2010.04.19 Judge Strickland IS stepping down

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Judge Strickland you are one classy guy, I think you knew this was going to turn into an uncontrollable media circus, you probably thought about some of your fellow judges that went through high profile cases such as Judge Ito and figured there was no need to put yourself or your family through this. You took the high road and I respect you for that. You handled yourself like the gentleman you are, you will be missed. We won't forget you. I know you did this because you are little Caylees Hero, and didn't want the case to focus on something else besides her. So this song is dedicated to you:

Now playing on YouTube: Mariah Carey - Hero
via FoxyTunes

Click on this version.
This may have been mentioned already, but there are so many posts and different threds regarding this. Um I been thinking (after the shock, saddness and other related emotions) this had to happen.

Let me say what I mean and why. So far IMO! Baez has messed up really badly (understatement I know) and Casey feels that the good judge likes her (recall her laughing during one of the hearings with the attorney when they talked about lotion in the court room and one time made mentioned in her jail house letters to her friend about the judge, something along the line I think the judge likes me >sidenote: I do not recall exact words nor did I look for a link honestly) My point is this it was out of control ( I know Im telling you all something you didnt know right now lol) the only way to save this trial now is to make it appear as a fresh start.

Look Casey got a fair trial, a judge that didn't see Baez screw up ect and the potentially legally flawed motions are reseen and redenied. (Projection warning) See it was all fair even when Beaz wasnt messing it all up!

she is still found.. lets guess ahead..ummm guilty!
There's a media link up page, WESH, says Jose Baez wouldn't comment on Perry taking over.

I can't wait for the next court appearance when he has to face Kathi Belich ( unless he can sneak away of course) she will nail him.
I agree. I like JS and I think he is a fair and honest man but I got the feeling he was losing control of the court room. For example, letting Jose ramble on about nonsense playing up to the cameras and trying to taint the jury pool. I think it takes a certain type of judge to handle a case like this one. The defense attorneys will get away with as much BS as they can and unless they have a strict, no nonsense judge it will turn into a circus (actually, I think it already has). It benefits the defense if they can muddy the waters as much as possible in order to distract the jury from the facts. I hope the new judge is as tough as nails and lays the law down immediately on the defense's antics. From what I've read about Perry, he is Casey's worst nightmare!

"Chief Judge Perry is a proponent of the death penalty. There are at least three men on death row right now, all sentenced in Perry's courtroom"


A quote from Perry:

..."you have not only forfeited your right to dwell among us as a free man, but under the laws of the state of Florida, you have forfeited your right to live at all."



Great post!

It is going to be interesting to watch how he reacts to (and rules upon) Andrea Lyon's arguments.
This may have been posted but a little background on Chief Judge Perry:


I noticed he went to Tuskegee University and majored in history. Looking back at the Tuskegee syphilis experiments and the way the Tuskegee airmen were treated, I don't think Casey's racist remarks in her letters will go over well with him.


As an African American, I really feel that her letter comments will have little effect on how the judge treats her. From what I have read about him, it sounds like he is a strict but fair judge. I for one want KC to get a fair trial so that WHEN she is convicted, it is for good. Caylee deserves that much.
I can almost picture KC and crew dancing in circles with glee over their supposed "WIN".
Rubbing her hands all the while.
It is good to know that Judge Perry is a proponent of the death penalty! :)
truckengirl - yes I saw it yesterday. My opinion on this whole mess is that if people stuck to their basic morals and values, instead of trying to grab a piece of the limelight, no matter how skewed that light might be, a whole lot of this mess associated with this case would not have happened. I mean, come on MD, just what did you think when the defense PI was pumping you for information? Anybody with half a brain would not have fallen for that crap. I mean just look at all of the whackos that have come out of the woodwork on this one, from River Cruze to Joy Wray......it is truly mind boggling to me.

AND...while I love, love, love JS....I work for a judge who's standard line to all media and press is "no comment". She will not talk about any ongoing case in front of her, except of course to us here in chambers. Her motto is "if it might look suspicious in the press, or to anyone outside, it shouldn't be happening."
You know, I really felt like I was punched in the gut when I read this news. I hate to say this (please forgive me for sounding so immature) but I'm getting to the point where I completely view JB and his minions as enemies and not just lawyers doing their job. I know that's not rational but right now I'm caught up in the emotion of the moment and am very, very angry. They just filed another 4 motions and I'm sure the list will go on and on. These days, I have to remind myself more and more that this is about a sweet two-year-old and not an attorney with an over-inflated ego. Okay, I'm pouring myself a glass of wine, now.

The only saving grace was JS's order. It was scathingly brilliant! However, don't be surprised if JB & Co. go on national television to attack JS for the way he wrote the order.

I think the old man is behind this whole thing and I also think that the "tight boots" remark was aimed at him. Maybe filing this motion is his idea of the "fun" he says this case will be.

All of the attorneys that I have heard speak about the new judge say he is strict and won't put up with any nonsense. I hope he cuts Baez off at the knees right off of the bat and I hope the defense live to regret what they have done.
I think the old man is behind this whole thing and I also think that the "tight boots" remark was aimed at him. Maybe filing this motion is his idea of the "fun" he says this case will be.

