2010.07.19 Defense is Investigating George

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That's not nausea, that is pain from her squeezing his thigh so hard when he was about to say something stupid/incriminating... :innocent:

If he is having trouble now, what is he going to do when the defense lets loose its sexual abuse theory. He can barely contain himself right now.
I hope the whole family ends up getting convicted. GA and CA were the trees from whence those rotten apples KC and LA fell not far from (?:waitasec:).

I think they are all twisted and all had hand in the events leading to Caylee's death.
I was checking around for any new updates with his talking to his jail women and came across the LKL videos with the A team posted by TWA and thought, it would nauseate me to badly to have to watch those again...I just can't hardly stand to listen to CA... :sick:
Anyway, I tried and managed to suck it up for 44 seconds. This is what I saw and felt in those few seconds...:croc:
LKL asks how are you holding up ? And Cindy firmly, but oh so gently, sighs and with her hand on top of George's says, we take it one day at a time, yadda, yadda, yadda, and in my opinion was saying thru the body language, George, shut up and let me do the talking...
The next few seconds LKL asks wasn't it strange that they hadn't seen Caylee in a month ? And Cindy passionatley says, oh no, not really, my daughter had her...ok...up until the past month, you saw or communicated with your daughter and granddaughter every day or at least every other day and you went 31 days without talking or seeing your precious granddaughter, and THATS not strange ???
I aint tortureing myself anymore by listening to it :blushing: but in MY opinion Cindy is a woman who knows a lot, too. :liar: Remember one of the law enforcement people telling George that they knew he was a man that knew a lot ? In my own opinion :twocents:, Cindy knows more. If you can tolerate it, just listen to it and let me know your feelings...
Although I rarely post, I read here all the time and am so appreciative of all the hard work that everyone puts in here . if I messed up this post please someone correct me. Thanks

First let me say Welcome.

You are right on with your post it is filled with CA's venom against the very people (LE, Tim Miller) who were trying to find her granddaughter. They both make me sick!!!
I hope the whole family ends up getting convicted. GA and CA were the trees from whence those rotten apples KC and LA fell not far from (?:waitasec:).

I think they are all twisted and all had hand in the events leading to Caylee's death.

While I don't feel that GA or LA sexually abused KC, I also feel that GA and CA contributed to Caylee's death through their refusal to confront KC and her lies and thefts directly. Instead they continued to enable her to dwell in her alternate reality world. Ultimately they paid the high price of losing Caylee's life. I'm sure they wish they could go back and change so many things, but sadly, it's a classic case of too little, too late.
I was checking around for any new updates on [Baez] and his stupidity with his talking to his jail women and came across the LKL videos with the A team posted by TWA and thought, it would nauseate me to badly to have to watch those again...I just can't hardly stand to listen to CA... :sick:
Anyway, I tried and managed to suck it up for 44 seconds. This is what I saw and felt in those few seconds...:croc:
LKL asks how are you holding up ? And Cindy firmly, but oh so gently, sighs and with her hand on top of George's says, we take it one day at a time, yadda, yadda, yadda, and in my opinion was saying thru the body language, George, shut up and let me do the talking...
The next few seconds LKL asks wasn't it strange that they hadn't seen Caylee in a month ? And Cindy passionatley says, oh no, not really, my daughter had her...ok...up until the past month, you saw or communicated with your daughter and granddaughter every day or at least every other day and you went 31 days without talking or seeing your precious granddaughter, and THATS not strange ???
I aint tortureing myself anymore by listening to it :blushing: but in MY opinion Cindy is a woman who knows a lot, too. :liar: Remember one of the law enforcement people telling George that they knew he was a man that knew a lot ? In my own opinion :twocents:, Cindy knows more. If you can tolerate it, just listen to it and let me know your feelings...
Although I rarely post, I read here all the time and am so appreciative of all the hard work that everyone puts in here . if I messed up this post please someone correct me. Thanks

Thanks so much for coming out of lurkdom, stephr! Hope to see you chime in more. Enjoyed your post. :)
I believe the phone call (from the inmate to Jose) contains something that Jose really does not want released, something that could, once again, taint his ethical reputation (what's left of it, that is). I thought it interesting that WFTV obtained information, about the defense's investigation into George, days after the news broke about this inmate phone call. Would that information (the investigation into George's suicide attempt) have been leaked, by the defense, to take attention away from this phone call ? Pure speculation on my part, but it does make me wonder.
I believe the phone call (from the inmate to Jose) contains something that Jose really does not want released, something that could, once again, taint his ethical reputation (what's left of it, that is). I thought it interesting that WFTV obtained information, about the defense's investigation into George, days after the news broke about this inmate phone call. Would that information (the investigation into George's suicide attempt) have been leaked, by the defense, to take attention away from this phone call ? Pure speculation on my part, but it does make me wonder.
All that plus having to answer questions why it took such a short time for the experts to examine the physical evidence.
I was checking around for any new updates on [Baez] and his stupidity with his talking to his jail women and came across the LKL videos with the A team posted by TWA and thought, it would nauseate me to badly to have to watch those again...I just can't hardly stand to listen to CA... :sick:
Anyway, I tried and managed to suck it up for 44 seconds. This is what I saw and felt in those few seconds...:croc:
LKL asks how are you holding up ? And Cindy firmly, but oh so gently, sighs and with her hand on top of George's says, we take it one day at a time, yadda, yadda, yadda, and in my opinion was saying thru the body language, George, shut up and let me do the talking...
The next few seconds LKL asks wasn't it strange that they hadn't seen Caylee in a month ? And Cindy passionatley says, oh no, not really, my daughter had her...ok...up until the past month, you saw or communicated with your daughter and granddaughter every day or at least every other day and you went 31 days without talking or seeing your precious granddaughter, and THATS not strange ???
I aint tortureing myself anymore by listening to it :blushing: but in MY opinion Cindy is a woman who knows a lot, too. :liar: Remember one of the law enforcement people telling George that they knew he was a man that knew a lot ? In my own opinion :twocents:, Cindy knows more. If you can tolerate it, just listen to it and let me know your feelings...
Although I rarely post, I read here all the time and am so appreciative of all the hard work that everyone puts in here . if I messed up this post please someone correct me. Thanks

