2010.06.25 Document Release: More Letters

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OMG, after reading some of those letters I feel as those I need a tetanus shot and a bath in bleach. The single dad letter is quite disturbing from his bragging about how great he is at giving oral sex, (threw up in mouth) to the numerous times he says how hot he is (gag) to the total disregard he shows for his son. I hope someone besides him is looking out for the baby's well being. I can only imagine if these two actually hooked up. I guarantee my glade plug in would last longer then that baby's life. Then we have the jimmy dean breakfast bowl loving old man who includes a decade old picture of himself. I can only imagine what he must look like now. All the while he's writing Casey about gas prices and biscuits and gravy while Caylee has lost her life. I was really surprised about the number of women who wrote to her. This world is truly filled with sick individuals. Then we have the lady who writes Casey, oh you have it all great eyes, smile, hair, and skin. HELLO have you seen the backne photos? Since when is that considered great skin?? I really could only get through a handful of letters before I thought to myself WTF, why are you sitting here reading this crap when it's a beautiful day outside. But alas, I am off to read more today. Oh yeah the guy who sent the $8.00 money order deserves an honorable mention LoL made me laugh soooo hard. I wouldn't want to meet any of these people in a dark alley, but bring on the spelling bee's or IQ test lol.

Tracey M. accuses Websleuths of being losers...she should take a look at these letters and re-assess what we are actually doing here! Stark difference between sleuthing a crime (which includes insight and opinion) and sitting for a writing session on biscuits and gravy when a child is dead and the mother was, at the very minimum, so neglectful of her child that she allowed her to be taken and murdered and never reported it.
RH also mentioned on the SW show that the release of these letters are prolly just a result of the state cleaning house on JudgeP's request. Great observation, sounds about right.
Tracey M. accuses Websleuths of being losers...she should take a look at these letters and re-assess what we are actually doing here! Stark difference between sleuthing a crime (which includes insight and opinion) and sitting for a writing session on biscuits and gravy when a child is dead and the mother was, at the very minimum, so neglectful of her child that she allowed her to be taken and murdered and never reported it.

I love how Tracy writes all these gushy letters to Casey... but in her interview with LE... she rips her to shreds and makes fun of her for the whole wrist watch/ankle bracelet thing.. and the sunglasses game with Rob.

http://www.wftv.com/pdf/24039447/detail.html pdf pg 446-450
by far the most depressing.. this one actually made me cry because I was thinking about my kids. I had to go dry my eyes before hubby saw and asked why I was crying lol

I just got back Sunday after being gone a whole weekend, and just finished this thread. I don't think I'm going to be reading these letters. I think I got enough just reading this thread, lol.

All I have to say is, no wonder Casey is so freaking delusional with people from Joy Wray's family tree writing her letters like these (I'm just saying, some of these excerpts made me think of her. I was almost thinking she had developed multiple personalities and had every single one of them write to Casey. I wouldn't be surprised if that were true).

I do want to read the letters from George and Cindy, so I will do that this week and go read the thread on them. How coincidental that Cindy has already said people impersonated them and wrote to Casey. *big eyeroll*

I bet the SA has been snickering since Friday. I can almost hear them saying, "Okay, you asked for it, defense. Here ya go!"
The little picture of the little girl and Cindy saying I love you Mommy, I am doing good in Heaven and see you when you come to heaven one day with open arms from me Mommy.
URGH How can Cindy really write that to Casey?
How can they act so blind..I see through George and Lee..George's words in the letter show he knows and is begging for her to end this and just confess and Cindy acts delusional. She knows the truth but doesn't want to believe it and will do anything to keep Casey from death

I think Cindy is letting Casey know that she (Cindy) knows Casey killed Caylee. There is no other reason to write that. None, except to make her stay in jail worse than it is. If you believed your daughter had not killed your granddaughter, would you write something like that. Never. It would only serve to help "crush" an innocent person.

By the way, was reading the latest depos and the roommate of Tony's says the night Lee came over to get Casey's things, Lee immediately said that Casey is a pro at stealing and passing bad checks and that they should check to see if anything is missing. Lee most definitely changes with the Morgan firm when giving his deposition in the Zanaida case but more importantly with the prosecutors. He downplays the 200 Casey stole from him and downplays the pregnancy and downplays the lies. But he is honest with the Tony and his roommate.

