2010.05.08 Since January do you see forward movement in the Investigation of Haleigh

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This has been one of a kind homicide case. So many players, so many lies.
But I really think LE KNEW what happened from the beginning.
First 48 hours.crucial.....
I feel LE has to have an investigation on each person involved and has been
watching all players and activities closely.
It's frustrating to us, because we do not have facts to work with.
We want to know what LE knows.
After listening to the scanner for awhile, I see what Putnam County faces just in drug activity.
IMO, the only bad thing is FBI should of been called in to take over.
This case is to big for just local LE.
Now that Sherrif's son is also involved in drug arrest (not related to Haleigh's case...I hope)maybe he will fight more or give this over to higher LE or FBI.
As for finding Haleigh? I hope so. If she is buried, someday someone will find her.
If she was just dumped or in the water, then I doubt it.
Pray that Haleigh gets JUSTICE asap!!!!
IMO There is a HUGE secret no one has addressed.

It must involve money & sex.
In January we had the drug arrests. In April we had Shell Harbor. Do you think these events are moving the investigation closer to a conclusion? Do you think LE is close to making arrests? In your opinion will Haleigh ever be found?

Bashing will result in thread closing.

This thread comes at an opportune time........I was just thinking of posting a thread titled, "What Will it Take To Move This Case Forward."

I think LE has a good idea of who's responsible for Haleigh's disappearance and death, but doesn't have conclusive proof to arrest and indict that individual or individuals.

I also think LE has known since the first 24 hours that most of the people surrounding Haleigh were involved in drugs, and have considered that issue in Haleigh's disappearance and death. I think they've pursued this angle as a means to the end........an arrest for drug trafficking loosening tongues. But, I'm not sure this angle has worked.

At the time of the Shell Harbor search in April, I felt LE had made a break in the case and we'd soon see major developments resulting in an arrest. It's now been nearly a month since that search and there's been no further movement. My hope is fast fading that the Shell Harbor search will result in an arrest.

I'm discouraged and feel this case may never be resolved. There's too many people withholding information and too many people covering up what happened. It's been nearly 15 months since Haleigh disappeared, and we aren't too much closer to the truth than we were at the end of the first two weeks.

I wish LE could simply arrest and charge several individuals and see where the chips fall.........see who scrambles to spill the truth. But in today's lawsuit happy world, LE could be sued for false arrest if they were to arrest someone without substantial proof.
I see progress and yes hope for LE to close this case. Even if they are drug arrests, they got them in jail. I really believe that LE has know for some time now what happened, but they need that one link of evidence to get this to trial to make it stick for the whole bunch. If they got anything out of the river, I would expect to see a presser or something by late May. Keeping my fingers crossed for it to happen.
I definitely think the case is moving forward...We have to keep the faith.

Remember: God may not come when you want him to, but when he does come, he's right on time.

Just hold on a little while longer......For Haleigh.
I did feel that this was one of the slowest investigations we have followed! I thought perhaps the rural area etc . slowed down the LE forces. Many of the events recently have revived my confidence that the LE are working thoroughly & they have most of what they need. These families are close ,many involved with drugs & are less than candid in spite of incarcerations. It starting to burst at the seams a little. Just a few things that have been said or too many false performances. YES! I'm confident this will be solved and soon! The mills of God grind slowly , But they grind exceedingly FINE! Justice for little Haleigh:angel:
I'm sure you've heard "three steps forward, two steps back, or is it two steps forward and three steps back????????? Anway, KWIM?
I do beleive that LE knows what happened as well as who is responsible, but I dont think they have the evidence to prove it. The same thing happened in my friends murder case, April 8 was 6 years ago he was murdered. However the guy they beleive is responsible was charged and convicted on another crime related to my friends murder. I spoke to the investigator a few weeks ago and she told me that they know he is responsible but the evidence just isn't there, so they got him on what they could get him on which happened to be stealing 11 of his guns from his gun collection and trying to sell them to an under cover and they were still registared in my friends name, to make a long story short, the investigator said sometimes you can do everything right know exactly who is responsible and cant prove it and she said you only get one chance on a murder charge to prove it and if you lose for lack of evidence there is no redo if later on proof becomes available.
I think this is what has happened in Haleighs case. I think they know but with out proof theres not much they can do. So they have them on the drug charges and basically are going to make their lives a living hell and hope some one gives them something they can use to move the case to an arrest.
Sadly I do not beleive she will be found. It makes me sick to think about this but I honestly beleive the alligator got rid of her. The fact these players even brought it up that any of them would feed animals to the alligators, tells me that they know there would be nothing left. Murder without a body is hard to prove.
I too am hopeful that LE has a real good picture of what happened to Haleigh and by whom. I am quite certain they have a much clearer picture than we do. But these guys (Croslins) are really good at keeping the mud stirred up around them and the truth still evades me! Nothing that has happened since Jan has shaken my original convictions about this case. Too much imphasis on the Croslins and not enough on the Cummings/Sykes bunch.

