2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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What also annoys me is her incessant use of the term "the boys." They're all "her boys" -- the lovers, the friends.....now she's adopted the saying for her lawyers. An unsettling fit.

ITA. I find that to be nauseating. It shows you how she views her predicament - like she's the belle of the ball and her suitors are surrounding her. I find her use of "my boys" to be inappropriate, disrespectful and immature.
page 159 of 516...shudder...

I saw someone post this earlier, I forget who (sorry) and I meant to ask ws then and now that I am here, KC says

...the "jury" - or better stated Grand Jury - pushed for the death penalty....

is that anything like possible? does the GJ not simply determine whether there is sufficient evidence to indict?

another thing fascinating me - she doesnt usually use "incorrect" quote marks. she usually uses them correctly, ie to imply what she is saying isnt what is true, like calling her cell her "room"

but she also says "real" zany (no page number sorry, it's in the beginning and I cant go back :banghead: ) and she also says she is "falsely accused" in quotes.

See I have a problem with seeing only the bad behaviors. I can see some good in everyone.. everyone! I don't care how screwed up they are. Nobody is all bad to me. I believe anybody can change if they really want to and they do the work to stay that way. We don't pop out of our mothers with hate in our veins, we grow that.. life does that to us. And our problem is we don't let ourselves feel anything. so it just sits in there and rots away at your mind, you think that your "handling it" but really? no. you wake to it every single day... it never goes away if you don't deal with it and this society doesn't deal with nothing! I get how people end up like Casey and like Cindy and I know how much a person can turn themselves off from feeling but still have the ability.. and I know that people can change.

I'm a dreamer

Not a dreamer ,OLG. You have a wise old soul .
I just want to say that I am completely creeped out by how obsessed Casey seems to be with Robyn in these letters. Its almost like she is in love with her. Giving her cutesy nicknames, talking about how she can't wait until they spend all day and all night together, just.. everything... seems quite smothering. She's really laying it on thick.
Well I finally took the leap and registered, although I've been lurking around these parts for quite some time.

My initial thoughts on the letters is that A.) She's a textbook extreme sociopath and B.) There's little likelihood that the defense set this thing up.

While a lot of the rambling indicates to me that she's having a tough time in jail and just trying to find some semblance of normalcy in her life, it seems clear to me based in the manner of her writing certain things relating to the case that she's trying to "Sell" her story to the other inmate in the hopes that it will get out. I know JB isn't the sharpest tool in the tool shed, but he surely would know that her writing anything about the case, as high profile as this one is, would come back to bite her. In my opinion, she wrote these letters and talked to the other inmates in the hopes that she could "sell" them on her version of events and hopefully get the story(s) out there through a back channel.

The defense already has to contend with a notorious liar as their client and putting more stories out there about what transpired doesn't help their cause and only makes the prosecutions case much stronger.

As for the sexual assault allegations, for some strange reason I can actually believe them. I believe even law enforcement was inclined very early on to explore this possibility and it came up repeated times throughout the entire process up to this point (even the FBI had some inclination to this when they tested LA for paternity). It also gives some credence to some of KC's behavior prior to the disappearance and she displays some of the behavior of victims that do not get treatment or counseling.

However, in no way would I say that this would be a mitigating factor in the murder/death and subsequent cover-up of her daughter. Perhaps in the penalty phase to get a life without parole sentence rather than the death penalty. KC believes 100% that she will be exonerated and she will waltz out of the jail house. For her to throw the abuse allegations out on advice of the defense just doesn't make sense to me because she (and her defense team) isn't looking for a reduced sentence. I don't think she would tolerate knowing that the defense is looking past her trial and trying to frame things for the penalty phase of the trial. After all, she's planning big trips in an RV and to exotic locations for her post release period.