Welcome aboard!
I'd like to help you out but I simply cannot watch any more CA videos.
My dogs are snoozing at my feet and they hate it when I start shouting...
It is very sad that caylee seems all but forgotten in the court room. It's all about casey, I suppose she is happy now she was complaining about that even in the beginning to CA "all they care about is caylee" remember that? I too can't believe GA is keeping silent throughout this, I mean does the guy have no B**lls at all? His daughter accuses him of molestation and he has "nothing" to say? Mind boggling to say the least. I'm not overly confident in the current Justice system but I hope it works in this case, for caylee.
I believe the phone call (from the inmate to Jose) contains something that Jose really does not want released, something that could, once again, taint his ethical reputation (what's left of it, that is). I thought it interesting that WFTV obtained information, about the defense's investigation into George, days after the news broke about this inmate phone call. Would that information (the investigation into George's suicide attempt) have been leaked, by the defense, to take attention away from this phone call ? Pure speculation on my part, but it does make me wonder.

JB doesn't want that phone call released, because he stated he didn't know it was recorded by the prison personel. Well, someone passed that phone call on to JB knowing that it came from the prison, since they had to accept the collect charges from the inmate. It's B.S. to think JB didn't know exactly who was on the phone when it was dispatched to his cell phone.

Hello JB speaking who is calling?
Hello this is Inmate Ms.L calling, and I have some information about Ms.D regarding the Caylee case.

That call will be released, and then we all will see how this man manipulates the system for the benefit of his killer client.
I'm hoping he said something like were desperate here is there anything you could say that would help us out..
All that plus having to answer questions why it took such a short time for the experts to examine the physical evidence.

You don't suppose his client told him where to look do you? Give me a break! He listed over 100 items on that inventory sheet, and from what was said, by the defense their focus was on 20 items. Hmm wonder why? If there was actually evidence that was overlooked that proved KC didn't commit the murder JB would be screaming into Kathi B's mic. He got nothing as usual!
I hope the whole family ends up getting convicted. GA and CA were the trees from whence those rotten apples KC and LA fell not far from (?:waitasec:).

I think they are all twisted and all had hand in the events leading to Caylee's death.

It is a fact that CA went to a family therapist, and discussed going to court to gain custody of Caylee, because her daughter was an unfit parent, and the therapist advised her to kick her daughter out of the home. CA did nothing because she stated she couldn't come up with the money for an attorney, and she felt bad throwing her daughter out of the house. Who is to blame for putting Caylee in harms way if you are armed with knowing your daughter is an unfit mother? If I was that child's grandmother I would beg everyone I knew to help me. Believe me I would have sold my fancy oriental furniture or got rid of my SUV to get the money. My grandchild would come before any material items I assure you. Is it any wonder CA is filled with guilt? I would love to ask her if she had to do it all over again would she have gone to court for custody of Caylee. I already know the answer even if she won't admit it. JMO
If you put an infinite number of monkeys typing at an infinite number of keyboards one of them would come up with JB's legal strategy. JMO

If you put an infinite number of monkeys typing at an infinite number of keyboards one of them would come up with JB's legal strategy. JMO


And Jose would complain to Judge Perry about how *many* pages he has to read to find it.
It is a fact that CA went to a family therapist, and discussed going to court to gain custody of Caylee, because her daughter was an unfit parent, and the therapist advised her to kick her daughter out of the home. CA did nothing because she stated she couldn't come up with the money for an attorney, and she felt bad throwing her daughter out of the house. Who is to blame for putting Caylee in harms way if you are armed with knowing your daughter is an unfit mother? If I was that child's grandmother I would beg everyone I knew to help me. Believe me I would have sold my fancy oriental furniture or got rid of my SUV to get the money. My grandchild would come before any material items I assure you. Is it any wonder CA is filled with guilt? I would love to ask her if she had to do it all over again would she have gone to court for custody of Caylee. I already know the answer even if she won't admit it. JMO
I don't mean to disagree with ya, but ms CA has lied so more times and manipulated the truth so many times, so until the SAO backs this story up with concrete evidence, that's all it is;another lie of CAs.
If you put an infinite number of monkeys typing at an infinite number of keyboards one of them would come up with JB's legal strategy. JMO



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