2010.05.10 - Casey Anthony Motions Hearing

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No and Baez was bloody rude, standing at the podium tapping his feet, looking at the ceiling then cracking his knuckles all the while as JAston was speaking, it was very noticeable.

Oh oh I was across the room and thought I heard him crack his knuckles, but thought no way, he would not do that while standing in front of the judge. I thought I was really losing it Thank you so much, I am sane! while for now, but on the verge, I know it's only a matter of time between this case and little Haleigh's case :crazy:
Isn't that who Lee works for or with?
Maybe Lee put in a good word for the ole man.....

I give him about til Christmas before he suffers an untimely, horrific and painful work comp condition.....again.
He has to have an adequate amount of time put in before he can submit a claim, I "think"??

It's been a LONG time since he has had any consistant work history.

Do you mean a work comp claim? Work comp covers you from the first second you are on the clock.
I think the reason JB keeps bringing up that he has not received all discovery yet is because he KNOWS his client is GUILTY and before he picks his final plan to go with he has to find out if they have fingerprints of KC somewhere on something. If they do I think he will go with the insanity or accident theory. But he does not want to do that unless he has to. Remember the defense still claims they have nothing linking KC to the crime scene so they can still claim she is innocent in their eyes but once a fingerprint is released that will not fly anymore.

See, this is what I don't understand. Yep, a fingerprint would be nice but I think we have something just as good: Casey was the last person to be seen with Caylee alive. She has to be able to say what happened to her next. And it has to be believable.

I think you're right that they don't even have a solid strategy yet. Their hot potato is Casey's having had complete charge of Caylee up to and including the time of her death.

I don't think any of these motions are going to help them in this area.
Jose sure is no Gregory Peck! You are right racial divisions from another era have no comparison to this trial. Only Jose would use a scene from a movie as an example rather than case law. I cracked up and rewound to watch that part again!

You just can't make this stuff up.
i did not tape it but i really thought i heard him say black - am i wrong ?
i was typing and watching the tv at same time and then phone rang
I am getting confused here. Are you saying that the state has put in a motion for reciprocal discovery from the defense? Are they actually saying that the defense is withholding discovery? If so, I wonder when the hearing on that will be.

From what I gathered today, it is the defense asking for discovery and that is what is on the table. I heard no discussion of the defense withholding discovery. I hope that is on the table for another day.

I agree with you in that the defense should turn over all discovery, what is fair is fair.

I think there is something missing with the sunshine law. I do not believe for one second that the state turns over everything. I think they can keep it if they are still looking into it. I will give an example. Yuri mentioned in one of his reports that Rk's boss gave him Rk's employment records and routes. Yuri stated that Rk had ran his route in Sept and October, but Rk stated that it was August and November. Clearly a contradiction. Due to what went on on October 9th with the screaming child, I went to look for Rk records. It is not there and they have not turned it over. That is just one example.

There is an entire thread on what evidence is missing.

I think this tit for tat on discovery is tiresome. The state and its experts will have to eventually turn over all discovery in the end. What a waste of time and money. IMO

NTS, can you find a link for this report? Every time you mention it, I look for it, but I haven't found it yet.
I wish the prosecution would just hand over all dicoverables for crying out loud. Spare us all the tedium. It's a shame the defense are supposed to have to figure out what the state has and ask for it specifically in order to receive discovery. Isn't there a legal presumption that the state will provide all discovery and that all the experts, labs, etc will provide all discovery without a motion being made for every tiny piece by tiny piece? I guess not.

The state has provided everything they are legally suppose to provide. The defense however is on a fishing expedition and trying to raise what ever concerns they can. They are asking for notes, which are not discoverable. The defense has a right to put on their own discovery. Which would involve work. I get the impression that the defense does not want to do the necessary work involved and wants the state to just turn over their notes. That is not how it works.
I was browsing the FL state criminal rules. Thought this was interesting regarding mitigation re: penalty phase. It's an interesting read.


(a) Notice of Intent to Seek Death Penalty. The provisions of this rule apply only in those capital cases in which the state gives written notice of its intent to seek the death penalty within 45 days from the date of arraignment. Failure to give timely written notice under this subdivision does not preclude the state from seeking the death penalty.

(b) Notice of Intent to Present Expert Testimony Of Mental Mitigation. When in any capital case, in which the state has given notice of intent to seek the death penalty under subdivision (a) of this rule, it shall be the intention of the defendant to present, during the penalty phase of the trial, expert testimony of a mental health professional, who has tested, evaluated, or examined the defendant, in order to establish statutory or nonstatutory mental mitigating circumstances, the defendant shall give written notice of intent to present such testimony.

