2010.04.19 Judge Strickland IS stepping down

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This shows how impartial he is...he sees their shenanigans and knows what they are up to yet it never once showed in court.
I hope this is a good thing for the state...

I so appreciated Judge Strickland but now I guess he gets a break.

Do we know anything about the new judge

While everyone else keeps getting tired from getting ready for the case...this NEW judge will have a different take on it and maybe will not tolerate show Biz/ clownish trivial/useless/
well you get the picture antics of certain members of the
Blank :dance:
He will demand professionalism and not be intimidated and all...
a new judge may mean an entirely new aspect of this case.
A different way he will handle little court hearings for this and that...
let's hope so anyway..
Jude S. is fine just saying... he has had about enough of it I think as far as every other week being called in and having to say
" Nobody is keeping this information from you, all you have to do is go there and look at it'
and stuff like that which takes up court time..
and is not a real issue.
I love the way JS got the last word with his answer to the motion.

It starts:

"The issue before the Court presently is the Defendant's motion to Disqualify the undersigned filed (courageously!) at 4:48 on Friday afternoon, April 16th, 20190. No courtesy copy or fax was provided to the Court. Obviously, defense counsel's intent was to maximize exposure, and minimize or delay any response."

And ends:

"At it's core, defense counsel's moton accuses the undersigned of being a "self-aggrandizing media hound:. Indeed. The irony is rich."

"Motion granted.
My favorite part:

At it's core, the defense counsel's motion accuses the undersigned of being a "self aggrandizing media hound". Indeed. The irony is rich.

Motion granted.

Stan Strickland
Circuit Judge

Love it!
He mentioned the "trust me" comment as well. And he noted that he was in the blogosphere to guage public opinion for the COV. And he noted that MDs blog struck him as one which was impartial as opposed to other blogs.
I agree that maybe he should have kept the conversation to himself, though I would be hypocritical to write that he should stop posting all together.

I suppose they still could have found this, if they listened to the older court proceedings, but that would be unlikely at this point-This does go back to the fact that MD wrote about exactly what happened. And his latest blogs show some signs of him being disturbed that this happened because of him.

I really have to wonder what KC thinks about this-As vapid as she can come off, I do think she knows a thing or two about what is going on around her, and if she were truly paying attention, she would see that she has been getting a fair shake from the Judge S. She has to be worried that she is going to be getting Judge Hateskillermommies next.

It wasn't as much MD's blogging about the conference between he and Judge Strickland that did the most damage, because of the time lapse, the Defense wouldn't have been able to file.

What clinched this was MD's willingness to 'be interviewed' by Lyon's PI, and then Lyons herself thereafter. Because MD did this recently, within the past 10 days, it allowed the time on the clock to 'move forward', so to speak, and that's where the Defense nailed this down.

That was the whole intent and purpose of Lyon's PI knocking on MD's door and requesting the interview. Why MD agreed to it, well, I suppose we can all come to our own conclusions on that part, but I think it's obvious.
Personally I think this was clear retaliation by JB for the complaints to the bar association (that Judge S was REQUIRED to make!). As much as I liked Judge S, the new Judge will be just as fair and impartial - everyone (with any sense of respect for the Court) is on best behavior when such a huge media spotlight is on the court. That excludes, JB & team, of course.

Now that Judge S doesn't have to be a neutral arbiter in this case, I hope he makes all of the disciplinary complaints about JB as his heart desires! But JS probably won't, since he's such a gentleman.

The Defense is going to regret this. What's that saying? You know the devil in what you have, not in what you're going to get?
Did anyone catch the comment about tight boots and active imagination in reference to the payment in crate of oranges?
Pay attention to the footnote. I am crying and I mean crying in tears and laughter.

please tell me I am dreaming!
This can't be true!
I loved the judge...........now who will Baez get in his pocket!
I'm so upset!
What does this mean for the trial?
Start all over again???

Read the motion Passion, you'll feel better. I promise.
The One thing I like about this NEW Judge he is from TEXAS an they don't fool around..YEH>>
I had the misfortune, and I say misfortune only because I was a defendant, of appearing before Judge Perry once in my life. It was a DUI case and I was busted, dead to rights. A technicality got my breathalyzer results thrown out (along with thousands of others) and the judge asked me how much I had had to drink that night. I told him 8 or 9 beers. He looked me dead in the eyes and said "At least you're not trying to pull the wool over my eyes here" or something to that effect. He then convicted me of reckless driving without alcohol involved, which was a freaking gift. From my recollection, he was fair with me and everyone else in court that day.

I don't think he's likely to take a whole lot of crap if he thinks someone is lying to him. From what I remember of court that day, he didn't take kindly to someone trying to BS him.
I'll say! He is a no nonsense judge. He was a former Asst. State Attorney. JB and his posse will never get away with half of the nonsense JS allowed. I don't think there will be too many motions that are not ruled on right away. This judge knows the law back and forth-he was over JS.

Well, then all I'll say is in the words of my dear grandmother: JS... You done good.

May you sit upon your beach chair and drink a rita away from this mess.

And, JB, et al., be careful for what you wish for!! :D
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