2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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My guess is that Cindy will say, just because George is a moocher, it does not mean he's a cheater or predator. :crazy:

We should start a poll- what will CA's responses be-
Robyn and Maya- lying Jail snitches.....
River Cruz- Vengeful woman whose advances were repulsed by GA ......
KC's abuse claims .......Mother of the year is suffering from faulty memory due to drugs forced on her in Jail.
When Lee spoke from reading from his laptop at the memorial, I believed he was really having the computer camera on to record his talk so Baez could later show it to Casey on Baez's computer.

I am a little surprised that there are no cameras on the actual inmate hallways that would have recorded Robin or Casey coming and going from one cell to the others. I assumed for safety reasons, to protect the guards from claims of improper treatment of the inmates that at least the hallways were taped.

Was Brad at the hearing the other day? I wonder if anyone from the defense team would have alerted Brad, mom and pop what to expect in the letters. They sure looked wholly somber and defeated as if they already knew.

Our little Sante II will become a Satanist or Psychic if that is who her next BFF is. For such a young man Jesse sure had her figured out, she has only one tow in reality, she believes her lies and she feigns a change in her person to suit who is in front of her. I recall him saying if he loved a team, she was the team's biggest fan, since his family was religious, she would suddenly go to church with them, since Tony smokes pot, she started smoking pot, etc. etc.

I am more convinced now than ever that her searches for neck breaking and household weapons were because her master fantasy had to do with getting rid or mom and pop, and then indeed she would have the house. She has no soul imo
On page 103 she signs off her letter to Robyn by telling her to "look for Caylee's star" - a indication that there truly was a reason one star was left off of the tattoo???
It is interesting that her "confessions" of Chloroform use and Zanny not being real are not found in writing. These 2 inmates that make these claims are trying to bargain their own sentences with these manufactured Bombshells, imo. I don't believe she would make any admissions, to anyone.

I completely agree. This is like every tale we hear about some high profile criminal 'confessing' to his or her cell mate. It's also very clear that Robin at least planned to use Casey to shorten her own sentence so what she says must be taken with a grain of salt imo - bar what is actually in writing from Casey of course.
Regarding computer/internet access courtesy Baez's laptop, she is talking about either Seinfeld or In Living Color (can't remember which) and she says something like, I wonder if I could download any of them?
I completely agree. This is like every tale we hear about some high profile criminal 'confessing' to his or her cell mate. It's also very clear that Robin at least planned to use Casey to shorten her own sentence so what she says must be taken with a grain of salt imo - bar what is actually in writing from Casey of course.
Besides, as Robyn admits, she has never been in jail before. These 2 inmates may have no clue what they are doing and may believe they still have a bargaining chip due to the high profile nature of the case. These are desperate women and desperate times calls for desperate measures. Even if in reality, a cut in sentences may not be available in exchange, I fully believe they would still try to bargain it.
I haven't posted on either of these threads until now, but I have been reading them. I made it through about 120 pgs. of the letters and this morning my eyes are so red they appear that I have been on a 3 day drinking binge.

I am baffled on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. Not so much by WHAT Casey says (lies) in the letters I reviewed, because that is just typical Casey to me. Exactly who I thought she was, except her state of delusion and denial are even deeper than I suspected. Still manipulative, just like she was toward everyone of her 'friends' and family pre-arrest. The only diference is that this time she is sequestered in a different environment, so she is directing it toward her fellow inmates. Her tactics remind me so much of Scott Peterson...although, I think she is even a sicker individual

What TOTALLY astounds me is why Baez did not choose to file a motion to suppress portions of these letters. And, YES, some of this could be suppressed due to the highly prejudical nature of many of the statements included. Granted, JS was going to release most of this content, but there are some very prejudical portions that I feel confident that IF BAEZ HAD EVEN MADE AN EFFORT TO SUPPRESS, portions of his motion would have been granted. I seriously doubt that he even read the entire content of these letters. I guarantee there are posters here at WS that have read more than he has.

So, I am left wondering WHY? Is his negligence a strategic move? If so, WTH could it be?

Is Baez trying to get thrown off/fired and let Mason start over from scratch?

Heavens knows, I am the loudest expressing my belief that Baez is totally incompetent, but even he could not be so stupid to not see how horribly damaging these letters are for his client....again, assuming he even read them.

Is he changing strategy and considering an insanity defense? No, I don't think that would fly, but it appears a better shot than anything else right now.

Or, is he backing off and trying to get a plea deal put back on the table?

Could he really believe that the certain portions he feels could garner more sympathy for his client would outweigh the damage to his client?

