2010.04.24 The Laundry Revisited and GGM Sykes Visit.

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I really hope LE checked garbage for eggshells.........did anyone have 'eggs' for breakfast?
IMO, RC is so full of himself that I doubt he would drive to GGMS to get his daughter clothes that morning.
MC is hungover, they fought all night...........yet she cooked 'eggs' for breakfast
and they drove for clothes..............
How late was Haleigh for school?
Did any TEACHERS say anything about school?
IIRC no teachers have been interviewed. WHY???
Do people have the bus stop story correct?
I can see Haleigh taking a fit like most girls at 5 on what to wear..........
but I can see 2 enraged adults that are tired, messed up and wants to shut her up.
Did they drive an injured Haleigh to GGMS that morning???
Nothing adds up...........Bless LE for sifting through all these sociopaths lies.
In trying to make sense of the children sitting on the porch with dinner-- after dark and in the dead of winter, I come back to my theory that Haleigh was injured earlier in the afternoon.

If Haleigh was suffering from a head injury and was several hours into the event, it makes some sense to me that Misty would call GGS for assistance: Haleigh's sick, she's acting funny... I think she's hurt.

The first rule of head injury is to keep the person from laying down and going to sleep-- this is where the chill of the porch comes in for me. Seems possible that in an effort to keep Haleigh stimulated, Misty had the kids sit on the porch until help arrived-- Aunt Elisa (with some medical training) with GGS, who was summoned.

...and for added guilt and responsibility of GGS-- their visit may have deemed Haleigh well enough to be put to bed, where she later died. moo
IMO GGS was there just like she said. I'm sure by now LE has interviewed Aunt E who was supposedly with her and confirmed all of it. I think she probably told LE about it that night already. We are not privvy to much from LE. I recall the original timeline from LE was 10:00 pm to 3:30 am. They had already gotten confirmed sightings from Tommy, AC man, neighbors and probably GGS as well. This was all before they knew how much MC was lying.
So I think they took MC's time of going to bed as the original timeline. Once they had her lie detector tests back they moved the timeline to fit GGS seeing Haleigh at 7:00.

I agree that GGS was fed up with reporters. She may have been asked not to talk about specifics but blew her cork and told them about being there. As for her saying the kids had baths, they may very well have had damp hair and were in their PJ's--I think GGS made them put sweat shirts on over their PJ's.
She didn't want to interfere but felt she could at least do that much. Since they had only been in that house a short while, that screened in porch may have been a big deal to the kids. Mine would have wanted to eat out there too, especially if it had been a nice day earlier and they were in shorts all afternoon. I am trying to look at this logically and not favor either side so JMO!

OOPS--to stay on topic I say Yes Grandma was there with the laundry.
One thing that has always bugged me about this Grandma who went over there. IF it had been me, and I had gone over to see my grandkids and left them with a teenage babysitter and one of them came up missing or dead, I would have been beside myself from the start! I would have been blaming myself and kicking myself that I would not have been able to take up for the babysitter. I don't understand WHY nobody in this family had blamed themselves for what happened starting with Tereasa, GGM, Ron and Misty!! None of these people so much as took a smidgen of blame on themselves!! That is what makes me think they are all covering up a crime!!

We don't know what these people say or feel or do in their private lives. How often do you see a "missing child" case in which the relatives (who turn out not to be involved) came on television and blamed themselves for a child being missing? Assume for a moment the GGM Sykes had nothing to do with Haleigh's disappearance. But she learns, as I'm sure that many players in the case have learned, that internet bloggers, forum posters, and others are convinced she is involved in a death or coverup. So at that point, what would a person do? Some would get defensive and protective of the family; others might say nothing. But the speculation on the internet actually produces the suspicious behavior. The guilty, of course, will deny, deny, deny. But the innocent will, too. And we have no idea of the regret, recriminations and heartache that the families of the missing feel even when they could not have easily prevented the death of a child.

Anyone who loved Haleigh, given 20/20 hindsight, would have taken her and her brother out of Misty's care in a heartbeat. Given 20/20 hindsight, TN and Crystal and her parents, the judge who gave Ron custody, the social workers and teachers and doctors who knew Haleigh--everyone else would have challenged Ronald's decision to allow Misty to be a caretaker. But there is no way to know, ahead of time, that the decision to let Misty babysit that night (or perhaps at all) would be fatal to Haleigh. Thousands of kids have marginal or inadequate caretakers. Thank God most of the kids survive, more or less intact. But I don't see the lack of publicly stated remorse to be an indicator of direct responsibility (guilt) for the disappearance and likely death of this lovely child.

