2010.04.14 NG: Misty taken to the search scene

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If Misty helped dispose of HaLeigh's body, I hope LE know if HaLeigh's body was placed in a container and what they should be searching for.

In Misty's jailhouse conversation with her dad she said it was boring going outside by herself, well, lo and behold, the next time Misty is allowed outside, she is accompanied.
Aw NG thinks LE has something to be doing this detail search.
I don't see what I would consider sorrow from TN as she is leaving the jail, seeing this for the first time I see a person who is attempting to ac.t You know how when a child wants attention and looks to make sure your paying attention to their crying

also during the interview with JO i see a person who is trying so hard to control his disire to smile

people are comming out of the wood work for 15 minutes of fame

I have to say I felt the same thing when I saw the video. I'm not one to accuse family etc. often of anything as I think they've been through enough scrutiny. This made me feel like I was being mislead. I just got a weird feeling with both of the video's you referenced. Something weird is definitely going on and I can't put my finger on it.
I tell you what, seeing those clips of MC whining and crying and pitching her voice up a couple of octaves (reminds me of the maid on gone with the wind) irks me so much now that I've seen her on that dock. I want to box her ears.

Sorry off Topic. I'll hush now.
hey nancy haleigh has a mother and another grandmother too ya know. she only mentions condolences to ron and teresa
If I were a detective and she was standing there next to me, I would accidentally on purpose somehow manage to knock her off that dock into that water...And then say...Ooops, Sorry..JMO

You said what I was thinking when I found out Misti was there.
Okay, I AM going to vent about NG right now... She said her heart goes out to TN and Ron tonight... w/o mention of Crystal and Marie....:furious:
My theory isn't really one yet, but it does include that somehow Ron has known or involved. moo
exactly - all those phone calls (how many did he make?) RC was a werk - he wasn't calling to say:

Hey there
I lub u
Whatcha doin'?
What are the kids doin'?
I'm bored
What's on TV?
What did ya make for dinner?

c'mon - of course RC knew something, and something was definitely up! Let's hope this will all come out.
Oh my she gave her prayers to RC and TN..........sorry forgive me, I can't ........
TN and RC KNEW MC was BAD NEWS and on drugs and only 16!!!
My prayers go to Crystal, Marie and JR.
LP needs to get back on his a$$ (donkey) and head off into the sunset. He is making up things as he goes along now. Who in LE in their right mind would tell him anything they know it will end up on TV, with his opinion added to it. He is so full of carp.
She could still be the perp, calling TC & JO to help dispose and she could've went with them, therefore she knows where the body is. :waitasec: MOO

Misty and the person(s) who helped her could have decided where to dispose of HaLeigh's body before they left the trailer.
And to sum up her hour, she gives out all her prayers and thoughts to Teresa and Ron. Poor Crystal...this is another snub and for me NG and those words are surprising.

Crystal always included rc as the daddy in her pleas for Haleigh. She would say your daddy and mommy need you. Not once has TN or RC ever given Crystal the same courtesy.
Was all that stuff LP was saying about Lindsy threatening Tommy with divorce, only his speculation too?
Okay, I AM going to vent about NG right now... She said her heart goes out to TN and Ron tonight... w/o mention of Crystal and Marie....:furious:

I wish NG would explain to us viewers what her problem is with Crystal, I haven't found anything wrong with the woman (CS) yea she made some bad choices in live, but haven't we all? Give CS a break Nasty, I mean Nancy!
hey nancy haleigh has a mother and another grandmother too ya know.

Put belle3 up!! Put belle3 back up!!
Thank you!!!:blowkiss:
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