2010.04.30 Defense responds to JS order stepping down

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Seriously Magic-Cat - agree. Tell me now - after the management hearing today, did he look all full of himself - proud, strutting, like the last time we saw him on camera?

I really thought he looked deflated and almost fearful when they walked out of the courthouse, the way his eyes were tracking around. As if he was really afraid someone was going to jeer at him or ask him an embarrassing question.
One thing that I sure did notice is that he had nothing, nada, to say whatsoever... and he did not appear quite so rooster in the hen-house cocky either...perhaps he was realizing this ridiculous motion was filed and awaiting disclosure to the court...and worried it might come up right there on the spot? Possibly...Whatever it was, he made a mistake on this one I do believe...Perhaps he is regretting that motion even as we speak...
ohhhh. poor CM got his panties in a wad.

Actually, Mason's panties are probably droopin' in his boot straps since he 'shart' himself after Judge Strickland was replaced by Judge Perry.
Actually, Mason's panties are probably droopin' in his boot straps since he 'shart' himself after Judge Strickland was replaced by Judge Perry.

I think CM's too tight boots cut off the circulation to his brain when he filed this one...:waitasec:
You may see it as "unnecessary", but it wasn't. Judge Strickland had every right and reason to respond, AND respond exactly as he did. Not everyone suffers fools lightly and the Defense is now crying in their own soup because they embarrassed themselves.

I think it's hilarious! :D

The Defense needs to grow a pair, pull their socks up and realize they aren't going to push any Honorable around and dictate all moves and behaviors.

And your second bold is untrue.

At no time has Judge Strickland ever admitted to any wrongdoing, simply because there was none. Unlike the Defense members who are a complete embarrassment to their profession, Judge Strickland lives up to his name and really is Honorable.

He admitted to talking to Marinade and what was in the motion. He said the Defense did their job. His admitting to talking to a biased blogger is him admitting to wrong doing.

I agree he has the right to respond in the way that he did, but he also has the right to suffer the consequences. He needs to let this go now. IMO
Here's a question for your ydontdivein and anyone else who might see this.

Mason has only been on the case for a couple of weeks. And yet, I genuinely believe he is the author and instigator of two of the biggest "fall face first in the mud" actions the Defense has pulled this year.

First, cause he wanted to be the big hero, I think it was his idea to write the motion to recuse Judge Strickland.

And second, I think he's the one who wrote the reponse to the recusal order.

And we were commenting why he had nothing to say after the court hearing and just minced past the cameras? And why he just sat there and wasn't really part of the defense "unit"?

I think Bah-ezz had a temper tantrum - a huge one when he saw the public reaction to JS recusing myself, and blew his top again when Judge Perry took the case.

Today, clearly, Casey looked PO'd at the conclusion of the hearing. I think she said to Baez - you've got some splainin to do, woodchuck.

IMO - I think Baez & Lyon(s) told Mason to "Zip It"!
For one moment...I thought that motion smacked of Casey's doing. I was surprised she didn't scribble something on the paper and add one of her new monikers. Seriously...that's how childish it sounded.
He admitted to talking to Marinade and what was in the motion. He said the Defense did their job. His admitting to talking to a biased blogger is him admitting to wrong doing.

I agree he has the right to respond in the way that he did, but he also has the right to suffer the consequences. He needs to let this go now. IMO
I haven't seen JS say one word. The defense kept this going...unless you're talking about MD...I'm not sure what you're saying.
Please see RHornsby's comments re these remarks on this motion, on the hearing thread. If is against Bar protocol to respond to a judge decision on a motion in this manner. If Judge Perry does not comment, RH expects the Bar to do so.