One final thought: in a system full of alcohol and drug abusers, why would anyone be surprised to find that all of the families are enablers of these heedless young people whose lives revolved around drugs? The behavior of all of the parents and family members (of Ron, Crystal, and Misty) are textbook examples of how family members enable the continued use of drugs as well as the consequences of that drug use and abuse. This fact is a prime reason why I keep my focus on the people who were at the mobile home the evening of Haleigh's disappearance. The answers start there, and to my mind what looks to some like "conspiracy" that goes beyond the basic players is more than likely their typical enabling behaviors.

I hope this is not too "off topic." I just wanted to say that LE almost certainly knows whether GGM Sykes made the trip she said she did, who was with her, and what was said and done. If nothing else, they have a neutral witness in Junior, who could have said whether his GGM came over that day.
We don't know what these people say or feel or do in their private lives. How often do you see a "missing child" case in which the relatives (who turn out not to be involved) came on television and blamed themselves for a child being missing? Assume for a moment the GGM Sykes had nothing to do with Haleigh's disappearance. But she learns, as I'm sure that many players in the case have learned, that internet bloggers, forum posters, and others are convinced she is involved in a death or coverup. So at that point, what would a person do? Some would get defensive and protective of the family; others might say nothing. But the speculation on the internet actually produces the suspicious behavior. The guilty, of course, will deny, deny, deny. But the innocent will, too. And we have no idea of the regret, recriminations and heartache that the families of the missing feel even when they could not have easily prevented the death of a child.

Anyone who loved Haleigh, given 20/20 hindsight, would have taken her and her brother out of Misty's care in a heartbeat. Given 20/20 hindsight, TN and Crystal and her parents, the judge who gave Ron custody, the social workers and teachers and doctors who knew Haleigh--everyone else would have challenged Ronald's decision to allow Misty to be a caretaker. But there is no way to know, ahead of time, that the decision to let Misty babysit that night (or perhaps at all) would be fatal to Haleigh. Thousands of kids have marginal or inadequate caretakers. Thank God most of the kids survive, more or less intact. But I don't see the lack of publicly stated remorse to be an indicator of direct responsibility (guilt) for the disappearance and likely death of this lovely child.

One final thought: in a system full of alcohol and drug abusers, why would anyone be surprised to find that all of the families are enablers of these heedless young people whose lives revolved around drugs? The behavior of all of the parents and family members (of Ron, Crystal, and Misty) are textbook examples of how family members enable the continued use of drugs as well as the consequences of that drug use and abuse. This fact is a prime reason why I keep my focus on the people who were at the mobile home the evening of Haleigh's disappearance. The answers start there, and to my mind what looks to some like "conspiracy" that goes beyond the basic players is more than likely their typical enabling behaviors.

I hope this is not too "off topic." I just wanted to say that LE almost certainly knows whether GGM Sykes made the trip she said she did, who was with her, and what was said and done. If nothing else, they have a neutral witness in Junior, who could have said whether his GGM came over that day.

I appreciate your sentiments, I really really do. But GGM WAS at the MH that night; she places herself there. That says I get to suggest that what she's said about that night has a potential for self-serving protection, as much as it could an innocent coincidence. Given that she's herself gone on record and given two very diametrically opposed views of that visit (that it was innocent and everything was hunky dory and Misty was the best GF ever and loved those kids; or, She was mad at Ron for taking her back after she'd been booted to the curb but what could she do?) I also get to speculate when and why she was really there.

I never had any belief that Jackie Peterson had anything to do with Laci's disappearance, but I sure as heck have a problem with her assisting her son afterward. I have my questions about Cindy Anthony, as well. The fact of the matter is, grandmothers DO and HAVE aided and abetted loved ones. We get to speculate.

Didn't she recently say that misty helped her carry the laundry inside? She keeps adding to the story...yet she never talks about the person who was with her. I also recall AS telling us about misty feeding and bathing the kids. Don't forget Misty told us she helped Haleigh with homework too. I thought I just took a stroll back in time to a Walton episode.

