2010.07.15 Casey at the Hearing

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Even IF she were innocent, which she most assuredly is NOT, IMO, what is so funny about this? All of them act that way. I think the whole famdamily is psycho. The State did a great job fixing her tooth.....I sincerely hope it HURT when they repaired it!

Her hair, although it appeared clean this time, is in serious need of some styling. In past hearings, it looked to me as though she hadn't washed it in a while. Does she get to shower every day?
Good observations Dear Prudence. But a staring statue-like Casey was a scary sight to me. I can't imagine her ever be endearing to a jury. She's looks mysterious and frightening. Like Charles Manson when he jumped out of his seat and across the defense table at the judge. jmo

ITA. And I don't think she's going to be able to sit there and give the evil eye to every person that gets up on that stand. She is going to lose it and jump over that table or cry out or something. Yesterday was just a snippet, and we all saw furiously she was writing. That was just for four hours. This trial is supposed to last two MONTHS. Unless they heavily sedate her every day, we are going to see an outburst, maybe more than one.

The whole family is mysterious and frightening. And yesterday they got to see how NOT good they are at trying to twist facts and just lie by omission. They have seen they CANNOT in any way, try to twist this story to make Casey innocent in front of a jury and more importantly, in front of the uber prepared SA that will tear them apart like a shark tears apart its prey if they try to lie or just say "I don't know" ten thousand times. But, I'm sure CA and LA went home and bi***** about the evil prosecutor lady and it's all her fault that they looked bad on the stand. LDB was the one twisting words and using faulty depos *huge eyeroll*

The ego is the problem. There's no way Casey can look good because she still thinks she's right and everyone else is wrong, and she's just horrible at even trying to hide it. It's like another poster said, putting lipstick on a pig. There is nothing the defense can do to hide that sociopathic narcisstic personality from the jury. And guess what, the jury pays attention to the defendant. If they don't like the defendant, they are more likely to go with a conviction. Yeah, let her have long, really healthy looking hair and amplify her cleavage, "boys". Maybe you'll get one man to go with his other brain and vote her not guilty based purely on looks because that's all she has left right now.

And Karn, when I read your post, I immediately thought about the fact that Casey has so much hair to grab now. She's starting to look like Alanis Morrissette, which troubles me because I like Alanis Morrissette! But yeah, she better keep that hair back and out of reach when she gets to LWOP. With that much hair, other inmates are going to be grabbing at it.
I will post only ONE time in defense of KC's facial expressions & preening . . .

In terms of public opinion, she is in a lose/lose situation. We would likely criticise ANY expression she held on her face. I've often wondered, if I were in that position, what would I look like? What would endear me to a jury? Would a look of remorse look contrived? Would a smile seem maniacal? How about an expression of anger? Not allowed? What if I just went stony-faced blank? Ooops! Now I look mechanical and unfeeling! All the cameras are pointed at ME, what is appropriate?

As for her preening, it might be nervous energy. Again, what would I do? I can't even sit through a meeting without doodling on a notepad. I would have to sit on my hands. I'd be scratching my head, twirling my rings, anything to keep moving. I hope that doesn't mean I'm deranged or psychotic!

I don't say any of this to unvalidate anything said by any of you. I still agree with your points, and definately see the point in evaluating her movements and jestures. It speaks a lot for her state of mind.

It's just something that's been on my mind a lot since the hearings began. I truly don't know WHAT she should be doing to satisfy the masses. In that sense, I do have a smidgeon of pity for her (barely a smidgeon!.


Good post, Alice. Casey will be scrutinized regardless of what she does or doesn't do, and it's a lose/lose for her. She's in a fishbowl of her own making. What I'd like to see is some humility, modesty, and remorse. I am not holding my breath.
Good post, Alice. Casey will be scrutinized regardless of what she does or doesn't do, and it's a lose/lose for her. She's in a fishbowl of her own making. What I'd like to see is some humility, modesty, and remorse. I am not holding my breath.

