2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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What is this all about?

"my main attorney wants me to "teach him" the things he wants me to read about in the books he sends me - now I know why I hated school"

WTH? I guess he was teaching her how to "act" in court?

P. 129 of the second batch of letters pp. 101 - ??
I want to know who or what is giving her the idea that she's getting out anytime soon. She's only been in since October of 2008 and already her looks have tremendously faded..how hot to trot does she think she'll be when she gets out?

She's like a little girl, still fantasizing and singing "Some day my prince will come.."

Hi, I'm enjoying your posts. Casey even wrote in the letters she was going to get eye contacts and a makeover. I'd like to know what she thinks life will be like once she is out.
page 142 Casey writes,

"I am going to use this experience to help others, especially missing and exploited children."

She really is in some sort of psychotic denial.
I gotta wonder if those are truly seizures - or just when she is sleeping she is facing reality. I don't think you can lie to yourself completely when you are sleeping. She is probably having horrendous nightmares about what she really did.

Bugs in the dark crawling in and out of Caylee.
500 pages of this? Sorry you guys but there is no way I can read 500 pages of KCness. I look forward to reading your comments though.

lol But how will you know if we are gossiping about them or talking facts? :blowkiss:
Well thank you! I haven't "blogged" in so long but I've been reading and keeping up with everything. A lot of what I'm reading in these letters sounds so similar to some of the exchanges I had with KC, as far as her mindset and all that. I'm kicking myself now, I should have tried to "befriend" her instead of calling her a monster..

Could you please elaborate on some of the exchanges you had with KC and provide links. This is not a rumor thread and would hate to see it closed. TIA
I’ve had to forgive what happened to my Caylee, but I’m still angry. If it weren’t for God, screw where I’m sitting now, if it weren’t for him and my unconditional love for my daughter, I would end whoever is responsible. It’s not my battle. (pg 10) Thanks to Jon Burrows for transcript

Isn't the wording odd here? What relevance would Casey's "unconditional love" for Caylee have to do with getting revenge on Caylee's murderer? I think it's a slip. Is it too far out to wonder if subconsciously Casey was thinking that Caylee's unconditional love for her should bar revenge for the murder? Maybe she spends some time in her darkest hours trying to convince herself that Caylee still loves her no matter what.
I just finished reading through all the letters (although quickly) and early on, it occurred to me that that most things KC was "sharing" with her new friends were things that were being speculated and discussed at length on this forum, as well as others, over a year ago to months ago. As I got further through the letters, this trend seemed to get more prevalent.

The above underlined...

The alleged sex abuse by GA and/or Lee

The attorneys "sneaking" contraband into the jail

Analysts suggesting KC takes on the personality of those she is trying to engage (re: newfound religion similar to that of Robyn)

So many things like this...it almost appears as if KC is confirming all the speculations discussed online, but SHE doesn't have online access...

But someone could certainly encourage her to "respond" by befriending an inmate who might seem like the perfect candidate to eventually leak the letters....

I am smelling a defense setup big time...

Need to reread slowly, but did I read a reference in one of the letters that Hernandez had previous dealings with Baez....???

I did notice on page 258 (wesh.com), KC writes to Robin that she is glad "Jose came through for you" in regards to getting "Michelle and Mike" to represent her?

Which brings to mind something that we all need to keep in our field of view while looking at these. As you said, it is odd that she brings up a ton of stuff we have discussed here, particularly during periods where she probably did have some access to the internet. She is a pathological liar and a skilled chameleon who adapts her stories based on what she sees around her in order to make them plausible.

so believe NOTHING in these letters that cannot be corraborated by outside third party evidence. Sexual Abuse by Lee or George? Vacation or book plans? CA and GA's relationship? Activities by those around her such as her attorney? Do not trust this unless there is something backing it up. Otherwise it is simply more of the evil reality that exists exclusively between KC's ears.

This also holds true with the chloroform and the details of the body told to the other inmate. Do not completely trust information that seems to pat and clean unless it can be backed up in some clear manner. IE if the inmate told LE or in some way documented the conversations about the blanket and bag or chloroform before they became public knowlege.

Yes this is all sensational stuff. But its still KC. she is a "diabolical liar" who lies for no apparent reason or purpose. she lies like she breathes. So keep a skeptical frame of mind for anything that comes directly from her.
Page 142 Casey writes,

"And yes he (Baez?) wants me to "teach him" Ha ha. We're taking turns giving each other the run- down of new finds in books and evidence. The job is never done. This has become my new job, as it was when I was home. Case stuff at the office and charity work at home. At least it keeps me busy here between books and naps."

Hasn't it been banned/not manufactured since the 70's? How then would a clinic have it? I'm reminded of the song "Joe Lies" from John Cusak's movie "Say Anything"

sorry if this has already been discussed, i'm not nearly halfway through the thread yet and I haven't even begun reading the letters.
I've just started reading - on page one - have to agree her handwriting is obnoxious!

