2010.04.19 Judge Strickland IS stepping down

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the new thread on the motions is up, but I couldn't find the actual motions and it is 3 am here.
It is a sad day when your only defense strategy is to throw garbage against anyone and everyone until something sticks. I am sickened by this whole strategy. IMO the worst part of all of it is that the Honorable JS is the only one man enough to know when enough is enough and it is no longer viable for him to continue on in this circus. May there be justice in the end for the ONE AND ONLY TRUE VICTIM CAYLEE
there will be Justice Chck....
and I agree the defense does not have a defense so they are trying anything and everything they can to get this case dismissed or stall til no one cares any more, but ya know what we will never stop caring.
Song for Baez to Cheney. Fitting I think.

My Pal - God

You're my only friend, you don't even like me.

Excuse me as I am coming in late, but isn't Judge Perry black..and doesn't KC make derogatory statements (or am I confused) about black people in jail in her letters?

WFTV reports he's a no-nonsense judge. I appreciated JS for being fair and for being patient despite the buffoonary displayed by the defense team. The defense couldn't have asked for a better judge to work in their favor, IMO. Now they have gotten what they asked for but they may not like the outcome..and how silly would they make themselves look to even suggest that they get yet another judge..

maybe the defense was hoping for Perry because of KC's letters.

No matter what he does, they can appeal later on saying any decision Perry made was him punishing KC's racism.
Seeing the video of Judge Perry in action, reading the article and the "2 rules", I think we are in for a treat and the defense maybe in for the ride of their lives. I don't know what their strategy is and I really don't want to get that far into their thinking to figure it out.

I have had my homeschool students watch some of the hearings, and I am looking forward to setting the time aside to watch the next motion hearing with them. I think it will be very educational.
No, you'll have to watch video...label on link is related to top story on that news site...

Thank you, I did watch the video...but then saw the label at the top of the page. It was very middle of the night here...was up with children and had stopped by the computer on the way back to bed.
It's very sad that the only thing this bunch of half wit "lawyers" can do to try to get KC off is question one judges bias (when he has done nothing be be fair and un-biased) because he happened to check out the internet and local blog pages to see what the people in the area are saying to see if she can get a fair trial.

If they decide to question Judge Perry's rulings based on KC's racist remarks, it will be laughable. Judge Perry is a no-nonsense type of Judge. Frivolous and poorly worded motions will be a thing of the past with him.

KC's so called defense team has really bit themselves in the :behind: this time. They aren't going to get away with the antics that they did before.
I can't get the song THE DEVIL WITH THE BLUE DRESS ON out of my head!
Or maybe Casey convinced Mason that she prefers BOXERS over BRIEFS?!

Boxers vs. briefs...........race vs. race....

Neither is relevant in this case, nor worthy of discussion, imo

Casey is going to think that Mason is now godlike. In the little balloon over her head --"wow, this new attorney of mine got rid of the judge in one motion!"-
For purely selfish reasons, I do hope Perry allows cameras in court to watch the balloon deflate.
Judge Strickland has stepped down from the case, not what I would have preferred, but he acted in the best interests of Caylee.

One bright spot - KC is still in jail. If the defense elects to re file a lot of their motions that were denied, it may put the trial off even longer - but KC will still be in jail. If it takes 5 years to bring this case to trial - KC will still be in jail. Do I want to wait another 5 years to get justice for Caylee? NO, but I can wait because KC is still in jail!

I believe JB, and his crew are going through every motion that has been denied by JS based on their motion that JS was biased. Be prepared to re-visit every motion that was denied by JS. AL gets another shot to ask JP to remove the DP. I don't think I can take watching her again!!!
I believe JB, and his crew are going through every motion that has been denied by JS based on their motion that JS was biased. Be prepared to re-visit every motion that was denied by JS. AL gets another shot to ask JP to remove the DP. I don't think I can take watching her again!!!

Why would AL argue that? Isn't CM DP qualified? Why would the state pay to fly in Ms. Lyons when CM could do it? Would it be because AL originally wrote the motion? And would all these motions have to be rewritten or redated?
You're talking about THIS defense? *falls on the floor laughing*

My dear, you have NOTHING to worry about. They've already cut off EVERYTHING to spite only themselves. Believe me, this doesn't benefit them in ANY way.

Defense just finished their depos with the FBI experts and are requesting further information on the reports from SA's office so can we assume that they did not get the desired results from the depos. that they wanted. Is there some real damning evidence we just have not seen yet, i.e. bite marks on the duct tape?????

Why now did they decided to remove the judge unless there is something going on they may be trying to slip by everyone without much notice??? To take such a bold move there has to be something worst under the smokescreen. JMO
I did not know about this until I got an email from a very dear friend. I simply could not believe it.

The problem here was not Judge Strickland; it was Baez and his circus-like antics. If Baez and Crew wanted to give me just one more reason to dislike them all, this was it in boxcar letters.

IMO, there will be justice for Caylee whether it is Judge Strickland or Judge Perry who metes it out. The defense does not have a winning hand here and they know it.

This info makes me sad for Caylee. Judge Strickland has been through so much with this case from the get go! You know there's NO WAY this hasn't affected his life, as well. Only 'well-wishes' to Judge Strickland and his family

I can't help but question if this will initially hurt the case? Will the defense use this to their advantage to show that she won't be able to recieve a fair trial, with the new Judge being assigned to her case? I'm sure they will try ANYTHING.

Was anyone able to find out info regarding the new judge? I can only hope that he does not tolerate ANY of the defenses public antics that JB and his crew will be spewing.
What is the *new* date the trial is 'supposed' to begin? Will this new development push it back longer?

We must remember, through all of the drama this case generates, (and has already generated) JUSTICE for Caylee is the final destination!

RIP Caylee
BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Casey Judge Stepping Down

Judge Perry is known as "no nonsense," "demanding of professionalism," "demanding in competence," "no nonsense from litigants who appear before him" - "a judge's judge."

they will not gain any tactical advantage, we're not going to see a different outcome of this case because judge Perry has it and the defense will be held to a higher standard and Judge Perry will probably be a little less patient with ineptitude (LOL) than JS was.

Watch out Baez, no more incompetance from you or your team!
I am going to hold strong to the belief that the B (ozo) defense team hasn't won a victory....instead, they've shot themselves in the foot. Judge Strickland was beyond fair and patient towards the defense. The chances that Judge Perry will be likewise are slim to none.
I would love to post on the Support Judge Strickland thread but I can't help but think "What Was He Thinking???" Talking to a blogger in his courtroom KNOWING the cameras were still rolling??? Really? Maybe not illegal but certainly not kosher! Dumb move Judge. And the LAST thing this case needs is MORE delays.........
The whole thing just gets weirder and weirder.....and once again shows that anything and everything the A's touch turns to S*** (the opposite of gold). jmho
So it looks like this video is KC's indictment...not from anything the Judge said...but from the label...is that correct...really? It says "Grand Jury indicts Casey Anthony."

And I kept seeing Perry and Mason together to and thought wow...where will this take us.

Yes, that is video from the grand jury that indicted Casey on murder on Oct. 14, 2008. That is SA Lawson Lamar speaking. Casey is the named defendent who is not yet in custody he was talking about, so the indictment was sealed. As soon as she was arrested the indictment was unsealed and her charges were released to the public. Belvin Perry, Jr. is the judge who presided over the grand jury proceedings.

Here's the original article about the indictment that included the video clip: http://www.wftv.com/news/17705500/detail.html#
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