2010.04.21 If it's Ron, why won't they talk?

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I'm going to go out on a limb (please don't push me off) and say they aren't talking cause it wasn't him. I don't think he is completely innocent and can see it being quite possible that he was told after the fact, but I honestly don't think he was there and we he first got home and made the first 911 call, genuinely believed someone had took her.I think a lot of the hush hush is due to the drug trafficking. They all participated in some capacity with the selling, buying and consuming of drugs....and they covered up whatever happened to Haleigh to prevent LE from finding out about the drug stuff. When they got arrested they were probably advised by their attorneys to keep their mouths shut. Any attorney that knows that their client has ANY information that would inturn also implicate their client in the commission of a crime is going to tell them to keep quite at least until they can figure out a way out or at the least less time(i.e a deal)

I respectfully disagree, reason being IF he found out anything after the fact, Tommy, Misty and cousin Jo wouldn't be breathing air right now..JMO

And I don't thnk anyone here would ever intentionally push you off the limb, but it might break on its own..LOL... Just trying to be funny...No disrespect intended..
I really dont know the who, what, where, or why,,,,just like the rest...But everytime I see that vid of RC whinning,,,not really crying, but whinning like a real titty baby, I see someone who is so drugged up to the max and is trying his level best to produce real tears,,,which at one point in time, he does....I cannot get passed that show he put on when he went down on his knees...I believe he knew before, during and after what happened to his own daughter...MOO
Against my better judgment I'm going to say it:

Drugs are BIG money.
Putnam County is poor.
RC may be one of the sticks thats make of hoop of "in" and "out" arrests/justice? (for money) that makes the economy go 'round.

Just an idle thought, but one we need to consider, in my OPINION, since LE won't talk.
I don't think anyone is lying for Ron, except for MAYBE Misty. I think they're all lying for themselves. Although, Ron may be lying for Misty, the others have got to be culpable somehow. In my weirdest scenario, Ron, figured out a way to make everyone share culpability "equally." But that does seem awfully complicated. In my least weird scenario, Ron is lying for Misty, the others share culpability, and are all trying to avoid legal ramifications. I don't think anybody would cover for Jo, and I don't think anyone, besides Linsey, would cover for Tommy. I've also wondered if anybody really knows who they're covering for. Ron thinks he is covering for Misty, Teresa thinks she is covering for Ron, Misty's not sure who she's covering for.-maybe Ron & or Timmy? etc. etc. All I know...they are all covering for themselves. I don't think there is one person who would garner this much support. Besides the free babysitting, why would any of these people feel indebted to Misty? What do they owe Ron?
I think Ron has a lot of issue but he did not harm nor had any knowledge that anyone was going to harm his daughter.

These people haven't talked because for almost 15 months they have been in their on CYA mode. Protecting their own disgusting family participants. Never would Tommy or Misty stand face to face with Ron and tell him what really happened to his daughter. They all are wormy cowards imo. They know without a shadow of a doubt that anything they tell LE now has to be backed up with evidence and they have none when it comes to Ron. I know they wish they did have it because it is obvious they do not want to do the time for the crimes they committed imo.

In fact if Ron was out free no one would be saying a thing today either imo. He has not minced his words on what he would do if he found out who is responsible.

I don't think they would have ever talked about their own responsibility in this tragic case if it wasn't that they knew Ron was locked up and couldn't get to them.

Whatever the police had didn't just start with the search at the boat ramp and Misty and Tommy being brought there. Bowling made it very clear that what led them to believe Haleigh's death was a homicide was learned several weeks ago.

I believe that Misty, Tommy and Joe are up to their eyeballs in this murder. Since all three were involved imo they tried to protect each other because if not the other one could make the lies fall like dominoes.

I think whatever led the police to the river is why Misty and Tommy started spilling the beans when they were finally confronted with things they just couldn't refute anymore.

Even though imo this motley crew is dumb as a box of rocks they know they have to have evidence to point the finger at Ron and they don't have it. If they did they would have ratted him out a long time ago in a heartbeat trying to save their own sorry pathetic azzes.

