2010-04.18 Assuming the suspect is not in jail...

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I have never believed the gun story. I do believe Misty either over dosed her or did smack her upside the head. I think she called her mama first ( someone who is not currently in jail) & maybe ( but dont really think so) her daddy & they in turn called Tommy. I think Tommy & Misty's mom & Misty did it all by themselves. I think they TRIED to call Joe but didnt reach him. If it is Misty's mom & dad or Misty's mom & Tommy, it would in fact "hurt 2 people" as Misty stated. I don't think Joe had anything to do with this.
I think it is either Jo ro Timmy the Pi is referring to .
I always wondered about GGS involvement with that night bring laundry and checking on the children.
Everyone would lie to cover for GGS...........
Well, lets start with the players that are not incarcerated: (shouldn't be that long of a list)
The Croslins - JO, TiC,CC,HCsr,LC The Cummings - TN,GGS The Sheffields - CS,MG
Did I miss any? Or have any of the players wrong? Please add if I did.

Now out of this list, who had means, motive & opportunity?

JO was in town, had use of a vehicle and is rumored to have had a dispute with RC. Also was said that he had been cleared by LE, I do not know how they cleared him, but I do believe he was not and had not been suspected by LE. I cannot fathom that LE would have overlooked a likely suspect. I am of the opinion, the more MC & ToC point at JO, the less likely he had anything to do with it. I also think that LE met with him in TN to tell him that he is probably going to be Public Enemy #1, the cousins are implicating him, but they (LE) know he did not kill Haleigh. I think they (LE) have the true suspect in mind and asked JO to go along with this (JO saying I want to say something but I can't ...) anyway, I am getting sidetracked. JO has also been called a pedifile, not sure if this is true or not (maybe someone can fill me in) I thought this was based on Misty's comments about him messing with her when they were young (I don't know if this would be considered a sex offense since they were both young, or just kissin cuzins - the hills are full of them) In reading back over this assessment of JO, it reads as if I am 100% convinced of him not being involved. I am not. He could have done it all, and by himself for all I know.
TiC was bouncing around with Cuz Jo & has an alibi by CC (is this concrete??) He seemed to get out of town as soon as his feet would let him, and also has stated, I am not coming back there or I would be arrested too (paraphrased) I don't know why he would make a statement like this if he were innocent of any wrongdoing. The others are in jail for drug trafficking at this time, I do not recall TiC on any of those tapes.
HC & LC were at hosp due to HC being involved in an accident. (I do believe this is concrete)
TN - do we know why she was unable to babysit that night for the kids? I have been following since the beginning, but there are so many facts that are still missing. She supposedly lives 80+ miles away, but was at the mh within minutes of ron calling with an 8X10 photo of Haleigh at the ready. This seemed odd to some, normal to others. TN also has stated that she had GGM go over to check on the kids and all was normal, eating dinner on the front porch, she dropped off clean laundry etc. Was is common for GGM to go over when Misty was in charge, or was this a special visit due to Misty's 3 day party binge. If TN was aware of the binge, why didn't she go over to watch the kids? or have GGM stay with them, she went over a few hours after ron went to work anyway.
Crystals family, I don't have much information on their whereabouts when Haleigh went missing (at least I don't recall, but there has not been much speculation so I am wondering if it is safe to say they are "clear")

There are so many posters that are so much more informed than I, and I respect everyone's thoughts and opinions, so maybe you can add some facts / or debunk some myths about some of these players I have mentioned.


TN had offered the information about GMS only AFTER the rumors that Misty was NOT at the mh the "whole night". I guess they figured it WOULD suggest she WAS there the "whole night". Why else would you offer up that info AFTER hearing about the girlfriend not even being there. They defended her and never entertained that thought. Even if GMS did go by there like she said between 7-8...how would that still account for Misty being there the "whole night"? TN and GMS thought that it would.

GMS just recently came out and said that she was angry that day because Ron let Misty back in....but GMS did not mention that early on in this case...I wonder why she left that little detail out? Remember-"That's a Crock!" statement? GMS defended Misty along with her daughter TN...
We also just recently found out the TN had called Misty to babysit and offered to pay her....If TN offered to pay her.....TN was desperate for her to babysit.