Was he soooo po'd about her betrayal referencing his smuggling of contraband that could lead to his potential disbarrment that he just figured, 'heh, I'll show YOU. If I go down, I'm taking you with me." Everyone KNOWS she cannot shut her mouth, so was he really so gullible to think she wouldn't reveal this to SOMEONE? Why on earth would he think he would be exempt to her gossip?

I don't believe for ONE SECOND his explanation, (paraphrasing) "If we had tried to suppress these letters, there would have been endless speculation. We made the decision to forego the speculation." Give me a break!!! No attorney in their right mind would have rather had this information public rather than deal with the speculation. This approach is in total opposition to his feverish stance on suppressing the release of the video of Casey's reaction to learning of the discovery of Caylee's remains.

Oh, I could go on forever, really. I am just totally baffled by BAEZ, not so much by Casey's ramblings. One day I will try to figure it out, but I don't have the time or energy today to dive down that DEEP, murky mudhole.
are these letters the thing which were at issue for the secret "hold the information from the defense" doohickey?
I have to say, Casey reminds me of a roommate I had a long time ago. At the time, I thought we had so much in common and were best friends. She said all the right things to make me think this. Then her true personality started coming out, and I started seeing her for the lying and manipulative b that she was. The sad part is that I watched how she treated other people but never once thought she would treat me the same way. About all that separates my old roommate from Casey is that to my knowledge, she's never murdered anyone.

Casey will be whatever she has to be to get by. And as an part Irish person, I am insulted beyond belief that she wants to be Irish or adopt an Irish baby. You forget, Casey, that a lot of Irish are also Catholic, and that means that murderers don't fit in well. So nice try, but I don't think any nationality would want to claim you.

I don't know if I have read about a more deluded person than Casey. The RV Ministry of Sneezes? You know what, after the guilty verdict is read, I hope Casey has a sneezing fit that kills her (can one die from sneezing, I wonder?) Wouldn't that be a heck of a message from God to Casey?


Now THAT was funny!

As usual, I am left in the dust of you awesome sleuthers. I am just starting Part 3, and have refrained from reading comments here, but I just couldn't help taking a little peak. :dance:

So far, my impression is that these letters would be somewhat normal for a teenage girl, but not for an adult. I totally understand what Tracy was saying in her depo, and saw KC doing the same things with Robyn. It's interesting that Robyn also mentioned to her friend that something isn't right in KC's head. (Robyn cries everyday for her kids, and KC talks about escaping to Costa Rica) :crazy:

Second impession was all the scripture quotes. I guess KC caught on that Robyn was a religious girl, so KC became like this girl to win her over. I'll try to not comment too much on this, but I find it very insulting that she claims protection of the big Daddy, without repenting for what she has done and what she continues to put everyone through.

Wow. The tantrums she had about her family, namley Momma. Did CA really not show up for one of her hearings? I don't recall that. They've been at every one of them and she refuses to acknowledge them. I do have to wonder what info JB was giving to her that set her off like that.

KC is the clique queen. OMG!

I also have to say I LOVE Robyn's handwriting. It is beautiful! I did notice on some of these letters KC's attempt to adopt that style of writing.

Lastly, I get the impression she was PO'd in court because this whole thing blew her future book deal. What will people think of her now? Oh...and her secret crush on JB is out.

OK. Back to reading!
I'm wondering if Casey has multiple personalities. There's so much talk in her letters about God, religion, the Rapture...she sounds like she's really soaking up new-found religion/faith.

And then, on the flip side, she's telling x-rated jokes.

I don't get it. Unless, of course, she's got these different personalities taking over..."Ms. New Christian" vs. "Ms. Satan".
We should start a poll- what will CA's responses be-
Robyn and Maya- lying Jail snitches.....
River Cruz- Vengeful woman whose advances were repulsed by GA ......
KC's abuse claims .......Mother of the year is suffering from faulty memory due to drugs forced on her in Jail.
That's a very possible scenario too ZsaZsa.

I wonder if Cindy and George will show up at the next hearing ? I guess if the affair story didn't keep them away, nothing will.
Besides, as Robyn admits, she has never been in jail before. These 2 inmates may have no clue what they are doing and may believe they still have a bargaining chip due to the high profile nature of the case. These are desperate women and desperate times calls for desperate measures. Even if in reality, a cut in sentences may not be available in exchange, I fully believe they would still try to bargain it.

As much as I want their information re verbal conversations to be true, the bargaining chip aspect cannot be ruled out. Will Robyn be up for parole at some point? Could providing information possibly give her some points with the parole board?
I haven't posted on either of these threads until now, but I have been reading them. I made it through about 120 pgs. of the letters and this morning my eyes are so red they appear that I have been on a 3 day drinking binge.

