2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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If a mother had endured sexual abuse as a child, as Casey claims, she would move heaven and earth to keep her child away from that environment, not leave her daughter in the same house to be babysat on a regular basis.

wow great point. I hadn't even thought about it like that!
This. As tempting as it might be to be sucked into her little play for sympathy and such using the abuse angle, lets look at it rationally. While we may not like Lee or George, there is NOTHING in either of their pasts nor in anything we have observed in the 2 years they have been in the spotlight that would give even the slightest credance to any such claims of abuse. Every single accusation against them comes from KC's mouth and her mouth alone. Every single accusation of JG, his father and the mysterious Zanny the Nanny come from KC's mouth and LC's mouth alone. KC is a diabolical pathological liar. There is absolutely no reason to believe anything that comes out of her mouth regarding another person. Zip nada, nothing!

It is saddening that her brother, who has probably weathered far more then we can ever comprehend at the hands of his twisted sister and his enabling and manipulative mother, has had yet this further indignity heaped on him. One which he will never ever be able to fully erase. Such is the nature of such claims. His sister uses words and lies to destroy every single person around her. She is a sociopath. A true textbook example of the breed. And false claims of sexual abuse, rape or incest are among the sociopaths stock in trade.

Borderlines play those games too. I assure you!

eta- Goes with her splitting too. imo
People seem to have a need to have something to blame (besides the person themselves) for behaviors they can't fathom.
OT: I heard this saying a long time ago and it seems to apply here. We are seeing blame blame blame...but what about the GOOD things? Who gets the credit or BLAME for those?

If you blame others for your failures you must also credit them with your successes...author not known to me...
If a mother had endured sexual abuse as a child, as Casey claims, she would move heaven and earth to keep her child away from that environment, not leave her daughter in the same house to be babysat on a regular basis.

Agreed-Especially in light of KC asserting that she drew a hard line with LA (If you come in my room again, I will kill you), it would imply she would stand up to predators.
Trusted clinicians are not convinced that abuse victims forget their abuse. Some clinicians don't believe "blocking out" happens at all, as KC muses about her memories of GA being a potential molester.
GA did not molest KC. KC could barely even pass that sloppy lie in these letters.
As KC would like to be presumed innocent, I think LA would appreciate that as well-No dice on the LA molestion stories until or if we ever know something concrete-LA has been dragged through the mud once on this already, and I don't wanna go there again.
"They're bullies. And bullies try put other people down to make themselves feel better."
pg. 233

Hmmm....seems to me the theme throughout is KC putting others down while holding herself and her newfound friend way up...she puts down Lee. She puts down her dad. She puts down her mom. She puts down Tim Miller. She puts down Mark NeJame. She puts down Brad Conway. She puts down Robyn's ? Sam. She puts down others in her cell block...

So who is the bully again? Oh wait...she does her putting down in secret...so that makes it even worse. She is a coward AND a bully by her own definition and by mine...
With all due respect Totallyobsessed (and I do totally respect you, your posts and insightful, intelligent opinions), if you were raised in an extremely dysfunctional, screwed up family like the A's- your best Christmas memories may very well have been your jammies! I know, from personal experience!:twocents:

Just wondering if Totallyobsessed may have meant surely Casey has some good memories of Caylee at Christmas she might talk about before her Christmas jammies?
There is no way imo that C&G knew she herself had made the accusations and then still come & support her in court. Such a disgusting accusation to make against your father and brother. It is huge imo and I lean toward it being a lie she has used to garner sympathy and understanding for some outrageous behavior in the past and then to align herself as a bff sharing so much in common with the inmate. It is so disgusting that I can't imagine G&C being able to sweep such a thing under the rug where so much has been swept during their chaotic lives with her. I wonder if we will see a shut down on their part (no court and no media).

Well,they've managed to overcome the fact that KC killed their precious,2 year old grandaughter and dumped her in the woods. I would think a little lie ( Cindy called them half-truths ) would be easily overlooked.
BTW,Cindy,do you still believe there is some truth in everything KC says?
A lot of people are saying that Casey has Narcissistic Personality disorder, but IMHO, I think she has Histrionic Personality Dis. Here are the identifiers from Wiki: "A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for histrionic personality disorder is PRAISE ME:

* P - provocative (or seductive) behavior
* R - relationships, considered more intimate than they are
* A - attention, must be at center of
* I - influenced easily
* S - speech (style) - wants to impress, lacks detail
* E - emotional lability, shallowness
* M - make-up - physical appearance used to draw attention to self
* E - exaggerated emotions - theatrical "

I think she shows all of these. What do you think?

