2010.03.10 - Nancy Grace.

DNA Solves
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George and Cindy wrote their statements, that night, at about 10 pm. Casey wrote her statement later, around 12 or 1 am. Since G and C wrote theirs before Casey, I'd say she either overheard their clothing decriptions or they conferred on the matter.

Although nothing this family does surprises me anymore, is it scarey to anyone else that we're beginning to sound like them (as far as throwing out these scenarios). But, they say in order to catch a criminal, you have to think like one so here goes!

Does anyone else remember when the lady who worked for LP was assigned to KC & I can't remember if this next part was in her statement or if it was in Lee's but, one of them mentioned a time when KC & CA were both in the bathroom together? I remember reading it just don't remember the timeline of when it happened....but, I'm sure they took every opportunity they could to sneak around & create their story.

Just like LA getting the bat phones...same principle applies!

Thank God for NG, she was a huge key factor in keeping this story in the spotlight when it was first developing! She may get on the nerves some but my hats off to her for that!
Lp, Ng whatever. Take it with a grain of salt. But KB knows that the duct tape fabric was consistent with coming from a different source/roll as the fbi report stated. But she is out there telling a different story on National Tv. That is just not right. IMO
Although nothing this family does surprises me anymore, is it scarey to anyone else that we're beginning to sound like them (as far as throwing out these scenarios). But, they say in order to catch a criminal, you have to think like one so here goes!

Does anyone else remember when the lady who worked for LP was assigned to KC & I can't remember if this next part was in her statement or if it was in Lee's but, one of them mentioned a time when KC & CA were both in the bathroom together? I remember reading it just don't remember the timeline of when it happened....but, I'm sure they took every opportunity they could to sneak around & create their story.

Just like LA getting the bat phones...same principle applies!

Thank God for NG, she was a huge key factor in keeping this story in the spotlight when it was first developing! She may get on the nerves some but my hats off to her for that!
I feel sure that was in Tammy's deposition, but don't quote me on that.
Lp, Ng whatever. Take it with a grain of salt. But KB knows that the duct tape fabric was consistent with coming from a different source/roll as the fbi report stated. But she is out there telling a different story on National Tv. That is just not right. IMO
There are so many things in this case that are "not right", Kathi being the least of them.
The lady defense lawyer said there were other peoples finger prints on the duct tape and gatorade bottle. Where is she getting that????????
Quoting myself....

No really, what's with the adding of "Marie"? Verbally & on paper....
Another personality?

LOL!|! I don`t know but I get tense in my jaw every time they call Caylee, Caylee Marie too.
The lady defense lawyer said there were other peoples finger prints on the duct tape and gatorade bottle. Where is she getting that????????

She was an uninformed shill for the defense. She doesn't know the case and has no credibility. Where are you seeing the FBI stating the duct tape came from a different roll? It was obviously the same one that came from the anthony home and was used on the gas cans and signs they made
Lp said Ga was lying about seeing Caylee on the 16th, that she left the night of the 15th, even though the phone pings show she was there. Also, Jt states that he saw Kc on the 16th with Caylee. Jt on the states witness list. If the state thought Jt was lying, why would they put him on the witness list?

That's not the list of the people who will actually be called to testify at trial--it's the list of everyone the SA conceivably thinks could be called to testify. They are just keeping their options open.

Plus, many times the people at the top of my (real, final) witness lists are people I think are lying. If you can prove they're lying, juries pay more attention to that than to the boring witnesses who just agree with everything you say. ;)
Kb said the duct tape matched or came from the same source roll. But the Fbi report said it was consistent with coming from a different source/roll. Hmmmmm

IIRC didn't the FBI report say the duct tape WAS consistent with the SAME roll? Seems I remember reading that in one of the document dumps? :waitasec:
Quoting myself....

No really, what's with the adding of "Marie"? Verbally & on paper....
Another personality?

All infamous murdering slime do that ... John Wayne Gacy, Lee Harvey Oswald, etc. (there are many more, it's late ...) Now we have Casey Marie Anthony to add to the list.
I'm not good at this but the "normal day" made me think of something KC said in an interview ......it is in a transcript of July 21, interview......I THINK....(don't know how to go back and link it....I am so computer stoooopid and my memory isn't that good )

"Okay. Going back to your statement. You dropped off your ah, you dropped off Caylee on June 9th, and walk me through. You dropped her off to go to work?
A Uh-huh. (Affirmative)
Q Okay. Get off of work and go from there.
A I got off of work, left Universal driving back to pick up Caylee like a normal day. And I show up to the apartment, knock on the door. Nobody answers. So, I called Zenaida’s cell phone and it’s out of service. Says that the phone is no longer in service. Excuse me. So, I sit down on the steps and wait for a little bit to see if maybe it was just a fluke if something happened. And time passed I didn’t hear...."

some poster made reference to the notion that GA was , darn , I can't think of the word ...but in other words , they had gotten their stories aligned somewhat ......and the "normal day " just stood out.......
You know what I never got...you go to an apartment and your daughter isn't there. You try calling the nanny's number and it says no longer in service. Wouldn't you then go to the rental agent's office at SG and see if ZFG was still there? I mean she was sooo worried that she had to go to a "neutral" place...but you don't check with the rental agent of the property as to whether or not your nanny moved out? Ok maybe not that day...but how about the next...or the day after that? I would think that would be pretty up there on my "search" list..."find out if babysitter left a forwarding address"!!
PS- funny how Casey gave an apartment # that was vacant...she wouldn't want the police to show up and find someone else living there...how could she explain that?! Casey knew there was no one living there...but how she knew (exactly) that...still a mystery to me.
IIRC didn't the FBI report say the duct tape WAS consistent with the SAME roll? Seems I remember reading that in one of the document dumps? :waitasec:
I get confused here...it was consistent with being the same type of duct tape...but not conclusively linked to a specific roll?
The only DNA on the tape is of LE, the sticker alledgely on the tape was destroyed and can't be used as evidence, I don't think any DNA was found on the siringe or bottle.

