2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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Hello WS :)

This is from Angel Who Cares: Today's news
Thank you AWC :)

The letters released today reflect the natural desire for companionship when isolated for 23 hours a day, and clearly demonstrate Casey's unconditional love for her daughter Caylee. Liz Brown at the DePaul Center for Justice in Capital Cases

Casey spoke of her "unconditional love" for Caylee, now this presser speaks of Casey's unconditional love for her daughter.

Great. Casey has unconditional love for Caylee. That should be a given, Caylee was a baby and Casey was her mom. But instead is used as a "catch all" regarding Casey's feelings toward Caylee. Casey said in her letters she (paraphrased) might go after the person who hurt Caylee but "god" and her "unconditional love" for Caylee keep her from doing so...

It is weird to me, to be speaking of having unconditional love for someone who is no longer alive, meaning: you wouldn't have to say something like that. It is Cindy and George who should be speaking of having unconditional love for Casey.

"And clearly demonstrates..."
Like, everyone was waiting to see evidence of Casey loving Caylee unconditionally? Like, well there you go: ha! See! These letters clearly demonstrate that Casey loved Caylee unconditionally and so therefore...? I don't know what, but I guess they know how important this is(?) Mostly, I think it is another "alien" attempt at performing human emotions. :innocent:

All of the references to god make me think shes even more guilty. Ive done a lot of things in my life but never bad enough that I would feel I needed so much forgiveness and assurance that its going to all work out. The same for her parents with the baptism who has done something so bad in their lives that need to completely start over with a rebirth. It seems to me they are all trying to convince themselves if they do this and that where it comes to god it will be OK. Its just not that easy, believing in god is a lifestyle not an afterthought.
All of the references to god make me think shes even more guilty. Ive done a lot of things in my life but never bad enough that I would feel I needed so much forgiveness and assurance that its going to all work out. The same for her parents with the baptism who has done something so bad in their lives that need to completely start over with a rebirth. It seems to me they are all trying to convince themselves if they do this and that where it comes to god it will be OK. Its just not that easy, believing in god is a lifestyle not an afterthought.

Couldn't agree more. She's becoming a professional Christian. :innocent:
I hardly ever post here, but Sheesh, thought I wanted to read all these letters and throw in some thoughts this evening.

In 12 lines of paper she changes subjects from salmon patties, to the RV, to traveling to Europe, to Israel, to war and then prophesies in a book. Someone help, I can't take this!
something I was meaning to ask you guys for ages and I think I never did, do you guys have portable internet there yet? my mobile co does something like up to 5gb a month including the dongley thing for a tenner or something.

if not does it seem likely that the jail would allow JB the netaxx? why would he need it @ the client meeting?

Hello goldfish, I'm not in Orlando but have no doubt the Orlando area has networking cards from their isp/cell providers. Just plug it in a USB slot and it's instant internet fom a very wide footprint from the towers. Different from a Wifi system. Also cell phones nowadays are internet access capable on a data plan.

I do realize Attorney/client privilege and all but I would think it would be unethical for an attorney to allow a prisoner unmonitored access to the internet from jail, if that happened. JMO

catching up the rest of 12 pages some.. :)
I hardly ever post here, but Sheesh, thought I wanted to read all these letters and throw in some thoughts this evening.

In 12 lines of paper she changes subjects from salmon patties, to the RV, to traveling to Europe, to Israel, to war and then prophesies in a book. Someone help, I can't take this!

Its so hard to follow its like her brain just jumps within seconds from one topic to another.
If I read HA HA one more time I may just go insane. Also, did she really refer to her private areas in regards to shaving...ew.
If I read HA HA one more time I may just go insane. Also, did she really refer to her private areas in regards to shaving...ew.

There's nothing sacred in Casey's world. Not even her 2 year-old baby daughter.
Is anyone else wondering what Mrs. Jose Garcia thinks of Casey's "crush" on her husband? (assuming he's married) I'd be curious to see the pattern of his visitations in the logs before and after this letter dump.

And when I first saw the five-finger prayer, I immediately thought "Five Finger Discount". (which would suit casey a lot more).
Ah, yes....but it WILL be the one time we will hear Inmate Anthony herself actually testify to this if these letters are entered at trial time....

WHICH brings back my point that this entire letter writing campaign was a planned defense move. It was a way for KC herself to testify in a "backwards kinda way" if her letters are entered into as evidence. KC won't have to take the stand to testify, thereby subjecting herself to SA cross exam. The letters will speak for her.

