2010.04.08 - Jail house videos released on Blogger News

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There are more jail visits between Hank Sr. and Misty on the site we can't link here.
I can't bring them here because they are audio files that play on Windows Media Player.
The format was changed to make the files smaller and since all we can see are Hank and Misty's heads the video was axed.

I don't think I can listen to anymore-I have to turn the volume all the way up to hear Misty and then Hank is WAY TOO LOUD!! Plus his heavy breathing creeps me out!! lol

ETA-These might be posted on Youtube but I do not know the name of the account they are posted under and don't have time to search right now.
If anyone knows maybe they can be linked from there.

There are more jail visits between Hank Sr. and Misty on the site we can't link here.
I can't bring them here because they are audio files that play on Windows Media Player.
The format was changed to make the files smaller and since all we can see are Hank and Misty's heads the video was axed.

I don't think I can listen to anymore-I have to turn the volume all the way up to hear Misty and then Hank is WAY TOO LOUD!! Plus his heavy breathing creeps me out!! lol

Elle? Elle?

We need you!! LOL
Elle? Elle?

We need you!! LOL

lol....Oh no, not more video's. I must be missing a lot cause I don't know what the site is that we can't link to. I would be glad to help though.

There are more jail visits between Hank Sr. and Misty on the site we can't link here.
I can't bring them here because they are audio files that play on Windows Media Player.
The format was changed to make the files smaller and since all we can see are Hank and Misty's heads the video was axed.

I don't think I can listen to anymore-I have to turn the volume all the way up to hear Misty and then Hank is WAY TOO LOUD!! Plus his heavy breathing creeps me out!! lol

ETA-These might be posted on Youtube but I do not know the name of the account they are posted under and don't have time to search right now.
If anyone knows maybe they can be linked from there.

I think I found one....I can't hear a word of it though. Neither Hank nor Misty. What in the world. :waitasec:
From what I have heard I don't think she took the LDT.
The detectives told Lyndsey if she let the kids be around Hank and Lisa they were going to take the kids away from her.

The detectives told Lyndsey they were going to wrap this up in the next couple of weeks.
The detectives told Lyndsey if she let the kids be around Hank and Lisa they were going to take the kids away from her.

The detectives told Lyndsey they were going to wrap this up in the next couple of weeks.

Were did you hear that? Are they saying they are going to break Haleighs case in a few weeks or they would take Lindseys kids in a few weeks? Can you give me a hint to where these audio's are we can't link to????
I wish we knew the date of the "wrapping this up in 2 wks. visit" so we could pinpoint a time frame when the "wrap up" is supposed to happen!
I wish I knew what was going to wrap up in to weeks... Hank is LIVID!!! Hank tells misty it pizzes him off that Tommy is being named, that he dont have the heart to do that. Someone telling them that its going to be worse on them than it ever has been. HMMMM this is getting good.
Suppose to be more audios tommorrow.

OHHHHH Hank just said if he finds out who took Haliegh he would put a bullet in them, didn't care if it was his son, but he dont think it Tommy.

We have got to find a way to get these Audios here. So much to talk about in these. I wonder if we should PM Tricia or a mod.
Hank is telling Misty how it is... Finally! He says this aint going away for a long time. They got us right where they want us. He tells her, I told you to get out and you wouldn't listen, Misty starts crying.
I wish I knew what was going to wrap up in to weeks... Hank is LIVID!!! Hank tells misty it pizzes him off that Tommy is being named, that he dont have the heart to do that. Someone telling them that its going to be worse on them than it ever has been. HMMMM this is getting good.
Suppose to be more audios tommorrow.

OHHHHH Hank just said if he finds out who took Haliegh he would put a bullet in them, didn't care if it was his son, but he dont think it Tommy.

We have got to find a way to get these Audios here. So much to talk about in these. I wonder if we should PM Tricia or a mod.

Oh Butterfly, please do! I really want to hear those tapes.
Thanks Maryann123. I thought the tapes were before this LDT this past week.TC and LC were talking about the test before it happened so he might have passed it
I am listening to the third audio, and on that in the beginning, Lindsay asks Tommy if he took a stress test, and Tommy said yes i did, she then tells him that she was told that he failed it, Tommy says that he was told he passed it. I am assuming that Lindsay was told when Det. Peggy and Jason came to Lindsay residence.

I don't know what to think anymore, JMO
I am listening to the third audio, and on that in the beginning, Lindsay asks Tommy if he took a stress test, and Tommy said yes i did, she then tells him that she was told that he failed it, Tommy says that he was told he passed it. I am assuming that Lindsay was told when Det. Peggy and Jason came to Lindsay residence.

I don't know what to think anymore, JMO

BBM...And how many months ago did that visit take place? For certain, they are not talking about any LDT he took or didn't take this week..JMO

BBM RED. I don't think any of us know what to think anymore since we have been given so many conflicting statements..
I've said it many times before and I'm saying it again.. Putnam County needs a Buford Pusser..Something is terribly wrong down there..JMO
I am listening to the third audio, and on that in the beginning, Lindsay asks Tommy if he took a stress test, and Tommy said yes i did, she then tells him that she was told that he failed it, Tommy says that he was told he passed it. I am assuming that Lindsay was told when Det. Peggy and Jason came to Lindsay residence.

