2010.04.14 NG: Misty taken to the search scene

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Jean C. wants us to look at the posture & demeanor of the detectives at the dock with MC. Looks like they're pressuring her to talk, according to JC.
I don't see what I would consider sorrow from TN as she is leaving the jail, seeing this for the first time I see a person who is attempting to ac.t You know how when a child wants attention and looks to make sure your paying attention to their crying

also during the interview with JO i see a person who is trying so hard to control his disire to smile

people are comming out of the wood work for 15 minutes of fame
NG was wrong on all her "bombshells" last night with the arrest made and a cooler pulled up. She does not have anymore of a clue than we sitting right here right now.

And that is why I stayed up and watched the 10pm news. When the FL game and wild life officer explained what the "cooler" was used for I said I wasn't going to watch NG again. But here I am.
Just so you all know - via the scanner - the Sarge for the Dive Team just radioed in that they are done for tonight as of 8:44 pm.
Just for info - the sarge in charge of dive team just radioed in that the dive team is done for tonight as of 8:44 pm EST. (via scanner)
the divers stop at dark - but that's when the boats with the sonar and radar come in and they can troll around a lot easier without divers in the water. IMO the divers are stopped at night and the boats take over with sonar and radar and mark spots for the divers to check in the morning.
I am usually a lurker here but I had to post today! Please let this be the justice that this family needs. I have followed this so much it seems in some way we r all family to Haleigh. I am praying for justice, so many kids go missing with never having any form of justice. Misti, don't let this just be a wild goose chase.I hope she has finally given in and has come clean. I'm not sure if RC had knowledge of it just yet but I sure hope he didn't. I don't understand parents that could ever hurt their own babies. I don't think they have any form of conscience or they are just pure messed up people.
OK, I guess I didn't hear what I thought I did. I'm gonna have to listen to this show again at 10pm. I just heard them asking if Tommy could have been involved. What the heck did LP say? I thought he said Tommy now admits he was there and helping with the body. I'm so confused!
what if??? Just what if, Ron got mad at haliegh before he left to work, he shook her too hard or threw her making her hit her head causing a closed head injury. She seemed ok he went to work, symptoms kicked in and Haliegh passed while Ron was at work,Misty panicked calling bro and cuz to help her, thereby making Ron guilty of murder the rest accesory after the fact. JMO

I have a theory along those lines, and will bring it to the theory thread if I can stop finding reasons not to go with that theory
There has to be some sort of motivation for Ron covering for Misty - I hope it all comes out.
I have lag so I apologize if this is already posted:

TH: parents of small children don't take up profession of drug dealer. Clearly MC has broken. She has finally done a deal. (according to TH).
I have a theory along those lines, and will bring it to the theory thread if I can stop finding reasons not to go with that theory

My theory isn't really one yet, but it does include that somehow Ron has known or involved. moo
OK, I guess I didn't hear what I thought I did. I'm gonna have to listen to this show again at 10pm. I just heard them asking if Tommy could have been involved. What the heck did LP say? I thought he said Tommy now admits he was there and helping with the body. I'm so confused!

I think that LP had shifted to offering his own opinion of the roles of the 3.

Child was already. MC called Joe and Tommy for helping in disposing. I don't think any that has been confirmed. It was an LP shift in time. :)
The Croslins would not have been anywhere near HaLeigh were it not for Ronald L. Cummings.

Put Stilettos up! Put Stilettos back up!!
Thank you!!!:blowkiss:
Jean C. wants us to look at the posture & demeanor of the detectives at the dock with MC. Looks like they're pressuring her to talk, according to JC.

If I were a detective and she was standing there next to me, I would accidentally on purpose somehow manage to knock her off that dock into that water...And then say...Ooops, Sorry..JMO
Yep! That's what I'm thinking too. You don't dump a body at a boat slip and have it still be there 14 months later. Unless you weigh it down.

As for LP saying ToC and JO helped dispose - then how do you explain all those phone calls from RC to ToC that night?

Art Harris, IIRC
I have a BAD feeling this search is a bust. It was stated by the NG producer somewhere towards the beginning of the show that LE were leaving the scene (i know, could be just done for the day) but she also said that nothing has been found of evidentiary value. I think since they had MC out there and they didn't look pleased with her (judging by all the hand gestures) that they will quit searching here for good very soon because they aren't finding anything. I also think that if anything (haleigh herself or other kinds of evidence) was thrown in this area it's no longer there because of the current and/or gators. Poor Poor Haleigh...I am so sorry you had the life that you had and that people didn't try harder to protect you. Where ever you are, rest easy in the fact that there are people who love you!
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