2010.05.10 - Casey Anthony Motions Hearing

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AL has lectured about the effectiveness of playing cards close to the vest and then delivering boxes thus creating a bit of a "burden" (paraphraasing) at the last possible minute. So transparent it's beginning to look like Saran Wrap.
Yes, I believe it started with the Evidence garage Csi. Said he threw away his bench notes. I think it is obvious now that the States experts are being difficult hence the new motions required and response required and hearing on such matter.

Yes, I do believe Strickland was unfair and it was obvious to me. But for record, he ruled accordingly. Now we have to go over all these motions and rulings again. That is my opinion. Now the new Judge so far seems to be very fair to the defense and has an opportunity in doing so to get to the whole truth of the matter. I support that. thanks


I thought the new motion was required because JB was unable to articulate what was actually missing from the discovery and why he was entitled to it.
I know it's your opinion, but that is unfair to Judge Strickland. There is no proof that they didn't have those qualities in him as well. I think most people would say they have always had that in a judge. The Marinade Dave thing aside (which I don't agree with you that he did anything wrong, but that is a different story), how anyone can say that Strickland was biased against Casey having a fair trial is beyond me. I appreciate a different point of view from the norm, it helps us see things in a different light, but sometimes it is hard to follow your logic, at least for me....

I think you were talking to me. I think the Judge disqualified himself. We all have to deal with it and pick up the pieces. That being said, its a new day a new Judge, so lets go over the old motions and get back to where we were, so we can move on. I support it, I am very happy with this Judges way of recovering something that was completley out of control. IMO
"just because she's at a party doesn't mean her child isn't well cared for, fed, changed".. AND MISSING!!!!!

OMG. your post is so right on. I actually think that Jose made some ground with this argument . I mean so what if she was out partying...but when you take into account that her child was missing, it is a whole new ball game.
Everyone recognizes JB. In south florida only one person knows him. Problem in North FL still has eye on this case. Using Haleigh Cummings and says both are missing children, LP , TES the main person of interest is a young woman
Makes me wonder the intentions of George and Cindy showing up in Satsuma...heck anywhere in the area for that matter. Anyone know if they've traveled to Miami with KFN?
Makes me wonder the intentions of George and Cindy showing up in Satsuma...heck anywhere in the area for that matter. Anyone know if they've traveled to Miami with KFN?

WOW....what an excellent point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AL has lectured about the effectiveness of playing cards close to the vest and then delivering boxes thus creating a bit of a "burden" (paraphraasing) at the last possible minute. So transparent it's beginning to look like Saran Wrap.

This has happened so many times to my firm. We will request documents and then in turn get like 50 boxes that perhaps only 10 boxes actually pertained to what we asked for. It's effective if you're a state agency or a small firm. Luckily my firm isn't small and we had the manpower to handle the heap of discovery that was thrown at us.

But I would guess this is what the defense is attempting to do. Although with JP's status conferences every 45 days I doubt he'll look to kindly on the defense missing that discovery deadline.
The point isn't what she was wearing, it's that she knew at that time that her daughter was missing and she's out partying!:banghead:
Why didn't LDB state that?

In due time, my friend. In due time. She will say it when necessary. In my opinion the fact that the prosecution can keep quite until it matters is priceless. They are holding their cards close and just sitting back watching the defense squirm and show their hand. Don't worry...when the time comes, they will be prepared. Just like when JA started talking about little Caylee seeing her mother last. I did not know he was capable of that. So powerful.

"Revenge is best served cold" so are the prosecutions statements.
Today was a good day for the KC case. JP only added to my respect for him today. There will be a timely trial, with little or no chance of appeal. JP will not tolerate tit for tat. Both sides will give the other side ALL the discovery they are required to give in a timely fashion, or JP will educate either or both sides if necessary. This is a no nonsense judge, and he knows the law. Regardless of what you think about KC, this judge will ensure a fair trial. He will make rulings that one side or the other may strongly dislike, but when he makes a ruling it is based on the law, and on KC’s right to a fair trial. So, whether you like it or not, not only does he rock, he RULES. MOO
GA's shirt looks like a "security" shirt.. Could GA be.....gasp! "WORKING"?????
Gasp! Can anyone determine what logo is his that shirt/jacket?
edit-Found it was Orlando Magic.
Was it just my imagination or did anyone else notice that JB's demeanor changed shortly after Ashton started speaking?
OMG. your post is so right on. I actually think that Jose made some ground with this argument . I mean so what if she was out partying...but when you take into account that her child was missing, it is a whole new ball game.

The thing is...if she IS out partying it shows a pattern of her not taking care of Caylee at night and if she isn't who IS? I think the pics prior ARE important. Not so much because of the way she dresses but because it shows she isn't at home at night taking care of her child - someone else is, be it a paid or unpaid 'nanny' or Cindy....

