2010.04.17 Found Audio Tapes-Interviews of Ronald Cummings

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Hi Pondering.....that was just according to rc...lol. Man, I need one of those HUGE calendars that LE has for this project. We have another side now....the Santos'....and maybe Chelsea's (I wish that Ceaserez lady would have nailed her down about the day) but I think it was the 9th.

I am going to have to do this in a word document...
Thanks, Whisp. :) I do remember that... What I'm wondering about is if he also told the animal part to Cobra...?
I can't listen to the tapes yet, and what I've read suggests that he didn't... e.g., from Twall's report:
...doesn't sound like he included the animal part to Cobra...kwim?

I recall Cobra telling the story on Simon's show long before TM ever revealed it..
Thats where I first heard it..So, I'm thnking Ron did mention this to Cobra..JMO
Feb 9, 2009 8:00am

RC says he dropped Haleigh off at bus stop
Misty says they went to Welaka and drove to the school.
Santos said that rc drove past bus and almost ran people over at stop but kept going.
Hi Pondering.....that was just according to rc...lol. Man, I need one of those HUGE calendars that LE has for this project. We have another side now....the Santos'....and maybe Chelsea's (I wish that Ceaserez lady would have nailed her down about the day) but I think it was the 9th.

I am going to have to do this in a word document...

You're right!...btw, I don't believe they make a calendar big enough whisp and it damn sure couldn't be done in permanent ink at the rate these stories change!

omg, it's daylight! Time for bed...later all!
Feb 9th 1545

1.Ron picks up Haleigh from bus.
2.Santos says misty picked up Haleigh
3.If Chelsea is referring to the last time she saw Haleigh and it was Feb 9, she and her daughter saw Haleigh get off the bus; Haleigh blew kissesto them and got in the Altima. All windows were rolled up and tinted but she saw the door open and Haleigh get in.
...note to self; ron not seen.
Just with these two times, the Santos' throw a wrench in both stories...the whole day is wrong. LE needs GMA to verify that morning and they need the school to verify. Then LE knows the truth...we will never know because LE will not tell. They must keep the info guarded to figure out who is telling the truth.

In my mind, if Haliegh attended school at all that day she was late. I base that on the erased absent mark....the mark could be a fluke but I think the attendance is auto generated and until the teacher turns in the attendance, it will show absent.
We've already have a problem by 8:00am .... way before Haleigh has alledgedly disappeared. NOW, that's fishy.
Shell Harbor boat dock is about 1/2 way between green lane and GGM's house.
Debs, you think Haleigh made it to school or not?
For the life of me, I can't figure out why the lies started so early. You would think that they would get the morning straight and solid...good grief.
I have no good reason to believe she did, Whisp. I wish I could.
We were thrown off with Crescent City and Timmy and we may have been thrown off with the school. We have been purposely mislead, that I get. PDM won't talk and the school won't talk (but that's typical) but at least we have rc on these tapes...I am thrilled.
According to the tapes, rc said he just met JO....okay.

RC managed to go "fishing" with him at Shell Harbor and enjoy a lazy winter afternoon tossing live animals to the gators, according to TM and AH but he tells Cobra that was tommy who was with JO and had his son Austin with him.

Shortly after that JO steals his 9mm Berrata. Wasn't that the gun that rc was going to use to shoot out the windows of the police car when they got the suspect? I get confused with rc's guns. rc finds the gun at tommys using his remote vision and cleans it all up and gives it to LE. That was nice of rc to get his weapon all spiffy before he gave it to LE ... wouldn't want to give them a gun with prints on it or show that it has been fired..rc must think LE doesn't like dirty guns.
In the tapes rc is very proud and keeps asking Cobra if he sees any tracks on him. Cobra says, "No man, no tracks". RC makes him keep saying it too. Misty told us rc shoots up in his feet. I wonder if rc showed Cobra his feet ..
Yes, he did...Muffet

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And what`s really interesting, Art Harris, is that, according to Texas EquuSearch, Tim Miller, he told me on ISSUES that Ron, Haleigh`s dad, told him that this was the exact location where Joe, the cousin, liked to go fishing. What`s the significance of that?

HARRIS: Well, I walked down to the dock one day with Ronald when I was down there, Jane. And he told me that he and Joe used to go down to the dock, and Joe enjoyed throwing animals out into the river and meat and watching alligators feed on it. Now, I don`t know if that`s a true story or not, but it gives me chills. And it would certainly be somewhat consistent with what Tim Miller told you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, that is -- that is probably the most horrifying thing that I`ve heard. First of all, as an animal lover. Secondly, we know that people who abuse animals are capable of killing human beings. We know this statistically.