...and I don't think anything released today was "new" so it's a stretch to think that some new print popped up on the syringe...but heck, you never know.
Kb said the duct tape matched or came from the same source roll. But the Fbi report said it was consistent with coming from a different source/roll. Hmmmmm

She was an uninformed shill for the defense. She doesn't know the case and has no credibility. Where are you seeing the FBI stating the duct tape came from a different roll? It was obviously the same one that came from the anthony home and was used on the gas cans and signs they made

IIRC didn't the FBI report say the duct tape WAS consistent with the SAME roll? Seems I remember reading that in one of the document dumps? :waitasec:

FBI report December19, 2008:

Based on the examinations conducted, the Q64 [SKULL] and Q66 [GAS CAN] pieces of tape are comparable to one another in all physical attributes and in the chemical composition of their backing and adhesive components. Therefore, they originated from the same source roll of tape or from rolls of tape manufactured in the same manner.

FBI report June 25, 2009:

The fabric potion of specimens Q62 through Q64 [SKULL] and Q104 [SCENE] are microscopically dissimilar in fiber composition to the fiber composition of specimen Q66 [GAS CAN]. Accordingly they are not consistent with originating from the same source as Q66.

When you look at the detailed notes and records of the FBI, you can see that the difference in fiber composition referenced in the second report is that the gas can tape has cotton fibers, while the tape found at the scene does not. Henkel produced documents showing that ALL the tape manufactured with the printed logo in question had cotton fibers. It has been pointed out by many people that the tape found at the scene, which definitely had cotton fibers to begin with (per Henkel) likely lost its cotton fibers through disintegration over the 6-month period it sat in the swamp (like Caylee's cotton T-shirt).
FBI report December19, 2008:

Based on the examinations conducted, the Q64 [SKULL] and Q66 [GAS CAN] pieces of tape are comparable to one another in all physical attributes and in the chemical composition of their backing and adhesive components. Therefore, they originated from the same source roll of tape or from rolls of tape manufactured in the same manner.

FBI report June 25, 2009:

The fabric potion of specimens Q62 through Q64 [SKULL] and Q104 [SCENE] are microscopically dissimilar in fiber composition to the fiber composition of specimen Q66 [GAS CAN]. Accordingly they are not consistent with originating from the same source as Q66.

When you look at the detailed notes and records of the FBI, you can see that the difference in fiber composition referenced in the second report is that the gas can tape has cotton fibers, while the tape found at the scene does not. Henkel produced documents showing that ALL the tape manufactured with the printed logo in question had cotton fibers. It has been pointed out by many people that the tape found at the scene, which definitely had cotton fibers to begin with (per Henkel) likely lost its cotton fibers through disintegration over the 6-month period it sat in the swamp (like Caylee's cotton T-shirt).

Thank you AZlawyer!!! I had no clue where to start looking for the information you posted!!!
Thank you AZlawyer!!! I had no clue where to start looking for the information you posted!!!

so in other words, it was a Henkel brand of tape over her mouth and all the Henkel tape (particular brand) that was made had cotton fibers. Can't wait to see how Jose is going to explain that one away. Perhaps Henkel made one single solitary roll that had no cotton fibers. Good luck on that one Jose. Ha!
I feel sure that was in Tammy's deposition, but don't quote me on that.

..maybe tracy, said it as well ( tracy mclaughlin). but,

..i recall leonard padilla bringing up the shower thing----and how when they both came out--------voila! the blanchard park story was born.

..in this clip @ 3:45 or so, he does mention the shower...

( not talk of THE shower scene with cindy AND kc and JBP----TWA maybe has it ????)

Thank you for bringing this up. If there was a fight, I don't think the fight was about money on the 15th. That happened a few months prior to June. In June KC was absent from the home more than she'd ever been and Cindy was taking time off and spending the time alone. Then there was the car ride to and from Shirley's with a chatty toddler. I'll bet Caylee let Cindy have an earful not to mention "mommy" was not home for quite a while after Cindy and Caylee returned home.

I think the fight was about Caylee. We may never know what was said or who started it but I do think it was about Caylee and probably that Casey was not the "mother of the year." I think that is what led to Caylee's murder...Casey was livid at her mother and Caylee was the reason for the fight. Caylee got rid of Caylee to get back at her mother and to gain her own freedom from the "snothead."
George and Cindy wrote their statements, that night, at about 10 pm. Casey wrote her statement later, around 12 or 1 am. Since G and C wrote theirs before Casey, I'd say she either overheard their clothing decriptions or they conferred on the matter.

Exactly. And the biggest piece of evidence to me that George is lying? His own words in that "Under the Microscope" letter. Of the days he lists as being the most memorable, guess which one is NOT there? The 16TH!

What day does he say is the most memorable instead? THE 15TH! I would think the last time I saw my granddaughter WOULD BE THE MOST MEMORABLE DAY! Yet he says that's the the day BEFORE the last day he saw her, which makes NO SENSE whatsoever, unless he is clearly LYING.

You are BUSTED, George! By your own words (or Cindy's if you didn't write that letter)! I wonder if that letter can be brought in as evidence...
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