2009.22.09 Nancy Grace

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Well...I do agree with the statement that some people who are put under pressure who have less of a mental capacity do "fill in the gaps". They are then under scrutiny to stick by those statements and cannot. It is why I believe they say she did lie about certain things. She did, but she was only trying to explain what she could have or should have been doing. We don't know if they asked her to "hypothetically" or otherwise tell them what could have happened or how they conducted the interrogations of some 30 plus hours where she did not ask for an attorney. This could be a person who is street smart, but I still say she does not have the capacity to go up against LE, FDLE, and the FBI in interrogations.
There's a big difference between learning problems, mental retardation, and insanity. I don't see any sign of the later two in MC. She could have some sort of psychiatric issue such as depression, but I wouldn't know about that. There's no question she didn't have a good upbringing and that drugs don't help her state of mind. And if she has had the things happen to her in the past like she says she has, she may be dealing with a lot of stuff mentally that affects her daily life. I don't know. However, I think she definitely knows right from wrong.
Right from wrong. She says she did not harm Haleigh and does not know what actually happened. She is pretty clear on those things.
I haven't seen a dispute over it. I've just been wondering since it was released whether it was a current event or not?


kimster: I have been asking that question on here a couple times too, and no one knows when the video was taken I think because no one responds. Even "if" the video was taken today,.. it does not mean ron and misty did not get into a fight later and Misty fled town. Ron could have been kissing Misty goodbye as she was heading to Wal Mart.

No one knows exactly when the video was taken or whether they fought after the video or before. People defending Misty are saying it proves they were not fighting,.. I don't think it proves anything accept sometime on camera he kissed her goodbye.
Sorry if this seems farfetched, but I wonder if this "fight" may have been staged or something. Maybe to lead everybody off the trail.

I also wonder what Misty leaving was all about and what this fight was about. Was her leaving just some temporary thing? Did she come back yet? If she left town it could have been at Ron's advice. JMO
kimster: I have been asking that question on here a couple times too, and no one knows when the video was taken I think because no one responds. Even "if" the video was taken today,.. it does not mean ron and misty did not get into a fight later and Misty fled town. Ron could have been kissing Misty goodbye as she was heading to Wal Mart.

No one knows exactly when the video was taken or whether they fought after the video or before. People defending Misty are saying it proves they were not fighting,.. I don't think it proves anything accept sometime on camera he kissed her goodbye.
You are right. We don't know what happened minutes before or after. It was a snap in time.
I haven't seen a dispute over it. I've just been wondering since it was released whether it was a current event or not?


Does anyone know if the home they are standing out in front of kissing is GGMS? I know they are supposedly staying with her, but I thought she lived in a travel trailer. Maybe my memory is wrong... I'm just trying to figure out how recent that video was.
I believe the video is from this week and GGMS lives in a mobile home not a travel trailer.
IMO, there are all kinds of reasons MC might be hiding the truth. From possibly being raped to the drugs to her mental capacity, ie; IQ. With that said, she was in control of watching those kids. She is the one who was living with a man that could protect her from harm, if the truth was told. All she had to do is tell the truth and those that harmed Haleigh would be put away and Ron would have made sure of that.

She seems to have problems with Tommy and if Tommy was involved in this, she had the power to make sure nothing ever happened to her or those kids again. Taking drugs, IMO, is something that is self inflicted. If Ron wanted to keep her close, and her family, as he felt they knew more about his daughter than told....then kuddos to Ron. I do questions some of his tactics, but maybe there is a reason. There is just so much more to this than MC is stating. She needs to clear her conscience.
Well...I do agree with the statement that some people who are put under pressure who have less of a mental capacity do "fill in the gaps". They are then under scrutiny to stick by those statements and cannot. It is why I believe they say she did lie about certain things. She did, but she was only trying to explain what she could have or should have been doing. We don't know if they asked her to "hypothetically" or otherwise tell them what could have happened or how they conducted the interrogations of some 30 plus hours where she did not ask for an attorney. This could be a person who is street smart, but I still say she does not have the capacity to go up against LE, FDLE, and the FBI in interrogations.