OMG, your wit! You had me ROFLOL..we really do need that once in a while.
Thanks :woohoo:
OMG, your wit! You had me ROFLOL..we really do need that once in a while.
Thanks :woohoo:

Agreed! There sure aren't many opportunities for it in this sad case, where everyone who loved her and should have protected her, let her down so completely!
IMO GGS was there just like she said. I'm sure by now LE has interviewed Aunt E who was supposedly with her and confirmed all of it. I think she probably told LE about it that night already. We are not privvy to much from LE. I recall the original timeline from LE was 10:00 pm to 3:30 am. They had already gotten confirmed sightings from Tommy, AC man, neighbors and probably GGS as well. This was all before they knew how much MC was lying.
So I think they took MC's time of going to bed as the original timeline. Once they had her lie detector tests back they moved the timeline to fit GGS seeing Haleigh at 7:00.

I agree that GGS was fed up with reporters. She may have been asked not to talk about specifics but blew her cork and told them about being there. As for her saying the kids had baths, they may very well have had damp hair and were in their PJ's--I think GGS made them put sweat shirts on over their PJ's.
She didn't want to interfere but felt she could at least do that much. Since they had only been in that house a short while, that screened in porch may have been a big deal to the kids. Mine would have wanted to eat out there too, especially if it had been a nice day earlier and they were in shorts all afternoon. I am trying to look at this logically and not favor either side so JMO!

OOPS--to stay on topic I say Yes Grandma was there with the laundry.


Feb 9, 2009 was a fairly warm day. In Gainesville it was 62° at 6:53 PM and temps in Satsuma should have been about the same. After running around playing, my kids would have been warm and wanted to sit out on the porch and eat, too. While I am doubtful about much of Misty's story, this part rings true to me and I wonder why such a small item keeps being such an issue. (So, I agree with your post.)
We don't know what these people say or feel or do in their private lives. How often do you see a "missing child" case in which the relatives (who turn out not to be involved) came on television and blamed themselves for a child being missing? Assume for a moment the GGM Sykes had nothing to do with Haleigh's disappearance. But she learns, as I'm sure that many players in the case have learned, that internet bloggers, forum posters, and others are convinced she is involved in a death or coverup. So at that point, what would a person do? Some would get defensive and protective of the family; others might say nothing. But the speculation on the internet actually produces the suspicious behavior. The guilty, of course, will deny, deny, deny. But the innocent will, too. And we have no idea of the regret, recriminations and heartache that the families of the missing feel even when they could not have easily prevented the death of a child.

Your post made me realize that I cannot remember any of the Cummings clan or Misty talk about any regrets or blame themselves. Except for the 911 call when Ron blames Misty for letting Haleigh get "stole", no person has expressed any blame, regret or guilt. Those are natural, normal emotions when experiencing a loss. Everyone questions what they could have done or should have done to change the outcome.

It would be quite normal for Gma Sykes to make a comment such as she wished when she dropped off the laundry that she would have noticed that Misty was not her normal self and either stayed or taken the kids with her so Haleigh would still be with them. That would be a normal statement. Even just to say that she seemed normal to me at the time but now she questions if maybe she should have noticed something is normal. However to compleely defend Misty, to state with certainty that she was not strung out, to never question any of her actions is highly suspicious.

That none of these people have expressed any regrets, blame and/or guilt instead defending every action suggests to me that they know and are trying to hard to act innocent.
I appreciate your sentiments, I really really do. But GGM WAS at the MH that night; she places herself there. That says I get to suggest that what she's said about that night has a potential for self-serving protection, as much as it could an innocent coincidence. Given that she's herself gone on record and given two very diametrically opposed views of that visit (that it was innocent and everything was hunky dory and Misty was the best GF ever and loved those kids; or, She was mad at Ron for taking her back after she'd been booted to the curb but what could she do?) I also get to speculate when and why she was really there.

I never had any belief that Jackie Peterson had anything to do with Laci's disappearance, but I sure as heck have a problem with her assisting her son afterward. I have my questions about Cindy Anthony, as well. The fact of the matter is, grandmothers DO and HAVE aided and abetted loved ones. We get to speculate.

Sure. We all get to speculate. But that's a far cry from certainty about guilt, as I have seen asserted here time and again. And I am not yet convinced that that story stops with the Croslins. I'm just arguing that the drug use and the enabling culture (passed through generations) may explain a great deal of what we all speculate about.
Sure. We all get to speculate. But that's a far cry from certainly about guilt, as I have seen asserted here time and again. And I am not yet convinced that that story stops with the Croslins. I'm just arguing that the drug use and the enabling culture (passed through generations) may explain a great deal of what we all speculate about.