I am baffled on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. Not so much by WHAT Casey says (lies) in the letters I reviewed, because that is just typical Casey to me. Exactly who I thought she was, except her state of delusion and denial are even deeper than I suspected. Still manipulative, just like she was toward everyone of her 'friends' and family pre-arrest. The only diference is that this time she is sequestered in a different environment, so she is directing it toward her fellow inmates. Her tactics remind me so much of Scott Peterson...although, I think she is even a sicker individual

What TOTALLY astounds me is why Baez did not choose to file a motion to suppress portions of these letters. And, YES, some of this could be suppressed due to the highly prejudical nature of many of the statements included. Granted, JS was going to release most of this content, but there are some very prejudical portions that I feel confident that IF BAEZ HAD EVEN MADE AN EFFORT TO SUPPRESS, portions of his motion would have been granted. I seriously doubt that he even read the entire content of these letters. I guarantee there are posters here at WS that have read more than he has.

So, I am left wondering WHY? Is his negligence a strategic move? If so, WTH could it be?

Is Baez trying to get thrown off/fired and let Mason start over from scratch?

Heavens knows, I am the loudest expressing my belief that Baez is totally incompetent, but even he could not be so stupid to not see how horribly damaging these letters are for his client....again, assuming he even read them.

Is he changing strategy and considering an insanity defense? No, I don't think that would fly, but it appears a better shot than anything else right now.

Or, is he backing off and trying to get a plea deal put back on the table?

Could he really believe that the certain portions he feels could garner more sympathy for his client would outweigh the damage to his client?

Was he soooo po'd about her betrayal referencing his smuggling of contraband that could lead to his potential disbarrment that he just figured, 'heh, I'll show YOU. If I go down, I'm taking you with me." Everyone KNOWS she cannot shut her mouth, so was he really so gullible to think she wouldn't reveal this to SOMEONE? Why on earth would he think he would be exempt to her gossip?

I don't believe for ONE SECOND his explanation, (paraphrasing) "If we had tried to suppress these letters, there would have been endless speculation. We made the decision to forego the speculation." Give me a break!!! No attorney in their right mind would have rather had this information public rather than deal with the speculation. This approach is in total opposition to his feverish stance on suppressing the release of the video of Casey's reaction to learning of the discovery of Caylee's remains.

Oh, I could go on forever, really. I am just totally baffled by BAEZ, not so much by Casey's ramblings. One day I will try to figure it out, but I don't have the time or energy today to dive down that DEEP, murky mudhole.

excellent post

I am thinking maybe JB didn't fight this because he's not earning legal fees anymore. After all , his client is indigent. Only costs will be reimbursed. Not attorney fees. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I'm wondering if Casey has multiple personalities. There's so much talk in her letters about God, religion, the Rapture...she sounds like she's really soaking up new-found religion/faith.

And then, on the flip side, she's telling x-rated jokes.

I don't get it. Unless, of course, she's got these different personalities taking over..."Ms. New Christian" vs. "Ms. Satan".

Nah, nothing that exotic. Just a liar, scamming people as always.
As much as I want their information re verbal conversations to be true, the bargaining chip aspect cannot be ruled out. Will Robyn be up for parole at some point? Could providing information possibly give her some points with the parole board?

But, IMO, even if Robyn was using this as a bargaining chip, she will only be discredited, not impeached and the jury can still weigh her testimony. Coupled with these letters, I think that testimony will hold weight.
page 27: " This is what I call my 5 finger prayer, each time I use it, my life is blessed a little bit more and I hope that other people reap the benefits of my prayers for them too."

(Note: I do wonder if she had access to the internet... her drawing looks alot like this one I saw posted on another site..)

I apologize if this has been posted but while reading these letters I see Casey saying over and over how much she has in common with these women. I am just wondering what the other inmates charges were, if anyone knows. TIA

In letters to Robyn she seems to hint that she will be out before her, that was comical.
Regarding computer/internet access courtesy Baez's laptop, she is talking about either Seinfeld or In Living Color (can't remember which) and she says something like, I wonder if I could download any of them?

I caught that too. Thought it was odd. Does Casey have any access to a computer besides when Baez comes to visit?
I apologize if this has been posted but while reading these letters I see Casey saying over and over how much she has in common with these women. I am just wondering what the other inmates charges were, if anyone knows. TIA

In letters to Robyn she seems to hint that she will be out before her, that was comical.

If I heard NG correctly last night, one of them is in jail for murdering a 15-year-old girl, though don't remember which one.
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