The roommate also tells of Cindy coming to the apartment to get Casey on June 15th and made a point of telling Tony and him "I hope you are rich, because she is going to take you for everything you have".

Cindy goes out of her way to tell the prosecutors she does not berate her children or raise a hand to them. This will come out at trial, Lee's lying will come out and most definitely George's testimony before and after - all comin in.

So with all of their lying, they have assured that the jury will know what a dysfunctional family this is. Especially the part about Casey going to work for two years and nobody questioning it when they knew she was not.

It may serve to help her with the death penalty - in that the family is so dysfunctional that what else would we expect but a sociopath from them.
After reading more of the letters last night I find it very odd that people confide in KC about their own troubles. Some folks say the strangest things too IE: "I don't care if you screwed up or not". <---What in the the world is that? We share the earth with some scary people that's for sure.
The following is one of my favorites and may help to explain why Cindy still feels that it is ok for her to claim that Caylee may still be alive (not that I agree with her at all but....). I'm not sure who sent this to Casey though. It was after a letter from a Will C in Ohio but there was no envelope for the next one. It's #16088, part 2 of the letters at http://www.wftv.com/news/24027702/detail.html , page 307.

"I was told to send this to you from Chrissy.

Your cousin is telling the truth about the Nanny. You must tell her to get here lawyer to have a Sketch Artist draw up this Nanny's face. This lady is a proffessional child sellar and she tricked Casey into trusting her with Caylee. Big Mistake but not unheard of!! It happens everyday to Mom's that have to raise a child by themselves and don't want the Grandmother yelling or guiding her every minute. I have heard all the Interview tapes and seen all the trash on Casey and I know she is telling the TRUTH. You must circulate that sketch of the Nanny and she will be caught. No sketch no hope for Casey! Do you understand? Also there is one part to this story that does not ring true, the found bones. They are not Caylee's-the hair on the tape is her hair but that is so easily placed and made to look like it is Caylee. I do not feel or see any pain in the bones they found. They are to clean, everything seems staged-the tape on the skull, the heart, the one strain of hair, plastic bag double wrapped and yet the bones found scattered. The whole scene is STAGGED!! You must tell your aunt not to burn these bones so we can prove what I am saying.

I know you don't know me but I am right and you must do what I ask to help Casey and to get Caylee back. I have called and talked to AMW and they are ready to start acting on this. DO NOT let the media see any of this or we won't be able to catch this Nanny before she leaves the country, is she hasn't already done so. Understand? E-mail me if you have any other questions."
Sorry to be a bother, but I just got back from vacation and I am trying to catch up. I keep seeing a reference to another inmate that has written her from
Alachua County Jail (Gainesville, Florida). Can someone help me narrow down where those are? I am looking and reading. Thanks so much for those of you that have made it through and are giving us the breakdown.
The following is one of my favorites and may help to explain why Cindy still feels that it is ok for her to claim that Caylee may still be alive (not that I agree with her at all but....). I'm not sure who sent this to Casey though. It was after a letter from a Will C in Ohio but there was no envelope for the next one. It's #16088, part 2 of the letters at http://www.wftv.com/news/24027702/detail.html , page 307.

"I was told to send this to you from Chrissy.

Your cousin is telling the truth about the Nanny. You must tell her to get here lawyer to have a Sketch Artist draw up this Nanny's face. This lady is a proffessional child sellar and she tricked Casey into trusting her with Caylee. Big Mistake but not unheard of!! It happens everyday to Mom's that have to raise a child by themselves and don't want the Grandmother yelling or guiding her every minute. I have heard all the Interview tapes and seen all the trash on Casey and I know she is telling the TRUTH. You must circulate that sketch of the Nanny and she will be caught. No sketch no hope for Casey! Do you understand? Also there is one part to this story that does not ring true, the found bones. They are not Caylee's-the hair on the tape is her hair but that is so easily placed and made to look like it is Caylee. I do not feel or see any pain in the bones they found. They are to clean, everything seems staged-the tape on the skull, the heart, the one strain of hair, plastic bag double wrapped and yet the bones found scattered. The whole scene is STAGGED!! You must tell your aunt not to burn these bones so we can prove what I am saying.