I'm going to go out on a limb (please don't push me off) and say they aren't talking cause it wasn't him. I don't think he is completely innocent and can see it being quite possible that he was told after the fact, but I honestly don't think he was there and we he first got home and made the first 911 call, genuinely believed someone had took her.
I think a lot of the hush hush is due to the drug trafficking. They all participated in some capacity with the selling, buying and consuming of drugs....and they covered up whatever happened to Haleigh to prevent LE from finding out about the drug stuff. When they got arrested they were probably advised by their attorneys to keep their mouths shut. Any attorney that knows that their client has ANY information that would inturn also implicate their client in the commission of a crime is going to tell them to keep quite at least until they can figure out a way out or at the least less time(i.e a deal)

BBM... ITA with that. If they could point the finger at Ron they would. IMO his being at werk will check out and they know that. Yet again I will say it ... Misty et al are NOT afraid of Ron nor is Misty afraid of Joe.
If it's Ron, why won't they talk?

How do we know they aren't? Talking, that is.

Just askin'?
I don't think anyone is lying for Ron, except for MAYBE Misty. I think they're all lying for themselves. Although, Ron may be lying for Misty, the others have got to be culpable somehow. In my weirdest scenario, Ron, figured out a way to make everyone share culpability "equally." But that does seem awfully complicated. In my least weird scenario, Ron is lying for Misty, the others share culpability, and are all trying to avoid legal ramifications. I don't think anybody would cover for Jo, and I don't think anyone, besides Linsey, would cover for Tommy. I've also wondered if anybody really knows who they're covering for. Ron thinks he is covering for Misty, Teresa thinks she is covering for Ron, Misty's not sure who she's covering for.-maybe Ron & or Timmy? etc. etc. All I know...they are all covering for themselves. I don't think there is one person who would garner this much support. Besides the free babysitting, why would any of these people feel indebted to Misty? What do they owe Ron?
If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Tommy is physically involved. Are he & Linsey smart enough to have caused all of this confusion? I do think it's possible that Ron gave Tommy the dead rat to keep him from ratting on Misty. WHY? I'm not sure, but Ron & Misty are tight. If he's not responsible, & that's what things are looking like, maybe he knew it was an accident & just decided to turn his back on Haleigh. But if Ron isn't responsible, he knows what happened-I think. See,..I'm not even sure about that. When I look @ Ron as not responsible, I see a guy who is watching things unfold & wondering how long Misty can 'beat' the system. Those 2 give off the vibe that they owe each other. & I know this isn't a popular view, but I think Ron loves Misty. He took her back so many times. Would he if she had done something to his daughter? maybe.
I don't know about MC or TC or anyone else, but Uncle D. seems pretty scary to me. He also made a statement or two that would make me think twice before I "told" on anyone in his family!

If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Tommy is physically involved. Are he & Linsey smart enough to have caused all of this confusion? I do think it's possible that Ron gave Tommy the dead rat to keep him from ratting on Misty. WHY? I'm not sure, but Ron & Misty are tight. If he's not responsible, & that's what things are looking like, maybe he knew it was an accident & just decided to turn his back on Haleigh. But if Ron isn't responsible, he knows what happened-I think. See,..I'm not even sure about that. When I look @ Ron as not responsible, I see a guy who is watching things unfold & wondering how long Misty can 'beat' the system. Those 2 give off the vibe that they owe each other. & I know this isn't a popular view, but I think Ron loves Misty. He took her back so many times. Would he if she had done something to his daughter? maybe.

I think their tightness might be shared crimes. Misty knows Ron did a crime far worse then the drug charges he is facing now.
I think Ron has a lot of issue but he did not harm nor had any knowledge that anyone was going to harm his daughter.

These people haven't talked because for almost 15 months they have been in their on CYA mode. Protecting their own disgusting family participants. Never would Tommy or Misty stand face to face with Ron and tell him what really happened to his daughter. They all are wormy cowards imo. They know without a shadow of a doubt that anything they tell LE now has to be backed up with evidence and they have none when it comes to Ron. I know they wish they did have it because it is obvious they do not want to do the time for the crimes they committed imo.

In fact if Ron was out free no one would be saying a thing today either imo. He has not minced his words on what he would do if he found out who is responsible.