It made me really sad to read the "in order for us to have lives, we must lose our old lives in order to be reborn". Her getting rid of Caylee was her way of ridding herself of her old life. How very sad.

Apparently Casey thinks she gave birth to Caylee twice.
She even mentions having a dream where she was pregnant and "it was like I was having Caylee all over again" (paraphrase). :sick:
On Nancy Grace four lawyers opined just now that absolutely, one hundred percent, the letters can and will come into evidence at the trial. Halleluja! Caylee, justice is coming darling! My heart goes out to Caylee's great grand father and great grandma Shirley. I hope they are spared this somehow, or at least that they are not alone to read these vile letters.

I don't know which grandparents she was referring to, but on page three of the 516 wesh doc's... Casey writes

"She's old school (referring to Clay's mother), like my grandparents, and in their eyes, the wife, girlfriend, daughter, whomever the female is, is ultimately to blame. Definitely messed up, but that's the way things were back then. If their husband cheated, it was the wife's fault."

Now, remembering Shirley's email's... she didn't seem like someone who blamed Cindy for all the things George had done. So, I'm thinking she mean't George's parents?
I'm only on page 89 and I guess I expected her to either never mention caylee or else frequently mention her (I mean you never know??? maybe her conscience gets her??)

she does mention her from time to time (she will spend eternity with god and caylee, would give anything to have her back for 5 minutes, etc) and then just plows right on to how much the food sucks.

it's so WEIRD.

on one hand I see what baez meant about the thoughts of someone locked up and alone 23 hours a day and he wasn't wrong, a lot of it is exactly that - KC is childish and selfish, we knew that and that's a lot of it too.

but wow I dont get how she doesnt seem any more bothered about her daughter's death than she does about sucky food.
Hi, I'm enjoying your posts. Casey even wrote in the letters she was going to get eye contacts and a makeover. I'd like to know what she thinks life will be like once she is out.

You know, before these letters came out I would have never thought she'd actually say such things. For some reason, I gave her more credit and thought that much time in jail would get her to smarten up and not say things so predictable and that coincides so well with her sociopath personality. I thought the letters wouldn't be much of a read, more of a "defense plant" if anything else. I can't believe that Casey is STILL Casey!

Another thing I see in her is she's very quick to trust people, which is probably why she feels betrayed so much. I know that feeling all too well, that's always been one of my biggest faults..trusting people way too much just to have a friend or a relationship...thinking they'd never betray me and end up trusting them with way too much of myself. Only in this case, KC is trusting her friends with way too much information and revelations about her and her psyche and even possible motives! Anyone in jail should know...don't trust anybody. You're locked up with fellow CRIMINALS. If they think they can profit or get a reduced sentence or preferential treatment..hell if they think they can get an extra cookie at mealtime, they'll rat on you.
page 142 Casey writes,

"I am going to use this experience to help others, especially missing and exploited children."

She really is in some sort of psychotic denial.

Yup the same one her mother lives in. They should buy an RV, head off to costa rica and teach a bible memorizing class so they kick back and judge everyone and call it a religion adding an occasional "God tells me so" and "Amen" to their catty self-serving lying gossip fests. They could call it the "you can't get pregnant if you never had sex" church.
Page 150 Casey writes,

"I didn't have to go to court at all. The irony, I waited for 2 hours, wrote to you for the better part of 2 hours, and it turns out they cancelled it! Such is life. In any case, I'm glad I didn't have to sit through a useless ordeal, and also be subjected to the same clowns and their gosh-dam cameras."
page 142 Casey writes,

"I am going to use this experience to help others, especially missing and exploited children."

She really is in some sort of psychotic denial.

I'm on two sides of the fence here.

I think she's either in some sort of psychotic denial, or she's taking the letter of the law and thinking if it can't be proven she did it beyond a shadow of a doubt, then she can rightfully continue to lie and lie until she can't lie anymore. Casey seems like the type who will lie until she is face-to-face with stone-cold irrefutable evidence. As long as there's any sort of wiggle room for doubt, however small it may be, she will continue with her "you don't know me" attitude and "you don't know what happened", just as she was touting back in 2008..just as she's probably always done.


"Perhaps the most interesting aspect is Casey thinks God communicates with her by making her sneeze to agree or disagree with what's she's thinking.

“When I’m thinking something random, I sneeze. At times I’ve taken that as God affirming or denying my thoughts. I'm not a random sneezer," Casey wrote."

All righty then! Guess I have been doing it wrong all these years. I haven't paid enough attention to sneezes. LOL!
I want to know who or what is giving her the idea that she's getting out anytime soon. She's only been in since October of 2008 and already her looks have tremendously faded..how hot to trot does she think she'll be when she gets out?

She's like a little girl, still fantasizing and singing "Some day my prince will come.."

Again, just like her mother. imo
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