2010.03.25 WFTV Reports River C. Attempted Suicide

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I've never had a problem with my cellphone in hospitals. And trust me, I've been in there A LOT.

I think it's just random spam messages.
I used a laptop in the hospital when I was on bed rest the last part of my pregnancy and there is wi-fi hospital wide for pt and visitors I also used my cellphone to talk to my family in Ohio
I will pray for River and her Children
I've never had a problem with my cellphone in hospitals. And trust me, I've been in there A LOT.

I think it's just random spam messages.

Yes, cellphones will work in the hospitals here too in Central FL. I am a regular visitor to FL Hosp South where River was taken and know for sure they work there.
Yes, cellphones will work in the hospitals here too in Central FL. I am a regular visitor to FL Hosp South where River was taken and know for sure they work there.

Sorry for making a blanket statement. Apparently it depends on the hospital. It was last summer that I attempted to use my cell phone at my local hospital and the nurse walking by told me the hospital 'shielded' cell phone signals.

It's good to learn something new everyday. :)
Without quoting any of River's tweets, it seems to me she has been having suicidal thoughts for a while. At least since December 22nd of last year. Way before the police came to her so I'm wondering what was ailing her back then? Why hadn't anyone, her friends or family, intervened before it came to this point? It is out there for everyone to see so they had to know she was having a hard time dealing with something.

I pray her children haven't seen her tweets.

Her health concerns may have seemed overwhelming enough, and then the added stress of being dragged through the mud for this case was the last straw.

River, I hope that you can find that place in the book again where "tomorrow" is a page you really want to turn, because you can't wait to see what happens next.
Sorry for making a blanket statement. Apparently it depends on the hospital. It was last summer that I attempted to use my cell phone at my local hospital and the nurse walking by told me the hospital 'shielded' cell phone signals.

It's good to learn something new everyday. :)

I like you already :)
I believe you River, always have , since this story broke, things will get better as time goes on, hang in there girl and take care of yourself
she attempts suicide.. feels like she wants to die.. I really hope people don't start talking about the last 20 years of her life, every stupid choice she ever made... destroying what is left of this woman.

Clearly this woman is unstable, obviously she had issues.. you ever hear of anyone attempting suicide that wasn't?!?! Who cares- why would you dig at that wound? She wants to DIE! Who cares why. This is her life.. a human life! Even if she's LYING about George Anthony her life is still valuable and she needs to know that!
Prayers for strength and healing to you, River. I know it's cliche and probably overused but it helped me so much when I was suicidal the first time.. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Please remember that.. this too shall pass. Know that there are many in this world offering their support and prayers to you.
she attempts suicide.. feels like she wants to die.. I really hope people don't start talking about the last 20 years of her life, every stupid choice she ever made... destroying what is left of this woman.

Clearly this woman is unstable, obviously she had issues.. you ever hear of anyone attempting suicide that wasn't?!?! Who cares- why would you dig at that wound? She wants to DIE! Who cares why. This is her life.. a human life! Even if she's LYING about George Anthony her life is still valuable and she needs to know that!


Exactly! Thank you for getting to the heart of the matter.
I've never had a problem with my cellphone in hospitals. And trust me, I've been in there A LOT.

I think it's just random spam messages.

Thank you - I agree - on her twitter page one can scroll down and see that same message posted numerous times
As is my "norm" I have been staying away from this case until I had finished reading the latest discovery released. Having finally done that, I logged on to see this as the first topic listed.

River, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay strong and help us fight for justice for Caylee. For every person out there tearing you down, please know there is another out there who believes in you.


Wow, I have no idea what RC's medical problems are, if it's brain cancer, pain, or what. With the Twitter info about poverty, I hope she's getting social security disability. Hopefully not brain cancer since it never starts in the brain but metastasizes from another location. I don't know how she had the energy to see any man much less one involved in a bad very public situation then ending up in the NE. She needs to stick around to see justice done for Caylee.
River if you read here I'll tell you what my dad used to tell me..."this too shall pass". It's been posted already but really think about it. Think about all the past times in your life that you've thought "omg-I'll never get through this"....but you did. And you will again. :yes: Life can change on a dime so just keep hanging on sista....things WILL get better. :balloons: :cheerup:

ok, my opinion will not be popular but I'm trying to stay realistic here

I've been reading her twitter and it looks like she had many issues prior to the affair hitting the media

there's medical problems, at least two car accidents within 3 months, supposed poverty where she can't give her 10 yr. old a Christmas, arguments with various people, indecision from one minute to the next about going to the airport to pick her daughter up (really couldn't make sense of that), taunting posts to people who know her son

lots of 'hostile' tweets that make her appear to be very emotionally immature and talk of ending it all

she was crying out for help long before this - tweets portray someone incredibly unstable

I'm not blaming this on the A's, much as I dislike them, and especially since this lady's own sister supposedly leaked everything ...

