2010.06.15 ~ Tommy has a hearing

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My take on this is...............
Tommy would not implicate his mother in the theft of the gun, so he plead nolo to the lower charge. I wondered how he was going to fight the charge without throwing his mother under that busy bus that runs through Satsuma. I think what he did was the only thing he could do under the circumstance. Had that been Misty, she wouldn't have had a problem with implicating the mother.
So under oath , in court, one is encouraged to plead guilty to a charge that could not be true......he was allowed into the house by the owner.....where is the tresspass.? There are mandatory minimums in place, but in actuality the amount of drug can be reduced to the point that it becomes a lesser crime with a lesser sentence.

I am for setting sentences for crimes that are uniform and not open to bargaining. Once sentenced, forget time for good behavior....five years should be five years. There is too much politics, bargaining, who do you know and who are you willing to throw under the bus going on in our judicial system. JMHO
In one of the many vids we recieved last month, I am sure I heard Lindsy ask Tommy if he had a scar on one of his thumbs...I wonder if they have His fingerprints on one of the guns...I probably couldnt find that vid if my life depended on it but I know I heard it,,,,after she asked him, he replied but I dont remember what he said,,,Does anyone else remember hearing this? If so do you remember what he said...I want to say he told her no, he didnt have a scar on his thumb, but I could be wrong....For her to ask him this it woud have to be about the "things" he alledged to have stolen...anyones reply would be appreciated...tia

Yes, you are right about the scar. Here is the vid with that conversation.

Men who clean houses will steal cleaning supplies, Tommy was a stay at home Dad who probably cooked the children's meals and washed their dishes. I will tell you this as well, My husband had a friend from NY that needed a fresh start, he invited him to Alabama to stay with us until he found a job. Come to find out the reason he needed a "fresh start" was because he was a drug addict and a thief. When he moved out I helped him and gave him canned goods and anything from my home that I had two of. The following Thanksgiving my family went to NY and came home to a breaking and entering....Laundry soap, dish soap, bar soap, q tips and toilet paper are among some of the stolen items, not to mention he took all my dish cloths, 5 bath towels and what was left in my lab's dog food bag! We found many of the items in his bathroom. Talk about feeling violated. My point is drug users will steal what they need, doesn't matter if they are male or female.

Tommy Croslin's own neighbors stated they saw Tommy.....not Ronald Cummings or Misty Croslin or Teresa neves or Annette Sykes.....wandering around the neighborhood very late at night and anything found would be from the immediate area.

I trust the opinion's of the people who lived near Tommy and I stand by my opinion that Tommy is exactly where he deserves to be and I pray that he can find it in his heart to come clean and tell the truth about what happened to Haleigh, that's really all that matters to me.

Elle, how does your belief that Tommy is a thief translate into his having knowledge about what happened to HaLeigh and therefore must "find it in his heart to come clean and tell the truth about what happened to [her]"?

If I missed something in your post and am just not "getting it" please correct me.
Tommy puzzles me. When I see him with his father, they seem close, but he was also charged with assaulting his father (later dropped as I understand).

Also, what stuck in my mind, was when he was talking on the phone to Granny Flo, she told him that his father had tried to kill himself - Tommy just shrugged it off, like he couldn't care less. I don't really think he cares about anyone but himself.

Lindsy was the best thing that ever happened to him, and gave him the chance at a normal family life, for probably the first time in his life, but he was out doing drugs and creeping out the neighbours, when he should have been home with her and the kids.

I'm wondering if some of the frantic calls to try and get in touch with Lindsy (after she wanted out of the relationship) was because she was the one that gave him an alibi for that night, and he wanted to find out if that still stood.

He lies constantly, and I think that he is somehow involved with Haleigh's disappearance, or knows what happened. He won't tell the whole truth - it's not in his best interests to do so.

If the info about the lake was just BS, then he should be charged with giving false information, and wasting LE time. His lies should cost him, one way or another.
Tommy puzzles me. When I see him with his father, they seem close, but he was also charged with assaulting his father (later dropped as I understand).

Also, what stuck in my mind, was when he was talking on the phone to Granny Flo, she told him that his father had tried to kill himself - Tommy just shrugged it off, like he couldn't care less. I don't really think he cares about anyone but himself.