I know you don't know me but I am right and you must do what I ask to help Casey and to get Caylee back. I have called and talked to AMW and they are ready to start acting on this. DO NOT let the media see any of this or we won't be able to catch this Nanny before she leaves the country, is she hasn't already done so. Understand? E-mail me if you have any other questions."

:biglaugh: I should probably snip this but really....you know what I feel like sometimes? any of you know the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminatus"]illuminatus![/ame] trilogy?

apparently some editors of playboy started to wonder what it would be like if all the bizarre conspiracy mail they were sent was actually the truth with these fascinating books as a result.

maybe I just spent way too much time in my life reading scifi and watching twilight zone but after sloggin' my way through almost 2 years of ICA acting weird, anthony family dynamics & now these wacky fanmails....my gosh, what if they were right :| can you imagine? is there even a snowball's chance*? how wrong could everyone be?

*just to note, I am not a wackadoodle and I dont believe what I just wrote. only what if :|
Sorry to be a bother, but I just got back from vacation and I am trying to catch up. I keep seeing a reference to another inmate that has written her from
Alachua County Jail (Gainesville, Florida). Can someone help me narrow down where those are? I am looking and reading. Thanks so much for those of you that have made it through and are giving us the breakdown.

this poster has links about him here. get a glass of vodka first. it's pretty awful.

ETA oh, I see you asked about his letters, not him. I havent found his letters yet myself, must say I dont want to :$

OMG- the letters from Julie are so funny to me. Girlfriend has a major crush on Casey. In every letter she has written, the last paragraph reads...

"I can't imagine a world without Casey Marie Anthony."

Too funny that all of these letters are now on the internet for the whole wide world to see. I swear I'd die of absolute embarassment if it were me. Good grief.

As I said earlier, I had to stop reading after coming across the letters from K. Otwell who is presently in the Alachua County Jail. I was deeply disturbed after I read the reason he was in jail and like I said on my previous post, he might just make Casey look like a saint. The letters are in the second PDF if I recall. He talks about being a musician and playing in a punk rock band. He loves going to raves. He also tells her that he just spent 30 days in confinement in the jail and they upgraded his inmate status to maximum security. Hopefully, these links are allowed as they are from the mainstream media...


this poster has links about him here. get a glass of vodka first. it's pretty awful.

ETA oh, I see you asked about his letters, not him. I havent found his letters yet myself, must say I dont want to :$

Ok after those links I don't wanna find his letters. I think I need a valium. GAH.
ANd some mental bleach.
Hello WS :)

Thank you to everyone reading these letters and posting. As for the content of most of the letters, I am speechless. :crazy: Is it alright to say that I laughed so hard at some of the posts that I snorted? :innocent:

I have opened one of the files myself but have only read the "sarcastic letter" from Huzinga(?) pg 737 sorry about not posting the link, if anyone is interested in it further I will find which link I followed. I'm not sure what I was reading?

Anyway, reading what was being posted made me remember parts of Casey's letters to Robyn regarding the letters she was receiving. I thought it would be interesting to post some of those here.

(Thank you to the Websleuthers who read through those letters and did so much work in posting them for others to read.)


[B]Page 13605[/B]
(I’m going to write a joke on the back , one that was sent to me today, clever!) Some of my new friends are silly. You’ll understand why! (Heart drawn)
(Joke found at link)

From page 13607-13608
I find myself wanting to talk about any and all things random… like the letters and cards I received over the past two days. I can’t help but think these people are crazy but I love them just the same. It’s funny the friendships you can acquire in times like these. In any case, we are strangely blessed! (Heart drawn)

I am posting this next part(below) because posts in this thread referenced letters from Cindy and George on the subject of sending clothes for Casey to wear i.e. "ruffles are in season."

Hey Cookie! Sorry I haven't been in touch. I'm dealing with a pretty big battle right now and with the last person I honestly expected- my Mom. Let me start by saying it's an incredibly long, but short story, and I've been holding off on complaining because I didn't know where to start.
Thursday- She drops off clothes to Baez for me to wear in court on Friday (lets just say the only two things I was comfortable in meas my black flats and favorite gray blazer. Navy blue pants, far too tight, and an almost sheer shirt, that was not long enough, and had a decorative neckline that almost showed a mile of cleavage. Lovely)
So this happens early in the day, and she promises to come back to the office later that afternoon/evening, to prep for Friday. After numerous phone calls, Baez can't get a hold of her, or better stated , she avoids all contact, including texts. Baez contacts her attorney , Brad Conway, and gets the run-around from him. More useless details, but what it boils down to is my Mom is going to be escorted to court on Friday, via a friend of hers directly connected to the Today show.

