurred without those people with that info at that time. We shall see. My point is her discovery had nothing to do with TM. It was someone that obtained enough info to go take a look.

In my mind, the rose that MC referred to won't go away. Liars that are hiding info often spit out little clues. It's like releasing a little pressure off their own guilty conscience. Not that SHE is guilty of something she may/may not have done but of what she really does know and is afraid to tell. I feel strongly that wherever that rose was in the woods is not all that far from where Haleigh may be. JMO
No one knows what has happened to Haleigh since she was taken. I have a lot of respect for Tim Miller but I think he is so far off base by saying that he believes that Haleigh is dead. All a family has to hang on to when a child is missing is HOPE. It isn't anyone's place to jerk that hope away from the family of a missing child. If Tim decided not to search for Haleigh anymore then I believe he should have said he had other searches to do and he should have left on that note. I'm really disappointed in Tim.....his daughter was missing and he should know better then to make the statement that he made

For some reason Tim has gotten far more involved in this case then it was probably good for him to be. The polys and other things that he made possible...it seemed to me that he stepped beyond a certain line or boundary.
Nothing did any good and none of it led to finding Haleigh. If Misty knows anything then she isn't telling. If the best of the FBI couldn't drag anything out of her then I doubt if Tim or any poly could make her talk.

All I can say to Tim right now is "shame on you Tim." It would have been much kinder of him to have kept his opinion to himself and to have left Ron and his family with what HOPE they can manage to hang onto.

It's called "experience" and there's no shame that TM should carry regarding this case or any other. He requested the poly from MC because everyone wanted him to come back to Satsuma and stay until she was found but the problem was there was no direction to go in! At least be fair on that point. He has seen enough cases in his TE career to know when a case doesn't pass a sniff test. TM has an obligation to place the funds on searches or info that would lead to a successful search as his organization is run on donations only. He doesn't have a bottomless pit of money to lolligag around while people that likely know more than what they are telling play cat and mouse with him, his members and resources. As far as giving the family HOPE, he knows first hand that false hope is worse than facing what appears to be the inevitable truth. This case, IMO is not nor has it ever been what it has appeared to be. There's been too many contradictory statements and actions by all parties that would leave anyone scratching their heads.
Does Nancy ever miss an opportunity to over dramatize and make herself look good???

"well if the Lord listens to a sinner, I hope he's heard my prayers" meanwhile she is asking a grandmother if she agrees her granddaughter is DEAD.. how many times did she use the word DEAD..real diplomatic Nancy.. :sick:

Hey Brwnigirl, love your hat. Did Nancy say the bolded? I missed the show, intentionally, hehehe I almost started a thread last night about this new news details blowing over everything with Tim and Nancy and likes pushing Haleigh is "dead" drama. They are so in error it's shameful. Almost criminal and definately immoral towards the loved ones of Haleigh.

I'm not even related to Haleigh but no one better shove that thought down my soul, I would come out fighting. Though I am a fencesitter on the subject, there's always hope til we know that we know differently.
How delusional is it that TN states TM doesn't have a direct line to God yet she implies she does...

IMHO..TN needs to wake up and strengthen the things that remain....She can do that by telling the TRUTH as to what really happened to her granddaughter and quit enabling and lying for her son....JMO
How delusional is it that TN states TM doesn't have a direct line to God yet she implies she does...

IMHO..TN needs to wake up and strengthen the things that remain....She can do that by telling the TRUTH as to what really happened to her granddaughter and quit enabling and lying for her son....JMO

I agree, I really think TN needs to stop going on NG because in the end, all her words are going to be played in the opening reel where she dares point the fingers to the Croslins as being dysfunctional, when half of her family is in and out of the jail on a monthly basis- Her words are going to bite her in the end, and as fun as the limo rides to the studio are, she needs to stop going on-

I agree, I really think TN needs to stop going on NG because in the end, all her words are going to be played in the opening reel where she dares point the fingers to the Croslins as being dysfunctional, when half of her family is in and out of the jail on a monthly basis- Her words are going to bite her in the end, and as fun as the limo rides to the studio are, she needs to stop going on-


IMO, not only does TN need to stop going on any TV show, but Ronald should get up off his rear, and speak on his own behalf of HIS missing child.
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