And I am sure Cm will welcome the challenge. IMO I just doubt the bar or anyone else will do anything. It is over. IMO
ITA...they need to get back to the case...assuming they have been on it. Enough of the posturing, melodrama and whining. Enough. The defense claimed in open court they had actual proof that KC was innocent. JS set a deadline of 02/01/2010 for them to present said information in court. Deadline came and went without the court receiving said "evidence" of innocence. Upon leaving the courtroom on that day (the day that JS scheduled the hearing for the motion to present the evidence, not February 1st) KB asked JB if he would be able to provide said evidence on the deadline. To which, JB, responded, "I hope so." JS was too accommodating to the defense, if that can be a flaw. I can assure the defense that Perry will not be bending over backwards to accommodate the defense nor their lame excuses. Deadlines will be set and met or the defense will be found in contempt. JMO.

They never said they had proof Kc was innocent. Or at least not those words. It was more along the lines of we have substantial evidence that shows Caylee's body was placed in those woods while Kc was in Jail.

They provided that evidence by providing witness testimony from two witnesses that they searched that area and there was no body found. That was their substantial evidence. The former Judge on Feb 2nd or 3rd ordered the two sides to exchange discovery that week. Today the Sa was asked if they were satisfied with discovery turned over by the defense. They said they were other than a couple of future expert witnesses unknown so far.

I agree that Judge Perry will not be bending over backwards to accomodate the defense or their lame excuses, same for the state. IMO

Jb has a lot of fun with Kb. IMO
IIRC they said they KC was innocent and they had proof. They were asked to present the proof by February. As far as I know, we are still waiting....
He admitted to talking to Marinade and what was in the motion. He said the Defense did their job. His admitting to talking to a biased blogger is him admitting to wrong doing.

I agree he has the right to respond in the way that he did, but he also has the right to suffer the consequences. He needs to let this go now. IMO

I respect your right to-go-for-it but your post is one step behind - it is now the Defense that needs to let it go
JS did NOT admit to any wrong doing in his order. Perhaps you should re-read that gem of an order.

I am personally outraged that the defense continually creates drama where there should be none but they continue to manufacture it. Either way you look at this case it's a serious matter and they are making a mockery out of judicial system. On one hand an innocent 2 year old child was murdered and on the other a woman's life is at stake. The defense needs to handle themselves in accordance with such a serious matter, and they haven't. It's been all about egos and appearances. I'm downright sick of it.

I find it strange that you would approve of such an unabashedly unprofessional filing. You might think it's important to "set the record straight" but there's no reason to set the record straight. It's a dead subject. The defense has a habit of wanting to get the last word in no matter what and their move was unprofessional and downright outrageous. JS is a judge and CM and company are not. It's not an attys job to "school" a judge or call a judge a liar in a pleading.

Judge Perry will be fair regarding this proceeding but don't think for one minute he won't look at this "statement" for exactly what it is. And don't think he won't be on their case to make sure they don't put one single little itty bitty toe out of line.

I give the new Judge a lot more respect. There is no need for this new Judge to punish the defense for this response to this motion. It is a fantasy to believe this new Judge is only going to keep the defense on their toes. He is known as a no nonsense Judge and a fair Judge, he will keep both sides on their toes and he will not play favoritism.

I think there is a reason to set the record straight and let that be the end of it. Judge Strickland had a knee jerk reaction to the original motion and he said some things that led to this response. That being said, he did the right thing by stepping down. Now if he can just let this go, we can all move on. IMO
They never said they had proof Kc was innocent. Or at least not those words. It was more along the lines of we have substantial evidence that shows Caylee's body was placed in those woods while Kc was in Jail.

They provided that evidence by providing witness testimony from two witnesses that they searched that area and there was no body found. That was their substantial evidence. The former Judge on Feb 2nd or 3rd ordered the two sides to exchange discovery that week. Today the Sa was asked if they were satisfied with discovery turned over by the defense. They said they were other than a couple of future expert witnesses unknown so far.

I agree that Judge Perry will not be bending over backwards to accomodate the defense or their lame excuses, same for the state. IMO

Jb has a lot of fun with Kb. IMO

Incorrect. In open court, TM, stated that they, the defense had definitive proof that KC was innocent. They were supposed to present said evidence on February 1st of this year. Time came and went without said proof. The defense is now suggesting that if they had access to the the TES records that they could then point the finger at someone else...someone searching the area perhaps...even though before that they had no clue whom they were supposedly fingering. It is called a fishing expedition.