I think her issues are biological in nature and not a result of being involved with G.A.

I hope she gets the help she so desperately needs but mostly I hope her kids don't suffer too much embarrassment from all this publicity

Thank you for this. For fear of being unpopular or coming across as a complete monster, I have avoided writing in this thread until I saw your post.

Suicide attempts and threats are very serious, and undoubtedly this lady needs help from a liscenced psychiatrist. After the many times my own mother has threatened or attempted, I have come to see it also as a cry for attention. Also in my experiences with my mother, are the many diseases that she believes will surely kill her any day now (for the past 20 yrs at least). There's only so much sympathy you can have before it drains you dry . . . but some people thrive on that.

I'm NOT saying this lady has the same problems as my mother, but man o man does it keep me from jumping straight into the sympathy wagon. If she has children, then she needs to be strong for them. She needs to be strong for Caylee too, because it's possible (based on things she MAY know) that she could become a champion for our precious little angel. Certainly, she needs help - that much is beyond a doubt.

I hope she gets the help she needs.
There's only so much sympathy you can have before it drains you dry . . . but some people thrive on that.

I hope she gets the help she needs.

Luckily, trained professionals are trained to empathize, not sympathize. There is a difference.

I don't believe medication alone can solve her problems; she needs a therapist who's willing to talk to her. She doesn't need anymore people talking at her. JMO.

I also hope that the professionals assigned to her are able to teach her new coping skills and offer the support she needs. For whatever reasons, she reached a level of desperation she couldn't handle. It's easier for psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists to help people in these situations than it is for friends and family members. They're able to empathize and provide support without reinforcing the negative feelings about herself she already has or getting themselves enmeshed in them.

Maybe I'm an optimist, but I have faith that she can be helped and will continue to wish only the best for her. It seems that most of us here agree on that. :)
Luckily, trained professionals are trained to empathize, not sympathize. There is a difference.

I don't believe medication alone can solve her problems; she needs a therapist who's willing to talk to her. She doesn't need anymore people talking at her. JMO.

I also hope that the professionals assigned to her are able to teach her new coping skills and offer the support she needs. For whatever reasons, she reached a level of desperation she couldn't handle. It's easier for psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists to help people in these situations than it is for friends and family members. They're able to empathize and provide support without reinforcing the negative feelings about herself she already has or getting themselves enmeshed in them.

Maybe I'm an optimist, but I have faith that she can be helped and will continue to wish only the best for her. It seems that most of us here agree on that. :)

Well said, and I can appreciate your optimism! I respect your opinion, certainly, however . . .

I neither empathise nor sympathise with her, but I'm hardly a trained professional. I do, however, empathise AND sympathise with her children, family, the people who love her. For all their sakes I hope she gets help.
It doesn't matter to me whether this lady interjected herself into this case or not, she appeared to genuinely want to help with no agenda, then she gets involved with GA allegedly (there is enough smoke for me to believe there just might have been fire!) and allegedly gave him large sums of money. If her story is true then she not only gave away money that would have helped her and her family in their time of need, but she was basically also dumped by GA. If her story is true then she has been yet another victim of this family and it is very sad. Regardless of the truth of this matter, I really hope she receives good care and starts healing. Here we go, having to put another player in our prayers.....this case is cancer...
River, this case has ruined many lives before you and I fear many more lives will be ruined after you. Its many tentacles strike out at anyone and everyone. I wish you much health, happiness and a lifetime of peace.
"Hopefully not brain cancer since it never starts in the brain but metastasizes from another location."

While the brain is indeed often a site of metastasis of other cancers, there are also several types of cancers that originate in the brain itself. They are usually some form of what is called a glioma.
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