2010.04.22 - Chelsea's Comments On Nancy Grace

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Here are two different versions about that last time Chelsea saw Haleigh. She told Art that she never got to see her. But tells a little bit different story on NG.

But claims Ron picked Haleigh up at the bus stop. I wonder why Chelsea is lying for Ron? If true that Misty picked Haleigh, then we can conclude that Chelsea is covering for Ron as well because she to may know something. Maybe it was Timmy that helped Misty, after all Timmy is Misty's favorite brother. And Chelsea and Misty are very close...like sisters. And the comment on Art's site about Haleigh being happy, doing wheelies. I saw pictures in the past, the bike had training wheels!

"Snip" http://www.artharris.com/2010/04/30/exclusive-tommy-croslin-says-he-lied-to-cops/#more-4276

Cummings says he picked her up from the bus stop about 2:30 p.m.; parents I interviewed say it was Misty at the wheel, but Ronald insists he drove Haleigh home on his lap. She got in the car so fast, her aunt, Chelsea Croslin, who is married to Misty’s other brother, Timmy, and moved with her family to Massachussetts after the child disappeared, never got to see her.

“I was mad at Ronald that day,” Chelsea Croslin tells The Bald Truth, “because he wouldn’t roll down his window so we could wave at Haleigh. He was in a hurry.”

Back at the trailer, she says Tommy later reported Haleigh was happy, doing wheelies on her bike, and playing with her brother, Junior, and Tommy’s children. Misty cooked dinner. At 6 p.m., Tommy says he dropped by and smoked a joint with his sister.

Chelsea on NG April 16, 2010

"Snip" http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1004/16/ng.01.html

CASAREZ: OK. All right. You know let`s go first of all to Chelsea Croslin, since we have her with us, who lived in Satsuma, was right there when it all happened.

Chelsea, what was the first story that you heard from Misty about what happened that night?

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S SISTER-IN-LAW: Well, in the very beginning Misty told us that she didn`t know what happened and that she woke up and Haleigh was gone. She never gave us a story until I heard the story about Joe.

CASAREZ: She never gave you a story for all of those months.

CASAREZ: All right. Chelsea Croslin, sister-in-law of Misty, you knew Haleigh. Tell us about Haleigh Cummings.

C. CROSLIN: Haleigh`s a very happy, spunky, outgoing little girl. She always had a smile on her face and could put one on anybody`s face that came near her.

CASAREZ: Do you remember the last time you saw her?

C. CROSLIN: Yes, I do.

CASAREZ: What did she say to you?

C. CROSLIN: I didn`t get to talk to her. She come running off the school bus with a big smile on her face, and Ronald had his windows rolled up on his car. My daughter was waving out the window. Yelling "Hi, Haleigh." and Haleigh looked back and blew us a kiss, and she leaned up against the car, and then she got in the car and they drove away. And I never seen her again.
I am beginning to really take a closer lool at Chelsea. Her statements are NOT adding up.First&foremost no one can seem to get her to give an exact location of exactly what address they were living at on 2-9-09, and she has made several contradicting statements just recently about exactly where their home was in relation to the mh of RC. Something else that is a big red flag&evident bold faced lie is just what she stated on NG the other nite when FH was on. She stated that FH was not/had not been a part of the family,removed from the family, and practically no contact with the family for 7yrs(since Chels had been in the fam)and she stated this in reference to saying FH was lying about even speaking with Misty&Tommy. we here at WS easily have enough knowledge to prove that statement extremely false...Several reasons being, the recent photo of FH&Misty seen directly behind FH in her living room that was in her 1st interviews, another being the fact that we have seen the jailhouse tapes&heard the audio of Misty indeed talking to FH since her being incarcerated(ie, remember when Misty is asking "Nanny" for $ to bail her out&she says Hank Sr.already owed her $ and that she wouldn't even have enough to pay her mortgage), another fact that proves Chels is lying is that Lisa Croslin was actually there staying with FH when she was arrested(LE had her arrested in TN and then transferred to FL jail), and I could go on with more proof that Ms. Chelsea's statement calling FH a liar and that she wasnt a part of fam&was lying about speaking to MC and ToC. The proof all points to the fact that the more Chelsea opens her mouth the more that she is contradicting her very own statements. This compounded with their hasty departure of Fl all together and their absolute refusal to return to Fl even for a visit of any kind is leading me to believe that why, if Chelsea is NOT involved with Haleigh disappearance or COVER UP, then why & what would be her motive for so many blatant lies, complete contradicting stories, and refusal to give answers to what should be easily answered, non incriminating questions??
Here are two different versions about that last time Chelsea saw Haleigh. She told Art that she never got to see her. But tells a little bit different story on NG.

