2010.06.21 ~ CNN says focus of investigation not on TH

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I agree that it's unlikely the child is lying. That, however, doesn't lead me to the conclusion that his statement is just as reliable as the teacher's. There's lots of room in a child's mind for things to be misperceived, misremembered, or misinterpreted. He may be taking bits and pieces of conversations he thought he heard and putting them together wrong.

It is true but on the other hand the children's statements are probably uninfluenced by any need to whitewash their own actions because they have no responsibility in any of this but the school staff were in charge of Kyron's safety and there might be some pressure to minimize their own responsibility. Not saying that they lied or that they did anything wrong - just that there is inevitably pressure, IMO.
I agree that it's unlikely the child is lying. That, however, doesn't lead me to the conclusion that his statement is just as reliable as the teacher's. There's lots of room in a child's mind for things to be misperceived, misremembered, or misinterpreted. He may be taking bits and pieces of conversations he thought he heard and putting them together wrong.
I also wonder the extent to which the SM had contact with the boy's gran or even the kid himself. T's comments are almost to good to be true from the perspective of a future suit against the school. Kids at that age can easily be coached what to say with minimal effort.

Talking of coaching/auto-suggestion...I noticed that "someone" who thought she had seen Kyron pose in front of his exhibit on Friday morning at 8.15 am made her comments to reporters on June 5 after she had spent a lot of time with the family on Saturday morning.
The email KH sent that day was through a law firm? Could it be that they have had legal counsel since the beginning?

I don't know that it was sent through a law firm. It was published on a Portland law firm's website but it was unclear to me if the company had anything to do with the matter, it could have been posted by someone touched with the news.
I have asked this question on other related threads and have tried using the search feature to ascertain whether this question has already been asked and answered to no avail. Maybe one of you fine folk will know:

Has anyone confirmed where the new baby was at the time TH and Kyron were said to have been at the school? If those posters who suspect foul play from TH are correct - where was the baby during the event and subsequent coverup?

boy I sure hope not! My sis watches my kids during summer break while I am at work. She has no phone so I frequently give her my phone when she has my kids so that I can rest easy that she has a means to get in touch with me or 911 if some emergency arises. She often takes my kids all over town when running her errands. Lord only knows where my cel phone is pinging right now while I sit right here. Anywho, I am done on the ping thing. I think we may get scolded for straying off topic so I am finit on that topic :innocent:

See, your phone has a great alibi! Back on topic here as well.
Sorry guys, I have one more question that has been bugging the heck out of me.
Didn't SM say that she called BM around one to tell her to go ahead and start driving their way to pick Kyron up?
I KNOW I read it somewhere....but can't remember where and if it was "fact" or "rumor".
Curious because weren't the bio parents still at home when they found out about Kyron earlier that evening? If so, why were they still at home, and not there to pick him up?
Also....if SM didn't have her phone at the school bus....where was it? Maybe someone else DID have it.
Sorry, been reading, but I'll go back to lurking :)
I have asked this question on other related threads and have tried using the search feature to ascertain whether this question has already been asked and answered to no avail. Maybe one of you fine folk will know:

Has anyone confirmed where the new baby was at the time TH and Kyron were said to have been at the school? If those posters who suspect foul play from TH are correct - where was the baby during the event and subsequent coverup?

no one knows yet so far as I have been able to find either - I'd sure like to know this too and if it was common to leave baby with a sitter in the daytime, if one was used etc
Throwing in my 2 cents on the pings. Unless they have become more reliable in the past couple of years, the pings can also be misleading. I got my phone bill one day and it said I was in another town 45 minutes away and charged me long distance. I knew I was no where near that other town! Then, the phone company told me that it could just have been that the signal bounced off the other town's tower?? Either way, I still ended up paying for a long distance phone call when I knew for a fact I was not there. That leads me to believe that SM could have been in some other place and bounced off the SI tower??

My situation was a couple of years ago. I realize that technology could be a lot better by now. Anyone else have any experience w/ this type of thing?

I vacationed the summer before last in a rural (U.S) border town and all of my calls were hitting a tower in Canada. Every month, for the entire three months that I was there, I went through sheer he$$ trying to get my cellphone company to correct my bill. Now if I had been a suspect in a crime, according to my phone records, I'd either be cleared or implicated; either way (wrongfully convicted and/or wrongfully cleared), based on the records, my whereabouts would have been incorrect. I've also traveled extensively across the U.S. by vehicle and I can tell say that not only is tower(s) location a factor but additional factors, such as the particular carrier/phone you have and what towers they have access and/or use of... This is far from the accuracy of DNA!!

~ MO ~
I really want to believe that you are wrong in that thought; but, I have been having the same thoughts lately. Are we back at square one? Does LE actually know anything other than what we know?

If we are back at square one w/ no idea where Kyron is or what happened then it is way beyond time for LE to start talking!! Use the media and the public to HELP rather than talking down to all of us as if we are too stupid to connect 2 thoughts! I mean really, the public and media could really help if we had any idea what we needed to look for! What if he has been kidnapped? They have wasted 3 weeks not telling the public anything and giving a kidnapper plenty of time to get further away or dispose of a body.

