2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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Well, judging by the comments on numerous "RANDOM" :wink: forums, I surely think they have their answer. :loser:

Yep! And guess who is reading here to gauge how the letters went down with the general public?

We see you Baez/Co. - et alia.
What I find so sad is that in their disordered minds and in their dysfunctional way they all seemed to adore Caylee- I mean Cindy all but lived for her, ya know? I wish they'd honor that now with some truth telling sessions!

they will never tell the truth. it would wreck there delusional little worl they all live in.
Has anyone figured out what made KC think she was getting out in August of 09?

In the letter she stated she would be out by summer, I think she was thinking summer 2010, because if you recall the trial was suppose to start spring of 2010, so if she really believes she will be acquitted than that would be why she thought she would be out by summer.
She even stated that she doesn't blame "zany" for not coming forward, and also states tha she doesn't beleive "zany" would do this, yet also says that "zany" would not tell her where her and Caylee were after KC had "zany" watch her a few days.

Yet she was protecting her family, protecting what may potentially happen to Caylee...
She's toast!
For those who keep throwing up the bipolar thing. I am bipolar, and so are several family members. Just because you are bipolar does NOT make you a liar or a murderer, which Casey is. I am just not seeing how people think KC is Bipolar. Bipolar individuals switch between moods, not thoughts. If anything KC seems ADHD, but not bipolar! I do not see her having manic phases, where she goes from being extremely depressed to being happy, which is what bipolar people do. In the two years I have followed this case I see nothing Bipolar about Casey. ADHD yes, Narcissistic yes, social path yes, pure evil yes, but not bipolar.
SO please stop talking as though murderers are all bipolar because that is not true, nor is it fair to state such things... I see it everywhere, ohhh...she killed her kid she is bipolar, she robbed a bank she is bipolar, she is crazy she is bipolar. People need to look into what bipolar is, and besides Casey was seen by a psychiatrist when she was first arrested and it was not diagnosed then and has yet to be diagnosed.

ITA. Thanks for your post. KC's letter does state that she has trouble sleeping and she started writing at 12 in the morning and got so into the letter she decided not to sleep. She also made many calls to friends at wee morning hours and sent text around the clock. This sounds ALOT like Mania in my opinion. Now, after stating that...I have worked with several bipolar (Type I and II) patients and none of them have murdered anyone in fact are all good people with great hearts. We have to be careful labeling and grouping people together. I for one can sometimes be guilty of this...thanks for your reminder.
alright its 2 am, I got to go to bed so I can stay up all night tommorrow night trying to catch up again, LOL
Good question, Darnudes. Here's one that follows yours-----
Who's word holds more weight? A convicted drug dealer or a convicted thief who has a history of lying her backside off at every turn (including sworn statements and interviews with LE).

Based on the words I read, I'd go with the drug dealer in a heartbeat! Casey is more than a "convicted thief" she has pending murder charges...
Another interesting thing,

She doesn't blame Zanny for taking Caylee.

She doesn't blame Zanny for not coming forward and basically leaving her in jail facing a death sentence.

BUt she sure holds a hell of a grudge and shows the most vitriol for Jessie, and can barely forgive (not sure if she states that or not) but can never forget what he did to Caylee and her (whatever the hell that was).

Something not making sense here.

Somebody supposedly takes your child, your little baby and you don't blame them?! But you will hold a grudge for 3 years against someone having the audacity of wanting to look after you and your child.

Yeah right.

BBM Actually it makes quite a bit a sense to me. She doesn't blame Zanny because Casey IS Zanny. She holds a grudge against Jessie because he cared more for Caylee than her in Casey's eyes. Remember Casey ALWAYS wants to be the center of attention and she wasn't in Jessie's eyes per Casey.

Regarding Casey's fleeting thoughts with very few in reference to Caylee. I personally think that she can't face the truth of what happened and when she broaches the subject of Caylee she has to change topics ASAP. I also personally don't think that Baez had anything to do with these letters being construed or Caylee would have been mentioned a HECK OF ALOT MORE; random memories of their special moments together; little quirks Caylee had..........they aren't there.

Also Casey's inability to relate to her own dtr's given name; using "Cay" alot...I'm sure that could have been a nickname for Casey as well and calling Caylee "Cay" is easier on her mentally and distances her from her daughter.
Do you think, after reading the letters, that Lee, George and Cindy will suddenly start sitting on the prosecution side of the courtroom? I could see it :)
nah mgardner.

that would imply they remember who caylee was.........
aww, I'm not scared to admit how I learned things I know. I didn't read it in a book and I'm not ashamed of it.

Well I hear you, think I remember you from way, way back.. I was here back in Lacie days, dont post often anymore cause lots of rudeness here at times... Wish you well & waiting on Casey's day in court :)
ITA. Thanks for your post. KC's letter does state that she has trouble sleeping and she started writing at 12 in the morning and got so into the letter she decided not to sleep. She also made many calls to friends at wee morning hours and sent text around the clock. This sounds ALOT like Mania in my opinion. Now, after stating that...I have worked with several bipolar (Type I and II) patients and none of them have murdered anyone in fact are all good people with great hearts. We have to be careful labeling and grouping people together. I for one can sometimes be guilty of this...thanks for your reminder.

I think we're all guilty of it at times! :) ITA with your post.
What I find so sad is that in their disordered minds and in their dysfunctional way they all seemed to adore Caylee- I mean Cindy all but lived for her, ya know? I wish they'd honor that now with some truth telling sessions!

I wish I could agree with you OneLostGrl but I've always felt that Cindy was not the grandmother to Caylee that she outwardly portrayed herself to be. I truly feel that Caylee's first four-years of life were filled with Cindy and Casey playing Caylee against eachother and messing with her poor little head. :furious: JMO~
and yet caylee was a seemingly happy smiling little girl.

wonder if she kept herself amused while everyone ignored her?
Do you think, after reading the letters, that Lee, George and Cindy will suddenly start sitting on the prosecution side of the courtroom? I could see it :)

Only if the defense side of the court room has burned down to the ground first.
Do you think, after reading the letters, that Lee, George and Cindy will suddenly start sitting on the prosecution side of the courtroom? I could see it :)

Lee has never come to court and I certainly don't think he is going to start now in light of today's revelations. As for Cindy and George, they will keep up the charade and do as they have always done, protect Casey. They ain't moving nowhere. IMHO
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