But claims Ron picked Haleigh up at the bus stop. I wonder why Chelsea is lying for Ron? If true that Misty picked Haleigh, then we can conclude that Chelsea is covering for Ron as well because she to may know something. Maybe it was Timmy that helped Misty, after all Timmy is Misty's favorite brother. And Chelsea and Misty are very close...like sisters. And the comment on Art's site about Haleigh being happy, doing wheelies. I saw pictures in the past, the bike had training wheels!

BBM. Chelsea just says that the last time she saw Haleigh Ron picked her up. She doesn't say which day it was so this could be quite true even if Misty picked her up on Monday the 9th February.
It is Art that is saying Chelsea never saw Haleigh, though. Doesn't sound like Chelsea is saying she never saw her at all. Why would she be lying for Ronald?

Also, I may be confuzzled here, but it doesn't seem to me that training wheels on the rear wheel of a bike would make it impossible to do wheelies... the training wheels don't affect the front wheel at all... might even stabalize it and make it easier. They're only there to keep the bike from tipping over sideways. JMO.
It is Art that is saying Chelsea never saw Haleigh, though. Doesn't sound like Chelsea is saying she never saw her at all. Why would she be lying for Ronald?

Also, I may be confuzzled here, but it doesn't seem to me that training wheels on the rear wheel of a bike would make it impossible to do wheelies... the training wheels don't affect the front wheel at all... might even stabalize it and make it easier. They're only there to keep the bike from tipping over sideways. JMO.

I'm not convinced that the wheelie popping is a big deal. It can be explained as Haleigh having seen Tommy and Lindsy's kids doing it on their bikes and trying to do it on hers.

I don't know what Art's saying, because frankly, he'll most likely have to retract it later. But if Chelsea was at the MH with Lindsy, why didn't GGM see her, either?
I am beginning to really take a closer lool at Chelsea. Her statements are NOT adding up.First&foremost no one can seem to get her to give an exact location of exactly what address they were living at on 2-9-09, and she has made several contradicting statements just recently about exactly where their home was in relation to the mh of RC. Something else that is a big red flag&evident bold faced lie is just what she stated on NG the other nite when FH was on. She stated that FH was not/had not been a part of the family,removed from the family, and practically no contact with the family for 7yrs(since Chels had been in the fam)and she stated this in reference to saying FH was lying about even speaking with Misty&Tommy. we here at WS easily have enough knowledge to prove that statement extremely false...Several reasons being, the recent photo of FH&Misty seen directly behind FH in her living room that was in her 1st interviews, another being the fact that we have seen the jailhouse tapes&heard the audio of Misty indeed talking to FH since her being incarcerated(ie, remember when Misty is asking "Nanny" for $ to bail her out&she says Hank Sr.already owed her $ and that she wouldn't even have enough to pay her mortgage), another fact that proves Chels is lying is that Lisa Croslin was actually there staying with FH when she was arrested(LE had her arrested in TN and then transferred to FL jail), and I could go on with more proof that Ms. Chelsea's statement calling FH a liar and that she wasnt a part of fam&was lying about speaking to MC and ToC. The proof all points to the fact that the more Chelsea opens her mouth the more that she is contradicting her very own statements. This compounded with their hasty departure of Fl all together and their absolute refusal to return to Fl even for a visit of any kind is leading me to believe that why, if Chelsea is NOT involved with Haleigh disappearance or COVER UP, then why & what would be her motive for so many blatant lies, complete contradicting stories, and refusal to give answers to what should be easily answered, non incriminating questions??