I don't think they would have ever talked about their own responsibility in this tragic case if it wasn't that they knew Ron was locked up and couldn't get to them.

Whatever the police had didn't just start with the search at the boat ramp and Misty and Tommy being brought there. Bowling made it very clear that what led them to believe Haleigh's death was a homicide was learned several weeks ago.

I believe that Misty, Tommy and Joe are up to their eyeballs in this murder. Since all three were involved imo they tried to protect each other because if not the other one could make the lies fall like dominoes.

I think whatever led the police to the river is why Misty and Tommy started spilling the beans when they were finally confronted with things they just couldn't refute anymore.

Even though imo this motley crew is dumb as a box of rocks they know they have to have evidence to point the finger at Ron and they don't have it. If they did they would have ratted him out a long time ago in a heartbeat trying to save their own sorry pathetic azzes.


Excellent post, I wish I could write as eloquently. ITA with you except I do not think that the players are afraid of Ron, nor do I think he has the cahones to kill anyone. He is all mouth IMO.
If it's Ron (and I believe he shares responsibility with at least Misty in Haliegh's disappearance) then Misty isn't talking BECAUSE of the shared responsibility.

Another reason-and this one may sound dumb- but is one I believe Misty might share with NG. In the beginning NG believed (and may still believe) in Ron's innocence. If she no longer does, she doesn't want to come out and say she vehemently supported a man who she now believes killed his own child. It's a matter of pride- no one wants to be made that big a fool of for believing someone is good. Misty's pride is a little different- she doesn't want to believe Ron was just using her all this time to help cover up the crime.
IMHO.. RC and MC were the ONLY two present when the incident occurred, however I'm still on the fence as to whether or not Misty knows exactly where Haleigh was taken, by whom or how her remains were disposed of...JMO..

I have thought the same thing you have since the first day, Emeralgem.
I think their tightness might be shared crimes. Misty knows Ron did a crime far worse then the drug charges he is facing now.

Interesting, Dr. Do you mean Misty understands that Ron knows she has something on him - equivalent to what Ron understands Misty and party have done to H (a homicide). Therefore, if not for that, Ron and family would not behave in some of their own questionable ways. In other words, each family not really totally against the other because of a crime (a homicide), though separate from H's death, that Ron was involved in?
I think their tightness might be shared crimes. Misty knows Ron did a crime far worse then the drug charges he is facing now.

I totally agree with this! I also want to know if we have ever heard the explanation for the bandage on Ron's neck and scratches on his hand.

I had a child that when he had tantrums, he would kick, scream and try to scratch and bite me. Could this have been happening and he threw her off of him and hurt her?
Interesting, Dr. Do you mean Misty understands that Ron knows she has something on him - equivalent to what Ron understands Misty and party have done to H (a homicide). Therefore, if not for that, Ron and family would not behave in some of their own questionable ways. In other words, each family not really totally against the other because of a crime (a homicide), though separate from H's death, that Ron was involved in?

Yes, and I think one of Ron's crime has to do with the ripoff of a drug dealer or a beating gone bad on someone Misty said raped her. I think there is a real possibility there is another body out there besides Haleighs and they both share in the accountability of both deaths.
LE have gone over that trailer with a microscope: no blood, no sign of foul play ... MC said in her letter that TOC, MC and JO were at a store earlier. Sounds like the action started somewhere other than the trailer. We know deal drugs at local stores. Plus ToC and JO have motives/friction with RC, and all the clues point to them. RCs regular employment, security cameras, plus his cell phone pings put him elsewhere.

RC is only suspicious because he triggers something "Freudian" in people. IMO
I read a few good posts about why they feel Ron is not involved and say yes that makes sense. Then I read a few good posts about why some think he is involved and say yes that makes sense.

am I making any sense?
Yes, and I think one of Ron's crime has to do with the ripoff of a drug dealer or a beating gone bad on someone Misty said raped her. I think there is a real possibility there is another body out there besides Haleighs and they both share in the accountability of both deaths.

Nay Nay has something on Ron. I have little doubt she told LE about it.

There is a reason they were sleeping in one room and Ron had guns...just sayin. Add in Ron telling Cobra over and over that no one knew where he lived.

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