I lean toward histrionic, always have.
This. As tempting as it might be to be sucked into her little play for sympathy and such using the abuse angle, lets look at it rationally. While we may not like Lee or George, there is NOTHING in either of their pasts nor in anything we have observed in the 2 years they have been in the spotlight that would give even the slightest credance to any such claims of abuse. Every single accusation against them comes from KC's mouth and her mouth alone. Every single accusation of JG, his father and the mysterious Zanny the Nanny come from KC's mouth and LC's mouth alone. KC is a diabolical pathological liar. There is absolutely no reason to believe anything that comes out of her mouth regarding another person. Zip nada, nothing!

It is saddening that her brother, who has probably weathered far more then we can ever comprehend at the hands of his twisted sister and his enabling and manipulative mother, has had yet this further indignity heaped on him. One which he will never ever be able to fully erase. Such is the nature of such claims. His sister uses words and lies to destroy every single person around her. She is a sociopath. A true textbook example of the breed. And false claims of sexual abuse, rape or incest are among the sociopaths stock in trade.

Thank you thank you - I had a meltdown about this earlier on in the thread AND a hoo-haww at RHornsby at his comments - but you have been so very much more articulate than I could be. Well said!

OT - but I feel sorry for the "good men" of this world when they hear about possible sexual abuse. They fall to their knees at the horror of the acts and will simply not challenge an accuser for fear of disrespecting them and being wrong. Too many people take advantage of that I think.
Well,they've managed to overcome the fact that KC killed their precious,2 year old grandaughter and dumped her in the woods. I would think a little lie ( Cindy called them half-truths ) would be easily overlooked.
BTW,Cindy,do you still believe there is some truth in everything KC says?

My God Cindy - you know your daughter - did you really not see this coming?
Agreed-Especially in light of KC asserting that she drew a hard line with LA (If you come in my room again, I will kill you), it would imply she would stand up to predators.
Trusted clinicians are not convinced that abuse victims forget their abuse. Some clinicians don't believe "blocking out" happens at all, as KC muses about her memories of GA being a potential molester.
GA did not molest KC. KC could barely even pass that sloppy lie in these letters.
As KC would like to be presumed innocent, I think LA would appreciate that as well-No dice on the LA molestion stories until or if we ever know something concrete-LA has been dragged through the mud once on this already, and I don't wanna go there again.

If she was going to kill LA for coming into her room why wouldn't she try and kill the nanny that took Caylee from her. I would fight tooth, and nail for my child.
Its quite astonishing that she picked Christmas 2008, just 2 weeks after the remains of her child were found, to start listening to Christmas music!!

...and that brings me to what I'm seething about. I call BS on Baez's "these letters show her unconditional love." No, they contain some canned phrases similar to the ones she spouted during the jail visits: "I miss Caylee. I talk to her every day." I think about her every day. I know we'll be together some day."

Excuse me?? Where are the gut wrenching OMG WHY??????s? These letters spanned from at least before Christmas til Easter. I believe she talked about the Christmas music starting in November. OK then how about: "OMG I can't listen to Christmas music b/c my baby won't be waking up to presents from Santa with me." Or "I can't face Christmas not knowing where she is." And Easter, a few months after her one and only baby girl is found brutally murdered and thrown out like trash. She says oh I have a picture up from last Easter. How about "I can't think about Easter with my baby dead and dismembered. She'll never hunt for Easter Eggs again. She'll never be old enough not to believe in the Easter Bunny."

Where are the stages of grieving? She talks about crying. But where are the tear stains on the letter? Where is the shock? Where is the bargaining...no please let the DNA test say it isn't her!!! Where is the anger? It's directed at her family who has stood by her. She talks about seeing Caylee again some day. Who gets to "acceptance" in a few short weeks? Someone who is NOT grieving, who is NOT shocked, and could care less.
"Maybe because you and I are the minority and not just because of the color of our skin. You've got class girlfriend, something all the dark chocolate around here is lacking."
pg. 232

I think your racism is showing again KC. Best hope none of those "dark chocolate" people wind up on YOUR jury!
Quoting myself...I know.:innocent:
Also...the days may come when some "dark chocolate" ladies are your cell mates...I hope so...I hope this very much. Perhaps they will be able to teach you what you have failed to learn YET-you are not BETTER than ANYONE because of the color of your skin!:banghead:
Thank you thank you - I had a meltdown about this earlier on in the thread AND a hoo-haww at RHornsby at his comments - but you have been so very much more articulate than I could be. Well said!