Also, and I'm not suggesting that she be pampered (by no means b/c I myself wanna smack her around a little right about now), but maybe if PCSO didn't say things like they'd prosecute her if her initial statements were false, or whatever, maybe they'd get more info out of her. IDK, I know alot of people won't agree with that. Sure, we can all go back & forth and say why should they do that, why cater to Misty, why not hold her accountable, why? Well, I think b/c they've gotten nowhere doing the things they've been doing up until now, it's obvious she's trying to stick to her "story", the ldt definitely shows something's amiss, her whole family is f'd up, she is completely acting childish in such a way that I could compare her to some very young preteens that I happen to know that babysit - and this girl was thrown in the world's faces overnight. She's defensive and doesn't know what to do. In this situation, I sure wish it was as simple as telling the truth...but for some reason, I don't think it is. I do believe Misty knows more, have thought that since day one...but maybe, just maybe, she doesn't remember the whole entire thing...or doesn't want to remember out of fear. I was, still am, one of those people that question her actually being home. Right now, definitely right now, I believe Misty's voice analysis over Tommy's statement bigtime! He very conveniently places himself at her home for a prolonged period of time...and he conveniently stated he banged on the door & looked in the windows but the lights were off. Hmmm. First thing that popped in my head was his prints are some of the last prints on the door and his prints are some of the last prints on the windows. Something's up. I sure hope it's cracked soon. Maybe we'll get some answers now!
IMO, there are all kinds of reasons MC might be hiding the truth. From possibly being raped to the drugs to her mental capacity, ie; IQ. With that said, she was in control of watching those kids. She is the one who was living with a man that could protect her from harm, if the truth was told. All she had to do is tell the truth and those that harmed Haleigh would be put away and Ron would have made sure of that.

She seems to have problems with Tommy and if Tommy was involved in this, she had the power to make sure nothing ever happened to her or those kids again. Taking drugs, IMO, is something that is self inflicted. If Ron wanted to keep her close, and her family, as he felt they knew more about his daughter than told....then kuddos to Ron. I do questions some of his tactics, but maybe there is a reason. There is just so much more to this than MC is stating. She needs to clear her conscience.
If she knew the truth. Her problem is what she told LE to begin with the first time they interrogated her. I contend she doesn't know for whatever reason. Tommy was there earlier. Did he give her something without her knowing? Possible.
I believe the video is from this week and GGMS lives in a mobile home not a travel trailer.

Another WS member emailed the media who took the video and they said it was taken on Monday, yesterday.
If she knew the truth. Her problem is what she told LE to begin with the first time they interrogated her. I contend she doesn't know for whatever reason. Tommy was there earlier. Did he give her something without her knowing? Possible.

Possibly, but she could also be very afraid of him because of past dealings, who knows. If she had been raped by him, then scare tactics would probably work to his benefit. But like I stated, she was in a position to make sure that didn't happen again and there is a five year old little girl missing. If this is the case, she has to make a choice.....self preservation (which makes no sense to me) or tell the truth so this doesn't happen to anyone else.
Something else that is strange regarding Tommy....isn't he married with children of his own?
I think the truth about Tommy is going to come out very soon. LE has the red truck he was probably driving that night. The pond search came out very soon after they "talked" to him and his wife. This case is getting ready to break wide open and I think we will find that Misty and Ronald had nothing to do with Haleigh going missing, imo. They may not find Haleigh, but I think the they will finally get to the truth of who took her and who knew what at the time.
Yes, AC. Tommy is married and has children. I don't recall how many, but I remember reading that he has some.
Have a good evening, everyone. Sleep well.
Something else that is strange regarding Tommy....isn't he married with children of his own?

uh...yep...and didn't they have a very large yard sale...and didn't his wife want to "get her kids away from there b/c she was worried about them" with everything going on...hmmm...sort of makes a person wonder. Seems to me the only people staying where they need to stay have been Misty & Ron, and Crystal & Chad.

I have a question. Earlier in the case, it became known that DS stayed with Tommy & Lindsey, or was friends with them or something. Does anyone remember if it was Snodgrass or Sapp? There was some confusion earlier in these threads regarding this issue, so please only answer if you "know" - meant with a ton of respect...please.
Yes. He has children. It didn't stop him from stealing a man's gun at 4:00am tho.

Yes, that sure is correct. Makes me wonder about the whole story regarding that dead animal Ron put in a mail box. Makes one wonder if he had to fight fire with fire.

I still think Misty knows more....I hope I'm wrong.
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