Lindsy was the best thing that ever happened to him, and gave him the chance at a normal family life, for probably the first time in his life, but he was out doing drugs and creeping out the neighbours, when he should have been home with her and the kids.

I'm wondering if some of the frantic calls to try and get in touch with Lindsy (after she wanted out of the relationship) was because she was the one that gave him an alibi for that night, and he wanted to find out if that still stood.

He lies constantly, and I think that he is somehow involved with Haleigh's disappearance, or knows what happened. He won't tell the whole truth - it's not in his best interests to do so.

If the info about the lake was just BS, then he should be charged with giving false information, and wasting LE time. His lies should cost him, one way or another.

I don't have a problem with most of what you said, but I don't think it's fair to insinuate Lindsy was lying about Tommy's whereabouts the night Haleigh went missing. I believe she is his alibi, because what she said was true. She went over and above what might have been expected of her when LE came looking for stolen merchandise in her home. I hardly think her actions show a willingness to lie for Tommy. I don't believe anyone can point out an instance where she has lied for, or against another player.

I don't care if LE broke every bone in Tommy's body to get him to come up with the "Joe did it" story, I think he should be charged with something BIG. That was the turning point for me, as far as being a Tommy supporter. I still don't think Tommy is involved with Haleigh's disappearance. (neither before, nor after the fact)
We can now put the Martin/gun incident aside. I don't think Tommy would have plead nolo to the lesser charge if fighting the theft charge wouldn't have implicated his mother. The next one, (B&E) will be the one that tells the tale. If he fights it, and the evidence isn't there to convict him, that will seal it for me, that he was being setup.
I don't give a toot about what happens to any of the players in jail, but I do hope LE gets it right, and charges the right people in Haleigh's case. If that turns out to be Tommy or Lindsy, so be it! If it isn't Ronald and Misty, I will be in total shock.
So, case closed. He spent nearly six months in jail, has a few little fines which are placed on civil lien, and he's done with that case. Served his time already. Has a record for trespassing. hmmmmm..... interesting, very interesting. :waitasec:

Yep, Lisa should be mighty glad it was Tommy with her that night and not Misty, or Lisa would be flat as a pancake under her daughter's bus. Family loyalty must be grand. :loser:
Elle, how does your belief that Tommy is a thief translate into his having knowledge about what happened to HaLeigh and therefore must "find it in his heart to come clean and tell the truth about what happened to [her]"?

If I missed something in your post and am just not "getting it" please correct me.

Not sure what you are trying to get......Nothing to correct at all, you missed nothing in my post. Tommy being a thief is an entirely different crime than with-holding information in Haleigh's case therefore there is nothing to translate. I was stating my hope about what Tommy's next move might be....telling the truth!

IT IS MY OPINION that a man who knows nothing about the disappearance and death of a missing child isn't going to make up and tell several different stories about his actions and whereabouts on the night she went missing. He has indeed done that. He began by stating he knew nothing, faltered a bit by stating he went by the trailer and knocked and it didn't appear Misty was home, next he explains that he wasn't
there when "IT" happened to Haleigh, all he knows is he wasn't involved. In my world the truth is the truth and it doesn't change, his story has changed....over and over....he is lying about his involvement in my opinion, and covering up the true story. JMHO
Not sure what you are trying to get......Nothing to correct at all, you missed nothing in my post. Tommy being a thief is an entirely different crime than with-holding information in Haleigh's case therefore there is nothing to translate. I was stating my hope about what Tommy's next move might be....telling the truth!

IT IS MY OPINION that a man who knows nothing about the disappearance and death of a missing child isn't going to make up and tell several different stories about his actions and whereabouts on the night she went missing. He has indeed done that. He began by stating he knew nothing, faltered a bit by stating he went by the trailer and knocked and it didn't appear Misty was home, next he explains that he wasn't
there when "IT" happened to Haleigh, all he knows is he wasn't involved. In my world the truth is the truth and it doesn't change, his story has changed....over and over....he is lying about his involvement in my opinion, and covering up the true story. JMHO

But wasn't much of the earlier suspicion of Tommy based on the theft allegations? That was the impression I got.

