2010.06.29 -- LE says TH not POI nor suspect

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I have been very suspicious of the education myself since I am a teacher. I know what she has said and put out on the Web.

Is there a way to research her university or Oregon teacher's licensing site to see the truth of those claims?

I am wondering how truthful she is about things.

If she is not and has a pattern, I wonder if she may be a sociopath. IMO

There was an article published by media that checked out and confirmed her education and certification. That article also confirmed that she worked for several years, not just one as many continue to wrongly reiterate. I am sure it is still posted on the media links thread.
up thread someone posted the quote about her education...which quite frankly doesn't mean anything to me. There are college educated criminals out there.
up thread someone posted the quote about her education...which quite frankly doesn't mean anything to me. There are college educated criminals out there.

as a college educated teacher, ITA. I would like to see the facts for myself, but I can't find them Oh well. I can look later.

I suppose you are right...I just can't imagine thinking about protecting assets at such a time...I would be thinking about protecting my other child so I guess that might be it.

I've never been divorced either so I really don't know what I'm talking about :crazy:

Maybe not so much protecting assets as it could be him not wanting any of the money he makes (he is the only parent actually bringing money into that household) to go to pay for any of her legal bills.
Not specifically in reference to this case, but in general.....when a man suddenly files for divorce....it is just as likely (in fact statistically more likely) that HE is the one involved in another relationship. Just speaking in general, of course...
Although she has 4 friends with her now, picture her life from this day forward.

She cannot step out of the house without people thinking that she is guilty.

She will not get child support as she won't have the child. She will have no income.

Who exactly who hire her to work? Her life is over unless she does have a paramour. And even then it won't be so good.

You'd be surprised. Karla Homolka seems to be doing just fine for herself.

feel the crazy........EXCELLENT.

love teh.

hey teh.
I kept waiting for your *thud* yesterday at the divorce filing. Yup, I felt the crazy. And missed the thud. :blushing:

That being said, I certainly understand anyone who requires actual facts and/or evidence to get off their speculation fence.

Oh, and I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow. ;)

*snipped respectfully for space*

Honestly, I highly suspect Terri just like so many others. I was right there last night with others who were posting about "when Terri gets arrested." But then I began thinking about how sometimes what seems obvious still isn't the truth and how horrible I feel when I'm falsely accused of something, and my conscience was pinged.

I agree that the behavior of her family lends credence to the belief that she is the person responsible for Kyron's disappearance. I agree that LE could be lying through their teeth when they say she's not a POI/suspect. I absolutely agree that it seems very obvious where this is leading. But I also know that sometimes a situation isn't what it appears and even if an entire family withdraws from a person, that doesn't mean the person is guilty.

In my own life, my oldest brother molested me for years and when I told on him (I told a teacher), he was arrested & my entire family, including my twin brother who witnessed the abuse AND one sister who was also abused by the same brother, sided with HIM because they didn't think it "looked good" for the truth to get out. To this day, 26 years later, they still maintain that I lied about the abuse to try and ruin my brother's life. I have nothing to do with any of them & have been assured by professionals that this is in my best interest. However, I know that to look at the situation as an outsider, it would seem reasonable to assume that my family bonding together and withdrawing from me means I'm a nutcase even though that is not true.

Anyway, I know that Terri may well in fact be responsible for harming Kyron just as it appears, but I am trying really hard to withhold final judgment until LE gives some factual support to that assumption, despite what circumstantial evidence may point to. :)
hey teh.
I kept waiting for your *thud* yesterday at the divorce filing. Yup, I felt the crazy. And missed the thud. :blushing:

Believe me, I hit the floor this a.m. when I saw the latest.
This is all in our Threadiquette & Forum Rules. The key words I have highlighted below. At the present time TH is not a POI or Suspect. So these rules hold.

We are not sleuthing family members. We can discuss information released by the main stream media regarding TH only at this time.

Do NOT start posting about resumes, schools attended, organizations that the family members belong to, bra size or anything else of that nature.


This post falls in a random spot.
I am trying to find where I read that. I'll post it if I can find it.

It was something LE told Kaine that prompted him to take these actions. That much we know. What could they have told him that didn't have to do with Kyron's disappearance that would signal that she was dangerous to the daughter? Enough that a judge would issue a restraining order to a mother restricting her from seeing her daughter?

LE said they won't comment on personal matters. BS. They were the one's that gave Kaine the information. That means that it wasn't just a personal matter that they weren't involved in.