All of the attorneys that I have heard speak about the new judge say he is strict and won't put up with any nonsense. I hope he cuts Baez off at the knees right off of the bat and I hope the defense live to regret what they have done.

Can you imagine a courtroom with Judge Perry if C. Mason starts out the next hearing the way he did with Strickland? I suspect Perry won't bother raising his eyebrows and answering the way JS did - I think CM will get "the look" and a stern request to "Move On".
An interesting piece which demonstrates how differently judges handle motions to recuse. The article highlights Judge Stan Strickland's recent decision and compares it to Ohio Judge Shirley Strickland Saffold's repeated refusal to recuse herself from Anthony Sowell's case.

Strickland Saffold is alleged to have posted over 80 anonymous online comments, some of which discussed Sowell's case and disparaged Sowell's defense attorney. The comments were traced back to Judge Strickland Saffold's AOL account and some were posted from the courthouse. Strickland Sowell has dismissed all three of the defense motions asking her to recuse herself.

Just a feeling Judge stickland was sick and tired of the Anthony circus and found a way out.
WHO wants to swim with those paray's????? they are so full of Chit, and anger I guess he had enough, and I don't blame him.
An interesting piece which demonstrates how differently judges handle motions to recuse. The article highlights Judge Stan Strickland's recent decision and compares it to Ohio Judge Shirley Strickland Saffold's repeated refusal to recuse herself from Anthony Sowell's case.

Strickland Saffold is alleged to have posted over 80 anonymous online comments, some of which discussed Sowell's case and disparaged Sowell's defense attorney. The comments were traced back to Judge Strickland Saffold's AOL account and some were posted from the courthouse. Strickland Sowell has dismissed all three of the defense motions asking her to recuse herself.

I am not understanding Judge Saffold's insistence on staying. Why would she want this guy to have any chance when the appeals start flying? If she wrote the emails, step down. If her daughter wrote the emails, still step down. Get over yourself Judge.
I agree. I like JS and I think he is a fair and honest man but I got the feeling he was losing control of the court room. For example, letting Jose ramble on about nonsense playing up to the cameras and trying to taint the jury pool. I think it takes a certain type of judge to handle a case like this one. The defense attorneys will get away with as much BS as they can and unless they have a strict, no nonsense judge it will turn into a circus (actually, I think it already has). It benefits the defense if they can muddy the waters as much as possible in order to distract the jury from the facts. I hope the new judge is as tough as nails and lays the law down immediately on the defense's antics. From what I've read about Perry, he is Casey's worst nightmare!

"Chief Judge Perry is a proponent of the death penalty. There are at least three men on death row right now, all sentenced in Perry's courtroom"


A quote from Perry:

..."you have not only forfeited your right to dwell among us as a free man, but under the laws of the state of Florida, you have forfeited your right to live at all."


I think I know now why the defense might actually have wanted this judge. This is a perfect set-up for AL and her platform. I'm wondering if the trial will be less about Casey Anthony and more about the legality/morality of Florida's death penalty. Just a thought...maybe "agenda" trumps Casey.
IMO.....Interesting comment by MD....

Thank you, Mary Jo. I think Baez heard me, too. No one asked to interview me after the defense left, but I was approached after the hearing by the Today Show producer. He told me I would be on the Today Show, which aired this morning. I was, so I can’t complain. I told him that old adage, that yesterday’s news is the bottom of today’s birdcage. Hey, I was on TRU. Twice!

I really do try to pick the right music.

Really puts things into perspective heh???

IMO.....Interesting comment by MD....

Thank you, Mary Jo. I think Baez heard me, too. No one asked to interview me after the defense left, but I was approached after the hearing by the Today Show producer. He told me I would be on the Today Show, which aired this morning. I was, so I can’t complain. I told him that old adage, that yesterday’s news is the bottom of today’s birdcage. Hey, I was on TRU. Twice!

I really do try to pick the right music.

Really puts things into perspective heh???

IMO.....Interesting comment by MD....

Thank you, Mary Jo. I think Baez heard me, too. No one asked to interview me after the defense left, but I was approached after the hearing by the Today Show producer. He told me I would be on the Today Show, which aired this morning. I was, so I can’t complain. I told him that old adage, that yesterday’s news is the bottom of today’s birdcage. Hey, I was on TRU. Twice!

I really do try to pick the right music.

Really puts things into perspective heh???

Is there anyone in Orlando who is normal?
The Today Show producer, Jim Lichtenstein, told me I would be on the show Saturday morning as we were leaving the courtroom Friday. It’s only a 2-minute segment and I’m mentioned briefly, but it’s something. Better than nothing. The only thing I take issue with – and that’s very mildly – is Kerry Sanders’ statement that I’m a pro-prosecution blogger. Everyone knows I’m an Anthony lover. Right?

and now this????????
The Today Show producer, Jim Lichtenstein, told me I would be on the show Saturday morning as we were leaving the courtroom Friday. It’s only a 2-minute segment and I’m mentioned briefly, but it’s something. Better than nothing. The only thing I take issue with – and that’s very mildly – is Kerry Sanders’ statement that I’m a pro-prosecution blogger. Everyone knows I’m an Anthony lover. Right?

and now this????????

Somehow, the words "Make him stop" are in my head! :banghead::banghead:
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