Did they let Tommy out of jail? tia
So, case closed. He spent nearly six months in jail, has a few little fines which are placed on civil lien, and he's done with that case. Served his time already. Has a record for trespassing. hmmmmm..... interesting, very interesting. :waitasec:

Yep, Lisa should be mighty glad it was Tommy with her that night and not Misty, or Lisa would be flat as a pancake under her daughter's bus. Family loyalty must be grand. :loser:
I'm not really trying to defend Misty, here, but I'm not sure she'd rat out her mother. She's had opportunities, & hasn't done it. There is some real animosity between her & Tommy, & I think she either ratted on him because she thought he took the gun, (& was trying to get him in trouble), or she knew her mom was guilty, but decided to blame him anyway. Tommy is the one who corroborated LE's theory, that Misty wasn't at home that night, while making himself look like an innocent bystander, just helping out Ron. Whether he was lieing, (which he, himself, now claims), or not lieing, (who knows, with this bunch), I can see why Misty got mad. Tommy stepped over a line, & threw her to the wolves. IMO, that self serving incident, is what broke their sibling ties. Tommy wanted out of jail & told cops what they wanted to hear. which makes me seriously question his Joe allegations. Did he again, in an attempt to get out of jail, (& back to his drugs), just tell cops what they wanted to hear? When he admitted to lieing about checking on Misty, ( his sister), he showed he wasn't above that kind of behavior. nothing matters to Tommy , but Tommy. & as far as Lindsey goes, I don't think she'd flat out lie for him, but I do think he 'worked' on her & convinced her that if he'd been out that night, she, as his wife, (who was sleeping next to him), would've awakened. That was my interpretation of one of their earlier calls.
Not sure what you are trying to get......Nothing to correct at all, you missed nothing in my post. Tommy being a thief is an entirely different crime than with-holding information in Haleigh's case therefore there is nothing to translate. I was stating my hope about what Tommy's next move might be....telling the truth!

IT IS MY OPINION that a man who knows nothing about the disappearance and death of a missing child isn't going to make up and tell several different stories about his actions and whereabouts on the night she went missing. He has indeed done that. He began by stating he knew nothing, faltered a bit by stating he went by the trailer and knocked and it didn't appear Misty was home, next he explains that he wasn't
there when "IT" happened to Haleigh, all he knows is he wasn't involved. In my world the truth is the truth and it doesn't change, his story has changed....over and over....he is lying about his involvement in my opinion, and covering up the true story. JMHO
I agree. If Tommy wasn't involved, & I mean in a BIG way, he would've told the truth by now, in a desperate attempt to keep Lindsey. If he could've walked away from all of this, unscathed, IMO, he would have. no matter who it hurt. & not just because he's a selfish man, (which he has proved, over & over), but because this case has gotten to THAT point, where it's every man for himself, or they're all going down. Not ratting isn't going to save anybody, but ratting could save the innocent. Tommy knows that, just as well as anybody, & him lieing so much, just points to his own guilt. He has lost so much, because of this, & I truly believe that he'd rat out ANY BODY, to get the heck out of dodge.
I'm not really trying to defend Misty, here, but I'm not sure she'd rat out her mother. She's had opportunities, & hasn't done it. There is some real animosity between her & Tommy, & I think she either ratted on him because she thought he took the gun, (& was trying to get him in trouble), or she knew her mom was guilty, but decided to blame him anyway. Tommy is the one who corroborated LE's theory, that Misty wasn't at home that night, while making himself look like an innocent bystander, just helping out Ron. Whether he was lieing, (which he, himself, now claims), or not lieing, (who knows, with this bunch), I can see why Misty got mad. Tommy stepped over a line, & threw her to the wolves. IMO, that self serving incident, is what broke their sibling ties. Tommy wanted out of jail & told cops what they wanted to hear. which makes me seriously question his Joe allegations. Did he again, in an attempt to get out of jail, (& back to his drugs), just tell cops what they wanted to hear? When he admitted to lieing about checking on Misty, ( his sister), he showed he wasn't above that kind of behavior. nothing matters to Tommy , but Tommy. & as far as Lindsey goes, I don't think she'd flat out lie for him, but I do think he 'worked' on her & convinced her that if he'd been out that night, she, as his wife, (who was sleeping next to him), would've awakened. That was my interpretation of one of their earlier calls.

