2010.04.08 - Jail house videos released on Blogger News

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where oh where to begin...thank you to the mods...a big thank you. Now I have to catch up.
I think I found them all. If you made a post about the videos and can't find it, please let me or Grandmaj know and we'll go fetch it for you.


We hear you guys, we really do! Some things just take time cuz of other stuff going on.
Elle now you have to stay up tonight and listen to every vid. :floorlaugh: :whip: And then transcribe them for us. JK
Listening to tape one..ToC and Lyndsy

Lisa can't have a visit with Misty, ToC got a haircut, ToC doesn't want anyone watching his kids while Lyn goes out. Her house is very clean and ToC can't wait to come home.

To C wants work when he's out. He doesn't want unemployment anymore. ToC asks to see the ring. Glad she has it back. This all sounds like the regular stuff. No bombshells yet
Where are these tapes?

Ohhhh... hmmm. Lemme see if I can get those to work.
Yea ToC, you better appreciate your free lawyer..
Talking about "the dog" wonder if this is the pitbull...

Talking about food, what they eat, Now ToC talking about his lawyer, why doesn't he want to be his lawyer? Lyn says Tommy sounds like he is getting use to jail. Tommy says he has to get used to it.

Lyn says she is glad she isn't there and she never will be. Lyn says when Tommy gets out he isn't going anywhere without her. ( she should have said that months ago) ToC says he isn't going to be in and out of jail for the rest of his life because he wants to get high. Lyn says you better not , you will lose your family.

talking about shopping now.
Lyn threw away the work boots, they were new, why did you throw those away ToC says?

She threw his and Timmy's away. ....hmmm
ToC completely explains where his wife lives alone with the kids, right down to the apartment # . Doesn't he know there are weirdo's out there?

ToC saying Lyn needs a new tv. Lyn has a game cube. talking about the games. Lyn talking about going out on Friday. Who she is going out with. Lyn's friend got arrested, Lyn doesn't know why, something from a long time ago. Does everyone who comes in contact with these peeps get put in jail. Except they didn't take her straight to jail.....they were questioning her about Jerry( who's Jerry?)
Lyn doesn't want to read the letter from the church it's too long....like two pages. She doesn't want to read it it's too long. ToC says she needs to read it and do what it says.

ToC says read the letter and send it to Tim. 3 min on tape 1. Miss you miss you miss you...ToC is happy to see her happy and smiling. Lyn says nighttime is the worst. No bombshells in this one.
skip tape 1 and 2 ,the good stuff starts in tapes 3 and 4...
recording 3....lyn says...it's you and someone else....ToC says he doesn't know about it. Lyn says call LP...to get the poly. ToC doth protest too much!

Repeating the story that he was in bed with her, just in case she forgets? ToC says misty is giving info to get out of trouble. Lyn states that Misty ain't getting out of any trouble, she is just volunteering the info.

Jason and Peggy came back to Lyn's house. Tommy DOES NOT WANT HER TALKING TO THEM! Lyn says their life is in their hands. Cops said tell us what happened and you will be out of here.

Lyn says...she is bothered because this has to do with her family. ToC says don't worry. Lyn says she is starting to get pissed. If he doesn't have anything to hide he shouldn't get pissed. SHE IS RIGHT!
THIRD recording....ToC keeps saying he had nothing to do with it. over and over....Lyn wants to talk about something different. Lyn is going crazy. Cops don't want Lisa and hank SR at Lyn house. LP prolly getting the poly. ToC took stress test....he failed it miserably. ToC says he passed it. The cops are liars.

He won't take a test for the police. Lawyer has to be there. ToC says that police can make a LDT say whatever they want. Lyn say's he is going to lose his whole family over this! How says Tommy.....they are the cops they can do whatever they want. ToC says he put himself in there because of the pills nothing else. Wants money on his account.

Lyn can't handle no more. ToC says....the only thing they got me for is the pills( didn't he say he didn't sell the pills?) now he changed his tune? ToC says don't answer Misty's calls anymore? One day he loves her the next day he doesn't?

They keep changing the subject because Lyn says he can't talk about it, then they keep going back to it. weird. Lyn says she wants to help the Haleigh case.
ToC says he already told them a bunch about RC.....cops don't want to hear it. ToC says why would he say that sh8t if it wasn't true. ( say what, anyone know?)

Wasn't Lyndsy away from Tyler that night? Where did I hear that? Why does ToC keep saying that he was in bed with her. Reminds me of Nay Nay letter to her BF about where she was that night.
Lyn says why does all this bother you? Oh she is telling him to shave. He needs rogaine on his head.

ToC asks what did Misty's lawyer want with my lawyer? Lyn doesn't know. ToC says he isn't going to go along with a lie. Lyn says don't, tell the truth and only the truth. ToC thinks the lawyers want him to go along with the Joe story, ToC says he doesn't know what he did and he isn't going to put his cousin behind bars for the rest of his life when he don't know what he did.

Lisa C can't leave county..Mom can't go visit anymore,
I knew you would be all over this Elle. You are doing a very good job! I told you...you can sleep later...LOL
ToC says he already told them a bunch about RC.....cops don't want to hear it. ToC says why would he say that sh8t if it wasn't true. ( say what, anyone know?)

Wasn't Lyndsy away from Tyler that night? Where did I hear that? Why does ToC keep saying that he was in bed with her. Reminds me of Nay Nay letter to her BF about where she was that night.

I think what he is referring to is Ronald's remark that if he had several thousand dollars he could get Haleigh back..I agree with you,he keeps reminding her he was in bed with her..if that were true he wouldn't have to keep repeating it..
More talk about shopping. She bought steaks. ToC keeps talking about oops okay I paused the recording because at the end of recording 3 Toc says....you need to listen to my lawyer and don't worry about that ...thats what you need to do....Lyn says the lawyer told her not to worry about it because they were going to do a polygraph and WHEN YOU PASS THE POLY WE WILL TELL EVERYBODY....IF YOU FAIL THE POLY YOU WON'T HAVE A LAWYER!
does anyone know where Hank sr, and Lisa were living when Haleigh disappeared,and if the house was searched? Hank was in the hospital and Lisa was with him that night i believe..

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