Wow! Seldom does another post say exactly what is on my mind. For your second post you did a heck of a job! Welcome!
Did I read it right? Did Casey write " this may sound cheesy but will you be my Valentine ?" ? in one of her notes to Cookie or whatever she was calling her at the time?
I just want to say that I am completely creeped out by how obsessed Casey seems to be with Robyn in these letters. Its almost like she is in love with her. Giving her cutesy nicknames, talking about how she can't wait until they spend all day and all night together, just.. everything... seems quite smothering. She's really laying it on thick.
Many of the letters remind me of Casey's communications with Amy, you're my best friend, we're moving in together, etc...I imagine if Amy was the inmate instead of Robin, the communication would be the same (only geared towards Amy's interests/thoughts).
JB was at the site on the day Caylee's remains were found. We all know how easy it is to over hear someone say we also found black plastic bags, and a blanket. Not saying that happened, but it is possible. JB did see KC that day, and he might have said something to her about the findings. JMO

Baez was NOT at the site the day Caylee was found.

Here is his interview to the media from his office where he is asked if he is sending a member of his team to the ground to the neighborhood and he says

"We're respecting law enforcement so we're not going to interfere with an investigation and there is still the chance that this might not be Caylee, so having said that we're going to follow the rules and we're going to go do our job in court."


Mark 3.52
Call me ignorant but I found it a little odd that she refers to god as "daddy", but maybe that isn't so abnormal. I do think referring to him as "big daddy" on p. 110 is not very appropriate. IMO she is faking this new found love of God, and she really wants to come across as believable, but she isn't capable.

She clearly isn't capable of even feigning respect and its utterly annoying. IMO.
Well I finally took the leap and registered, although I've been lurking around these parts for quite some time.

My initial thoughts on the letters is that A.) She's a textbook extreme sociopath and B.) There's little likelihood that the defense set this thing up.

While a lot of the rambling indicates to me that she's having a tough time in jail and just trying to find some semblance of normalcy in her life, it seems clear to me based in the manner of her writing certain things relating to the case that she's trying to "Sell" her story to the other inmate in the hopes that it will get out. I know JB isn't the sharpest tool in the tool shed, but he surely would know that her writing anything about the case, as high profile as this one is, would come back to bite her. In my opinion, she wrote these letters and talked to the other inmates in the hopes that she could "sell" them on her version of events and hopefully get the story(s) out there through a back channel.

The defense already has to contend with a notorious liar as their client and putting more stories out there about what transpired doesn't help their cause and only makes the prosecutions case much stronger.

As for the sexual assault allegations, for some strange reason I can actually believe them. I believe even law enforcement was inclined very early on to explore this possibility and it came up repeated times throughout the entire process up to this point (even the FBI had some inclination to this when they tested LA for paternity). It also gives some credence to some of KC's behavior prior to the disappearance and she displays some of the behavior of victims that do not get treatment or counseling.

However, in no way would I say that this would be a mitigating factor in the murder/death and subsequent cover-up of her daughter. Perhaps in the penalty phase to get a life without parole sentence rather than the death penalty. KC believes 100% that she will be exonerated and she will waltz out of the jail house. For her to throw the abuse allegations out on advice of the defense just doesn't make sense to me because she (and her defense team) isn't looking for a reduced sentence. I don't think she would tolerate knowing that the defense is looking past her trial and trying to frame things for the penalty phase of the trial. After all, she's planning big trips in an RV and to exotic locations for her post release period.

Nope, he wasn't. But I do recall pictures of him showing up there with Dr. Lee just walking around in the street outside the taped off boundaries. The only thing I can find on them being at the crime scene is a motion he filed on 12/15 requesting an Emergency Motion to compel photos, videos & drawings of the crime scene. In that motion it does state they requested access to the crime scene on the 12th in court, was told the crime scene would be released the 12th or 13th and flew in their own experts to look at the scene only to be denied access because OCSO wasn't done processing the scene. Caylee wasn't positively identified until 12/19 so technically he shouldn't ever have been granted access.

I just highly doubt Baez had information about the towel/blanket to ever feed to Casey. She knew what she left with that sweet baby. Guess we'll find out when the chaplain testifies that she/he didn't tell Casey a blanket was found.

I do not think that Baez had information about the blanket from LE sources, I think the source of his information was Casey.
Ah, yes....but it WILL be the one time we will hear Inmate Anthony herself actually testify to this if these letters are entered at trial time....

WHICH brings back my point that this entire letter writing campaign was a planned defense move. It was a way for KC herself to testify in a "backwards kinda way" if her letters are entered into as evidence. KC won't have to take the stand to testify, thereby subjecting herself to SA cross exam. The letters will speak for her.