You stated:

I'm not really trying to defend Misty, here, but I'm not sure she'd rat out her mother. She's had opportunities, & hasn't done it.

For the record:

UCN: 542009MM002827XXAXMX
File Date: 08/10/2009
Case Status: CASE CLOSED
Defense Atty:

Alias: No Alias Records

Date # Docket Description
08/10/2009 1 COMPLAINT FILED: PCSO/ 08-05-09

08/10/2009 1 BOOKING NUMBER: N/A



We only have Misty's word that Lisa assaulted her. This statement was concocted after Ron went to jail for assaulting Tommy. She filed these charges to make Ron look less guilty. Maybe it was another test to see if she could lie to LE successfully!
I agree. If Tommy wasn't involved, & I mean in a BIG way, he would've told the truth by now, in a desperate attempt to keep Lindsey. If he could've walked away from all of this, unscathed, IMO, he would have. no matter who it hurt. & not just because he's a selfish man, (which he has proved, over & over), but because this case has gotten to THAT point, where it's every man for himself, or they're all going down. Not ratting isn't going to save anybody, but ratting could save the innocent. Tommy knows that, just as well as anybody, & him lieing so much, just points to his own guilt. He has lost so much, because of this, & I truly believe that he'd rat out ANY BODY, to get the heck out of dodge.

Dodie, not picking on you, but there could be another reason Tommy isn't telling what happened to Haleigh that night, and that could be because he doesn't know what happened.
Dodie, not picking on you, but there could be another reason Tommy isn't telling what happened to Haleigh that night, and that could be because he doesn't know what happened.
well, if he doesn't know, why does he keep putting himself in the middle of all the action? innocent people don't do that-unless they're tortured into submission, & even though I don't like this LE's tactics, they're not torturing Tommy. his stories, (lies), are all self serving BS, & I can only think of 1, (ONE), reason for that. to cover for himself. otherwise, he'd stick to the truth, of knowing nothing. But, IMO, he can't do that, because he wants to be 1st in line, to blame Misty, then Joe, whoever, to keep eyes off himself. IMO, it's an obvious diversional tactic. Once he put himself, at that trailer, banging on the door, there's no turning back for Tommy. He has admitted to involvement, just not all of it. Personally, I think they're all involved, & then some. & let's not forget, Tommy had a chance to clear his name, with that lie detector test, but he failed it. I don't believe his version of what went down with that test, but more importantly, Lindsey didn't believe it. IMO, it was just more lies, & self serving BS. & everything he has said & done since then, has been in attempt to undo some of the damage .
For the record:

UCN: 542009MM002827XXAXMX
File Date: 08/10/2009
Case Status: CASE CLOSED
Defense Atty:

Alias: No Alias Records

Date # Docket Description
08/10/2009 1 COMPLAINT FILED: PCSO/ 08-05-09

08/10/2009 1 BOOKING NUMBER: N/A



We only have Misty's word that Lisa assaulted her. This statement was concocted after Ron went to jail for assaulting Tommy. She filed these charges to make Ron look less guilty. Maybe it was another test to see if she could lie to LE successfully!

Thank you. That's what I meant by Misty throwing Lisa under the bus. If Misty had been with Lisa when Mr. Martin's gun was stolen, I highly suspect it would have been easy for MC to say, "Mommy took it". Instead, it was Tommy, and he took the rap, no matter who else was there, and we know Lisa was, we know Tommy took the fall. He now has this conviction on his criminal record, no matter which was actually the guilty party.
You stated:

I'm not really trying to defend Misty, here, but I'm not sure she'd rat out her mother. She's had opportunities, & hasn't done it.