(c) Time for Filing Notice; Contents. The defendant shall give notice of intent to present expert testimony of mental mitigation not less than 20 days before trial. The notice shall contain a statement of particulars listing the statutory and nonstatutory mental mitigating circumstances the defendant expects to establish through expert testimony and the names and addresses of the mental health experts by whom the defendant expects to establish mental mitigation, insofar as is possible.

(d) Appointment of State Expert; Time of Examination.
After the filing of such notice and on the motion of the state indicating its desire to seek the death penalty, the court shall order that, within 48 hours after the defendant is convicted of capital murder, the defendant be examined by a mental health expert chosen by the state. Attorneys for the state and defendant may be present at the examination. The examination shall be limited to those mitigating circumstances the defendant expects to establish through expert testimony.

(e) Defendant’s Refusal to Cooperate. If the defendant refuses to be examined by or fully cooperate with the state’s mental health expert, the court may, in its discretion:

(1) order the defense to allow the state’s expert to review all mental health reports, tests, and evaluations by the defendant’s mental health expert; or

(2) prohibit defense mental health experts from testifying concerning mental health tests, evaluations, or examinations of the defendant.
I think you were talking to me. I think the Judge disqualified himself. We all have to deal with it and pick up the pieces. That being said, its a new day a new Judge, so lets go over the old motions and get back to where we were, so we can move on. I support it, I am very happy with this Judges way of recovering something that was completley out of control. IMO

I think everyone is dealing with it quite well by speaking very highly of both Judges.;)

I thought the new motion was required because JB was unable to articulate what was actually missing from the discovery and why he was entitled to it.

Yeah, ya gotta love it. And in the end, the Judge gave it new life. Somehow Jb gets away with being vague. Now he gets to come back with being specific. I am sure Cm will help him lay it out in detail this time. The state will now have to respond in writing and be specific. My thanks out to the Judge, make both sides do their work before hearing day. Save us all a lot of time. I think this Judge is great. IMO
a quote from to kill a mockingbird-- will we hear the whole movie quotes in court?

jose may start memorize lines from movie-lol

The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box. As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash. ~Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 23, spoken by the character Atticus

http://www.quotegarden.com/bk-km.html quotes from mockingbird!!
But seriously about the discovery, how is the defense supposed to know what in the experts' documents and notes is discovery/relevant without being able to see it? How can they be any more specific, isn't asking for all the states' experts' discovery and benchnotes fair enough? Just provide it, why not?

The defense has a right to go and depose ANY of the states witnesses. I am guessing THAT is how they will find out the relevance of any of the information.

Its like someone saying to you.. "My child has been missing for 31 days" Before you conduct a search, the first thing you are going to say is "Missing from where?" and then "Why are you calling now and not 31 days ago?"
NTS, can you find a link for this report? Every time you mention it, I look for it, but I haven't found it yet.

I will try to go in that old thread tonight after My sons Violin recital. It was a pretty short thread and got closed.
I am getting confused here. Are you saying that the state has put in a motion for reciprocal discovery from the defense? Are they actually saying that the defense is withholding discovery? If so, I wonder when the hearing on that will be.

From what I gathered today, it is the defense asking for discovery and that is what is on the table. I heard no discussion of the defense withholding discovery. I hope that is on the table for another day.

I agree with you in that the defense should turn over all discovery, what is fair is fair.

I think there is something missing with the sunshine law. I do not believe for one second that the state turns over everything. I think they can keep it if they are still looking into it. I will give an example. Yuri mentioned in one of his reports that Rk's boss gave him Rk's employment records and routes. Yuri stated that Rk had ran his route in Sept and October, but Rk stated that it was August and November. Clearly a contradiction. Due to what went on on October 9th with the screaming child, I went to look for Rk records. It is not there and they have not turned it over. That is just one example.

There is an entire thread on what evidence is missing.