BBM. I would greatly appreciate a link that shows something LE told Kaine prompted him to take the actions he did. Sincerely. I read a ton yesterday and don't remember seeing anything "official" about this. Like I said, LE confirming that they said something that prompted Kaine to file for divorce & take the baby would change my perspective.
By the way...

Let's all take into consideration the implications of LE's statement that TH is not a POI or suspect if they aren't lying.

That would mean that LE still has absolutely NO idea what happened to Kyron or who took him.

At 3 weeks out, for them to not have a POI or suspect would be extremely damning. If they still don't have a suspect, they've screwed up.
snipped and bbm


And they've claimed that if only LE would do so, they (these anonymous posters) could then direct their energies toward other possible suspects and scenarios.

But it's the way they've gone about it that irritates me. After all of this drama with the family that looks very suspicious, they come out and say simply say, she's not a POI. And we're just supposed to swallow that after all of the info that has come out. Right.

It's like a hurricane is going on outside of the window, and LE is saying it's just a small rainstorm. That's what it feels like to me. I know they don't owe me any information and want to keep their investigation intact, but you'd also think they wouldn't want rampant suspicion and rumor going around about someone who is innocent either.

If she's innocent, say she is and clear her. If she's not, then say she's not and arrest her. Instead, they want to stay on this middle ground of "we know something you don't know and we're not going to tell you!" while things keep happening that make TH look worse and worse. I feel so bad for her because it seems like she's not sure of what the heck is going on and could possibly be suicidal at this point. And all LE can say is "She's not a POI". That's going to help her mentally and emotionally while everyone keeps suspecting her!

I don't want an innocent person arrested, but I don't want a guilty person treated like they are special either (Casey Anthony, anyone?). And if she is innocent, then it is really unfair that LE is just continuing to let her look guilty, all the while staying quiet and saying things that just aren't ringing true anymore. And now her life is being destroyed privately and publicly, and all they can say is "She's not a POI"? That's it? They are starting to sound like the boy that cried wolf, IMO.

All I can say, I really hope I understand all of this when the details finally come out...
By the way...

Let's all take into consideration the implications of LE's statement that TH is not a POI or suspect if they aren't lying.

That would mean that LE still has absolutely NO idea what happened to Kyron or who took him.

At 3 weeks out, for them to not have a POI or suspect would be extremely damning. If they still don't have a suspect, they've screwed up.

agreed - if they have no POI, that is scary. Kyron needs to be found asap!
*snipped respectfully for space*

Honestly, I highly suspect Terri just like so many others. I was right there last night with others who were posting about "when Terri gets arrested." But then I began thinking about how sometimes what seems obvious still isn't the truth and how horrible I feel when I'm falsely accused of something, and my conscience was pinged.

I agree that the behavior of her family lends credence to the belief that she is the person responsible for Kyron's disappearance. I agree that LE could be lying through their teeth when they say she's not a POI/suspect. I absolutely agree that it seems very obvious where this is leading. But I also know that sometimes a situation isn't what it appears and even if an entire family withdraws from a person, that doesn't mean the person is guilty.

In my own life, my oldest brother molested me for years and when I told on him (I told a teacher), he was arrested & my entire family, including my twin brother who witnessed the abuse AND one sister who was also abused by the same brother, sided with HIM because they didn't think it "looked good" for the truth to get out. To this day, 26 years later, they still maintain that I lied about the abuse to try and ruin my brother's life. I have nothing to do with any of them & have been assured by professionals that this is in my best interest. However, I know that to look at the situation as an outsider, it would seem reasonable to assume that my family bonding together and withdrawing from me means I'm a nutcase even though that is not true.

Anyway, I know that Terri may well in fact be responsible for harming Kyron just as it appears, but I am trying really hard to withhold final judgment until LE gives some factual support to that assumption, despite what circumstantial evidence may point to. :)

your family sounds like it could rival the anthonys....

your caylee of course :)
There are only two opinions I have on this announcement by LE.

1) They really do not suspect her of any wrongdoing in Kyron's disappearance


2) This is some kind of tactic to get justice for Kyron.
I agree aedrys.....LE has to know about what is being said about TH on the internet etc - so why do they let it continue if in fact she really isn't a POI? Why can't they clear her and say so?
agreed - if they have no POI, that is scary. Kyron needs to be found asap!

Also, they've never given their evidence that this was an isolated incident and that other children aren't in danger.

If you don't know what happened or who took him, and have no POI or suspects, how do you know that it was an isolated incident and that other kids aren't in danger?

Either LE is lying about something, or they've botched the investigation.

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