2010.07.01 Press Conference

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Yeah, Kaine kicked them out. The part that kills me is that Desiree turns around and says they need everyone looking for Kyron, keeping an eye out for Kyron during their daily activities and help bring him home. Yeah, I guess everybody except the people that piss them off. They can take a hike.

Yes, apparently everybody except for those who get their news from the paper with the largest readership numbers in the state....yeah, right, that makes sense to throw them out of the pc......not!

Let's try this. TH loves the boy as if he was her own. There is trouble between her and her husband (maybe an affair, maybe just differences). She realizes that she has no legal "right" to Kyron as he is not actually her son (as opposed to the baby, who she is the biological mother to). So, she hides Kyron away somewhere (or has someone do it for her.)

I so hope you are right.
My problem with this um, event (re: the press conference), is if Terri did kill Kyron, then Kaine and Desiree asserting she didn't will assure her silence! If they think she's only an accomplice or somehow complicit in his abduction, she's certainly not going to cooperate with LE to the extent to prove her culpability in Kyron's death. It actually behooves her, to the extreme, to stay silent.

Having said that, there's been no indicator that TH isn't cooperating with LE. She's undergone two polygraphs, has submitted to intense interrogation, had her home searched, etc.
Here's What I learned today:

1. Nothing has changed regarding our public knowledge of the case. Really. This bee sting and birth mark business is just a red herring so the family can be seen as "revealing helpful info to the public" when, in fact, it only made them look...... (choose your adjective.)
2. The plea to SM to fully cooperate with investigators tells us
a. SM has lied about events surround the disappearance of Kyron
b. why do people lie? One reason. Because the truth isn't good enough.
c. statistics, and the tiny bits of info we know about the case, coupled with SM's "refusal to cooperate" lead to only one sad conclusion about sweet Kyron.
3. "The family" has done themselves great harm by their outrageous behavior at the kangaroo presser.
4. The family should hire a media consultant forthwith if they really want to get their child back. (And say many mea culpas to the journalistic world at large.)
5. I think the "throw out the journalist bums presser" may be revealing about how the family manages their messy personal lives.
6. Who among us wouldn't stand naked in Times Square and invite every journalist in the world to see us ( to paraphrase Marc Klass) if it meant getting our kid back?
7. Now we know why LE didn't want the family to come forth and make statements to the press (ALL of the press) about their missing kid. They are a liability to their cause.
8. Please..someone with a brain needs to rescue these people from themselves--for the sake of their missing child.
I feel like a fool for toppling off in the first place. Well, I won't be fooled so easily again.

Never a fool, never a fool. Game still on. In the end, truth will shine, we will all learn something. Never foolish to shift and change as we learn. :blowkiss:
Didn't one of TH's friends say Kaine had told TH not to talk to the media?
If my kid were missing, I'd be kissing the boots of every scribe with a pencil. Too bad they have no idea how to properly leverage their very sad position.

today makes me questions more about the other 3 then I ever have before...just strange
I really think it's time for a LE press meeting.
Having said that, there's been no indicator that TH isn't cooperating with LE. She's undergone two polygraphs, has submitted to intense interrogation, had her home searched, etc.

Respectfully snipped;

Herein my problem with the finger pointing. WTH?
So,who's getting played here,you know,this whole thing is off,only ones I feel confident in is Desiree and Tony.For all we know TH could have been set up,I think she hasn't been,but if she is the one,why did she do this and why in the heck is he not showing any emotion and looks so nervous?What is all this "control" thing going on?I feel like we're being put to bed for 12 hours and having to stay there till someone comes and gets us and that's suppose to be normal,NOT.

This is too wierd,I mean I feel sorry for Desiree,but she's not wanted custody of either child,the fathers have raised both boys and Terri has raised Kyron.So,what was the reason,if she did,hide Kyron?She knows there's tons of other family she could have reached out to,I'm just not getting it.Oh by the way,if I left home and came back to find my baby gone,you better believe 911 would have to be called. If this was a divorce play,it's sure worked to this point,whose in control? :waitasec:

How do you mean Desiree hasnt wanted either child? Who are you talking about apart from K? And it wasnt a case of not wanting K..she was seriously ill and couldnt really look after him bearing mind she had to go to Canada for treatment.
Also, both The Oregonian and WW printed pieces about Kaine Horman's troubled past, with regard to Desiree Young and her leaving him when she was 8 months pregnant and filing a RO against him.

Not being a team player could merely be truthful reporting about his own less than stellar past. I say what's good for the goose (Terri, of course), is good for the gander. Kaine obviously disagrees.
Just went to run some carpool errands and came back to find that the statement had been released in the meantime, and there are an additional eight pages of comments from y'all on this thread! :)

Not only is this a very odd situation (to say the least), but I still find KH's body language and facial expressions extremely hard to interpret. He looked very shifty after Desiree made her statement, and I couldn't figure out why. It was somewhat similar to the closed look he had at that first "family" conference (where TH was glomming onto him).
She realizes that she has no legal "right" to Kyron as he is not actually her son (as opposed to the baby, who she is the biological mother to). So, she hides Kyron away somewhere (or has someone do it for her.)

If that's the case, Terri has to have a helper because I am sure LE knows everywhere she has been since Kyron was reported missing. I suppose it is possible she left him with food, water, a fresh air supply, and climate control to last however long she wants to disappear him. But what if he is returned? Won't he talk, unless he has no idea Terri is involved? Won't he be able to describe her helper, if there is one? Won't her helper get caught and give up Terri? That is not a good plan.

Plus, by now, if common sense hadn't slapped him or her upside the face before, the helper has to know s/he is facing felony charges.

So now what happens to Kyron?

I hope LE searched where beekeepers are located, maybe on SI? It's sickening to think about.

If he is being held for ransom, it seems to me the case would be over by now. What reason would the kidnapper have for keeping Kyron unless paying the ransom was screwed up and the family hopes the kidnapper will contact them again?

Sometimes I wonder if someone sold him. But that would be difficult to do, wouldn't it? I would have no idea how to find a buyer. On second thought, I guess it would be via the internet (not on my home or local library computer) -- I suppose someone could go to one of those sleazy pedophile sites and work themselves up in the ranks to more or less trustworthy status.
What I keep thinking is that this pc is a defense attorney's dream.....four weeks after his client last saw the child, the bio parents are telling the entire world that he is alive somewhere. They didn't say we PRAY he is alive, or we HOPE he is alive or we feel there is a CHANCE he is alive.....they said he IS alive. Then they ask TH to cooperate with LE, which the defense attorney can prove that she has done......

I'm not ready to call balloon boy just yet, but there are a couple of red flags I saw with the father's behavior today to add to the obvious numerous red flags with the stepmother.

1st: The suggestion that they will likely hold ongoing press conferences two days a week going forward when one would think the focus would be upon Kyron being found at any moment, particularly if they think he's still alive.

2nd: It also makes no sense to try and control the press. The press is on the team of seeking the truth. If the father doesn't like investigative journalism toward that end, he should be the one ignoring that and shifting his own focus back onto finding his son which one would think would be easy for him -- just like how Mark Klaas always says it's easy for a parent to take the polygraph rather than being offended by an investigation because the parent's focus is upon moving the investigation forward in terms of finding your missing child and you could care less about anything else at that moment.
I find it hard to believe LE would endorse the Hormans throwing out the Oregonian. LE must work with them all the time. That's why I don't quite believe this was all orchestrated. And I am not of the opinion that Desiree's husband has a lot, or any, say in any of this, personally.
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