I think this tit for tat on discovery is tiresome. The state and its experts will have to eventually turn over all discovery in the end. What a waste of time and money. IMO

The state doesn't have to present a motion. The defense is required by law to disclose any evidence it plans to present in court. You seem to be over looking or completely ignoring that fact. Evidence that is part of a current investigation does not have to be released via sunshine laws. However once the state gives it to the defense that information is then able to be reviewed by the public via sunshine laws. So if the defense turned in any evidence to the state the state can't "hide" it unless there was a hearing to have the info sealed and we would know of such a hearing as it would show on the court docket. To me you are trying to imply there is some nefarious dealings going on by the state. That is not the case. The state thus far has released it's evidence in a prudent manner imho. The state can't comply with JB's request when they don't know what he's asking for....in fact he doesn't know what he's asking for. That is why the judge ordered him to redo his motion with specifics. As JSR and others have pointed out there are some things that are not covered in discovery or items that may be held by third parties that are out of the courts jurisdiction. That's been pretty well established I think.

To answer some of your sunshine questions you really should study the law. Here are some samplings from the FAQ at http://www.myflsunshine.com/sun.nsf/pages/FAQs#2

# Does an agency have to explain why it denies access to public records?
A custodian of a public record who contends that the record or part of a record is exempt from inspection must state the basis for that exemption, including the statutory citation. Additionally, when asked, the custodian must state in writing the reasons for concluding the record is exempt.

# When does a document sent to a public agency become a public document?
As soon as a document is received by a public agency, it becomes a public record, unless there is a legislatively created exemption which makes it confidential and not subject to disclosure.

# Are public employee personnel records considered public records?
The rule on personnel records is the same as for other public documents ... unless the Legislature has specifically exempted an agency's personnel records or authorized the agency to adopt rules limiting public access to the records, personnel records are open to public inspection. There are, however, numerous statutory exemptions that apply to personnel records.

The bolded may be why RK's personnel records have not shown up in your example.
When discussing the party photos, Inmate Anthony got angry when LDB mentioned her allegedly doing her own investigation..

I don't understand why she didn't come straight out and say, state of mind. Inmate Anthony was partying while her daugher was allegedly abducted and out of her custody, shows no concern..IMO

I will wager a guess that when this trial gets underway, we will see an outburst from Inmate Anthony for she will not be able to contain herself. She has rationalized in her mind the why's of her party going and want so much to have the state say, she had no concern..

Change of venue granted at appropriate time and generate an order prior to trial date..he will keep this secret..I want them under this gag order so bad so Baez doesn't get face time...if he was so concerned he should have gone with the gag order from the start..Baez wants so bad for the COV to be in South Florida...:angel:

I completely agree. In fact, I think it was almost a bad thing that JP wants her to come to all the hearings. I am assuming she will learn how to control herself along the way. It would have been much more exciting watching her hear all of this evidence for the first time in front of jurors.
Yeah, ya gotta love it. And in the end, the Judge gave it new life. Somehow Jb gets away with being vague. Now he gets to come back with being specific. I am sure Cm will help him lay it out in detail this time. The state will now have to respond in writing and be specific. My thanks out to the Judge, make both sides do their work before hearing day. Save us all a lot of time. I think this Judge is great. IMO

CM signed those motions, too. Do you think CM could have gotten it right the first time? This was a waste of court time. What time was saved when this is not the first time JB has asked for the information and still has to be schooled by the judge in the proper way to ask for it???? JB claims to have been trying to get this information for a year and a half but still writes incomplete motions. If the state has given JB all they have whatever they don't have JB will have to ask for on his own from whatever agency he feels owes him the information. So what has changed in a year and a half? Defense has done next to nothing in a year and a half except bill for work that has not yet been done. Also, I don't think in the legal community "getting away with being vague" will gain him any respect. jmo
I want to see the video of Casey on 12-11-08.I hope that will be seen.
IMO, there was some hesitation on Baez's part between saying Casey's name and then saying 'small child', like, IMO, he couldn't recall Caylee's name. :furious::furious::furious:

I think he just wants to say her name as little as possible so the Jury can forget we are talking about the death of a poor little girl. He has no problem saying Casey's name because he wants it to be about Poor Casey instead. The SA will do a good job of bringing Caylee alive in the court room. I hope they show videos of her playing and singing. I hope they lose the words "remains" and replace them with "Little Caylee" I don't want the jury to forget for one second WHO this case is about. Once this case is over, this will be the last time we hear that little girl laugh and like JA said, her mothers face was the last face she saw..:furious:
I want the jury to hear KC's call home from the jail.

Family friend: 'if anything happens to the baby, Casey, I'll die...,' she sobs.

KC: 'oh well.' Cold as ice.

I know that's OT, sorry.
If you listen to the raw feed of Casey entering the courtroom prior to JP, you'll see CM go off camera, and then I believe hear him talking about skin cancer - - so I think he had a mole removed. Sorry if someone has already checked in on this - - -
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