I think that LE is just not in a hurry because they aren't going anywhere. A witness or confession is what they are waiting for. Not sure they are gonna get it.

BBM: The bolded part above reflects why I think that this case has been bogged down in the mud for so long. Until the focus is put where it needs to be, this case will remain unsolved, IMO.
I think that the case is gaining momentum. I think that the drug arrest gave it another kick start or push back onto the tracks. My question is, why haven't they filed anything against RC for not doing what he was told to in the agreement of who was to watch Haleigh? Wasn't it court ordered that she was to be in a daycare or in GMS's or TN's care when not in school or in RC's custody? Perhaps I'm wrong on that. If he knowingly left her in MC's care and the fact that MC was on a drug binge and he certainly was aware of that, couldn't he be charged with neglect and endangerment? MC wasn't his wife at the time, she was a sixteen year old live in druggie girlfriend who apparently slept around when she got mad at RC. Why has nothing been filed for that? Or. was it not court ordered? Didn't CA get a child endangerment charge before they found her daughter CA's remains?
I think the drug arrests show forward movement in this case. As Butterfly1978 stated, sometimes LE has to get the perps on whatever they can as they don't have the evidence for murder. I'd prefer that someone is arrested for Haleigh's death but if drug charges and many years in jail is the best that can be done, I think that's still justice for Haleigh in an indirect way. Many times in small towns, LE doesn't have as much experience to deal with a murder as LE in big cities who see it much more frequently. However, in a small town, I think it's more personal and LE will work harder. I hope that's what's happening in Satsuma.
I absolutely do believe there is movement in this case and we had proof from S Hardy himself when he stood clutching Haleigh picture and declared her case a homicide investigation. I have believed for many many months that Law Enforcement knew exactly what happened to Haleigh but lacked the physical evidence to publicly declare her case as such. In my opinion they have done everything in their power to obtain their evidence and they have been patient, they will continue to be patient because they want to see the person or person's responsible brought to justice just as much, if not more, than any of us.

In my opinion they want to see the real perpetrators caught, not a scapegoat or a surrogate criminal, the true person's responsible for Haleigh's death. That is why I believe that the person or person's that is eventually arrested for this crime will be the responsible ones, and I believe then we will see justice served.
I absolutely do believe there is movement in this case and we had proof from S Hardy himself when he stood clutching Haleigh picture and declared her case a homicide investigation. I have believed for many many months that Law Enforcement knew exactly what happened to Haleigh but lacked the physical evidence to publicly declare her case as such. In my opinion they have done everything in their power to obtain their evidence and they have been patient, they will continue to be patient because they want to see the person or person's responsible brought to justice just as much, if not more, than any of us.

In my opinion they want to see the real perpetrators caught, not a scapegoat or a surrogate criminal, the true person's responsible for Haleigh's death. That is why I believe that the person or person's that is eventually arrested for this crime will be the responsible ones, and I believe then we will see justice served.