OT - but I feel sorry for the "good men" of this world when they hear about possible sexual abuse. They fall to their knees at the horror of the acts and will simply not challenge an accuser for fear of disrespecting them and being wrong. Too many people take advantage of that I think.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for this!!!

OT-My SIL had a baby that was..er..um..not my brothers and claimed she was raped and was to humiliated to come forward. When she later admitted to making it all up, one of her (ex) best friends who had actually been a victim of sexual assault, went to her house, knocked on her door and punched her right in the face.

Maybe somebody can just punch Casey through her little food tray opening. :angel:
This. As tempting as it might be to be sucked into her little play for sympathy and such using the abuse angle, lets look at it rationally. While we may not like Lee or George, there is NOTHING in either of their pasts nor in anything we have observed in the 2 years they have been in the spotlight that would give even the slightest credance to any such claims of abuse. Every single accusation against them comes from KC's mouth and her mouth alone. Every single accusation of JG, his father and the mysterious Zanny the Nanny come from KC's mouth and LC's mouth alone. KC is a diabolical pathological liar. There is absolutely no reason to believe anything that comes out of her mouth regarding another person. Zip nada, nothing!

It is saddening that her brother, who has probably weathered far more then we can ever comprehend at the hands of his twisted sister and his enabling and manipulative mother, has had yet this further indignity heaped on him. One which he will never ever be able to fully erase. Such is the nature of such claims. His sister uses words and lies to destroy every single person around her. She is a sociopath. A true textbook example of the breed. And false claims of sexual abuse, rape or incest are among the sociopaths stock in trade.
I agree totally - I think she did make the accusations in the past in order to elicit some emotion from whoever she told in some cases like Jesse or to deflect from some outrageous behavior she was caught in by her mother. IIRC didn't she reference having told her mother that was why she was a wh.re when talking about the 7 men she had slept with? I think she used it at her convenience whenever she felt it would endear her or help to get her off the hook. A very twisted kernal of truth may be that she indeed did tell her mother that it had happened, small detail is it was a lie. Kinda like Zanny, she talked about her and used "her" at her convenience in different ways before murdering her daughter. IMO she used zanny to exaggerate her job and situation to friends and then also to explain to her mother the whereabouts of her child, small detail is she didn't exist. Does that make sense?
OT: I heard this saying a long time ago and it seems to apply here. We are seeing blame blame blame...but what about the GOOD things? Who gets the credit or BLAME for those?

If you blame others for your failures you must also credit them with your successes...author not known to me...

See I have a problem with seeing only the bad behaviors. I can see some good in everyone.. everyone! I don't care how screwed up they are. Nobody is all bad to me. I believe anybody can change if they really want to and they do the work to stay that way. We don't pop out of our mothers with hate in our veins, we grow that.. life does that to us. And our problem is we don't let ourselves feel anything. so it just sits in there and rots away at your mind, you think that your "handling it" but really? no. you wake to it every single day... it never goes away if you don't deal with it and this society doesn't deal with nothing! I get how people end up like Casey and like Cindy and I know how much a person can turn themselves off from feeling but still have the ability.. and I know that people can change.

I'm a dreamer
I'm up to page 90. It helps to magnify the page as high as you can but her drivel still makes me a little meshugganah. Wasn't it Amy that said "That girl can talk!" She sure can.
These letters are all about Casey gettng rid of Caylee. I'm going on to travel in an Rv, I'm going to Costa Rica, I miss men, I want a new leather jacket, I want to go to spas. I want to adopt a child I want to donate to charity. I wont have to worry about having a daughter in the way to do the things I want to do. I'm free now to do anything I want only thing that is stopping me is sitting here behind bars so I'll come off with some sweet talk adopting kids, charity etc and convince people I have a heart. Her letters are all about her and everything she plans to do when she gets out. I'm thinking she visioned alot of this before she killed Caylee, she is selfish and only cares about herself and I can't wait till she is charged!
With all due respect Totallyobsessed (and I do totally respect you, your posts and insightful, intelligent opinions), if you were raised in an extremely dysfunctional, screwed up family like the A's- your best Christmas memories may very well have been your jammies! I know, from personal experience!:twocents:

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