I don't know what to think anymore, JMO

:dance: LOL, so Tommy may be lying about the Lie Detector Test? How ironic.
I am listening to the third audio, and on that in the beginning, Lindsay asks Tommy if he took a stress test, and Tommy said yes i did, she then tells him that she was told that he failed it, Tommy says that he was told he passed it. I am assuming that Lindsay was told when Det. Peggy and Jason came to Lindsay residence.

I don't know what to think anymore, JMO
Who told Lindsey that Tommy failed the stress test? I'm assuming the test was related to Haleigh? Would they waste the time testing for the drug arrest, when they already have him on video? Do they care enough about the burglaries to perform a stress test? I'm sorry I'm asking redundent questions, but I'm kind of out of the loop, because awhile back, I stopped watching & listening to the jailhouse tapes. I felt contaminated by association, & extremely prying. Kudos to all of you guys for staying on top. I guess I'm gonna have to suffer through those things, because I've pretty much decided that these people haven't earned their right to privacy. I'm disgusted with everyone of their, 'looking out for my own hide', attitude. Thanks, for all of your answers. & one more thing...if LE informed Lindsey that Tommy had failed, well, I'd believe them over him. Also, I think he should've been enraged @ the discrepency. I'll be da**ed if I'd accept someone calling me a liar.
To be sure Lindsey would have been walking the floor with the attorney waiting with bated breath until the LDT was completed since this is her husband and the father of her children we're talking about here. I'm just getting really tired of all the damn drama with these people. Did Leonard Padilla have anything to do with Tommy taking the test? I agree chesterp, it is very odd that LC professes not to have a clue about something so important. :banghead:

I feel ya...tired of all the drama period! :furious:

From the way it reads in Art's article Ron Grenier was chosen by Werter to wire up Tommy.

Lenny said on NG he contacted Jack Tramarko, his wife and also the investigator on the case regarding the poly.

It could be that Tommy's attorney decided it would be in Tommy's best interest if he was the one to set up the poly with Grenier instead of using Tramarko with LP stipulations, if he had any. Or maybe Tramarko was not available.

Also, I did listen to the audios and was under the impression these visits took place before the March 31ST court date and also noticed that it was mentioned at the article link that they cover the March 5 through March 20 period. Which would of been before the scheduled polygraph from Thursday morning, April 8, 2010 for Tommy. Maybe that is why Lindsey has not mentioned this poly yet. I have not heard any audios from April 8Th to the present.

Maybe the reason nobody is screaming "Tommy Passed or Tommy Failed" is because the media likes to milk these kind of cases?
:waitasec: Or, maybe LE just doesn't want the results released if he did pass? I would think LE would love to have the results shown if he did fail IMO.

:waitasec:On another note, doesn't anyone find it very ODD that we have not heard ANYTHING FROM RONALD CUMMINGS? :waitasec:

"Snip" http://www.artharris.com/2010/04/09/exclusive-did-tommy-croslin-pass-polygraph/#more-4105

We also spoke with the veteran ex FBI polygraph whiz, Ron Grenier, who Werter told us he’d booked to wire up
Tommy Croslin Thursday. Grenier declined to confirm or deny a polygraph or discuss any details, citing attorney client privilege, but did relate a few war stories from 27 years with the bureau and private work since 2003–about 150 LDT’s a year.


GRACE: Hello, Leonard Padilla. Leonard, let me ask you a question.


GRACE: I`m fine. Tommy Croslin reportedly looking for somebody to pay for his polygraph. What do you make of his declaring he wants a polygraph as it relates to Misty Croslin`s handwritten letter that he was in the home standing over Haleigh the night she disappeared?

PADILLA: I had several discussions with Tommy as well as family members, and I said I`d be willing to help out. But it has to be somebody that I would refer him to. And that would be Jack Tramarko.
I`ve contacted Jack Tramarko. Jack Tramarko contacted his wife and also the investigator on the case. And the other stipulation was that it would be a public polygraph, it would not be a polygraph where the defense attorney administers it and then if he doesn`t like the results it doesn`t get released.

Now that`s where I stand with Tommy as far as a polygraph. And I believe that Tramarko`s on board with me as far as doing it.

GRACE: Yes, Tramarko`s got an excellent reputation as a polygrapher.
I am listening to the third audio, and on that in the beginning, Lindsay asks Tommy if he took a stress test, and Tommy said yes i did, she then tells him that she was told that he failed it, Tommy says that he was told he passed it. I am assuming that Lindsay was told when Det. Peggy and Jason came to Lindsay residence.

I don't know what to think anymore, JMO

I am thinking this could have something to do with the DCF investigation or maybe this was just LE trying to ruffles Tommy's feathers. LE does lie sometimes to try and get confessions out of people or make them paranoid so that they will talk. Just thinking out loud. I have no idea why a LVA would of been given to him while in jail, pretty sure his attorney would of had to of be aware if they did. Maybe it was one he took right after Haleigh went missing? It stinks that LE will not keep us updated and some of the journalist only share tid bits of what they know to milk the case.

This is for discussion of the videos only. Do not discuss the posts from bloggers on the site.

Thank you so much! And thanks for your patience!
I'm going to be moving over the posts that discussed these tapes now. They come out in chronological order.

Thanks to Tricia! Now Elle won't have to stay up all night! :wink:

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