Friday morning- I see what is brought for me to wear for my appearance; unfortunately I didn't have a say because the judge ordered me to come dressed appropriately (his intention is to actually help my public image. Kudos to Judge Strickland), so my morning didn't start off great. I also didn't sleep more than an hour before leaving here at 7:00am, because I was so excited....


….about Finally seeing my Mom. I walk into the court room completely shackled, which was against the judges orders, so I get seated, and Baez relays the message, so I have to get reescorted outside to get uncuffed- only from the waist up. Joy. Well, I trip as I try to sit down the second time, Klutz that I am. All in front of the camera. A few minutes pass they start to let in the spectators, all media and I ask if my Mom is there yet. Baez briefly tells me that she is “sick” and isn't coming. Welcome the proverbial punch in the stomach. Court did go reasonably well, a few laughs, courtesy of the judge, and I was back here just before 10:30. I talked to 3 of my attorneys just before coming back and they're so upset that my my Mom bailed on me and that fact that her attorney shows up, waving all (underlined) conflict with my Moms former attorney, who started working for the enemy the day he “resigned” from working with my folks, back on November 20, my brothers birthday.
Saturday, around noon- Baez and my attorney who was down from New York for the weekend, came to fill me in on all of the drama. They still couldn't get in contact with my Mom , and are both still extremely frustrated about what went down the days previous. I'm right there with them. This is when I get all the details from Thursday – Saturday.

Also noted in the letters from George is his growing unrest at Casey's actions regarding her accusations of molestation. The letters from Cindy where she seems the loving mother do not seem to be getting through to Casey, as she feels betrayed by and feels she has "officially lost her entire blood related family." With the letters released in the doc dump today from George and Cindy, my questions regarding the relationship between Casey and her family are coming into focus.

…..out to Tampa on Saturday, ____ _____ Baez still couldn't get a hold of her. Turns out, she met with Meredith Veiera, formerly of the view, now associated with the Today Show, I believe, or Godd Morning America. She's not well enough to take advantage of seeing me in person on Friday , but can shmooze with the dirtbags the next day?! Seriously?!
But wait, there's more! (I'm sweating while writing this. My emotions are obviously getting a workout). Come to find out that she put a trademark on Caylees name months back, never told me, and even talked about doing the same with mine. This is the same time she publicly states that she plans on writing a book about this!
B-E-T-R-A-Y-A-L!!! I'm so sick to my stomach even thinking about this.
I'm the only person who has tried to protect Caylee throughout all of this, and it kills me!
All my Mom talks about now is doing a public service for herself, because she needs to. I can't believe my own mother is capitalizing, or trying to, off of everything that has happened.
I had written her expressing my disgust, grief and hurt after what happened on Friday, this is before finding out all of this. And what happens when she meets up with Baez yesterday to read my letter?
She laughs at the idea of getting caught with lunch on Saturday. Laughs!

I can't take it Robyn. I can't. I've done everything possible to hold my family together and I continue to get stomped on, thrown under the bus, and it doesn't surprise me anymore when it happens. I have too many other things to worry about and now all of this!

I've officially lost my entire blood-related family in the blink of an eye, in the midst of mourning my daughters death, trying to exhonorate myself , and figure out what steps to take in achieving these things, and I get ******** over by my entire family. I talked to Chaplain Gonzalez about it briefly, cliff notes version, and she wanted to cry. She told me my feelings are completely valid, and that I have to start looking out for myself. Not that I have a choice in the matter. They chose for me.

I know I'm not alone, that God is with me, I have my newly adopted family, and I have my Cookie. It's just hard to now have to mourn the break-up of my family, and to move on. I'm doing everything that I
can to forgive what's happened, but I can't. I can't. God is going to have to hold my hand on this one and hold me to that promise- to unconditionally love them and forgive their actions.

My heart is broken :-(

Back to what Casey thinks of some of the mail she has received.

Story # 1 * Funny story*

I've told you about the mail I've gotten. I'm up to the thousands with positive letters and cards. Low 20's for negative. Good stuff.

