2010.05.10 - Casey Anthony Motions Hearing

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Yes, but according to her, Caylee was okay. She even talked to her on the phone. Also speaking of the first claim. That was when everyone was under the premise of June 9th. A false date. Le was asking questions based on a false date and Kc was answering questions on a false date.

I really wish Le would have waited and asked more questions once they knew the correct date, but from what I could tell, they reacted with anger and scared her into getting a lawyer. Now we have to wait. go figure.

Hi all again.. OT for a sec here but TYVM darnudes for responding and helping answer my question earlier...Now back on topic.. I am not trying to be rude here NTS but after reading all your posts and everyone explaining exactly how the courts work it just appears to me that you have something against the prosecution. I am not sure if it is just this case or the state in general but there is defintly something off here imo... Even if the date was wrong on june 9 it has since been corrected by all sides to june 15/16 and the last I checked this would still come before june 20 so the states points remain valid and the defense remains not valid.. And surely even you could or would concede they once you can't find your child (a 2 y/o) then you as a mother would be worried sick and would call and ask for all and any help you could get unless you were the one behind whatever happened to said child....This is what I can't comprehend about all your accusations against the state... Casey is the one who lost or harmed her child...not the police, the state or anyone else but yet she lied and manipulated all when she was confronted with her lies and went so far as to take them to her "imaginary" place of employment..

Anyway, you do have a right to your opinion and again I apoligize if my post has offended you or anyone here but we do have the best and most knowledgable posters and lawyers that post here and I for one have faith in their posts as well as the state and both judges that have been and are on this case....

Sorry for the rant. All of this is JMO.

Something I noticed,
In regards to the before and after photos, there seems, to me, to be something stirring or some sort of disagreement with the dates...Baez refers to them as before and after June 16 but the SA refers to them as before and after June 15.
They both put emphasis on the dates when speaking to the Judge..

I caught that and wondered it the States case was going to be that Caylee died on the 15th. It was the first thing that popped into my head as LDB was quite emphatic about the date.
I think this is the double edge sword for both sides. I interpret the party pics as someone who does not know their child is missing. When did the defense refer to them as ugly coping? I do remember Jb stating that Kc had a compelling reason for her actions, but do not know that he said it was ugly coping. I doubt the defense will go down this road. IMO
But she did know, according to her own words to LE, she knew it before the blue mini dress pic (party pics) was taken. By her own admission, she was going out to clubs looking for her missing daughter. So how in the good Lord's name are those pics of someone who doesn't know their child is missing? Remember, notthatsmart, she had her baby ripped from her arms at JBP; this is again, before the party pics were snapped. Let's now connect the dots...
id love to know where baez and company think casey can get a fair trial.


maybe the penguins havent heard about her?

I dunno... I heard through the grapevine that "Happy Feet 3" is subtitled "In Search Of My Daughter At The Nightclubs"

With musical interludes such as:

Missing You by Everything But The Girl
Where Do You Go To My Lovely by Peter Sarstedt
Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap

... doh ...
I dunno... I heard through the grapevine that "Happy Feet 3" is subtitled "In Search Of My Daughter At The Nightclubs"

With musical interludes such as:

Missing You by Everything But The Girl
Where Do You Go To My Lovely by Peter Sarstedt
Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap

... doh ...

rofl :)
Yes, but according to her, Caylee was okay. She even talked to her on the phone. Also speaking of the first claim. That was when everyone was under the premise of June 9th. A false date. Le was asking questions based on a false date and Kc was answering questions on a false date.

I really wish Le would have waited and asked more questions once they knew the correct date, but from what I could tell, they reacted with anger and scared her into getting a lawyer. Now we have to wait. go figure.
Yeah, mean old Le anyway, asking her questions like where she worked and where she left Caylee the last time she saw her, and them expecting her to tell them the truth. I bet that was scary for poor little miss Anthony. Especially when she had no answers that she could back up.

Like taking them to where 'her job was' only to have to admit there was no job. Then taking them to Sawgrass only to find that no one by that name or description lived there. They should have just believed her and left it at that I guess, then she would't have had to be scared. I guess it's all those mean, scary Law Enforcement peoples fault that this all happened the way it did. 'Cause she was just getting ready to tell the truth in another 31 days if they just would have waited. Go figure!!!!
Last week at the 'budget' hearing, JP ruled the jury would be obtained elsewhere but the trial would be held in Orlando. Today, we have JB arguing yet again for the trial to be moved, and again, he is arguing for Miami.

MOO, I have thought since he first brought Miami up, and continue to think, he wants Miami because he is from there, and how great for him to have a two-month (paid?) trip to his old home town, where people he knows from way back can see him getting bombarded by the media on a daily basis. Where now the in-crowd will be seeking him out, inviting him to country clubs and out yachting, basically 2 months of schmoozing with the upper echelon of Miami society. Think of all the networking he will be able to do on evenings and weekends for the duration of the trial.