My previous post IS how I feel but I failed to add something very important for my answer to Grans question!! ELLE you reminded me in your post. Yes I truely believe there has been a major breakthru of some kind in this case... the why for my feelings comes from the tears in Hardy's eyes and the emotion on his face in this same interview. He looked like he was relieved and heartbroken at the same time... not business as usual.
The simple truth is... we don't know what LE knows. They could have found things recently and are just not revealing it for now. I can promise you that when this case does go to trial, you will hear and see things none of us have ever heard or seen before in this case. They ALWAYS hold some things back, it's just how they work.
I don't think it's fair to say Misty hasn't talked... we don't know what she's told them and we probably won't until we see charges filed. A lot goes on behind those doors that the public won't hear about until it gets to court.
Yes I agree with so many of you that stated that the Sheriff holding the picture of Haleigh is what makes you know he is never going to give up on this investigation. I believe he and his investigators are working tirelessly to find out what happened and bring justice for Haleigh.
I believe there is probably one more duck that belongs in this row. ( and then BOMBSHELL!!)
I think the case has moved forward. Tommy has finally admitted that Haleigh is deceased. He must know that no body will be found in the river, so who knows if the story is true or not or who actually killed Haleigh.
I do beleive that LE knows what happened as well as who is responsible, but I dont think they have the evidence to prove it.

They (LE) might be coming at this from a different angle. If it can be established Haleigh is dead, or declared so, I'm wondering if RC and/or MC can be found culpable in a round about way through negligence.

From the Florida statutes (my bold):


(3)(a) "Neglect of a child" means:

1. A caregiver's failure or omission to provide a child with the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the child's physical and mental health, including, but not limited to, food, nutrition, clothing, shelter, supervision, medicine, and medical services that a prudent person would consider essential for the well-being of the child; or

2. A caregiver's failure to make a reasonable effort to protect a child from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by another person.

Neglect of a child may be based on repeated conduct or on a single incident or omission that results in, or could reasonably be expected to result in, serious physical or mental injury, or a substantial risk of death, to a child.

(b) A person who willfully or by culpable negligence neglects a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(c) A person who willfully or by culpable negligence neglects a child without causing great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

There are a couple issues, that perhaps I'm reading too much into, but nonetheless arouse a little suspicion in my mind. First, RC did not want Haleigh declared deceased and secondly, I believe it was his Grandmother who is now claiming that Misty seemed perfectly normal earlier in the day. With the latter, there are rumors to the effect that Misty had been out partying for 3 days. I would imagine leaving a child in the care of such a person would meet the negligence criteria. RC might be aware of the above negligence scenario being played out.
It is a mistake for LE not to hold back certain information. LE is probably holding information back (though I am not as sure of this as other posters seem to be). But let's hope they are, because when we look at what we know, we don't have much of anything.

They didn't have anything in January when they made the drug arrests, and apparently at that time LE decided to take somewhat drastic measures. I say the measures were drastic because they weren't making these arrests to rid Putnam county of drugs because the amounts were petty. I mean, Ron and Misty going and collecting prescription meds from people who don't take them and selling them--that is not exactly what's keeping Putnam county awash in drugs.

And I am 1,000% in favor of law enforcement arresting them in January. But that they went about it this way indicates they have nothing, or maybe almost nothing.

Now Tommy and Misty and Ron are in jail, and supposedly they're singing now. But the thing is, their word cannot be taken for anything at all.

I know Misty has pointed to Joe early on, and I think I read in a post here that Tommy had too. At the time the police were down at the river, I saw someone bring up Joe on Nancy Grace, and Nancy Grace says, "Joe is not in jail right now and the other two are", as if that fact pointed to Joe's innocence. But that doesn't mean Joe is innocent. All that means is the sheriff couldn't get his hands on Joe because Joe was in Tennessee. I don't think the sheriff would have excluded Joe.

As far as any progress goes--if there has been any, most of it has been reported by Granny Hollars. And I've heard people get on TV and say that Granny Hollars has told 3 different stories. Well, Granny Hollars was told 3 different stories. She didn't just tell 1 and stick to it. She repeated them all.

I don't know what to think about LE other than I think they made a smart move in January. Other than that, I don't know. But I think it would be a safe bet that there was some serious bungling in the first 48 hours of this investigation.
The only direction this case has taken is sideways.

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