You pretty much know I love you as a poster...but where is the beef that KC doesn't know anything ABOUT Caylee dying/missing?

PS Incidentally, I enjoy your posts as I have told you. I just would like you to state your theory of this case with supportable facts...not poking holes in said evidence.

They never said they had proof Kc was innocent. Or at least not those words. It was more along the lines of we have substantial evidence that shows Caylee's body was placed in those woods while Kc was in Jail.

They provided that evidence by providing witness testimony from two witnesses that they searched that area and there was no body found. That was their substantial evidence. The former Judge on Feb 2nd or 3rd ordered the two sides to exchange discovery that week. Today the Sa was asked if they were satisfied with discovery turned over by the defense. They said they were other than a couple of future expert witnesses unknown so far.

I agree that Judge Perry will not be bending over backwards to accomodate the defense or their lame excuses, same for the state. IMO

Jb has a lot of fun with Kb. IMO
...actually IIRC when pressed on the "evidence" they said something about it being what the State had presented in their discovery. Those two "witnesses" appeared much later.
I give the new Judge a lot more respect. There is no need for this new Judge to punish the defense for this response to this motion. It is a fantasy to believe this new Judge is only going to keep the defense on their toes. He is known as a no nonsense Judge and a fair Judge, he will keep both sides on their toes and he will not play favoritism.

I think there is a reason to set the record straight and let that be the end of it. Judge Strickland had a knee jerk reaction to the original motion and he said some things that led to this response. That being said, he did the right thing by stepping down. Now if he can just let this go, we can all move on. IMO
Do you mean JB letting it go? I'm still confused...'cause the only one we've heard from his him...and his camp.
IMO I also think it is important that the record is set straight.


Judge Strickland never admitted to any wrongdoing - there wasn't any wrongdoing. IMO Having been very fair, overly fair to the Defense, no one would want to see this "Hi how are you Mr. Blogger" conversation become an
"appellate court" issue down the road.

Judge Strickland Steps Down From Casey Anthony Case
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:12:11 AM
Reported by Amanda Evans and Jacqueline Fell
"Legal analyst Will Jay said if Strickland hadn't removed himself from the case, every motion could have been argued again, especially if Anthony is found guilty."

Judge In Anthony Case Steps Down
Defense Alleged Inappropriate Relationship With Blogger
POSTED: Monday, April 19, 2010
UPDATED: 7:31 am EDT April 20, 2010
Strickland said that if he did not step down, allegations of wrongdoing
could be renewed each time he turned down a motion from the defense.

"The cumulative effect will be to elevate an otherwise meaningless situation into a genuine appellate issue," Strickland wrote.

Central Florida News 13, WESH — posted by halboedeker on April, 19 2010 5:22 PM
Casey Anthony: Judge Stan Strickland leaves the case, cites irony
WKMG’s DeForest spoke to a legal expert who predicted that Strickland’s rulings will remain in place and Perry will continue the murder trial as it would have under Strickland.

Defense Wants Judge To Step Down After Learning Of Friendship With Blogger
POSTED: 11:54 am EDT April 17, 2010
UPDATED: 1:49 pm EDT April 17, 2010
Attorney: Anthony Judge Recusal Defense's Worst Move
"There is little doubt that one day the defense will look back on the motion (as) the worst move they've made," Hornsby said. "Judge Strickland has
previously shown a fairness to Casey in the way he sentenced her in the check case
, and now they don't know who their judge will be." Hornsby said the No. 1 rule in criminal defense is to know the judge presiding over the trial.

WDBO Local News By Robyn Sidersky @ April 19, 2010 8:53 PM
Judge leaves Casey Anthony case
"I think the defense has made a massive mistake," said Orlando attorney Mark NeJame.