Anyway, that's my opinion!

He needs to remember, most down in Miami are hispanic. I believe if JB goes with the invisinanny, he will make people angry feeling she targeted hispanic woman (just as Susan Smith had done). It will seem very predjudicial towards the latino community. He will have a hard time with jurors who are hispanic, they will get angry and shut down..IMO

I do feel her party photos are relevant to her state of mind. How does a mother continue on with her party life knowing her child was allegedly abducted by this alleged nanny (JBPark) or just upped and left (sawgrass apt empty for 142 days) never to return Caylee.

She also told LE she was at Fusion conducting her own "investigation", looking for the invisinanny since she knew the places she went to.

It's also important, since TonyL was her BF du jour, knew nothing about Caylee missing, unreturned or otherwise. Why wouldn't she mention this to her boyfriend she's spending so much time with sans Caylee??? She was playing house minus a child. She wants to please people (young men especially) but minus her child. She seemed to have flourished without Caylee in tow.

The latest are the jailhouse letters that basically exonerate the "real" nanny. There's another story in those letters that the nanny took Caylee from the home on Hopespring drive and left a note...so where are the notes, where is this alleged "script" Nanny and Samantha allegedly handed her to follow for 30 days...low and behold, on the 31st day, CA/LA find out, Caylee was last seen on June 16th...and not one phone call to 911 to inform the authories of a child not being returned, taken at JBPark or taken from the home on Hopespring...Hmmmmmm I don't think it will fly. I think Inmate Anthony is digging a hole too large to cover up..I still feel before this comes to trial, someone on her defense will inform Inmate Anthony to save her own life, she must plead guilty to the charges :innocent:...wishful thinking on my part but the only way I see for Inmate Anthony not to die...her attitude in the courtroom will be one of anger and rage and quite possibly an outburst when pointing out her inconsistent stories and showing an uncaring mother who had flourished the entire time her child was allegedly missing..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Yes, but according to her, Caylee was okay. She even talked to her on the phone. Also speaking of the first claim. That was when everyone was under the premise of June 9th. A false date. Le was asking questions based on a false date and Kc was answering questions on a false date.

I really wish Le would have waited and asked more questions once they knew the correct date, but from what I could tell, they reacted with anger and scared her into getting a lawyer. Now we have to wait. go figure.

The phone call from Caylee was proven to be yet one more lie from Casey's mouth.

But let's pretend for a moment that LE did find that phone call on Casey's phone, which they didn't.

Casey told LE that Caylee was kidnapped, remember? She also told them she wasn't able to really converse with Caylee, or more importantly, converse with an adult, as in, the "kidnapper". Whoever had her "suddenly hung up the phone", remember that part?

So just because Casey receives a phone call days or weeks later and hears Caylee's voice, all is suddenly well again in motherland, right? Hey, at least she knows that Caylee is alive but yet Casey still has no clue who has her or where she's at or why "Zenaida" suddenly "moved" out of the apartment that Casey "dropped Caylee off at the stairs", but good golly Marie, it's time to dance-hump other girls at Fusion! Hey, she "heard Caylee's voice" since the time the baby was "kidnapped", so let's move on and party like a rock star! Right, NTS?

I don't know any mother in their right mind who hadn't murdered her baby daughter who would think this was acceptable. :rolleyes:

You keep talking about this "false date" of LE questioning Casey. So bottom line, you're saying that had LE asked Casey about the correct date, Casey would have been honest and not lied about where her missing baby daughter was? Those darned LE, you know how "tricky" they can be. :rolleyes:

Really? Your kid is "kidnapped", and that's the time to sit and play "guess again" games with LE? And BTW, whose fault is it anyway, for them having the wrong date?

Casey's fault, as she is the one who gave them the June 9th date, as well as Cindy.

But that aside, I don't know why you're trying to use that as an excuse for Casey?

If the date was a problem for Casey, and she really did want to locate her "kidnapped" baby girl, any normal mother would have been sitting there screaming at LE, "No, not that date, this date! Please help me find her!"

But Casey never begged them to find Caylee. Casey had already murdered her.
With all the discussion and debate abt KCs party pics the question I have is this:
Did KC think to herself "Oh, I need to look for my Caylee (and the Invisa-Nanny) today. Maybe she'll take my kidnapped child to a dance club-When I go out with my friends tonight I'll search for them both! Hhmmm...Blue dress or black dress? I'll wear the Blue dress...showing some skin might loosen some lips and help get people to start talking."
Now after KC got to the club and searched everywhere for her DD and Zanny (NOT), we know KC didn't find them. So what does she tell herself? "Oh well, they're not here...I might as well dance w/ another female and shake my fanny :behind: on the stage since I'm all dressed up and ready to partaaay!".