I believe they fit somewhere in the story. Maybe just the cover-up part, I dunno. But they put a shield around Misty for a reason.
I cannot find a link to the quote being referenced...only a direct opposite statement by Brown below. Anyone find a link?


Brown said he believes the Putnam County Sheriff's Office knows who is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance.

"There may be other people culpable, but as to who killed Haleigh, that's not going to be a big surprise," Brown said.

Then my guess is Misty did it if it won't be a surprise.
I always wondered about GGS involvement with that night bring laundry and checking on the children.
Everyone would lie to cover for GGS...........

Hmm that is interesting. GGS strikes me as one who could lose her temper easily but I had never considered her a possible suspect. I wonder if Ron would cover for GGS even if she lost her temper and killed his precious Haileigh? Maybe if TN convinced him. GGS is TN's mother, right? This thought gives possible new light to me to TN's painfully distraught face in the beginning of all this. The true pain in her face was so evident, I felt so terrible for her. MOO
Then my guess is Misty did it if it won't be a surprise.

If that statement is saying that WHO killed Haleigh will NOT be a surprise and there's "other people" culpable. My guess would be Ron. And it will not be a surprise because we have all witnessed and questioned his actions from the get-go. Ron being responsible will not be a surprise to me or anyone else who has questioned his action-especially him marrying her. I think that the other people culpable are going to be those who helped with the cover-up.
I always wondered about GGS involvement with that night bring laundry and checking on the children.
Everyone would lie to cover for GGS...........
I gave you a thanx just because you had the nerve to go there. I have wondered about her form of discipline & she would be a shocker. But honestly, I don't see it in a million years.
If that statement is saying that WHO killed Haleigh will NOT be a surprise and there's "other people" culpable. My guess would be Ron. And it will not be a surprise because we have all witnessed and questioned his actions from the get-go. Ron being responsible will not be a surprise to me or anyone else who has questioned his action-especially him marrying her. I think that the other people culpable are going to be those who helped with the cover-up.

I won't be surprised if it is Ron either. It could be either one of them and I won't be surprised. In fact, it could be both of them and I won't be surprised. But I still think Misty and her clan are the ones that won't surprise anyone that isn't following closely.
Linsey would be an unlikely suspect & she does seem to know more than she's saying. Would Tommy cover for her? Yes, but now that she's moving on with her life, he would be resentful @ sitting in jail. I know a woman, (my daughter's ex's mother), who alluded to a whopper story of how she may have killed a man during a drug deal, but her boyfriend took the rap, since he was already headed to prison on repeated drug charges. A city cop alluded to this same story, while trying to warn my daughter away from this family. So, couples, out of misguided love or honor, do take the rap for each other. Brown's statement does have me intrigued. Actually, I hope I am shocked. I don't want any of the stories I've been hearing to be true.
I think Jo is responsible and maybe people in MA have something to do with it. JMO
Maybe WBG helped to set up a hit for his "dope boys" that Ronald had messed with at gunpoint? (after getting info from Misty on Ronalds guns and activities). Maybe that rendezvous was no accidental pairing set up by NayNay..

So on my list of others:
1. WBG
2. dope boy associates of WBG
That's what I was thinking MA. IMO, TN fits somewhere in this story....somewhere.

Remeber TN told Ron -"I am so proud of you".

Maybe she is "proud of him"- for not telling on her or somebody else related to her.

I am thinking along the same lines...

I really do not think Jr. was there when the 911 call came in, that child would have heard the screaming, activity, etc. and have been asking questions...crying...something. His voice is nowhere on the 911 calls.

Something is NOT right about TN and her inconsistencies, but it seems her involvement has been largely overlooked.
Another website mentioned:

"Steve Brown made the comment “You would never guess who did it'."

This may or may not be a correct/accurate quote from Mr. Brown, but it got me thinking.

Let's assume that Cousin Joe would be incarcerated if LE believed he was the actual person responsible...

Looking away from the "usual" suspects (Misty, Ron, Tommy,) for a moment, who else could have actually been responsible for this?

imikant- you know what they say about assuming! :behind: j/k
Well assuming the person is not in jail, I am wondering why that person hasn't taken the high road and high tailed it out of town with all the talk coming from behind bars and the on going search.
Would they really take a chance like that?
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