In fact, can RM even testify in court that KC supposively told him that Lee "messed with her" or would that be hearsay?

The thing I don't understand is how this could be a planned defense move if the other inmate was told by KC to flush the letters? Do you believe she was in on it as well?
These letters are all about Casey gettng rid of Caylee. I'm going on to travel in an Rv, I'm going to Costa Rica, I miss men, I want a new leather jacket, I want to go to spas. I want to adopt a child I want to donate to charity. I wont have to worry about having a daughter in the way to do the things I want to do. I'm free now to do anything I want only thing that is stopping me is sitting here behind bars so I'll come off with some sweet talk adopting kids, charity etc and convince people I have a heart. Her letters are all about her and everything she plans to do when she gets out. I'm thinking she visioned alot of this before she killed Caylee, she is selfish and only cares about herself and I can't wait till she is charged!

Respectfully quoted and bbm

Bingo! She always wanted these things but Caylee was in her way. Too bad she's still up against a few roadblocks...LWOP or the DP!!

Is she really that delusional?
We can have no idea whether or not Casey's allegations against Lee and George are true. But the fact that her allegations have now been made a public issue is hugely important. The Anthony family can no longer pretend that the account is mere hearsay. I realize that they have put out word, through their attorney, that Casey's accusations are false. But the Anthony's statement of innocence does not answer half of the questions. It only begs more:
1. Why do they think Casey would accuse them of this?
2. Does this mean she actually tells full-blown lies?
3. Does this mean Casey would lie to save her own skin without regard to hurting others (like them ~ her own family)?
4. Does Lee still believe everything his sister ever told him (as stated in his SA depo)?
5. Will this change the whole dynamics of the Anthony family "standing together" in support of Casey?

It's not the media anymore (or "bloggers" either). Incest or liar? It has to be one or the other and the Anthonys are in the untenable position of finally having to make a choice.

The Anthonys made their choice a long time ago. The kind of vague molestation accusations in the letters are a lot less than covering up for Casey's murder of Caylee, their grand daughter for pete's sake. The Anthonys will not change their positions IMO.
http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2010/0406/23069328.pdf p. 10

I love it when she refers to the "real" Zenaida, with quotation marks around "real"--like she's not really real....

The simplicity of your observations are what cause me to do a search on all AZlawyer posts every evening. Kind of like looking at the headlines on Google News. :thumb:

I think the comments in the thread Is Casey the real Zenaida? have been saying it all along: Casey = Zenaida. When speaking of Zenaida in her letter to Robyn, Casey is really speaking of herself in the third person.

Here is the full excerpt:

I've had to forgive what happened to my Caylee, but I'm still angry. If it weren't for God, screw where I'm sitting now, if it weren't for him and for my unconditional love for my daughter, I would end whoever is responsible. It's not my battle.

You want to know something, I know that Caylee's nanny, the "real" Zenaida, the girl who was my friend for 4 years, I know in my heart that she's not responsible and I don't blame her for not showing her face. Would you want to be sitting here for something you didn't do? Considering the circumstances, you technically are and it sucks.

And I know this goes without saying, but outside of myself and my legal team, not a soul knows this. I was going to take Caylee and move away. Unfortunately, my plans got beyond tangled when Zany wouldn't tell me where she and Cays were. I had asked her to take Cays for a few days so I could put the rest of our stuff together, money I had saved, new clothes, new everything. That's why I waited to report her missing, because she was and wasn't. I would give anything to go back to that day and to not have let Caylee out of my sight.
I would contend that references to Zany are Casey's references to a different side or part of her. In many ways, Zany is the super-child-care-giver. Beautiful. Competent. Has money. An awesome mom. :takeabow:

The fact that Casey has somehow blamed Zany for Caylee's disappearance tells me that Casey/Zany the super-mom screwed up one, fatal time. That she seems to be willing to give Zany a pass in this letter further tells me that Casey/Zany is trying to rationalize and make sense of whatever happened.

Methinks Casey is not just a narcissist, she's also schizo...:crazy:
Many of the letters remind me of Casey's communications with Amy, you're my best friend, we're moving in together, etc...I imagine if Amy was the inmate instead of Robin, the communication would be the same (only geared towards Amy's interests/thoughts).

Yep, Casey is a great manipulator.
FWIW, the sex abuse claims are not new. They came out in a doc dump from about a year ago. IIRC, KC told Jesse and Tony about it. I believe KC told Jesse way back when they were still together. So KC has been telling this story for years. Which is what led to Lee being tested for paternity. Some talking heads put out there that we at WS started that rumor and that is why the test was done. But it's not the reason. LE was going by what they discovered in their investigation.