Not only that I think there are plenty of single parents out there (male and female) that can attest to the fact that while they may have had the opportunity to go out once in a while (and there might be one or two on the jury)- the nighttime activity of KC is far in excess of most single parents... at least those who have jobs and want to 'experience' their children (read stories at night, feed them, wake up with them in the morning, etc)

Was it just my imagination or did anyone else notice that JB's demeanor changed shortly after Ashton started speaking?

No and Baez was bloody rude, standing at the podium tapping his feet, looking at the ceiling then cracking his knuckles all the while as JAston was speaking, it was very noticeable.
I lol'd, quite frankly.

He should have put Casey to work on that little MTV presentation that flopped, horribly.

His team has claimed in open court that none of them are up to par so to speak with modern technology, specificially, computer software, etc.

Casey could have whipped that little fiasco out in a snap and still manage to make herself the star ~!!
I think the reason JB keeps bringing up that he has not received all discovery yet is because he KNOWS his client is GUILTY and before he picks his final plan to go with he has to find out if they have fingerprints of KC somewhere on something. If they do I think he will go with the insanity or accident theory. But he does not want to do that unless he has to. Remember the defense still claims they have nothing linking KC to the crime scene so they can still claim she is innocent in their eyes but once a fingerprint is released that will not fly anymore.
Bold 1: JP has not made a ruling as of yet. He has instructed JB to clarify his motion. And pretty much gave JB a free lesson in law and procedure.

Bold 2: You should read up on the sunshine laws. The SA's office would be required to release the info. It does not matter if its exculpatory or inculpatory evidence. The laws is the same for both. There is no conspiracy on the part of the State to hide evidence.

Bold 3: Posters are wondering where the defenses evidence is. As stated in open court they appearent have evidence of Casey's innocents. So umm where is it? Where are the bench notes, forensics, and other items of evidence that has been analyzed by it's experts?

Bold 4: They are not required to divulge their "strategy" however under the reciprocal discovery in Florida the defense is required by law to follow the same discovery guidelines as the state. I'm sure a link could be provided for you, that or a simple Google search on how reciprocal discovery works.

Bold 5: What difficulty? You mean the fact that JB and Co. never went by there until a week or so ago? Then left as soon as they got their? What specific difficulty did they have? Other then looking through the actual records would be time consuming. The defense basically failed to comply with the courts order (which is not the first time) and is essentially asking for a mulligan on the TES records. In hopes of achieving a better lie (golf reference).

Bold 6: This case has been going for approx 2 years. I would say there is pretty clear evidence that not much has been done in this case by the defense. Look at the JAC hearing as an example. The defense clearly hasn't done 2 yrs and 275k+ (approx) worth of work. (200,000 from abc, 5 from anon donor, 70k from TM, and money from AL/Depaul). This hearing is another example. The judge couldn't rule on the photos because the defense hasn't presented it's evidence so the judge can't make an informed decission as to what photo's may or not be relevant. Also the defense was not able to show what evidence it's missing or even give detailed example of what its needing. Hence why the defense was asked to go back and redo it's motion with specifics. Specifics are hard to know when you haven't done the work hence why JB can't give them imho.

I am getting confused here. Are you saying that the state has put in a motion for reciprocal discovery from the defense? Are they actually saying that the defense is withholding discovery? If so, I wonder when the hearing on that will be.

From what I gathered today, it is the defense asking for discovery and that is what is on the table. I heard no discussion of the defense withholding discovery. I hope that is on the table for another day.

I agree with you in that the defense should turn over all discovery, what is fair is fair.

I think there is something missing with the sunshine law. I do not believe for one second that the state turns over everything. I think they can keep it if they are still looking into it. I will give an example. Yuri mentioned in one of his reports that Rk's boss gave him Rk's employment records and routes. Yuri stated that Rk had ran his route in Sept and October, but Rk stated that it was August and November. Clearly a contradiction. Due to what went on on October 9th with the screaming child, I went to look for Rk records. It is not there and they have not turned it over. That is just one example.

There is an entire thread on what evidence is missing.

I think this tit for tat on discovery is tiresome. The state and its experts will have to eventually turn over all discovery in the end. What a waste of time and money. IMO
Gasp! Can anyone determine what logo is his that shirt/jacket?
edit-Found it was Orlando Magic.

Isn't that who Lee works for or with?
Maybe Lee put in a good word for the ole man.....

I give him about til Christmas before he suffers an untimely, horrific and painful work comp condition.....again.
He has to have an adequate amount of time put in before he can submit a claim, I "think"??

It's been a LONG time since he has had any consistant work history.
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