For the record:

UCN: 542009MM002827XXAXMX
File Date: 08/10/2009
Case Status: CASE CLOSED
Defense Atty:

Alias: No Alias Records

Date # Docket Description
08/10/2009 1 COMPLAINT FILED: PCSO/ 08-05-09

08/10/2009 1 BOOKING NUMBER: N/A



We only have Misty's word that Lisa assaulted her. This statement was concocted after Ron went to jail for assaulting Tommy. She filed these charges to make Ron look less guilty. Maybe it was another test to see if she could lie to LE successfully!
again, 'm not trying to overly defend Misty, but IMO, Lisa has made it clear that her loyalties don't lay with Misty-from her childhood, to some of the jail recordings. Lisa may have really assaulted Misty, (I wouldn't put it past her), or Ron, in an attempt, to lessen his actions, could've convinced Misty to lie. Personally, I think it was a combination of the 2. I think Lisa did assault Misty, but instead of letting it go, Ron convinced her to complain. The Croslins have shown, that they have no problem, using their fists on each other.
Men who clean houses will steal cleaning supplies, Tommy was a stay at home Dad who probably cooked the children's meals and washed their dishes. I will tell you this as well, My husband had a friend from NY that needed a fresh start, he invited him to Alabama to stay with us until he found a job. Come to find out the reason he needed a "fresh start" was because he was a drug addict and a thief. When he moved out I helped him and gave him canned goods and anything from my home that I had two of. The following Thanksgiving my family went to NY and came home to a breaking and entering....Laundry soap, dish soap, bar soap, q tips and toilet paper are among some of the stolen items, not to mention he took all my dish cloths, 5 bath towels and what was left in my lab's dog food bag! We found many of the items in his bathroom. Talk about feeling violated. My point is drug users will steal what they need, doesn't matter if they are male or female.

Tommy Croslin's own neighbors stated they saw Tommy.....not Ronald Cummings or Misty Croslin or Teresa neves or Annette Sykes.....wandering around the neighborhood very late at night and anything found would be from the immediate area.

I trust the opinion's of the people who lived near Tommy and I stand by my opinion that Tommy is exactly where he deserves to be and I pray that he can find it in his heart to come clean and tell the truth about what happened to Haleigh, that's really all that matters to me.

My point was not whether Tommy would steal soap, towels or a gun. My point was to question how LE would/could PROVE that Tommy was the thief in the two separate cases. Just because someone is "likely to be the one" or someone "thinks" it was Tommy usually doesn't cut it in a court of law. It has nothing to do with whether I think he's actually guilty.

Oh nevermind. It's now a moot point in at least one of the charges. These people are just rolling over and giving up. So much for legal representation.

ETA: I am not siding with the various criminals in this whole sordid mess. I just have a problem with how LE is using their authority to obtain their goal (whatever that may be at this point). I'm equally concerned with, what seems like to me to be, poor legal representation. I don't think anyone should be taken advantage of because of their poor socioeconomic status.

As always, OMO.
My question is HOW did LE find out about the incident since they are the ones who approached the old man?
IIRC this occured not too long after Ron C put a rat in the Croslin mailbox...And I believe JM handled that investigation.... Ironic how Ron C has never had to answer to any those charges filed against him, even after admitting to MN and TM he did it and took Misty along to see how good she could lie to the police.. But instead LE puts the squeeze on Tommy in reference to a gun they cannot prove Tommy ever stole...JMO

I'm voting for ron and/or misty as being the rat. RC was still po'd at being arrested for the fight and then being investigated for the "Rat" in the mailbox, yep I have to go with bonnie and clyde on this one.

Why in the world tommy loves his sister would be an interesting psychological component to ponder.
I'm voting for ron and/or misty as being the rat. RC was still po'd at being arrested for the fight and then being investigated for the "Rat" in the mailbox, yep I have to go with bonnie and clyde on this one.

Why in the world tommy loves his sister would be an interesting psychological component to ponder.
I also don't get why Tommy 'loves' Misty, or why Misty 'loves' Tommy, or why their dad 'loves' any of them, including Lisa. It's just a word to them, meaning, 'bound by blood'. Whatever they feel for each other, is not what I associate with family love. They turn on each other as quick as snakes, & use their fists, to beat the crud out of each other. & commit crimes with each other. & commit crimes against each other. & let's not forget, do drugs together.

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