By Mayra Cuevas-Nazario and Beth Karas, In Session April 20, 2010 5:10 p.m
Although Strickland denied wrongdoing, he acknowledged that repeated accusations of bias would be disruptive at a trial.
"Since the undersigned has now been accused of bias and wrongdoing, potentially each denial of a defense motion will generate renewed allegations of bias," Strickland wrote.

Long yes I know although I didn't find an article of Judge Strickland admitting any wrongdoing

I will find his motion and come back and respond to the admitting of wrong doing. However what he did was wrong. It is wrong to befriend someone who is a biased blogger when you are suppose to be an impartial Judge. He had to step down because he had showed his bias. We can not have biased Judges in this country. The Judge needs to be impartial to the end and let the Jury decide. The Jury makes the decision in these cases. That is in our constitution. The Judges job is to control the court room and rule on motions in a way that is fair to the defendant and the state, not to befriend biased bloggers. IMO
They never said they had proof Kc was innocent. Or at least not those words. It was more along the lines of we have substantial evidence that shows Caylee's body was placed in those woods while Kc was in Jail.

They provided that evidence by providing witness testimony from two witnesses that they searched that area and there was no body found. That was their substantial evidence. The former Judge on Feb 2nd or 3rd ordered the two sides to exchange discovery that week. Today the Sa was asked if they were satisfied with discovery turned over by the defense. They said they were other than a couple of future expert witnesses unknown so far.

I agree that Judge Perry will not be bending over backwards to accomodate the defense or their lame excuses, same for the state. IMO

Jb has a lot of fun with Kb. IMO

Aug 21, 2009
3:26 min.
"there is substantial evidence in that that we discovered and that's been set forth in our brief your honor that the body or the remains of Caylee Anthony were placed there after KC was locked up in the Orange County Correctional Facility. There is substantial evidence and that proves her Innocence."
at 7:09
"suggests and proves that kc is innocent"
IIRC they said they KC was innocent and they had proof. They were asked to present the proof by February. As far as I know, we are still waiting....
Do you remember the exact day TM said that? Wasn't it forever ago?
I will find his motion and come back and respond to the admitting of wrong doing. However what he did was wrong. It is wrong to befriend someone who is a biased blogger when you are suppose to be an impartial Judge. He had to step down because he had showed his bias. We can not have biased Judges in this country. The Judge needs to be impartial to the end and let the Jury decide. The Jury makes the decision in these cases. That is in our constitution. The Judges job is to control the court room and rule on motions in a way that is fair to the defendant and the state, not to befriend biased bloggers. IMO
Isn't it an opinion that MD is biased towards the State? Funny...I have never ever felt that. Actually...I've felt the opposite. Befriend? The motion to recuse was a freebie. Plain and simple.
I think one of the biggest factors in Judge Strickland's order....is that he knew going in that this case was delicate and over-hyped. I think he went above and beyond in trying to accommodate the defense in an effort to give KC a fair shot. He deviated from standards by allowing KC to wear regular clothes to hearings and gave the defense some leeway despite their complete disregard for protocol.

If Judge Strickland is "guilty" of anything....it is trying too hard to balance out the public perception of KC and reality. The defense jumped at an opportunity to throw him under the bus, all the while forgetting just how much latitude he really granted them.

I can't fault Judge Strickland or deem his presiding over the case as ineffective. He knew he was bending over backward for KC and the motion to recuse was nothing more than a slap in his face. While atypical for a Judge to respond in that manner.....in all honesty.......what harm did it do? He simply pointed out the disparity between what happened and the defenses interpretation of the same events.

This new Judge gives neither side an advantage......just more solid boundaries within which to operate. It cuts out the bickering. But folks......let's be honest.......The bickering will still be there. Just read the defense response to Judge Strickland's order. IMO...it's nothing more than the grand gesture of getting in the last word.

Silence can be more telling than rhetoric. This is a prime example.

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