If this keeps up, LE may have to seriously investigate this, and they may already have. Interesting to think that there could possibly be charges coming for Lee and/or George. Maybe that's Casey and her defense team's intent. Remember the fall out with Susan Smith's stepfather? Might end up happening here in this case as well.

I can't remember, did any of the A family agree to polygraph tests? If KC or RM made those accusations early on to LE, would they have quizzed GA or LA on the abuse charges as well during the polygraph?
Hello WS :)

This is from Angel Who Cares: Today's news
Thank you AWC :)

The letters released today reflect the natural desire for companionship when isolated for 23 hours a day, and clearly demonstrate Casey's unconditional love for her daughter Caylee. Liz Brown at the DePaul Center for Justice in Capital Cases

Casey spoke of her "unconditional love" for Caylee, now this presser speaks of Casey's unconditional love for her daughter.

Great. Casey has unconditional love for Caylee. That should be a given, Caylee was a baby and Casey was her mom. But instead is used as a "catch all" regarding Casey's feelings toward Caylee. Casey said in her letters she (paraphrased) might go after the person who hurt Caylee but "god" and her "unconditional love" for Caylee keep her from doing so...

It is weird to me, to be speaking of having unconditional love for someone who is no longer alive, meaning: you wouldn't have to say something like that. It is Cindy and George who should be speaking of having unconditional love for Casey.

"And clearly demonstrates..."
Like, everyone was waiting to see evidence of Casey loving Caylee unconditionally? Like, well there you go: ha! See! These letters clearly demonstrate that Casey loved Caylee unconditionally and so therefore...? I don't know what, but I guess they know how important this is(?) Mostly, I think it is another "alien" attempt at performing human emotions. :innocent:


I think the "unconditional love" stuff is so weird too. She was a baby what does that mean.

Some of us have addicts in our lives, we love them unconditionally. Hate the behavior but not the person. (first example to pop into my head)

Unconditional love for Caylee??

Caylee ticked her off, was in the way or whatever so Casey hurt her?? So now she has forgiven Caylee for that and the circumstances she has put on herself?:banghead: She loves her even though she made her "mommy" hurt her?

The phrase just really bugs me.
Hello goldfish, I'm not in Orlando but have no doubt the Orlando area has networking cards from their isp/cell providers. Just plug it in a USB slot and it's instant internet fom a very wide footprint from the towers. Different from a Wifi system. Also cell phones nowadays are internet access capable on a data plan.

I do realize Attorney/client privilege and all but I would think it would be unethical for an attorney to allow a prisoner unmonitored access to the internet from jail, if that happened. JMO

catching up the rest of 12 pages some.. :)

We do have wireless internet here...extensively! Remember all the tourists and business conventions here. I have it at home and in my store. I've gotten wireless reception in hospitals, hotels, coffee shops...pretty much everywhere I've need to hook up my laptop.
The thing I don't understand is how this could be a planned defense move if the other inmate was told by KC to flush the letters? Do you believe she was in on it as well?

I, for one, do not think it was a planned defense move, at least not initially.
Maybe after the fact by not objecting its release. I do think that KC is probably quite happy with all the news coverage of the letters, resulting in putting the spotlight on her again. And not TES, Baez, parents etc.
The simplicity of your observations are what cause me to do a search on all AZlawyer posts every evening. Kind of like looking at the headlines on Google News. :thumb:

I think the comments in the thread Is Casey the real Zenaida? have been saying it all along: Casey = Zenaida. When speaking of Zenaida in her letter to Robyn, Casey is really speaking of herself in the third person.

Here is the full excerpt:

I would contend that references to Zany are Casey's references to a different side or part of her. In many ways, Zany is the super-child-care-giver. Beautiful. Competent. Has money. An awesome mom. :takeabow:

The fact that Casey has somehow blamed Zany for Caylee's disappearance tells me that Casey/Zany the super-mom screwed up one, fatal time. That she seems to be willing to give Zany a pass in this letter further tells me that Casey/Zany is trying to rationalize and make sense of whatever happened.

Methinks Casey is not just a narcissist, she's also schizo...:crazy:

I have no knowledge of psychiatric problems except what I read, but has there ever been any discussion of KC having some type of split personality disorder...where Zani is actually an alternate personality? Just curious. Not saying I necassarily believe that, just wondering if it's been discussed?
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