I get the feeling that people won't really be looking for Kyron because they "read between the lines" of the pressers that Kyron is dead and TH did it. No reason to look right? What if that is wrong? What if there is a chance Kyron is still alive?:banghead:

I'm so frustrated! I have followed this case from the beginning. I have never had the intense feelings that I have developed in this case. Kyron is such a cutie. We have to find him and bring him home safely! Not to mention, we are required by law to send our kids to school can we not at least have some measure of comfort that our kids are SAFE while at school?? Is that too much to ask for? :banghead:

Another possibility here, the step dad is a detective. Perhaps the family has insisted that LE either name Terri a POI or say they are not focusing on her. Just trying to brain storm here. Perhaps the purpose of the fliers were to clear TH rather than condemn her. Who knows??:banghead:

Either LE KNOWS SOMETHING or they know absolutely nothing or are basing their investigation upon their gut feelings which could be completely wrong! They don't have to tell us everything or even give specific details. Just give us enough to know if the other kids in the area are safe or not and if people should still be looking for Kyron. If they have nothing I wish they would just say "We have no idea".:banghead:


that's the first time I've read that ... do you have a link handy?
Here's the thing, SM may or may not be lying. What if she sets her watch fast? My husband does that all the time and confuses me.:waitasec:

good point
my car clock & my alarms are set fast
Sorry guys, I have one more question that has been bugging the heck out of me.
Didn't SM say that she called BM around one to tell her to go ahead and start driving their way to pick Kyron up?
I KNOW I read it somewhere....but can't remember where and if it was "fact" or "rumor".
Curious because weren't the bio parents still at home when they found out about Kyron earlier that evening? If so, why were they still at home, and not there to pick him up?
Also....if SM didn't have her phone at the school bus....where was it? Maybe someone else DID have it.
Sorry, been reading, but I'll go back to lurking :)

I don't understand why she'd need to give the mother a go ahead. Was it uncertain if Kyron would go there that weekend? If so, what decided the matter in the afternoon?

How far is the bus stop from where they live? maybe she simply left the phone home.
The email KH sent that day was through a law firm? Could it be that they have had legal counsel since the beginning?

I believe that he sent it out to known friends and business associates. The person who posted it on that particular website was a person who received the email and they copied it and put it up there to "get the word out" for their friend.

that's the first time I've read that ... do you have a link handy?

Sorry, it took me a few minutes to find a link. I bolded it in red for you. This could also be a reason the family did not go public??


Speaking to the press, Kyron Horman parents, with tears streaming down their faces, thanked searchers, investigators and the media for keeping the quest alive to find the Skyline School second-grader with the wide smile. They wore T-shirts with Kyron's photo and the word "MISSING" in bright orange.

"Kyron, we love you, we miss you, and we need you home right now," said Tony Young, Kyron's stepfather and a Medford police detective.

"Your school friends and your family, teachers, the staff at your school and the community as a whole has shown how much impact one little boy's smile can have on a community. You mean everything to us, and until you come home, this family is not complete."
semantics. Websleuths Websleuthers - I am simply saying that LE is paying attention to us folks here online (which includes those of us participating through this particular forum) and has asked for our cooperation almost by name. I, for one, will be giving it.


Sorry the link is not working for you. I got it from BeanE on another thread and it worked okay for me.


LE did not ask for our co-operation almost by name - this is an example of a sentence that guests reading here will take as gospel without reading the rest of the thread or knowing the context in which you wrote it

this is why semantics are necessary when sleuthing online b/c as we have seen, one misplaced/misspoke/misspelled word can end up as a huge rumour with no basis in fact

I agree that LE keeps an eye on crime forums but it is not LE that used the word websleuthers - it is the reporter who asked the question

we need to be very careful and very specific with words/statements we attribute to anyone if we are indeed to do no harm

Weird thing about that interview...the LE was happy to say that the uncle had been investigated but everything else was no comment.

yes, I found that odd too
still pondering that one
I'm still looking, but apparently he WASN'T supposed to go with his bio mom that Friday....still looking for later links that contradict this:

She said he visits his biological mother in Medford every couple of weeks and that Desiree, 38, came to Portland as soon as she heard about his disappearance.


i googled the question of if Kyron was actually going to visit D that weekend and this came up, [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5289929&postcount=54"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #14[/ame]
Last weekends presser, LE said they were investigating on different fronts. So perhaps the relative was one of those fronts. Public criminal charges against a minor already out there, so no harm, no foul by LE mentioning it?
Thank you SO much for finding that...I was going nuts going through all those articles, lol.
So, which is the lie? Was bio mom due and called around 1pm, but then just didn't leave for whatever reason (geez, are they ALL aware of the truth?), or was bio mom NOT due to have him that weekend, thus no phone call was made and why she was still in Medford when they notified her he was missing?
Sorry, but that really bugs me, trivial as though it may be. There was speculation early on that it was an opportune time for something to have happened....just when he was due to be gone all weekend.
Just thought of something.
Maybe it wasn't DY's weekend to have Kyron, but SM WANTED everyone to think that......thus explaining why he was gone all weekend (few days head start).
Ugh, of course, that doesn't make sense with the meeting at the bus part.
I hate circles.
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