In fact, can RM even testify in court that KC supposively told him that Lee "messed with her" or would that be hearsay?
Don't know about the heresay with RM - but you are most certainly right about the "round-about way" for KC to testify.

As for the abuse allegations. I don't believe them. What I do believe is that this is one lie that KC has been telling for a long, long time; although the "details" may change from time to time. I believe that she told RM this to try to get closer to him, and I believe she told other guys the same thing for the same reason. It was a "control tactic" that worked for her. Plus with this lie - like the above poster said - there is no way to refute or disprove this happened - its her word against LA's. Tough situation for him - between a rock and a hard spot.
Exactly! So if LE knew there were other items found with the body JB had to over hear that info too. JB, LKB, HL, and I think a botanist were at the site when Caylee's remains were found that day. JB could have been the one who told KC when he went to the jail to talk to her on December 11. The only other persons would be the A's due to LE going to the house for items relating to things found with the remains. So take your pick it was JB or her parents via DC. My vote is JB.

No, he was not at the site that day. Neither were LKB or HL. He did not overhear anything.
I know this will be an unpopular opinion but those letters, taken in isolation, do make me feel sorry for Casey - which was probably her desired effect. It will be interesting to see how much they influence the jury should they be admitted as evidence in the trial, and when viewed in conjunction with all of the evidence against her.

I do think that Robin is just as manipulative as Casey is in her own letters to Tracey calling her 'sista' as Casey does her, and telling Tracey not to be jealous of her relationship with Casey as she is only using her to reduce her prision sentence. As for Tracey actually being jealous of Casey - they all come across as complete nutjobs!!

I also don't think that Jose knew about the letters or that he set them up. Now the public knows the story which was 'all going to come out at trial'. Casey asked 'Zanny' to take Caylee away for a few days which is why she didn't report her missing. Now the prosecution has time to get all their ducks in a row to prove this false. None of this is a good thing for Casey's defense or for Jose himself. Lord knows he isn't capable of putting up a good defense in the first place without having to think on his feet when the prosecution now has time to build a case against the tale he is going to put forwards.

She is in complete denial about her future. In those letters she seems to really believe she will be "free" someday. (hence RV trips, things she wants to do..etc.)

I have had some situations in my life and things that i continue to struggle with ,if nothing else it has taught me to have compassion for people who have done bad things or have struggles many wouldn't understand, i do feel sorry too for Casey to an extent.. she has many people who hate her and it seems to me her mode of survival is to live in complete denial.

p.s. I left out that most of all my sorrow and sadness , of course , is for poor little Caylee most of all..she was a beautiful child inside and out and its so sad that Casey didn't see how blessed she was to have her and take care of her as she should. It broke my heart in one part of a letter ; she wrote," a small piece of my heart is gone". Small?? Caylee should have been her whole heart.
Was she referring to Baez as the attorney she is "crushing on"?
She confuses me.
I find it really sickening that she seems to show more "love" for this woman's child than she does her own. Maybe I'm taking it the wrong way or reading to much into it but I read an occasional....I miss Caylee and I'll spend eternity with Caylee in heaven but that's about it. She tells this woman that she loves her children (more than once or twice) and are adopting them as her neice and nephew...geez, give me a break. :loser: :furious:

Oh and fyi...it gets old reading about her periods and sore *advertiser censored* lol
When speaking of a court appearance she was about to go to:

"I will see my folks today, and I'm nervous as ever! Hell, its been a full month almost, since I've seen any of my family. The only one I have pictures of, is my daughter. I wish she was going to be there =( =( =(. Great, I'm going to make myself cry, if I'm not careful. Hmm... I wonder what I'm missing for lunch?"

WOW. Don't really know where to start with this one. She wishes her daughter was going to be at her court appearance. If she was alive, there would be no court appearance at all. :waitasec:

By the way, she is there Casey, every time.
She also says she wanted an abortion when she found out she was pregnant and her mother wouldn't let her. I don't know what the cutoff is for abortion, but I'm thinking 5 months at the most? Cindy allegedly didn't know until after the wedding, which made her 7 months? So at 7 months she found out she was pregnant and the only thing stopping her from getting one was her mother? I just don't see how this story makes any sense at all.

I know Im late for this post but I have always believed Cindy knew but they kept it from George until it was too late to do anything about it.
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