2010.04.19 Judge Strickland IS stepping down

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This can be a good thing. The next Judge will be stricter and not allow foolish games in the court room. JB will not be able to be so casual and ignorant of case law.

I agree. Wish I could be the one a few months down the road to ask the defense, "how's that working for ya?"
Judge Strickland, you are one of the best and none of us here will let this tar your reputation. You did a wonderful job.
Oh wow. Just wow.

This surely was not an easy decision for JS to make. Maybe there is a sense of relief on his part, maybe not... But I would say that his final decision to recuse himself (if that's the right term here) is simply the last in a long line of carefully thought out decisions with the goal of providing a fair trial and NO AVENUE FOR SUCCESSFUL APPEAL in this case.

JS, you have won the respect of so many with your work to date. All future success to you!

And I am quite, quite pleased that the Honorable Judge Perry will be stepping up to carry on JS's excellent work.

:furious: I am SO annoyed this happened today. IMO, it's all because fingers were on a keyboard typing away when they should have just remained off the keyboard and remained silent. :furious:
This makes me Sick an Sad..Judge Strickland is such a Class Judge..an I can see clown Baez saying " I WON' not too fast Baez..hope this next judge is a hanging judge.. I know I am bad..but this upsets me..them an their Games all about "Fun"..hope this ends the circus..

I am sure that privately JS must be glad to be free of these slimy lawyers.
He and Caylee will have the last laugh.
I find myself enraged. That disturbs me. Does this mean he can retire now? If he retires, he's free to come here and comment away!!!!!
Just received the text from WFTV (yes I get those for this case) :blushing:

What is the defenses real motivation for this? I know for dang sure it has nothing to do with Judge Strickland's impartiality.
Are they hoping to actually get an unfair judge for appellate purposes? You can't get every judge kicked off this case.

I am going to miss Judge S. but kudos to him for stepping down. He definitely ensured that the defense wouldn't have any appellate issues on his watch at least.

Now lets get this show on the road. I don't want to see any more leniency with the defense dragging their feet and playing games. It's time to get some justice for Caylee.
what? No more "rule and roll"?

i'm not sitting on any rainbows right now. :-(
RIP Caylee Marie Anthony, one day this nonsense will end and there will be justice for the terrible cruelty you suffered.
:furious: I am SO annoyed this happened today. IMO, it's all because fingers were on a keyboard typing away when they should have just remained off the keyboard and remained silent. :furious:

Hey Patty, thanks for the uploads on YT. I have my eyes glued to your channel today. :)
Let me go on the record as saying.........Be careful what you wish for.......

While I respect Judge Strickland and consider him to have behaved appropriately and fair when presiding over hearings and considering motions. This DOES NOT and I repeat DOES NOT.....worry me, concern me, or freak me out.

The defense has argued how the media has impacted this case........this event (in its entirety) has added more interest and fuel to the media interest. When they ask for that COV.............remember that.

Take a deep breath my WS friends.........and put your faith in the system. While flawed, it works! Who knows....maybe the histrionics of a self proclaimed old / hearing impaired attorney before a no nonsense Judge will create for more exciting commentary.
This makes me very sad. I'd like to publically thank Judge Strickland for all he's done in trying to obtain justice for our beloved Caylee........

I think he just did one more selfless thing for our beloved Caylee. JB always called him "Judge". I call him what he is: "His Honor".
I agree. Wish I could be the one a few months down the road to ask the defense, "how's that working for ya?"

Exactly. They had it MADE with JS and decided to roll the dice anyway, taking their ONE & ONLY SHOT at requesting a new judge. Major stupid, imo.

Be careful whatcha wish for and all that jazz....

I knew when I read that crazy Rule that this was going to be the outcome, but I held out hope.

Thank you Judge Strickland - for your patience and service. So sorry that you can't make a statement defending your own honor. Oh, and pssst....next time Mason asks you if you trust him, just smile and keep on rockin'.
Sad, I did like Judge S.

Too bad.

Curious about the new guy now...
Poor man I dob't blame him one bit The defense is a joke, I bet he is glad to be free of that mess JMO
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