Thanks Oakley! Part of your post BBM: Pure GOLD!! A fishbowl of her own making!! Someone could write a book about her & use that as the title. It's completely fitting.
I agree. Inmate Anthony was FURIOUS with her mother for NOT following the script and not saying exactly what the Defense lawyers wanted her to say -- such as, it was GEORGE who put the idea of "smells like a dead body in the car" in Cindy's mind, and that GEORGE is the former LE and knows the smell, and that Cindy has no experience with smelling dead bodies, and that the only reason Cindy made the dead body statement was to get the police out there faster, and that Cindy told the FBI about the car being related to Caylee not there was to tell them that the smell she smelled was different. Cindy did not come through for Inmate Anthony at all. Cindy did not portray herself as the ANGRY, raging lunatic she must have been on the day she called 911 three times. I think Inmate Anthony was sickened by her mother's fake grieving, worn out mother/grandmother act on the witness stand. Inmate Anthony and Lee KNOW the real Cindy (as the public has seen all too often also). Cindy's performance on the witness stand did NOTHING to help Inmate Anthony, and she was furious about that.

Both Cindy and Lee said in their testimony that NOBODY wanted to call police, except CINDY.
I think Inmate Anthony was thinking the whole time that Cindy is the ONLY reason the Inmate is in jail now and going through this trial.

When Cindy told how she dug through Inmate Anthony's things in the car and found Amy's resumes .. I got the distinct impression that Inmate Anthony RESENTED her mother snooping and butting into her business.

When Cindy said that she only stayed at Tony's apt a few seconds and never went inside .... I believe Inmate Anthony was furious that Cindy did not tell how she really acted that day ..... like her usual pushy, domineering, controlling, raging witch! She did not "respect" Inmate Anthony -- she told the boys how horrible Casey was.

I think the Defense did a disservice to Inmate Anthony to EVER give her false hope that the Judge would throw out the 911 calls. That false hope caused Inmate Anthony to put too much importance on what her mother said on the witness stand. Gave the Inmate MORE reasons to hate her mother. IMO

I agree. I thought that was the plan! I think LDB skillfully elicited the truth before cindy ever realized what was happening. When forced to answer the questions without all the spin and posturing and explaining, they led straight to the truth! cindy knew what that smell was and when she made that 3rd call, she was reeling from the shock of what her brain was telling her....there's been a dead body in the damn car and Caylee is gone! She knew, she was in shock and she told the God's honest truth in that 3rd call. The State may not need the jury to hear it, but the jury should hear it. It is relevant and the only truth one will ever get from the anthonys.
I hear you Torismom. My mother started her usual a few days ago. I should have known better than to try to have a conversation with her. :snooty:
She has a know-it-all attitude, always spouting "advice" when it is not asked. You couldn't pay me enough to listen or follow it :crazy: although admittedly, she still gets under my skin. :banghead:

When she asked me why I watch hearings about the case 2 years after, she said; "As you get older, you will realize you need to process things like that and move on. You can't dwell too long on them too long."
I responded that I'm sensitive, always have been... and I hope to stay that way. :croc:

I really hate to disagree with someone's mother, but I'm 71 and probably have gotten almost as old as I'm going to get. I've been closely processing this case since day 31 and don't intend to move on until the end of the trial and there is justice for Caylee.
I really hate to disagree with someone's mother, but I'm 71 and probably have gotten almost as old as I'm going to get. I've been closely processing this case since day 31 and don't intend to move on until the end of the trial and there is justice for Caylee.

Not trying to get more off topic here, but I could hug you!! I've probably been watching this case since about a week after you (because I was on vacation when it broke), and like you, I'll be here until the end. Justice for Caylee.
Thanks Snaz for finding and posting that pic of Casey pointing to her tooth. I'm glad someone else thought the same thing. I know I'm being a little ugly here, but I hope she was talking about her fall and broken tooth instead of some other topic - like boys, clothes, hair products, etc.
I agree. Inmate Anthony was FURIOUS with her mother for NOT following the script and not saying exactly what the Defense lawyers wanted her to say -- such as, it was GEORGE who put the idea of "smells like a dead body in the car" in Cindy's mind, and that GEORGE is the former LE and knows the smell, and that Cindy has no experience with smelling dead bodies, and that the only reason Cindy made the dead body statement was to get the police out there faster, and that Cindy told the FBI about the car being related to Caylee not there was to tell them that the smell she smelled was different. Cindy did not come through for Inmate Anthony at all. Cindy did not portray herself as the ANGRY, raging lunatic she must have been on the day she called 911 three times. I think Inmate Anthony was sickened by her mother's fake grieving, worn out mother/grandmother act on the witness stand. Inmate Anthony and Lee KNOW the real Cindy (as the public has seen all too often also). Cindy's performance on the witness stand did NOTHING to help Inmate Anthony, and she was furious about that.