I agree as to the inconsistencies concerning Grandma Flo's involvement/contact with the Croslins. That doesn't hold water. But, I don't see anything sinister in Chelsea and Timmy moving to MASS. I would move to get away from all that also. It's not like they hightailed it out of there the next week, they waited 6 months or so to move. Also, I agree with Timmy - if he came back, he'd be arrested for jaywalking. I don't blame them for staying put. If Timmy and Chelsea were involved in Haleigh's disappearance, I would think LE could have had them long before the 6 months before they moved. Ditto with Joe, if he is involved, I'd like to know why they didn't have him the first week!

I'm not convinced that the wheelie popping is a big deal. It can be explained as Haleigh having seen Tommy and Lindsy's kids doing it on their bikes and trying to do it on hers.

I don't know what Art's saying, because frankly, he'll most likely have to retract it later. But if Chelsea was at the MH with Lindsy, why didn't GGM see her, either?

I understood in the article I read sometime last week Lindsey left before GGMS arrived because she had to attend class..Was Chelsey there too? She wasn't mentioned in that article IF she was...
However, IF what Lindsey claims is true, the kids had eaten dinner long before GGMS arrival at the MH..JMO
Emeralgem said:
I understood in the article I read sometime last week Lindsey left before GGMS arrived because she had to attend class..Was Chelsey there too? She wasn't mentioned in that article IF she was...
However, IF what Lindsey claims is true, the kids had eaten dinner long before GGMS arrival at the MH..JMO
Forgive me for asking because it's probly something Easily found but where is it that lindsy said she at dinner at the mh that nite with haleigh&jr? Tia
Forgive me for asking because it's probly something Easily found but where is it that lindsy said she at dinner at the mh that nite with haleigh&jr? Tia

LOL..I don't know if it can be easily found but the link to the article is located somewhere here in one of these threads in Haleigh's forum..Which one, I'm not exactly sure, but it's around here somewhere...JMO
I don't trust Chelsea, she was the one trying to tell MC what to say on her drug charges, unlike LinC who was saying "Do what's right". She's definitely trying to protect the brothers. It reminds me of when MC was trying to put all the blame on the biological mother's family; or when TotMom was trying to implicate her former fiancé.:twocents:
I understood in the article I read sometime last week Lindsey left before GGMS arrived because she had to attend class..Was Chelsey there too? She wasn't mentioned in that article IF she was...
However, IF what Lindsey claims is true, the kids had eaten dinner long before GGMS arrival at the MH..JMO

Forgive me for asking because it's probly something Easily found but where is it that lindsy said she at dinner at the mh that nite with haleigh&jr? Tia

Just wondering if this is the article that you've been referring to Emeraldgem? - ‘Lindsey and Chelsea Croslin Missing Links in Haleigh Cummings' Case?’


It seems that the writer used the Levi Page radio show as reference and she made a mess of it. Very irresponsible journalism and she was even called out on it in the comments. BlueSky#1 did a side-by-side comparison of the article and the radio show and found a number of errors she had made that are crucial to the timeline, including this confusion over the dinner. Here's the link to Bluesky#1's post.

Something else that bugs me about Chelsea's stories. She was pointing the finger at the Cummings and Sheffield's in this interview when LE went to question her in MA. She said she knows her family and they would never hurt a child. She didn't say anything about Joe in this interview. Yet now she claims that she felt it was Joe from early on. I still think that Chelsea and Timmy are knee deep into what ever happen the night of Feb 9th IMO.
Something else that bugs me about Chelsea's stories. She was pointing the finger at the Cummings and Sheffield's in this interview when LE went to question her in MA. She said she knows her family and they would never hurt a child. She didn't say anything about Joe in this interview. Yet now she claims that she felt it was Joe from early on. I still think that Chelsea and Timmy are knee deep into what ever happen the night of Feb 9th IMO.

Thanks Madjg...I remember this interview and I remember Chelsea making those comments about the Cummings and the Sheffield's, it was soon after we heard these remarks from Chelsea that Misty began parroting the same. That she thought police should be looking at the mother's side of the family. In my opinion someone was always telling Misty what to say and how to react, I think it is possible that the people involved knew Misty wasn't " book smart" and believed that would play into their favor in the long run.

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