2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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page 32 talks about her dad staying some sort of residential care to talk things out and the service being set for some time this coming week - the first week of February.
"Cookie" and "Muffin" :sick:
OK I'm not buying into all this GOD stuff she is spouting. I mean I am a true believer, she is only because she is in jail (sorry that's the way I see it). Her interests in life have nothing to do with God because if they did then she would have had pics and stuff posted in her Myspace etc. All she had was skulls and stuff. This girl drives me crazy and Beaz thinks because she is talking about God ALL the time that it will make her human. Back to reading ...

I posted about her comments about God earlier and then removed it. I'm glad you brought it up again when I am calmer. :angel:

I do believe that God will forgive anyone. ANYONE. But, then the person changes and WANTS to make it right! By continuing with the lying in the letters tells me she is using the Lord just like she uses everyone else. Unless she starts telling the truth, I do not see evidence of a spiritual change and her comments about the Lord are next to blasphemy, IMO. I am not her judge, no I'm not. But I don't see any spiritual fruit in her and hope that people reading this don't believe that her comments in these letters are Christian.

<stepping off soap box>
She's certainly hitting all of the necessary points - she was molested/victimized, but magnanimously forgives the victimizers (just like ghandi! WOW!),she is reading that Bible night and day and has found Jesus, complete with quotations, she knows the 'real' Zanny didn't do it (I don't know where to even begin with that)- therefore, the killer is a mystery person never to be found. Don't worry that you can't find the real Zanny, she couldn't have done it,she was gonna rescue Caylee by moving away from the evil family (with what? monopoly money?) but alas, the cruel world prevented it from happening, and BINGO!! *The big one* An explanation of why she waited 31 days...because Caylee was and wasn't missing. Yes, this is a scheme, a setup, a contrivance ladies and gentlemen!
WTH is with the monkey document called "I like monkeys"? It looks like something that has been printed out. It talks about buying a whole bunch of monkeys & having them all die. It mentions the monkeys decomposing & smelling bad & mentions different ways to deal with the monkeys. It makes me sick when put in perspective about her driving around with poor Caylee in the trunk. It really make me sick reading it!

Oh man.. ME TOO... soon as I started reading it.. I was thinking about the decomp and little Caylee.. Im disgusted..
On page 410 she is talking about waiting to go to court that day and she writes, "I tried to fix myself up a little bit, I have to look good for my audience." OMG is all I can say right now.

That really does speak volumes does it not?
But it won't acrue her much jury sympathy is she is constantly giggling, fiddling with her "teeny" hands, playing with her hair and smoothing down her shirt which is already too tight (and not in a good way). I don't care how obsessed with her breasts she is.
I have a feeling the reason the defense allowed these to be released, is to elicit sympathy both from the public and the jury pool, for Casey.

Now, I can understand a bit more why the family has been behind her.
They didn't want all the (allegedly) horrible things they've done to come out and
hope(d) if they stood by her, she'd be quiet about their deeds.

I seem to recall a jail visit where Cindy was concerned about a recent doctor/psych? visit with Casey and she said "Don't worry, I didn't tell them anything."...I am paraphrasing.
I don't feel sorry for her but I'm understanding her a bit more. I also don't think she's telling the truth about everything, although I think enough of her real personality leaks through as to give insight into her character.
And yes, her handwriting is difficult to read, just as her personality seems to be.
Has anyone ever seen the movie Elf with Will Farrell? He plays Buddy the elf & when he gets excited he talks non-stop about random things. He doesn't stick with one subject....he speaks quickly & is all over the place conversation wise. ANYWAY, KC totally reminds me of that character. She bounces all over the place. It's very hard to read!
I've just read down to where she tells about her mother's betrayal: taking the story to Meredith Viera, copywriting Caylee's name, and planning the memorial service without considering her. Can't believe she says that she is has done "everything possible to hold the family together", and she is the one who "gets stomped on and thrown under the bus". Wow-what world is she living in?
Mother of GOD they are throwing CA under the bus! WOW
Does this mean CA didn't really type in Chloroform instead of Chlorofil (sic)?
I'm not one for posting, I'm more of a reader but I have to comment.

I believe Casey could've been sexually abused by her brother and/or her father. Someone as messed up as Casey probably did go through a whole heap of stuff in her life. I'm in no way excusing her because what she did was pure evil.

Another thing, she's admitted to giving Caylee chloroform to help her sleep I can't see this as a set up for a defence.
Did I miss something along the way, it states in the police reports that Skye was in jail at the same time as KC and helped pass notes, has that been stated already before.
"I am strong, and I am confident with whom I am, but I don't like looking back at who I was, or what I was made to be."
I've just read down to where she tells about her mother's betrayal: taking the story to Meredith Viera, copywriting Caylee's name, and planning the memorial service without considering her. Can't believe she says that she is has done "everything possible to hold the family together", and she is the one who "gets stomped on and thrown under the bus". Wow-what world is she living in?

Remember when she had Baez make a statement that the service wasn't her doing or something along that line? Wasn't that the day before the memorial?
Maybe I am naive but I'm not seeing these as being a set-up by the defense. I think her attorney's are highly p'd off with her for writing these. The letters read like they're written by the immature, spoiled rotten, self-centered, clueless little girl that she is. I don't think they help the defense at all. JMO.

I can't handle reading the letters, so I'm reading the reports. On Yuri's right now, and all I have to say is...


Thanks Casey! Your own words keep burying you deeper and deeper. :dance:
These letters IMO were nothing more than part of an elaborate plan on the part of the defense. JB almost looked smug about their release. Off to throw up now and may not even read all of them.
Robyn (writing to someone other than KC) says they pass the notes via an old dingy book on the bookshelf.
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