So we already knew from Tim M., that Ron had shown him this dock and said it needed to be searched, am I understanding that he also took AH to this dock?????????????????? Does anyone else find it really strange that Ron would take these people to the exact location????????????? It's like he was wanting something to be found!
It was Very Very hard to hear the audios, I have a great head set on and had a hard time. I may be off a few words, but pretty sure I wrote down what said, how I heard it anyway. Helps see the bigger picture.

Audio one

Ron mentions a Joseph Edward Overstreet, Cobra asked him if Ron if he was 75% sure Joe had something to do with it. Ron says, no I have no idea.

Cobra mentions that he heard that Ron has been knocking off drug dealers, Ron said no man. Cobra asked him if Ron brought this dram to his house, and Ron said no man. Cobra asked Ron about drug dealers that Ron knows. If they had a rift with any of them. Ron said no man, they don't even know where I live. The only people that know where I live is Joe E. O., Nay Nay, and the Croslin family.

The conversation then goes on to Misty and WBG.

Nay Nay took Misty to have sex with WBG at Stokes landing. Misty told Ron about it. Ron then said, yeah he got married what does that have to do with his F'n daughter going missing.


Then there is talk about a drug dealer Orlando and heroin, Cobra ask Ron if he used it, that Ron didn't look like someone that was scared of needles, Ron said no man I am not, but I am not tracking you can check my butt.

He then goes on and says that this Orlando is heavy on the drugs and people keep confusing this Orlando with his best friend Orlando.

The other Orlando is a drug dealer, Ron's friend Orlando is not a drug dealer, he is Ron's friend.

Cobra then says, Ron your not no F'n big drug dealer Ron. Ron says, man I use to.

Then there is talk about what someone told Jr.? Not sure what Jr. Cobra is talking about. Maybe Tommy (Hank Jr.?).

Tommy, his son and Joe were fishing at the dock it got dark and they left.

Ron then starts talking about who was at the dock fishing and it got dark. Tommy tells Ron that he had to leave and got his son out of there.

Ron then says that Joe said this would be the perfect place to kill somebody and dump the body and the alligators would take care of the rest.

Ron ask Cobra, do you think that is where my daughter is at? Ron answers his own question and tells Cobra probably.

Cobra says he has called LE-FDLE about this and they won't call him back and there is nothing he can really do at that time.

Again, Ron said do you think that is where my daughters at, (St.John's River)probably. Why was this river not searched thoroughly early on?

Audio two (It is really hard to understand what is being said about the gun. Did my best writing down what I think I heard.)

Ron says he knows where Joe is at, Cobra says..yeah I know where he is at and his people are following him. Ron comes back and says, yeah he is at xxxx TN.

Ron talks about getting high?...Cobra says I am not talking about getting high.

Cobra starts out by saying that he knows daddy's don't kill their babies, mommy's do. That he is checking everyone else out except for Ron. He dose not believe Ron had anything to do with it.

Joe is on the top of Cobra's list. Ron talks about his piece (gun).

Ron said that the first night that Joe came into town Joe stole his piece. The first time he met him.

On Joe's 3 visit to FL: Ron said, I went straight out to the ditch to put it in the ditch, then went and retrieved it?

Ron said, I went straight down to the ditch/culvert and I figured if the law find them he can get in trouble, went to the culvert retrieved the piece, took it home cleaned it .

Ron said if it's on his premises he (Joe) could get in trouble. Cobra said who you? Ron said no, he. That is why I (Ron) went to retrieve it.

Ron talks about how if they found it on his premises that it will come back to him?

Ron said the same piece (gun) that FDLE has right now.

Sounds to me that maybe Ron hid the piece knowing Joe was back in town, and later came back to retrieve it. What dose not make sense is why would this piece be so important? It does not make sense that Joe would just come down to FL to steal Ron's gun. Something is very fishy about Ron's gun.

Cobra tells Ron he is there for him..to help find Haleigh, he is not there for the media or money. He is there on his own money..he has 5 children. Yadda Yadda.

Ron starts talking about CS and the custody and what they are talking about over there. (At the Sheffield's camp, I assume?)

Ron mentions that he has his custody papers in the car, Cobra said he doesn't care about no custody..he is there to help find the child. Custody is their business not his.

Audio three

Cobra asked Ron what van Misty drove. That Ron came speeding by asking where his girl was at. Ron is very adimant that Misty did not drive that van..that he was the one to take and pick up Haleigh and who ever said differnt can suck his xxxx (sic). Ron said Misty never had that van...

Ron said he dropped Haleigh off and he picked her up. That Haleigh was sitting on his lap, that Haleigh turned the left blinker on when they turned on the dirt road, that she steered the car home, that she knows how to turn the right blinker on when they are turning right. He then got out of the car gave Haleigh, misty, Jr. a hug and a kiss and left for work.
Cobra asked Ron about what he said on the 911 call asking Misty..Bch who you let come in here and get my kid..