There are a couple of fellas who have either become infatuated with the celebrity or with the fair damesil (oh I spelled it horribly wrong) in distress. One is more hooked than the other. I've received pictures from both- good looking guys. One- Rob from Melbourne- single Dad of a 4 month old boy – 26- not so obsessed , but spent many nights and letters trying to win me over by telling me how “Hot” I am and “Sexy”, blah, blah. Gag me. Ha! He even told me how he was caught by his neighbors with a picture of me as the background on his phone. I kid you not. It's flattering, but I can't help but be weirded out. I've obviously never met the guy. Number two takes the cake. His name is Al- 30's , from Mass. Nurse and bodybuilder, Italian, again very good-looking. He sends cards and letters proposing marriage , every [/U card and letter. I'm his princess. He wants to marry me now and he'll take care of me, yadda, yadda.

Is this what “celebrities” have to deal with?
Yikes! I'll show you the cards. You'll laugh.

He is sweet in a strange sort of way.


Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU!!!
What you have done to save us from reading all the drivel and worrying that those letter writers potentially live in our communities and God forbid...vote....wow. Thank you so very much. I know you worked hard on getting it all organized and I must tell you , you did a much better job than the news stations did. Gold star.Move to the front of the class!!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Someone even sent Casey a Amazon e-gift certificate. I hope that many of these people only wrote what they did thinking they could get her to open up, scary thought to think so many believe her based on all the facts.
You know how when something horrible happens (like a serial killing) people always report to the media that the person was always "a little quirky?" Everyone wishes they would have been able to get the person mental help before the tragedy. Well, I am thinking that many of these people who are writing Casey are living right on the edge of sanity. If anyone here knows any of these people.........please offer to get them help. (I am still reading and hoping I don't find a name of someone I know)! The number of "Casey Fanatics" is pretty scary.
I love how Tracy writes all these gushy letters to Casey... but in her interview with LE... she rips her to shreds and makes fun of her for the whole wrist watch/ankle bracelet thing.. and the sunglasses game with Rob.

http://www.wftv.com/pdf/24039447/detail.html pdf pg 446-450
by far the most depressing.. this one actually made me cry because I was thinking about my kids. I had to go dry my eyes before hubby saw and asked why I was crying lol

WAIT A MINUTE...............are there letters in this dump from Tracey to KC?
Ok after those links I don't wanna find his letters. I think I need a valium. GAH.
ANd some mental bleach.

I like your idea about the mental bleach and Valium. Maybe it will flush my brain and emotions after finding and reading the articles about him. I am still deeply disturbed by what this guy did. I just can't wrapy my brain around it.

As for the actual letters from him to Casey, I am pretty certain they are in the second batch of PDF files from the myfoxorlando link but I can't be absolutely sure. He sent more than one letter because the first one that he attempted to send her was returned to him so he put all of them into one envelope. The jest of his letters were pretty much what I had summarized in my earlier post....

He is in jail in Alachua County, had just spent 30 days in confinement there, found out that he was maximum custody inmate now. Expecting to be fully exonerated of all of his charges (yea right!!) He loves to attend raves and told her about this really big one that is held in Miami every year. He talks about his friends calling him Diego and he supposes that his nickname came from a trip he made to San Diego because he had a blast while he was there. He is in a punk rock band. That's about all I can remember about them.
:biglaugh: I should probably snip this but really....you know what I feel like sometimes? any of you know the illuminatus! trilogy?

apparently some editors of playboy started to wonder what it would be like if all the bizarre conspiracy mail they were sent was actually the truth with these fascinating books as a result.

maybe I just spent way too much time in my life reading scifi and watching twilight zone but after sloggin' my way through almost 2 years of ICA acting weird, anthony family dynamics & now these wacky fanmails....my gosh, what if they were right :| can you imagine? is there even a snowball's chance*? how wrong could everyone be?

*just to note, I am not a wackadoodle and I dont believe what I just wrote. only what if :|

Then again, maybe you've been drinking too much of the kool-aide. :floorlaugh:
My question is where are all the other letters from the normal people who think killing a baby girl is wrong? Where are those letters? I'm shocked these letters are allowed out in a doc dump with people addresses. I didn't realize this is done. But where are the letters from the non-supporters?
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