Sorry everyone...I still can't believe KC actually believes this lie will fly :sheesh:

don't forget as she was looking around (just by or lets say "chance" --- ) she sees her boyfriend of a few weeks there doing his promotion job thingy....boy did she get lucky with that hunt! :furious::furious: I am tired of hearing that it was no big deal to go out like that and party---(granted before June 16th -- possibly IF SHE HAD AN ACTUAL BABYSITTER not invisananny) but those pics do play a picture of her---tired of hearing the arguement that it doesn't paint her in a possitive light --- she choose it---

And for jb to say she was a good mom providing for her child???? How was that---ca & ga were providing for her child---kc was taking for herself and possibly her child....:furious:
But she did know, according to her own words to LE, she knew it before the blue mini dress pic (party pics) was taken. By her own admission, she was going out to clubs looking for her missing daughter. So how in the good Lord's name are those pics of someone who doesn't know their child is missing? Remember, notthatsmart, she had her baby ripped from her arms at JBP; this is again, before the party pics were snapped. Let's now connect the dots...

Remember early on she dropped her off and picked her up AFTER WORK --- JUST LIKE NORMAL--- just left her by the stairs-- She also stated that her daughter had been missing for 30 days....Came from her mouth.....the ugly coping line---believe it was on one of the media frenzy circus acts of LKB & jb and possibly on the today show/good morning america or that other one....they were the ones who used it.....they were the ones that coined that term....I also think you could find somewhere amongs all the threads reference to that term....
In order to remain "impartial"......we have to be able to step aside of our belief and passion and see that just because a mom likes to have her party time it does not equate to her being a bad mom.

An example.........For a long time....we used a nanny.........one that would handle school pick up and HW before we got home. We also enjoyed a great many vacations where the nanny kept the kids at home or came with us. Extra hands doesn't mean parents are hands off.

I consider myself an outstanding mom ,and the fact that my child was left in the care of another while I enjoyed my free time does not in any way negate that.

I think too many people are assuming that the photos "should" demonstrate a disregard for parental duties. But "going out" does not a bad parent make. Especially when "adequate care" (read CA and GA) is being provided.

The relevance that these photos will have, is in discrediting KC's statements to LE and offering a glimpse into KC's frame of mind BEFORE that 911 call, and establishing a pattern of behavior during the time that Caylee was "missing". IMO...the SA is too sharp to anticipate using photos just to prove KC a "sl*t, or a bad mom". Those would be opinions and not facts.

Are the photos irrelevant????? NO....not at all. Are they inflammatory?? Sure. in some sense...but only if one is trying to portray KC as a mother "searching for any clues about her missing child's whereabouts". It's all about perspective.

I am liberal about most issues, but, I have to disagree with you on this one Sleuther. I don't have a problem with a parent going out and having a good time. I don't have a problem with a parent going out on a regular basis. I do have a problem with a parent who has sole custody of a child getting so intoxicated s/he would be unable to make a quick responsible decision in regards to the welfare of the child in the event of an emergency situation.
I think this is the double edge sword for both sides. I interpret the party pics as someone who does not know their child is missing. When did the defense refer to them as ugly coping? I do remember Jb stating that Kc had a compelling reason for her actions, but do not know that he said it was ugly coping. I doubt the defense will go down this road. IMO

I believe the pictures show someone who does not care that her child is missing. The 31 days shows someone who does not care that her child is missing. The 911 call shows someone who does not care that her child is missing. The interview at Universal shows someone who does not care that her child is missing. The jailhouse letters show someone who does not care that her child is dead by jumping right back into her routine trying to win attention from another person. KC just does not care about anyone but KC. That will be hard to hide for two plus months. jmo
Praying that the photos of KC partying after Caylee's death be presented to the jury. Really wished Honorable Judge Perry would have decided on this today.

Don't worry, I'm figuring even if he says no - they will have a hard time finding 12 people plus a few spares who have not seen those pictures. They created quite a stir when they were first revealed, they were on the all the news programs, they can still be linked on most OC news sites. So it will be fairly pointless to suppress them.

HHJP seems like a very knowledgeable man, he also appears to have common sense. It's jb's bad luck that he signed on a client who chose to behave in a certain way - including dirty dancing with men and/or ladies, dressing in revealing clothing, occasionally drinking so much that she ended up on the floor using a commode to hold herself upright and relieving herself in a parking lot - then using the Internet to share with the world - the pictures of herself while she was doing these things.
Saying tacky - tacky doesn't come close!