Both Cindy and Lee said in their testimony that NOBODY wanted to call police, except CINDY.
I think Inmate Anthony was thinking the whole time that Cindy is the ONLY reason the Inmate is in jail now and going through this trial.

When Cindy told how she dug through Inmate Anthony's things in the car and found Amy's resumes .. I got the distinct impression that Inmate Anthony RESENTED her mother snooping and butting into her business.

When Cindy said that she only stayed at Tony's apt a few seconds and never went inside .... I believe Inmate Anthony was furious that Cindy did not tell how she really acted that day ..... like her usual pushy, domineering, controlling, raging witch! She did not "respect" Inmate Anthony -- she told the boys how horrible Casey was.

I think the Defense did a disservice to Inmate Anthony to EVER give her false hope that the Judge would throw out the 911 calls. That false hope caused Inmate Anthony to put too much importance on what her mother said on the witness stand. Gave the Inmate MORE reasons to hate her mother. IMO

....and didn't you find Baez's reaction to Cindy's testimony interesting too, I would love to know what he wrote down to share with Casey + Mason...I'm thinking a big fat bus with a stick figure drawing of Casey going under the wheels.
Is it me or does anyone else notice the way Casey is always putting her nose up in the air? You can really see it when you look at the still pictures. Maybe it's just her posture, but to me - she's got her nose up in the air A LOT! It tells me she feels very confident about herself.
ITA. And I don't think she's going to be able to sit there and give the evil eye to every person that gets up on that stand. She is going to lose it and jump over that table or cry out or something. Yesterday was just a snippet, and we all saw furiously she was writing. That was just for four hours. This trial is supposed to last two MONTHS. Unless they heavily sedate her every day, we are going to see an outburst, maybe more than one.

The whole family is mysterious and frightening. And yesterday they got to see how NOT good they are at trying to twist facts and just lie by omission. They have seen they CANNOT in any way, try to twist this story to make Casey innocent in front of a jury and more importantly, in front of the uber prepared SA that will tear them apart like a shark tears apart its prey if they try to lie or just say "I don't know" ten thousand times. But, I'm sure CA and LA went home and bi***** about the evil prosecutor lady and it's all her fault that they looked bad on the stand. LDB was the one twisting words and using faulty depos *huge eyeroll*

The ego is the problem. There's no way Casey can look good because she still thinks she's right and everyone else is wrong, and she's just horrible at even trying to hide it. It's like another poster said, putting lipstick on a pig. There is nothing the defense can do to hide that sociopathic narcisstic personality from the jury. And guess what, the jury pays attention to the defendant. If they don't like the defendant, they are more likely to go with a conviction. Yeah, let her have long, really healthy looking hair and amplify her cleavage, "boys". Maybe you'll get one man to go with his other brain and vote her not guilty based purely on looks because that's all she has left right now.

And Karn, when I read your post, I immediately thought about the fact that Casey has so much hair to grab now. She's starting to look like Alanis Morrissette, which troubles me because I like Alanis Morrissette! But yeah, she better keep that hair back and out of reach when she gets to LWOP. With that much hair, other inmates are going to be grabbing at it.

And just wait until the trial when Tony takes the stand.......:woohoo::woohoo: can you imagine her face????:dance:
Good observations Dear Prudence. But a staring statue-like Casey was a scary sight to me. I can't imagine her ever be endearing to a jury. She's looks mysterious and frightening. Like Charles Manson when he jumped out of his seat and across the defense table at the judge. jmo

The long hair and pink frilly/ruffle blouses will fool no one during the actual trial. Her attorneys can try to soften her look all they want, but the jurors will hear her voice on the 911 call, see the party pics, and hear the evidence against her and know what she is capable of. She's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Thanks for the screen caps, Eidetic & all. I look at these two and I see Medusa. Don't look her in the eye or you'll be turned to stone:

Interesting isn't it that "warrior goddess" Athena (hm... Cindy anyone?) turned Medusa's hair to snakes in a jealous rage over the fact that Medusa was prettier than she? And then Athena showed Perseus the trick to kill Medusa.

Little OT I know, but these archetypes keep :poke:ing me. Especially when illustrated by some of these still shots.

I love your use of Greek archetypes here. They are very fitting for this Greek tragedy.

Good post, Alice. Casey will be scrutinized regardless of what she does or doesn't do, and it's a lose/lose for her. She's in a fishbowl of her own making. What I'd like to see is some humility, modesty, and remorse. I am not holding my breath.