Ron said he just wanted to know is if she had something to do with it. Cobra asked about the door.

Ron mentioned that if you look on the internet you can look up about the bump lock.

The tape has been redacted IMO, it is of my opinion that there is something here that we can't listen to at this time. I am OK with that though.

Audio four

Very Very hard to hear as well, still appreciate Simon for releasing these. Helps see the bigger picture.

Ron says He is a liar? Did not get to hear what was asked when he answered that, he then goes on to say.

She (CS?) got paid about $10,000 to say that stuff about Ron/his family on T.V.? I assume bring out the truth about his drugs and abuse? Ron denies it.

Cobra mentioned a lead detective on the case that got caught with cocaine, pot and put on desk duty?

Ron then mentioned , Everybody is going to be subpoena to court. Then Ron mentioned a cop Christ Midltn.?

Cobra asked Ron, Who got caught with cocaine, pot and put on desk duty? Ron said not Merchant.

Ron said he can get Merchant get Merchant there right now..

Ron mentions Dec of 2005. Said CS owed him around $4000, but that now it's like $14,000?

This was said really odd,not sure if it is due to the tape or what. But Ron just says..in a strange way...hey man you know what, my daughter was stole Feb 10th.

You know whats crazy. My daughter comes up missing Feb 10th, he told Misty to call 911. At 3:26 the call was made, he must of gotten home at 3:23.

Ron said that LE asked him if he was home that night. He said that LE kept asked him what took him so long to get to the home. Ron said he stopped at the store that he bought a pack of Newport's, peanuts and other.

Ron then said that they kept asking him how did he get home at the time he did, when he got off of work at a certain time. Ron never mentions the time.

Ron then said that LE pulled all the tapes and LE asked him how the "F" did he get home at that time when he off of work at a certain time and got home at that time.

Ron said, well maybe that is how long it takes a cracker to drive home?

Cobra talks about a bush that is near the house that he is going to check and see if there is anything there from the van.

It was also said in this audio that Timmy woke at 1am and was not home?Hmmm, but nothing else that I could understand after that.

Cobra said that he saw the pictures of the door and something didn't look right.

Ron said he has 4 keys to the MH, one that fits that front door, and talks about how someone could use a bump lock. Cobra said there was nothing bumped be seen the pictures of the locks. Cobra asked Ron about the door nob being upside down..

Cobra said that he talked to Misty's mom, side of the family and they are on his side. Then Cobra mentioned that Lisa C. told him that maybe Joe may have a vengeance towards Ron and took off the day Haleigh went missing.
So from the bit I snipped, we know LE has a problem with Ron's work hours........big surprise, NOT.

Ron said that LE asked him if he was home that night. He said that LE kept asked him what took him so long to get to the home. Ron said he stopped at the store that he bought a pack of Newport's, peanuts and other.

Ron then said that they kept asking him how did he get home at the time he did, when he got off of work at a certain time. Ron never mentions the time.

Ron then said that LE pulled all the tapes and LE asked him how the "F" did he get home at that time when he off of work at a certain time and got home at that time
:furious: I must of woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Listening to all of these audios I want to know why the H#LL that river was not searched? Lord, why?

I also am under the impression that LE was on to Ron from day one about his activities the night Haleigh went missing. I wonder more now where those 90 calls pinged to?

Snip from one of the audios

Ron then starts talking about who was at the dock fishing and it got dark. Tommy tells Ron that he had to leave and got his son out of there.

Ron then says that Joe said this would be the perfect place to kill somebody and dump the body and the alligators would take care of the rest.

Ron ask Cobra, do you think that is where my daughter is at? Ron answers his own question and tells Cobra probably.
Cobra says he has called LE-FDLE about this and they won't call him back and there is nothing he can really do at that time.
Let me see if I have this right. RC is seen speeding past the kids at the bus stop supposedly to go get a certain outfit for Haleigh at GGM's house which is 24 miles away. Then RC is going to drive back another 24 miles to get Haleigh to school. I don't buy that for one minute.

She was obviously in school that day according to witnesses that saw Haleigh get off the bus. Chelsea says she and her daughter saw Haleigh but they don't know who was in the car to pick her up? B.S. I'm not buying that one either. All the Croslins living in the same house together eventually and they didn't all have their stories honed to fit the circumstances? Yeah, right.

I was never keen on Cobra being there in the first place but now that these tapes have been put out there, they are invaluable to see the inner workings of RC's account of what happened. He was trying to manipulate the scenario to Cobra when in truth it was Cobra manipulating him.

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