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....
Does anyone know if the party pics came from social networking sites and were posted by Casey herself?
JB's DP motion DENIED over on the other thread - woo hooo!
I think this is the double edge sword for both sides. I interpret the party pics as someone who does not know their child is missing. When did the defense refer to them as ugly coping? I do remember Jb stating that Kc had a compelling reason for her actions, but do not know that he said it was ugly coping. I doubt the defense will go down this road. IMO

notthatsmart - I really wish Le would have waited and asked more questions once they knew the correct date, but from what I could tell, they reacted with anger and scared her into getting a lawyer. Now we have to wait. go figure.

To what purpose of letting KC drag LE on more wild goose chases, tell them more lies and not give a rats azz where her child was? Caylee was no longer alive, she had been "gone" for 31 days. Was she going to get more lost because LE made the correct decision to toss a liar in the slammer? KC gave up nothing for 31 days and 12 hours - now 22 months later she has still given up nothing.

While Caylee patiently waits for her in heaven (with daddy), KC has made lots of plans of how she plans on living her life - without missing a beat.
Jose also said KC didn't kill Caylee, Caylee is alive, KC is a victim - KC's compelling reason was to protect her family from imaginary thugs who had her child - And yet KC partied like there was no tomorrow for 31 days.

Regardless of the date given, it makes no difference (except for the fact that 911 was not called the day Caylee "went missing") - KC said she left her child at the nanny's - she went to pick her up and there was no one home & the phone was suddenly out of service - No one had been home in that apartment since February and all those former "homes" were not homes either - KC had no work phone because she had no work -

She also said she received a phone call "actually today - from a private number" from yet another disconnected phone to her non-existent phone. There is no nanny, there was no phone call -

There was no need for KC to call 911 - Caylee was never missing, KC knew right where Caylee was the whole time - as she wrote to her new bff in jail, she's right under their nose and they don't even see -

Does anyone know if the party pics came from social networking sites and were posted by Casey herself?

Many were on her MySpace acct others were on her public photo bucket acct.
Thats what I thought, then I am so so sorry MsPrisoner, YOU made these photos public, YOU brought this bizzare (IF your baby's been kidnapped as you claimed) behavior to us, YOU YOU and no one but YOU.

I figure its sort of like the age old LE going through garbage and finding stuff debate. You have no expectation of privacy once your garbage hits the curb.

MsPrisoner has no reasonable expectation of privacy if she herself posted these party pics and JB is going to have a really hard time explaining how said photos DO NOT go directly to Casey's state of mind during the time period her daughter was "kidnapped". In addition, they directly discredit her claims that she spent that month engaged in a frantic search for her "kidnapped" daughter.
Agree - heartbreaking.... two years ago they had a daughter and a beautiful grand daughter. They must look at each other and say what the h**l happened.

Part of the trouble in that house today is because they never addressed the troubles that had been going on for way too long. GA sitting in front of a camera saying KC is a daughter any man would be proud of :waitasec: No G she is not she was a skanky ho and I am so sorry that your heart has been so badly destroyed by these events - but it is what it is.

I don't know where the "crazy" started, whether CA was always "crazy" or if the time frame following KC's pregnancy (which was denied at 7 mos by CA) and life with KC from then on slowly pushed CA until the events surrounding Caylee's disappearance from CA's life dropped her over the edge -

Things in that house were not right for a longgg time and neither of them should be wondering what happened - because they did nothing to prevent it. I'm not putting the blame of Caylee's death on them - but I am dumping - them allowing KC to get away with "murder" - on them, from way before they lost Caylee.

I'm not so sure about that, because I don't believe Casey's sole reason for murdering Caylee was so she could party.

Her main reason was because she was jealous of Cindy as is reflected in Cindy's myspace letter. Casey really did hate Cindy "that much", as Shirley Plesea intimated and whatever happened during the fighting and arguing when Casey finally showed up :rolleyes: on the evening of Father's Day, the tension between Cindy and Casey was volatile and explosive.

No matter if Casey wanted to join a convent for the rest of her life, or read those classic novels AZlawyer mentioned, she would have still murdered Caylee, just to spite and hurt Cindy.

Casey said it herself, "I'm a spiteful b!tch!" And a murderous one, to boot.

I agree with you, but, if KC's behavior had been addressed instead of ignored/denied (stealing large sums of money, the jealousy over Caylee, the lies, upon lies, upon lies. The non-job, the sleeping around, the running around, the non-existent boyfriend that CA kept trying to meet - but he never showed up, the fighting, the 3 possible dead men who might have been Caylee's father - not to mention those who are alive, the cussing out her parents etc, etc....

There is no reason to believe that Caylee would have ended up murdered by her mother if CMA1 and CMA2 would have gotten the appropriate help for their own personal crazy - regardless of where or who it started with.

So KC took away what had been given, (out of anger, jealousy, hatred, disinterest in mommy-ing...) then spent 31 days doing the things that was sure to make CA the most angry with her. KC acting out like a 13 year old.

It was a combination of things that lead to Caylee's death but it was an empty heart (or soul) that enabled KC to commit the act.
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