I agree that casey will be scrutinized no matter what but I truly do think her facial expressions are frightening and inappropriate and I don't think that's because no matter what, due to the context, she will seem bizarre. I think it is because she is bizarre.
I have seen other defendants. Many manage to have appropriate mannerisms, expressions. I think casey's betray her abnormality. Her inability to respond to people and situations the way normal people would. I think her expressions betray her seething anger, her lack of concern for her daughter, her narcissism and her stone cold lack of interest in anything or anyone that does not concern her own needs and desires. That lack of affect, that coldness and restrained fury, it is very scary. It is scary because it is the face of a killer, to me.
Innocent people have different micro expressions, IMO. So do guilty people who actually feel bad about what they have done. I think casey is neither.
Casey looked very angry throughout much of the hearing (I have never seen her write so furiously before). LDB was great and I believe Casey (and her lawyers) took notice as much as we did. This is just my opinion, but I think they all saw a glimpse of what's in store for them, should this go to trial.

Casey was certainly chatty during the break with the two females. I wonder how much Jose had to pay them to listen to her mindless dribble for ten minutes ? Interesting that her lawyers left the table during the break. I got the impression that Cheney is less than impressed with Casey.

I noticed during LA's testimony, as Casey was writing and underlining and passing the paper to her lawyers.. she first passes it to Jose, who reads it.. nods his head and gives it (what appears to me to be) a lip service comment. Then she passes it to Cheney who reads it .. doesn't even bother to acknowledge to Casey what his opinion of it is.. and calmly puts it down with no reaction at all. Obviously what she has written is of no interest to him and most likely.. has little or no bearing on her case.

IMO from what I have seen during the hearings.. this pretty much sums up her interaction with these two lawyers. Cheney basically can't be bothered with her self serving comments, concerns and opinions. He already knows that 99% of what comes from her is useless information. Whereas Jose, continually gives her lip service, reassures her that her opinions and comments are valuable information, caters to her feelings and needs and reinforces how poor sweet honest little Casey is the victim in all of this. Any doubts left as to WHY she continues to retain a completely inept lawyer?

Looks to me maybe she was remembering the death smell in the car!
I wonder what this grimace was about?
Maybe the leg irons?

I really hate to disagree with someone's mother, but I'm 71 and probably have gotten almost as old as I'm going to get. I've been closely processing this case since day 31 and don't intend to move on until the end of the trial and there is justice for Caylee.


Me too and I'm 78.I dont miss a day!! :woohoo:
Thanks seeing-eye.
I agree. I thought that was the plan! I think LDB skillfully elicited the truth before cindy ever realized what was happening. When forced to answer the questions without all the spin and posturing and explaining, they led straight to the truth! cindy knew what that smell was and when she made that 3rd call, she was reeling from the shock of what her brain was telling her....there's been a dead body in the damn car and Caylee is gone! She knew, she was in shock and she told the God's honest truth in that 3rd call. The State may not need the jury to hear it, but the jury should hear it. It is relevant and the only truth one will ever get from the anthonys.

Indeed, and the most gratifying thing to me is that her own Mother will be partly responsible for the Guilty verdict, despite all the lies since, her last 911 call is priceless.
Casey's expression when LDB approaches the defense table before beginning her (brilliant) cross-examination of CA.

If looks could kill... Her eyes chill me in this screen cap.
I really picked up on Casey's hatred towards the prosecution (LDB during this hearing). I think LDB's brilliant questioning made ICA furious and I LOVED it ! For once, I felt that Casey knew that she was on the loosing team.
I really picked up on Casey's hatred towards the prosecution (LDB during this hearing). I think LDB's brilliant questioning made ICA furious and I LOVED it ! For once, I felt that Casey knew that she was on the loosing team.

Yes, I agree! We already know how she detests John Ashton (make him stop, whaaa!) Maybe ICA is finally realizing she doesn't stand a chance of acquital against the tag-team of Ashton & Drane-Burdick. I can not wait to watch these two work together during the trial. Plus, I don't recall seeing asst. SA Frank George in action yet. Maybe he's their ringer!
IF ICA makes it to trial, and if she doesn't break down and confess during Dr Gs testimony, then we, heck the world will know exactly what an ice princess ICA is.

Dr Gs testimony is the only one that will matter. And I have all faith in Jeff that he will make sure it lasts for two or more days. And that JB will not question Dr G.

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