That's very true, but your stated reason for looking at the Croslins is that they're people who were there. GGM was there, too, and should be given as much scrutiny as the next person, and using this argument you've made here, more, since you're acknowledging an enabling history which is generational.
The odd thing is TN would not even commit to who went to check on the children. The vague teminology of using, "I sent a family member over" is odd. I am sure everyone would agree with that, for it would be normal to say my mother went over to check..

That sends people's hinky meters off. Then AS announces a week later that she was there. Misty never mentioned it. It was a visit that would stand out because now we learn that they each carried clothes into the home, that AS helped changed the childrens's shirts and that she witnessed Misty give dinner to the kids and possibly knew they were bathed. GMA has now added that misty was fine and was not strung out or hung over.

Strangely, Misty didn't recall that visit. GMA slips and uses the pronoun "WE" when mentioning her visit. The press misses it, we picked up on it later. Now there is another witness who saw the children on the porch that night.

1. Why didn't tn make it over there to check up on the kids?
2. Why did AS find it necessary to go over there (and don't tell me it was only for the clothes)
3. Why didn't the LE say there were TWO people who witnessed Haleigh alive at 7:00pm?
4. Why didn't misty recall this ever happening?

This TN sending and GMA going over with a companion to check on the kids is very odd....very odd indeed. GMA had already told us she was disappointed that rc let her back in the home. I don't think this visit was a happy visit if it took place when stated. Keep in mind, shortly after GMA leaves, the dirt hits the fan and their is a huge fight with rc.
I still think a lot was withheld from the press. Just like the AC man's name was not released, I think the same applies to Aunt E. We only know it was her because of Misty's LVA. We really don't know that she never told LE about it.

Perhaps the one TN called was actually Aunt E--her sister in law. Maybe E stopped by GGS' house and asked her to ride along. Or maybe E was just over at GGS' visiting--it IS her mother in law. I really don't find anything hinky about the laundry stop. But that's just me.
Feb 9, 2009 was a fairly warm day. In Gainesville it was 62° at 6:53 PM and temps in Satsuma should have been about the same. After running around playing, my kids would have been warm and wanted to sit out on the porch and eat, too. While I am doubtful about much of Misty's story, this part rings true to me and I wonder why such a small item keeps being such an issue. (So, I agree with your post.)

I am not doubting whether the kids were eating on the porch or not. I don't know. BUT I really don't believe GGMS's story -- mainly because I'd have to choose one to believe first. Her story changed several times from the beginning - and we have to remember we didn't even no about her visit in the beginning. MC didn't even remember she was there even when asked to state who specifically had been there. Then, when it first came out, it was simply "a family member sent to check on the kids". IMO, there's something not right about her story. It's either the time she was there, what happened while there, the reason she went or that she went at all.
I have to wonder if MC never mentioned GGMS visit that night because she was told
not to!
Did we learn anything new about GGMS delivering laundry on NG the other night? Your thoughts on what GGMS said about the laundry on NG.

There was one very very telling thing about GGMS and the laundry that came out of that interview. Perhaps even more so than the subtle little specific details such as shirt colors.

GGMS admitted that she always does just the kids laundry. "So they don't have stains". Sorry but that act of just stepping in to keep the kids in clean clothes is a rather blatant sign that this was not a happy and well cared for household. Rather the other family members literally saw these kids being neglected and forced to run around in filth. They knew that the adults were not properly caring for those kids,a nd that the primary caregivers were at best simply ignoring the children. Sadly the only action that any of them seem to have taken was in the long run just more enabling. GGMS doing the laundry.
I wonder what role Tn played in the kids lives? How often did she drive to town to see them? Gma Sykes seems to be the main focus when the question should be why did tn not go herself. We knew rc called tn earlier. We know TN called her mother to check on the kids (the laundry was thrown in to wash over the real reason). TN said she sent her over to check on the kids and the laundry. The question should be why was Tn not there with AS to check on the children? Where was TN?
Doing the laundry, makes me question, has anyone ever asked if she brought over meals? Did she grocery shop also? Pick-up stables at the store?
How much help was she really.....
The only thing that ruffles GMA's feathers is if anyone suggest rc had any responsibility in this crime...then she gets tough. She sat there and listened emotionless to a possilble rape of Haleigh but she will respond when rc's name comes into the case or talk about him leaving Haleigh with a teenager. I suppose anything is better than rc being involved...anything.

I so agree with your comment.
I think the only reason she was on NG was to give her opinion of MC's condition.
GMA does not want it to appear RC would leave his kids with a druggie.
Neither does NG LOL

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